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C2 Sunday, February 16, 2020 PeninsulaNorthwest Peninsula Daily News

On call: Team players

Photos by Laura A. Foster/
Peninsula Daily News
Paramedics Mike
Ingraham, left, and
Tyler Gage lower the
Continued from C1 rescue basket after
securing a victim
Through a bit of time, teasing and work, EMT VS. PARAMEDIC during a drill at the old
Wildeman has become part of the depart- The main difference between Rayonier site in Port
ment’s lineup. paramedics and EMTs (emergency Angeles.
medical technician) is in the train- Below, Capt. Kelly
Frequent assists Ziegler of the Port
ing and scope of practice.
After assisting the gentleman who had Basic EMTs usually receive 120- Angeles Fire
fallen that morning — known as a “lift 150 hours of training, while para- Department gives
assist” — Gage and German explained that orders to the crew for
medics get anywhere from 1,200- an extraction drill.
such calls are probably the most frequent 1,800 hours of training.
type they get. Paramedic programs often
“This is a situation where if we saw him award educational degrees.
three times in one week for the same thing, According to,
we would refer him to Dan M o n t a n a ,”
Gage said.
the scope of difference between the
Longtime firefighter/paramedic Daniel two can be summed up by the abil-
Montana was taken off his regular duties ity to break the skin. Most states do
with PAFD last year to become a dedicated not allow basic EMTs to give shots
community paramedic — part of a city or start intravenous lifelines. Para-
program that began in early 2019. medics, on the other hand, can give
Through referrals from fellow firefight- shots, as well as use more
ers, police or partner agencies, Montana advanced airway management
provides a range of services to heavy users devices to support breathing.
of the 9-1-1 system. Basic EMTs are usually restricted
In the case of this call, “Dan would come to using oxygen, glucose, asthma
out, meet with him, talk with his primary inhalers and epinephrine auto-injec-
care doctor, talk with Medicare, and try tors. Paramedics are trained in the
and get more resources set up for him, like use of 30-40 medications.
a ramp to the outside just so he can get to
his doctor, stuff like that so he can be more
productive and have more mobility in his
life,” Gage said. Always available
There’s also the emotional aspect of After taking three more calls — a minor
these types of calls. crash on the Tumwater Truck Route, a lift
“It’s definitely sad,” Gage said. “It’s kind assist (this time by a frequent caller) and
of one of those things where it’s one of the another lift assist at a retirement commu-
processes of life. … It’s interesting to think nity — the crew settled into the later por-
about because if 9-1-1 didn’t exist, he prob- tion of the shift.
ably wouldn’t be able to get up.” It was Wildeman’s turn to make dinner
for everyone, and as he prepared stuffed
Running drills peppers while others helped to keep things
On this day, Ziegler took the opportu- tidy in the kitchen, B Shift discussed the
nity to run a few practice drills with the trying parts of the gig.
crew after discussing coronavirus protocols “We appreciate that our community has
and doing rig checks. afforded us the opportunity and the per-
Out at the old Rayonier site just off the sonnel to make our jobs easier and help
Olympic Discovery Trail in east Port Ange- make our communities safer,” Gage said.
les, B Shift had a car — donated by Penin- “We’re still human, so there’s definitely
sula College’s automotive technician class those calls that affect us emotionally.
— set up to simulate a “patient entrap- “We go see something terrible and come
ment” scenario, Ziegler said. home to our families. … That’s the hard
“That’s a pretty common event for us,” part of the job, that it’s not all fun and help-
he said. “We’ve had two incidents probably ing people. There are hard calls and sad
within the last year, year and a half … that calls.”
we’ve had critical patients that were After the difficult calls, Church said, the
trapped in a vehicle and pinned.” teams are debriefed with other partner
He explained that it can take longer agencies.
than 45 minutes to get an unconscious Sometimes that helps, and sometimes it
person out of a wreck without causing doesn’t.
more harm. An example from Church was his arrival
It’s a low-frequency, high-stress situa- on scene where he did his part of the job
tion, Ziegler said, and the crew needs to and was more or less fine with what had
practice when they can. happened. But at the debriefing, he heard
After placing a dummy in the car — the others’ experiences with the situation, and
team chose the “lighter” dummy with no that painted the whole, sad picture for him.
legs, at about 160 pounds — everyone got The full narrative made it harder for
into place to start the drill. him to deal with what had happened.
Using the Jaws of Life and other heavy- Other debriefings help, though, because
duty equipment, they worked together to everyone shares their stories and how a
extract the patient, communicating needs call had affected them.
to each other from around the vehicle. “We take care of each other,” Gage said.
The crew also worked out a few other “We check in on each other at home.”
scenarios with the car, removing the front Church said it’s about finding a balance.
end, the other doors and opening the trunk “At the end of the day, we’re going to go
with only manual tools. out and do the best we can with what we
“It’s a lot of fun for us,” Ziegler said. got,” he said.
The second drill — a ladder rescue — “That’s what we spend a lot of time Above, before and
took place on the stairs of the old water doing, helping people who can’t help them- after each shift, Port
tower at Rayonier. selves, to be frank. Angeles Fire
Paramedics Doug Eaton and Lt. Jeremy “Those aren’t the most glamorous parts Department crews
Church were the “first on the scene” and of our job, and the way we get through that check the supply of
worked to assess the patient and ready is just by people recognizing and appreciat- medications on board
them for the rescue from several flights up. ing it, and you feel like you made a differ- each ambulance. If
On the ground, Gage and paramedic ence because of that.” anything needs to
Mike Ingraham readied the basket while Editor’s note: Digital content editor be restocked, a
German manned the ladder. Laura Foster went on a ride-along with the paramedic and a chief
After a successful transfer of the patient Port Angeles Fire Department for this story. do so together.
from the landing to the ladder basket, and She spent an eight-hour shift with the crew, Right, paramedic Doug
when everyone was safely back on the going on calls, attending drills and spend- Eaton performs a rig
ground, the drill was deemed a success, ing time learning what the department check at the beginning
with a time of just over 45 minutes. does during a regular business day. of his 24-hour shift.


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