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Profil Pembina Founder Profile

Apabila kita berbicara tentang; gawatdarurat/trauma/ambulance/pelati- If we talk about emergency/trauma/ambulance/emergency training our
han kegawatdaruratan pasti pikiran kita tertuju pada Ambulans Gawat mind would definitely refers to 118 Emergency Ambulance Service that
Darurat 118 (AGD 118) yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1974. Berbicara has been established since 1974. And when we talk about 118 EAS it
tentang AGD 118 tidak terlepas dari seorang sosok bernama Prof. Dr. dr. is inseparable from a person named Prof. Dr. Aryono D. Pusponegoro
Aryono D. Pusponegoro, SpB(K)BD&Tauma. Mengapa? Berkembangnya SpB(K)BD&Trauma. Why? The development of 118 EAS until it becomes
AGD 118 hingga menjadi sebuah yayasan telah dipercaya dan berpen- a foundation has been trustworthy and well experienced in the areas
galaman dibidang pelayanan, pelatihan, penelitian dan pengembangan of services, trainings, research and development in emergency service.
dibidang kegawatdaruratan. Hingga saat ini AGD 118 telah memili- Currently 118 EAS has had several representatives in many cities in
ki perwakilan di banyak kota di indonesia, seperti; Yogjakarta, Jakarta,
Indonesia such as: Yogjakarta, Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang and Makassar.
Surabaya, Malang dan Makasar. Semuanya tidak terlepas dari kontribusi
All of these were developed from the contribution/devotion/expertise of
pemikiran/kecintaan/kepakaran beliau yang begitu “concern” terhadap
bidang kegawatdaruratan yang diaplikasikan pada AGD 118. Hingga saat him who has great concern on emergency sector implemented in 118
ini beliau merupakan salah satu ”tokoh” dan “pakar” pendidikan ilmu be- EAS. Up to now he is one of the prominent figures and experts in surgery
dah dan kegawatdaruratan di Indonesia. and emergency services in Indonesia.
Dilahirkan di kota Cirebon pada tanggal 20 April Prof. Dr. Aryono (or just Aryo) was born in Cirebon on
1939. Selepas menyelesaikan pendidikannya Med- April 20, 1939. After completing his medical doctor
ical Doctor di Universita Carolina, Praque Cekoslo- education in the Prague, Chekoslovakia in 1967
vakia pada tahun 1967 dilanjutkan dengan men- he continued his education by taking Adaptation
gambil Adaptation Medical Doctor di University of Medical Doctor in the University of Indonesia in
Indonesia pada tahun 1968, tidak berhenti disitu 1968, in 1973 and 1983 he completed his education
pada tahun 1973 dan tahun 1983 beliau menun- in General Surgery and Digestive Surgery in the
taskan pendidikan dibidang General Surgery dan same university, the University of Indonesia. In 2004
Disgestive Surgery pada Universitas yang sama yai- he was promoted as Professor of surgery in the
tu Universitas Indonesia. Pada tahun 2004 Disertasi
Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
S3 beliau mengenai syok hemoragik mengantarnya
lulus dengan Suma Claude dan sekaligus dikukuh-
kan sebagai Guru Besar dalam bidang ilmu bedah His experience in involving directly in disaster
digesif di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. management is also undoutbful, he has been
entrusted to be the team leader of medical relief of
Jam terbangnya untuk terjun langsung dibidang several disasters in this country such as: train crash
penanganan bencana juga tak perlu diragukan incidents in 1987 and 1990 in Jakarta, earthquake in
lagi, beliau telah dipercaya untuk Liwa, earthquake in Kerinci, both
menjadi team leader medical re- in Sumatra, earthquake in Biak,
lief pada beberapa kejadian ben-
Prof. DR.dr. Aryono D. Pusponegoro, SpB-KBD Papua, EQ & Tsunami in Aceh
cana di tanah air antara lain; Train Founder Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118 & Jogja. Due to his devotion
Crashes 1987 dan 1990 yang ter- and dedication, President Susilo
jadi di Jakarta, Earthquake Liwa, Earthquake Kerinci di Sumatera, Earth- Bambang Yudhoyono awarded him Satya Badge of Honor in Social
quake Biak di Irian jaya, Team Leader yang ditunjuk oleh Kemenkes saat Service in 2005 and he was also given Abdurrahman Saleh award by the
gempa & tsunami di Aceh & Jogja. Atas perhatian dan dedikasinya terse- Indonesian Doctor Association (IDI) in 2006.
but, pemerintah menganugerahkan Tanda Kehormatan Satya Lencana state
Kebaktian Sosial dari Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada tahun
Many of his thoughts are stated in working papers, books and thesis. He
2005 dan penghargaan Abdurrahman Saleh dari Ikatan Dokter Indonesia
(IDI) pada tahun 2006.
had written 225 articles in surgery and 170 in trauma. Many oh his books
have been used as references in the development of emergency service
Belum lagi pemikiran-pemikiran beliau yang dituangkan dalam ben- in Indonesia, one of them is the one entitled “The Silent Disaster, Korban
tuk makalah, buku, tesis di bidang Surgery sebanyak kurang lebih 225 Massal dan Bencana”, and also his other book entitled “Manual Hospital
tulisan dan bidang Trauma sebanyak kurang lebih 170 tulisan. Banyak Preparedness for Eemergencies and Disaster”, and “Penanggulangan
pula bukunya yang telah dijadikan referensi bagi perkembangan keg- Gawat Darurat Sehari-hari & 10 Dogma Penanggulangan Bencana &
awatdaruratan di Indonesia diantaranya buku yang berjudul “the Silent
disaster, korban masal dan bencana”, bukunya yang lain “manual hospital Korban Massal”.
preparedness for emergencies and disaster”, dan “Penanggulangan Ga-  
wat Darurat Sehari-hari & 10 Dogma Penanggulangan Bencana & Kor- His work and devotion in surgery and emergency sector are also
ban Massal”. completed with his active participation in both national and international
organizations which is marked by his position as: Chairman of Indonesian
Karya nyata dan kecintaannya terhadap keilmuan dibidang surgery dan Surgeon Association, President of Asean Surgical Association, Member
kegawatdaruratan disertai dengan aktifnya beliau di beberapa organisasi of Emergency Service Association, Founding Member of the World
didalam maupun diluar negeri antara lain; Chairman Indonesian Surgeon Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Member of the
Association, President Asean Surgical Association, Member of Association International Faculty on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) American
Emergency Service, Founding Member The World Association of Emer- College of Surgeons, Faculty Member of the Indonesian College of
gency and Disaster Medicine, Member of The international Faculty of Ad- Surgeon Training for the Trainers Courses, Chairman of the Committee
vance Trauma Life Support (ATLS) American College of Surgeons, Faculty on Trauma Indonesian Surgeons Association, President of Indonesian
Member of The Indionesian College of Surgeon Training for The Trainers
Disaster Medical Relief Committee, President of The College of Surgeons
Courses, Chairman of The Committeon Trauma Indonesian Surgeons As-
of Indonesia, and many more.
sociation, President Indonesian Disaster Medical Relief Commitee, Ketua
Kolegium Ilmu Bedah Indonesia. dan masih banyak lagi.
Since 1971, this father of four children has become a part of 118 EAS by
Sejak tahun 1971 Bapak dari empat orang anak ini menjadi bagian dari becoming the Head of Education in Emergency Ambulance Service. He
AGD 118 yaitu menjabat sebagai Head Education Emergency Ambu- often compares between the promptness of emergency service with fast
lance Service. Beliau kerap membandingkan kecepatan antara penan- food delivery service, a fact that illustrates how low the value of a man’s

ganan kondisi gawatdarurat dengan kecepatan pelayanan pemesanan life compared to fast food. It is an awareness that must be continuously
restoran cepat saji, suatu fakta yang menggambarkan betapa murahnya addressed and a skill that must always be improved. Hopefully.
nilai sebuah nyawa manusia dibandingkan dengan harga makanan. Inilah
kesadaran yang harus terus menerus disampaikan dan ketrampilan yang
harus terus menerus ditingkatkan. Semoga.
Daftar Isi
Profil Pembina
(Founder Profile) 2
Daftar Isi
(Contents) 3
Visi & Misi
(Vision & Mission) 6
(Milestone) 7
(Profile) 8
Latar Belakang
(Background) 10
Operasional & Diklat
(Training & Operational Services) 12
Pelayanan Ambulans
(Ambulance Services) 14
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
(Training & Education) 16
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan untuk Awam/Khusus
(Training and Education for Layman)

1. CPR 18
2. BLS 20
3. BLS+ 22
4. MFR 24
5. CADRE 26
6. Devensive Driving 28

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan untuk Tenaga Medis

(Training and Education for Medical)

1. BT&CLS 30
2. Refreshing BT&CLS 32
3. BNLS 34
4. BPLS 36
5. MEC 38
6. ATCN 40
7. DM 42
8. HOPE 44
10. EKG 46

Daftar Klien 48
(List of Clien)


1980 - 1990 1995 - 2011 2012 - Sekarang

Pengurus dan Staf 118
Board Member & Staffs of 118


Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118
(118 Emergency Ambulance Service Foundation)

Badan Hukum :
(Legal Entity) :
No. C.1457.HT.01.02.TH 2005
(No. C.1457.HT.01.02.TH 2005)

Nama :
(Name) :
Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118
(118 Emergency Ambulance Service Foundation)
Terbentuk sejak 1974 saat
kongres Ikatan Bedah Indonesia (IKABI) di Bandung
(This foundation was established in 1974 during the congress of Indonesian Association
Surgeons in Bandung)
Kegiatan :
(Activities) :
1. Pelayanan gawat darurat sehari-hari, korban masal & bencana
(Day to day emergencies, mass casualty incident & disasters)
• Pengawalan medis VIP
(VIP Medical Assistance)
• Konser Musik
(Music Concert)
• Pesta
• Rapat Tahunan, dll.
(Annual Meeting, etc.)
2. Pelatihan gawat darurat untuk masyarakat & tenaga medis
(Emergency trainings for community & medical personal)
• ATCN (ATLS untuk Perawat)
(ATCN (ATLS for Nurses))
• BLS, dll.
(BLS, etc.)
3. Penelitian & Pengembangan di bidang kegawatdaruratan
(Research & Development in emergencies)

Latar Background

Di Jakarta, sebanyak 7487 orang mengalami kecelakaan pada 2010 Tidak banyak yang menyadari betapa
(ini artinya rata-rata 21 kali kecelakaan terjadi setiap harinya). Dari jumlah minimnya pengetahuan dan keter-
itu korban yang meninggal sebanyak 3232 orang dan luka ringan ampilan kita menghadapi kejadian
5273 orang. Itu baru di Jakarta. Bisa dibayangkan berapa angka yang semacam itu. Lantas muncul per-
muncul jika ditambahkan dengan kejadian serupa di 32 provinsi tanyaan, sebenarnya apakah tem-
yang lain di Indonesia. Per tanyaannya, bagaimana hal ini bisa pat yang kita tinggali (dalam hal ini
diminimalisasi? Jakarta) aman? Apakah kita mudah
mendapatkan pertolongan? Apa-
In Jakarta, 7,487 people were involved in accidents in 2010 (it means kah ambulans gawat darurat akan
averagely 21 accidents occurred every day). From that number, 3,232 datang lebih cepat dari jasa pen-
people died and 5,273 were lightly injured. It was only in Jakarta. It gantar ayam goreng siap saji untuk
can be imagined how big the number is if being added with other menyelamatkan jiwa saat dibutuh-
similar incidents occurred in 32 other provinces in Indonesia. The kan? Atau bahkan pada kenyata-
question is, how can we minimize it? annya nyawa kita lebih murah dari
ayam goreng siap saji itu?
Dalam dunia kegawatdaruratan dikenal istilah “golden times” yai-
tu waktu yang sangat menentukan kondisi seorang penderita gawat
Not many people realize our lack of
darurat. Sebanyak 50% pasien gawat darurat meninggal sebelum
knowledge and skills in facing this
mencapai rumah sakit. Biasanya mereka mencapai rumah sakit
kind of incident. Then a lot of ques-
dengan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dan umum. Hal ini dapat di
tions emerge, whether the place we
cegah apabila Indonesia mempunyai Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat
live in (in this case Jakarta) is safe?
Darurat Terpadu (SPGDT) atau suatu Safe Community kepada setiap
Whether we can get help easily?
Whether emergency ambulance
In emergency sector there is a terminology known as the “golden service can come faster than fried
hour” which is a very crucial time that determines the outcome of an chicken delivery service to save
emergency cases. 50% of emergency cases died before they reach lives when needed? Or whether in
the hospital. Usually they are transported to the hospital by private fact our lives are cheaper than the
or public transportation. This can be prevented if Indonesia has an fast food fried chicken?
Emergency Management System.

Tahun 2010, Terjadi 21 Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas per Hari di Jakarta, Korban Meninggal Mencapai 938 Orang
(Kompas, 31 Jan 2011)
In 2010, There Are 21 Traffic Accidents Every Day in Jakarta, Dead Victims Reached 938 People
(Kompas, 31 Jan 2011)

All Crew

Daftar Standby Operational Services
Standby List

1. Standby Gala Dinner+Talk Show

2. Standby Funbike Rawamangun
3. Standby Hardiknas Trans TV
4. Standby Japan Festival
5. Standby Java Soulnation
6. Standby HUT Pemadam Kebakaran
7. Standby Kesehatan Lingkungan
8. Standby Konser Alter Brigde
9. Standby Konser Musik Senayan 28. Standby PESTA BOLON SIMBOLON DI GBK 2012
10. Standby kumpul Anak TK 29. Standby Golf BSD
11. Standby HUT BASARNAS 30. Standby YOGA FESTIVAL
12. Standby MLTR Gandaria City 31. Standby PIT IKABI
13. Standby FUTSAL KUNINGAN 32. Standby Karate
14. Standby Music Melly Goeslaw 33. Standby JAVA JAZZ
15. Standby Clean N LAUNDRY 34. Standby Pernikahan
16. Standby PAUD Ciaganjur 35. Standby Makan Sushi
17. Standby Pekan Olahraga 36. Standby Manasik Haji
18. Standby Planet Futsal Rasuna 37. Standby Clinisindo
19. Standby Seminar Endoktrin 38. Standby “Ultraman show”
20. Standby Senandung Trans TV 39. Standby TBM FKUI
21. Standby Sepeda Marathon BSD 40. Standby asolidaritas IDI
22. Standby Simposium Kedokteran 41. Standby Nez Academy
23. Standby Supertrap Trans TV 42. Standby Coaching Clinic
24. Standby AFES RITZ CHARLTRON 43. Standby Viva World Cup
25. Standby TK Bintang Bangsaku 44. Standby Fun Bike TV One
26. Standby Upacara Adat NTT
27. Standby KONSER SUPER JUNIOR 2012
45. Standby Wayang
46. Standby Music Jazz, etc. 12
Pendidikan &
All Instructurs of YAGD118

Training &
Pelatihan Education

Piagam Penghargaan ATCN - ATCN Awards

Grafik Kegiatan Pendidikan & Pelatihan - Training Activities Chart

Pelayanan Ambulance
Ambulans Service

Pelayanan Pra Rumah Sakit - Ambulans 24 Jam

Pre Hospital Services (24 Hours Ambulance Service)

• Evakuasi medis antar Rumah Sakit

(Medevac - Inter Hospital Medevac)
• Transportasi medis untuk konsultasi pasien
(Medical transportation for patient consultation)
• Evakuasi medis dari rumah ke rumah sakit atau sebaliknya
(Medical evacuation from home to hospital or vice versa)
• Pengawalan medis untuk acara formal dan non formal, seperti :
(Medical assistance for formal and informal occasions, such as) :
1. Pernikahan
(Wedding Party)
2. Konser Musik
(Music Concert)
3. Family Gathering
(Family Gathering)
4. Touring Event
(Touring Event)
5. Olahraga
(Sports Event)
6. Dll.

Tipe Ambulans :
(Types of Ambulance) :

• AGD 118 Basic

(Basic 118 Emergency Ambulance)
• AGD 118 Paramedik
(Paramedic 118 Emergency Ambulance)

Dilengkapi dengan :
(Equipped with) :

• Tas Emergensi • Neck Collar

(Emergency Kit) (Neck Collar)
• Set Intubasi • Scoope Stretcher
(Intubation Set) (Scoope Stretcher)
• Oksigen • LSB
(Oxygen) (LSB)
• AED • Kursi Roda
(AED) (Wheel Chair)
• DC SHOCK • Obat-obatan
(DC SHOCK) (Medical Drugs)
• Syringe Pump
(Syringe Pump)
• Ventilator Portable
(Ventilator Portable)
• Pulse Oxymeter
(Pulse Oxymeter)

Pendidikan &
Pelatihan Training &

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus

Resusitasi Jantung Paru Basic Life Support +
MFR Basic Life Support
Medical First Responder
Community Action in Disaster Response
Devensive Driving Devensive Driving
Tenaga Medis

Disaster Management DM
Midwife Emergency Course
Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses
BPLSBasic Pediatric Life Support
Basic Trauma & Cardiac Life Support
Ref Refreshing Basic Trauma & Cardiac Life Support
BT&CLS BNLS Basic Neurologi Life Support
HOPE Emergencies and Disaster
Hospital Preparedness for

EKG Elektro Kardio Grafi

Cardio Pulmonary
Konsep pelatihan ini para peserta akan di kenali kondisi pasien dengan
henti nafas dan henti jantung dan cara menolongnya sesuai dengan Milestones
standard AHA (America Heart Association). Sejak tahun 1990 sampai
dengan sekarang sudah meluluskan lebih dari 19200 orang. Tahun 1990
Pertama kali kursus RJP
(The concept of this training is to enable participants to identify diselenggarakan Yayasan
patients with respiration arrest and cardiac arrest and how to manage Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118
them based on the AHA (America Heart Association) standards. Since pada Tahun 1990
1990, there have been 19,200 participants passing this training.)
(The first CPR training was held
Merupakan pelatihan dasar yang menyediakan suatu metode praktis dalam by 118 Emergency Ambulance
penanganan gawat darurat kasus henti nafas dan henti jantung pada Service Foundation in 1990)
pasien non trauma dan trauma.
(Basic training providing practical methods in the management of
emergency patients respiration arrest and cardiac arrest in non
trauma and trauma patients.)

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus
(Layman) 18

Lama Pelatihan : 3 jam

(Training Duration: 3 hours)
Peserta : Masyarakat Umum, Mahasiswa/Pelajar, Satpam, Sekretaris, dll
(Participants: Public Community, Students, Security Guard, Secretary, etc.)
Jumlah Peserta : 20 orang
(Participants Number: 20 persons)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)
Instruktur : Dokter & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Doctors & Paramedics from 118 EAS)


Dengan pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

(After the training participants are expected to be able to) :
1. Melakukan penangan awal pada penderita henti nafas dan henti jantung dengan prinsip Survey Primer
(Conduct initial assessment on patient with no breathing and no heart rate using Primary Survey principles)
2. Transfer penderita sesuai dengan prinsip The Right Patient to The Right Hospital by The Right Ambulance at The
Right Time
(Transfer the patient using the principle of The Right Patient to The Right Hospital by The Right Ambulance at The
Right Time)


Resusitasi Jantung Paru

(Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation-CPR)

(Skill Stations)

Saat sesi praktikum peserta harus mencoba satu persatu dengan menggunakan boneka yang di buat khusus
mendekati anatomi manusia yaitu praktikum RJP.
(During skill stations all participants must conduct CPR one by one using a mannequin specially made to represent human


Praktikum RJP & Evaluasi RJP
(CPR Evaluation)
Basic Life Support
Pelatihan ini di peruntukan bagi orang awam, misalnya pecinta
alam, supir, siswa sekolah, organisasi masyarakat dll. Sejak tahun
1988 sampai saat ini AGD 118 sudah meluluskan 23040 orang dan Tahun 1988
tersertifikasi oleh AGD 118.
Pertama kali kursus BLS
(This training is designated for layman, such as mountaineer, wild life diselenggarakan Yayasan
enthusiast, driver, student, community organization, etc. Since 1988 Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118
up to now 118 EAS has passed 23,040 participants and they were pada Tahun 1988
certified by 118 EAS.) (The first BLS training was held
by 118 Emergency Ambulance
Ser vice Foundation in 1988)

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus
(Layman) 2

1 Hari = 8 jam
(1 Day = 8 hours)
Peserta : Masyarakat Umum, Mahasiswa/Pelajar, Satpam, Sekretaris, dll
(Participants : Layman, Student, Security Guard, Secretary, etc.)
Jumlah Peserta : 20 orang
(Participants Number : 20 persons)
Instruktur : Dokter & paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Doctors & Paramedics from 118 EAS)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


1. Call For Help

(Call For Help)
2. Bantuan Hidup Dasar
(Basic Life Support)
3. Luka, Perdarahan & Syok
(Wound, Bleeding & Shock)
4. Patah Tulang & Pembidaian
(Fracture & Splinting)

(Skill Stations)

1. RJP
2. Menghentikan Perdarahan
(Stop Bleeding)
3. Ekstrikasi, Fiksasi, Stabilisasi & Transportasi
(Extrication, Fixation, Stabilization & Transportation)


1. Post Test
(Post Test)
2. Praktikum RJP
(CPR Practice)
Basic Life Support Plus
Dalam pelatihan ini peserta diberikan tambahan teori dan praktek Milestones
tentang cara mengenali korban yang mengalami serangan jan-
tung dan cara menggunakan alat pacu jantung otomatis yang Tahun 1988
secara umum di negara – negara maju orang awam sudah Pertama kali kursus BLS Plus
mampu menggunakannya dan legal. Sejak tahun 1988 sampai diselenggarakan Yayasan
sekarang AGD 118 sudah meluluskan 3600 orang. Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118
pada Tahun 1988
(In this training participants will be provided with additional
theory and practice on how to identify patient suffering from (The first BLS Plus training
cardiac arrest and how to use automated external defibrillator was held by 118 Emergency
(AED) where layman in developed countries are able and legal Ambulance Service Foundation
to use it. Since 1988 up to now 118 EAS have passed 3,600 in 1988)

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus
(Layman) 22

2 Hari = 16 jam
(2 Days = 16 hours)
Peserta : Masyarakat Umum, Mahasiswa/Pelajar, Satpam, Sekretaris, dll
(Participants: Layman, Student, Security Guard, Secretary, etc.)
Jumlah Peserta : 20 orang
(Participants Number: 20 persons)
Instruktur : Dokter & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Doctors & Paramedics from 118 EAS)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


1. Materi BLS 1 Hari

(1 Day BLS Materials)
2. Keracunan
3. Luka Bakar
4. Biomekanik Trauma
(Biomechanic Trauma)

(Skill Stations)

1. RJP
2. Menghentikan Perdarahan
(Stop Bleeding)
3. Ekstrikasi, Fiksasi, Stabilisasi & Transportasi
(Extrication, Fixation, Stabilization & Transportation)


1. Post Test
(Post Test)
2. Praktikum RJP

(CPR Practice)
Medical First Responder
Endorse by :

Miawi Dade Fire Rescue
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Umumnya peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan ini adalah kelompok
awam khusus misalnya polisi, petugas pemadam kebakaran, Tahun 2002
SAR, pekerja tambang dll. Peserta akan mendapatkan ketrampilan Pertama kali kursus MFR diselenggarakan
lebih tentang teknik resusitasi jantung paru, menghentikan perdarahan, di Ciloto – Puncak dengan peserta
menolong persalinan awal dll. Sejak tahun 2002 sampai dengan dari berbagai instansi, diantaranya :
sekarang sudah meluluskan 8064 orang. Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118.
PMI, Pemadam Kebakaran
(Generally, participants of this training are special group of
layman such as police, fire fighther, SAR, mining worker, etc. (The first MFR course was held in Cilo-
Participants will be provided with more skills on the techniques to, Puncak with participants from vari-
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stopping bleeding, assisting ous institutions such as: 118 Emergency
Ambulance Service Foundation, Indonesian
initial child birth, etc. Since 2002 up to now 118 EAS have passes
Red Cross, Fire Fighters)
8,064 participants.)
Tahun 2004
Tahun 2004 Yayasan Ambulans Gawat
Darurat 118 mulai mengembangkan
kursus MFR di Indonesia

(In 2004 118 Emergency Ambulance

Service Foundation started to develop
MFR course in Indonesia)

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus
(Layman) 24

6 hari Include Polo Shirt berlogo 118

(6 days) (Including: Polo Shirt with 118 Logo)
Peserta : Awam & awam khusus Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Participants: Layman & Special Layman) (Including: 118 Polo Shirt)
Jumlah Peserta : Maksimal 32 orang
(Participants Number: Maximum 32 persons)


1. Anatomi dan Fisiologi 10. Kegawat Daruratan Cuaca

(Anatomy and Physiology) (Weather Emergency)
2. Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Terpadu ( SPGDT ) 11. Kegawat Daruratan Pernafasan
(Integrated Emergency Management System) (Breathing Emergency)
3. Biomekanik Trauma 12. Kegawat Daruratan Jantung
(Biomechanic Trauma) (Heart Attack)
4. Initial Asessment atau Penilaian penderita 13. Kegawat Daruratan Medis lain
(Initial Asessment) (Other Medical Emergency)
5. Bantuan Hidup Dasar 14. In Action ( kejadian )
(Basic Life Support) (In Action)
6. Oksigen Therapy 15. Mengangkat dan Memindahkan Penderita
(Oxygen Therapy) (Lifting and Moving Patient)
7. Perdarahan dan Syok 16. Keracunan
(Bleeding and Shock) (Poisoning)
8. Cedera Ekstermitas 17. Gigitan Binatang
(Extermity Injury) (Animal Bite)
9. Luka Bakar 18. Triage dan Bencana
(Burns) (Triage and Disaster)

(Skill Stations)

1. Initial Asessment 6. Mengukur Tekanan darah

(Initial Assessment) (Measuring Blood Pressure)
2. Pemasangan Neck Collar 7. Pemeriksaan Fisik & Log Roll
(Neck Collar Application) (Physical Examination & Log Roll)
3. Pemakaian OPA dan BVM 8. RJP Anak dan Dewasa
(Using OPA and BVM) (CPR on Children and Adults)
4. FBAO Anak dan Dewasa 9. Stop Perdarahan dan Pembidaian Ekstermitas
(FBAO Children and Adults) (Stop Bleeding and Splinting)
5. Oksigen Therapy 10. Stabilisasi LSB dan Strapping
(Oxygen Therapy) (LSB Stabilization and Strapping)
11. Mengangkat dan Memindahkan penderita
(Lifting and Moving Patient)

1. Pre Test 4. Praktikum RJP

(Pre Test) (CPR Practice)
2. Evaluasi Harian 5. Praktikum Initial Assessment
(Daily Evaluation) (Initial Assessment Practice)

3. Post Test
(Post Test)
Community Action in
Disaster Response
Endorse by :

American Red Cross
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
CADRE adalah inisatif barudari PEER, yang berfokus kepada Milestones
responder-responder yang berada dan berbasis di masyarakat.
CADRE telah dikerjakan di sembilan negara Asia yang mengerjakan Tahun 2012
PEER. Dengan bantuan khusus dari Palang Merah Amerika, kursus CADRE merupaan salah satu
ini dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat bagian dari PEER (Program for
setempat di mana dibutuhkan. Enhancement of Emergency
Response) yang diorganisir oleh
(CADRE is a new initiative from PEER focusing on responders National Sociaty for Earthquake
that are within and based in the community. CADRE has been Technology - Nepal (NSET).
conducted in nine Asian countries working on PEER. With
special assistance from the American Red Cross, this course has Pertama Kali diadakan pada
been developed to improve local community when needed.) tahun 2012.
Sejak tahun 2012 sampai dengan sekarang sudah 13 instansi
yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan ini dan tersertifikasi oleh AGD
(Since 2012 up to now there have been 13 institutions joining in
this training course and they have been certified by 118 EAS.)

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus

3 Hari Instruktur : Paramedic 118

(3 Days) (Instructors: 118 Paramedics)
Tenaga Medis, Non Medis Sertifikat : 118
(Medical Workers, Non Medical Workers) (Certificate: 118)
Peserta : 24 Orang Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Participants Number : 24 persons) (Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


1. Pengenalan Pelatihan
(Training Introduction)
2. Peninjauan dari Bahaya dan Organisasi Tanggapan Masyarakat
(Identification of Disaster and Organizing People’s Response)
3. Keamanan dan Kesiapan Keluarga dan Persiapan Tanggapan
(Safety and Family Preparedness and Response Preparation)
4. Pertolongan Pertama dan Penunjang Kehidupan Dasar
(First Aid and Basic Life Support)
5. Sistem Komando Insident dan TRIAGE
(Incident Command System and TRIAGE)
6. Darurat Kebakaran
(Fire Rescue)
7. Darurat Air
(Water Rescue)
8. Darurat Bangunan Runtuh
(Collapse Structur Rescue)
9. Search and Rescue Dasar
(Basic Search and Rescue)
10. Manajemen Jenazah
(Management of the Dead)
11. Tinjauan Pelatihan
(Training Review)
12. Pelatihan Praktek Final
(Final Exercise)


1. Basic First Aid 5. ICS Triage

(Basic First Aid) (ICS Triage)
2. Lifting and Moving 6. Water Emergencies
(Lifting and Moving) (Water Emergencies)
3. Fire Emergencies 7. Final Excercise
(Fire Emergencies) (Final Exercise)
4. Basic SAR
(Basic SAR)

Devensive Driving

Masyarakat Awam/Khusus

Peserta : Sudah mahir dalam mengemudi

(Participants: Expert in driving)
Jumlah Peserta : 10 Orang
(Participants Number: 10 persons)
Lama Pelatihan : 2 Hari (08.00 - 16.00)
(Training Duration: 2 Days (08.00 - 16.00))
Instruktur : Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Paramedics from 118 EAS)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


Metode pelatihan yang akan dipakai adalah :

(The training methods that will be used are) :
• Kuliah dengan media ajar Laptop dan LCD Proyektor
(Lecture with teaching media such as Laptops and LCD Projector)
• Praktek
(Skill stations)
• Post test tulis
(Written post test)


1. Enam unsur mengemudi

(Six elements of driving)
2. Mengemudi aman di jalan
(Safe driving on the road)
3. Kewaspadaan mengemudi
(Driving awareness)
4. Penggunaan safety belt
(Safety belt use)
5. Masalah mekanik
(Mechanical problems)

Basic Trauma &
Cardiac Life Support
Endorse by :

The College of Surgeon of Indonesia
The Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine
Bagi perawat di perlukan keahlian dan ketrampilan khusus tentang Milestones
cara menolong korban dalam keadaan kritis mengalami
kegawatdaruratan trauma dan kegawatdaruratan jantung yang Tahun 1997
pada umumnya menjadi muatan lokal atau pendidikan non Pertama kali kursus BT&CLS
formal sehingga kelak para perawat dapat bekerja lebih handal dan diselenggarakan Yayasan Ambulans
mandiri ketika menghadapi situasi kritis baik di rumah sakit, klinik, Gawat Darurat 118.
puskesmas maupun pra rumah sakit (bencana & korban masal)
dan bersertifikat standar nasional dan internasional. Sejak tahun 1997 sampai (The first BT&CLS was held by 118
dengan sekarang telah meluluskan 170.496 orang. Emergency Ambulance Service
Foundation in 1997)
(For nurses, it is necessary to have special expertise and skills on how to help
patients in critical condition suffering from trauma emergencies and cardiac Tahun 2006
emergencies that generally becomes local content or formal education so that Nama BT&CLS di daftarkan &
they can perform more independently and more reliable when facing critical dipatenkan di Kemenhukam RI
situations in hospital, clinic, community health center or pre hospital (disaster atas nama Yayasan Ambulans
& mass casualties) and certified nationally and internationally. Since 1997 up to Gawat Darurat 118
now there have been 170,496 participants passing this training course.)
(The name of BT&CLS was registered
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan yang menyediakan suatu metode & patented in the Ministry of Law
praktis dalam penanganan gawat darurat kasus trauma dan jantung. and Human Rights of the Republic
of Indonesia on behalf of 118
(This training provides a practical method in handling emergency trauma and
Emergency Ambulance Service
cardiac cases.)

Tenaga Medis
(Medical) 30
5 hari
(5 days)
Peserta : Perawat, & Bidan (Tidak dalam keadaan hamil)
(Participants: Nurses & Midwives (not pregnant))
Jumlah Peserta : Maksimal 32 orang
(Participants Number: Maximum 32 persons)
Including: Polo Shirt with 118 Logo
(Include Polo Shirt berlogo 118)
Sertifikat Akreditasi : Pusdiklat Kemenkes RI & PPNI Pusat
(Accreditation Certification: Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia & Central PPNI)
Instruktur : Dokter Spesialis & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructor: Specialist Doctors & Paramedics from 118 EAS)

1. Silent Disaster, Korban Massal & Bencana 8. Syok
(Silent Disaster, Mass Casualties & Disaster) (Shock)
2. Airway & Breathing 9. Trauma Thoraks & Abdomen
(Airway & Breathing Management) (Thorax & Abdominal Trauma)
3. Bantuan Hidup Dasar 10. Trauma Thermal
(Basic Life Support) (Thermal Trauma)
4. Biomekanik Trauma 11. Trauma Muskuloskeletal
(Biomechanic Trauma) (Musculosceletal Trauma)
5. Cedera Kepala & Spinal 12. Trauma pada Anak, Wanita hamil & Geriatri
(Head & Spinal Injury) (Trauma on Children, Pregnant Women & Geriatric)
6. Initial Assessment 13. Triase
(Initial Assessment) (Triage)
7. Keracunan & Gigitan Binatang 14. Merujuk Penderita
(Poisoning & Animal Bite) (Transporting Patients)
15. Gawat Darurat Jantung & Aritmia
(Cardiac Emergency & Arythmia)
(Skill Stations)
Saat sesi praktikum peserta harus mencoba satu persatu dengan menggunakan boneka yang di buat khusus mendekati
anatomi manusia dan peralatan emergensi, antara lain:
(During the skill stations all participants must try one by one using a special mannequin representing human anatomy and emergency
equipments, such as) :
1. Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) 4. Trauma Muskuloskeletal
(CPR) (Musculosceletal Trauma)
2. Airway & Breathing 5. Membaca EKG 12 lead
(Airway & Breathing) (Identify 12 lead EKG)
3. Initial Assessment 6. Algorithim DC Shock
(Initial Assessment) (DC Shock Algorythm)
7. Stabilisasi, Ekstrikasi, Tansportasi
(Stabilization, Extrication, Transportation)
1. Pre Test 3. Praktikum RJP
(Pre Test) (CPR Practice)

2. Post Test 4. Praktikum Initial Assessment
(Post Test) (Initial Assessment Practice)
Basic Trauma & Ref
Cardiac Life Support
Endorse by :

• The College of Surgeon of Indonesia

• The Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine

Secara berkesinambungan pelatihan yang kami berikan berdasar- Milestones

kan sumber dan referensi terpercaya tentunya selalu mengalami
pembaharuan sehingga kami memberikan kesempatan untuk meng Tahun 1997
update ilmu pengetahuan berdasarkan pelatihan yang pernah Pertama kali kursus BT&CLS
di ikuti melalui pelatihan ini para perawat dapat merefreshing diselenggarakan Yayasan
sekaligus mendapatkan ilmu baru. Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118.
(We provide trainings based on reliable sources and references (The first BT&CLS training was
with continuous updates to enable us to provide opportunity held by 118 Emergency Ambulance
to renovate the knowledge based on the training that has been Service Foundation)
taken, through this refreshing training nurses can refresh and
renew their knowledge.) Tahun 2006
Nama BT&CLS di daftarkan &
dipatenkan di Kemenhukam RI
atas nama Yayasan Ambulans
Gawat Darurat 118
(The name of BT&CLS was registered
& patented in the Ministry of Law
and Human Rights of the Republic
of Indonesia on behalf of 118
Emergency Ambulance Service

Tenaga Medis

3 Hari
(3 days)
Peserta : Perawat atau Bidan yang pernah mengikuti BT&CLS 118 (Tidak dalam keadaan hamil)
(Participants: Nurses or Midviwes that have taken 118 BT&CLS training course (Not pregnant))
Jumlah : Peserta : 24 Orang/Kelas
(Participants Number: 24 persons/class)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)
Sertifikasi : PPNI Pusat & Pusdiklat Kemenkes RI
(Certification: Central PPNI & Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia)


1. Bantuan Hidup Dasar

(Basic Life Support)
2. Initial Assessment
(Initial Assessment)
3. Trauma Thorax dan Trauma Abdomen
(Thorax Trauma and Abdominal Trauma)
4. Trauma Kepala & Trauma Spinal
(Head & Spinal Traumas)
5. Pengenalan EKG
(EKG Introduction)
6. Pengenalan dan Penanganan Gawat Darurat Jantung
(Introduction and Treatment of Cardiac Emergency)
7. Trauma pada Wanita Hamil, Pediatric, dan Geriatri
(Trauma on Pregnant Women, Pediatric and Geriatric)


1. Pre Test • Membaca EKG

(Pre Test) (Reading EKG)
2. Kuliah • DC Shock
(Lecture) (DC Shock)
3. Praktikum 4. Post Test Tulis
(Skill Station) (Written Post Test)
• RJP 5. Ujian Praktikum Initial Trauma & Cardiac
(CPR) (Final Practice on Initial Trauma & Cardiac)
• Initial Assessment
(Initial Assessment)

Basic Neurologi Life
Bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indo- Milestones
nesia kami memberikan pelatihan yang berbasis pengetahuan
tentang kegawatdaruratan saraf agar para tenaga medis Tahun 2007
dapat lebih waspada dan menguasai teknik penanganan Pelathan BNLS pertama kali pada
korban yang lebih akurat. Sejak tahun 2007 sampai sekarang telah bulan September 2007 in house
meluluskan 150 orang. training di kantor YAGD 118,
merupakan kerjasama antara
(In cooperation with Indonesian Neurologists Association, we Yayasan Ambulans Gawat
provide training which is based on the knowledge on neurology Darurat 118 dengan Persatuan
emergency to increase medical personel’s awareness and to Dokter Saraf Seluruh Indonesia
improve their capability on more accurate techniques in treating (PERDOSSI) bagian Neurologi
the patient. Since 2007 up to now there are 150 participants RSCM & IMC
passing this training.)
(The first in house BNLS training
was held in September 2007 at
the office of 118 EAS Foundation
in cooperation with Indonesian
Neurogolists Association, Division
of Neurogoly, RSCM & IMC)

Tenaga Medis

2 hari
(2 days)
Peserta : Untuk perawat & bidan
(Participants: Nurses & Midwifes)
Jumlah Peserta : Maksimal 32 orang
(Participants Number: Maximum 32 persons)
Include Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)
Sertifikat Akreditasi : PPNI Pusat
(Accreditation Certification: Central PPNI)
Instruktur : Dokter Spesialis. Perawat Unit Stroke & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Spesialist Doctors, Stroke Unit Nurses & Paramedics from 118 EAS)

Materi Metode
(Materials) (Methode)

1. Pengkajian keperawatan sistem saraf 1. Pre Test Kuliah

(Review on neurology system care) (Pre Test Lecture)
2. Pemeriksaan penunjang kasus neuro emergency 2. Skill Station
(Diagnostic examinations for neuro emergency case) (Skill Stations)
3. Tinjauan Medik Stroke 3. Post Test Tulis
(Stroke Medical Assessment)
(Written Post Test)
4. Peran perawat pada penatalaksanaan stroke 4. Ujian Praktikum
(Role of Nurse in Stroke Management)
(Final Practice)
5. Penatalaksanaan pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran
(Management of patient with decreasing consciousness)
6. Infeksi SSP
(Infection on Central Neurology System)
7. Kedaruratan Kejang dan aspek keperawatannya
(Seizure emergencies and the treatment aspects)
8. Peran perawat pada kedaruratan GBS dan Myasthenia Gravis
(Role of nurse in GBS emergencies and Myasthenia Gravis)
9. Aspek Medic peningkatan TIK
(Medical Aspects of Intra Cranial Pressure increase)
10. Peran Perawat pada pasien dengan peningkatan TIK
(Role of nurse on patient with increasing Intra Cranial Pressure)
11. Kedaruratan Trauma medula Spinalis
(Medula Spinalis Trauma Emergencies)
12. Keseimbangan cairan, asam basa & elektrolit
(Liquid, acid alcali & electrolite balance)

Basic Pediatric Life
Melalui pelatihan ini para perawat dan bidan akan Milestones
mendapatkan ilmu tentang teknik resusitasi pada anak
yang sesuai dan spesifik di dukung oleh alat simulasi dan Tahun 2009
narasumber yang berkualitas. Sejak tahun 2009 sampai Pertama kali kursus BPLS
sekarang sudah meluluskan 350 orang dan bersertifikasi diselenggarakan Yayasan Ambulans
PPNI. Gawat Darurat 118.
(Through this training nurses and midwifes will be provided (The first BPLS course was held
with the knowledge on appropriate and specific resuscitation by 118 Emergency Ambulance
techniques for children supported with simulation equipment Service Foundation.)
and qualified human resources. Since 2009 up to now there
are 350 participants passing this training and certified by
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan yang menyediakan suatu
metode praktis dalam penanganan gawat darurat pediatrik
dan kasus trauma pada pediatrik.
(This training provides a practical method in handling
emergency cases on pediatric and trauma cases on pediatric.)

Tenaga Medis
(Medical) 36
Deskripsi Evaluasi
(Description) (Evaluation)

3 hari 1. Pre Test

(3 days) (Pre Test)
Untuk perawat, & bidan 2. Post Test
(For nurses & midwifes) (Post Test)
Maksimal 32 orang 3. Praktikum RJP
(Maximum 32 persons) (CPR Practice)
Include Polo Shirt 118
(Including 118 Polo Shirt)
Sertifikat Akreditasi : PPNI Pusat
(Accreditation Certificate: Central PPNI)
Instruktur : Dokter Spesialis & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Specialist Doctors & Paramedics from 118 EAS)


1. Airway & Breathing Management 7. Trauma Ekstremitas

(Airway & Breathing Management) (Extremity Trauma)
2. Bantuan Hidup Dasar pada Pediatrik 8. Trauma Spinal
(Basic Life Support in Pediatric) (Spinal Trauma)
3. Kegawatdaruratan Jantung pada Pediatrik 9. Musibah yang terjadi pada Pediatrik
(Cardio emergency in Pediatric) (Disaster occurring in Pediatric)
4. Trauma Pediatrik 10. PET & NET (Medevac Pediatrik dan Bayi)
(Pediatric Trauma) (PET & NET (Medevac for Pediatric and Infant))
5. Kegawatdaruratan Psikiatrik pada Pediatrik 11. Trauma Thorax & Abdominal
(Psychiatric Emergency in Pediatric) (Thorax & Abdominal Trauma)
6. Neurologi Pediatrik 12. Basic Pediatrik Life Support (BPLS)
(Pediatric Neurology) (Basic Pediatric Life Support (BPLS))

(Skill Station)

Saat sesi praktikum peserta harus mencoba satu persatu dengan menggunakan boneka yang di buat
khusus mendekati anatomi manusia dan peralatan emergensi, antara lain:
(During the skill stations all participants must try one by one using a mannequin specially made to represent human
anatomy and emergency equipments such as) :
1. Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) Pediatrik
(CPR for Pediatric)
2. Airway & Breathing Management Pediatrik
(Airway & Breathing Management for Pediatric)
3. Intraoseus

Midwife Emergency
Pelatihan ini di kemas khusus untuk bidan, para peserta akan Milestones
mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang teknik penanggulangan
kegawatdaruratan pada post persalinan dengan mengedepankan Tahun 2010
ilmu-ilmu kebidanan dan kandungan. Sejak 2010 sampai sekarang Pertama kali kursus Gadar Obgyn &
sudah meluluskan 512 bidan tersertifikat 118 dan terakreditasi IBI Neonatus diselenggarakan Yayasan
pusat. Ambulans Gawat Darurat 118.
(This training is specially designed for midviwes, participants will (The first Obgyn & Neonatus Emergency
be provided with knowledge on the techniques of emergency training was held by 118 Emergency
management during post labor period by addressing obstetric and Ambulance Service Foundation)
gynecology sains. Since 2010 up to now there are 512 passed from
this training and certified by 118 and accredited by central IBI.) Tahun 2013
Nama MEC (Midwife Emergency
Merupakan pelatihan yang menyediakan suatu metode praktis dalam
Course) mulai dikenalkan sebagai
penanganan gawat darurat kasus kehamilan dan trauma ibu hamil,
nama pelatihan gawat darurat untuk
gawat darurat kasus persalinan dan gawat darurat kelahiran janin.
bidan dan mahasiswa kebidanan
(This training provides practical methods in handling emergency oleh Yayasan Ambulans Gawat Darurat
cases of pregnancy and trauma on pregnant mothers, emergency 118
cases of labor and emergency cases of child birth.) (The name of MEC (Midwife Emergency
Course) was introduced as the name of
emergency training for midviwes, mid-
vifery students and physicians by 118
Emergency Ambulance Service Founda-
Tenaga Medis
Deskripsi Evaluasi
(Description) (Evaluation)

3 hari 1. Pre Test

(3 days) (Pre Test)
Peserta: Untuk Perawat dan Bidan 2. Post Test
(Participants: Nurses and Midviwes) (Post Test)
Maksimal 32 Orang 3. Praktikum RJP
(Maximum 32 persons) (CPR Practice)
Include : Polo Shirt 118 4. Praktikum Resusitasi Neonatus
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt) (Neonatus Resuscitation Practice)
Sertifikat Akreditasi : IBI
(Certificate of Accreditation: IBI )
Instruktur : Dokter spesialis kebidanan & Paramedik AGD 118
(Instructors: Specialist Doctors in Obstetric and Gynecology & Paramedics from 118 EAS)


1. Airway & Breathing Management 8. Eklamsia

(Airway & Breathing Management) (Eklamsia)
2. Bantuan Hidup Dasar 9. Persalinan Macet
(Basic Life Support) (Persalinan Macet)
3. Perdarahan dalam kehamilan T.III 10. Syok Obstetri
(Bleeding in third trimester pregnancy) (Syok Obstetri)
4. Perdarahan Post Partum Primer & Sekunder 11. Prolaps Uteri
(Primary & Secondary Post Partum Bleeding) (Prolaps Uteri)
5. Asphyksia Neonatorum 12. Trauma pada Wanita Hamil
(Asphyksia Neonatorum) (Trauma on Pregnant Women)
6. Resusitasi Neonatus 13. Retensio Placenta
(Neonatus Resuscitation) (Retentio Placenta)
7. Sepsis Puerperalis 14. Medevac Wanita Hamil & Neonatus
(Sepsis Puerperalis) (Medical Evacuation for Pregnant Women & Neonatus)

(Skill Stations)

Saat sesi praktikum peserta harus mencoba satu persatu dengan menggunakan boneka yang di buat khusus
mendekati anatomi manusia dan peralatan emergensi, antara lain:
(During the skill stations all participants must try one by one using mannequin specially made to represent human anatomy
and emergency equipments, such as) :
1. Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP)
2. Airway & Breathing Management
(Airway & Breathing Management)
3. Menghentikan Perdarahan Post Partum
(Stopping Post Partum Bleeding)
4. Resusitasi Neonatus
(Neonatus Resuscitation)

Advanced Trauma Care
Endorse by : for Nurses
• The American College & Surgeons
• The Society of Trauma Nurses
• ATLS Indonesia

Sebuah kebanggaan bagi Negara Indonesia khususnya AGD 118 yang

mendapat lisensi pelatihan ini dari STN (Society of Trauma Nurses).
Pelatihan ini lebih mengedapankan ilmu tentang gawat darurat trau-
ma secara mendalam dan detil sehingga konsep dan persepsi yang Tahun 2012
di miliki akan sejajar dengan para dokter di dunia dan menjadikan Yayasan AGD 118 memasukkan
perawat lebih percaya diri, professional dan handal. Sejak tahun 2012 kursus Advanced Trauma Care
for Nurses (ATCN ) dari Society
sampai sekarang sudah meluluskan 160 orang.
of Trauma Nurses (Amerika Serikat)

(It is an honor for Indonesia and especially 118 EAS who gets the untuk mensejajarkan kualitas &
license for this training from STN (Society of Trauma Nurses). This ketrampilan perawat Indonesia
training focuses on more comprehensive and detailed knowledge of dengan dunia.
trauma emergency, therefore the concept and perception obtained
will be at the same level with doctors throughout the world and con- (118 Emergency Ambulance
sequently nurses will be more confident, professional and reliable. Service Foundation included
Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses
Since 2012 until now there have been 160 participants passing this
training.) (ATCN R) from the Society of Trau-
ma Nurses (STN) United States
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan yang menyediakan suatu metode of America to make the quality
praktis dalam penanganan gawat darurat kasus trauma. & skills of Indonesian nurses at
the same level with other nurses
(This training provides practical methods in emergency management throughout the world.)
of trauma cases.)

Tenaga Medis

3 hari Sertifikat :
(3 days) (Certificates) :
Peserta : Perawat 1. ATCN dari Society of Trauma Nurses
(Participants: Nurses) (ATCN from the Society of Trauma Nurses (STN))
Jumlah Peserta : 20 orang 2. Sertifikat BTLS Akreditasi dari PPNI
(Participants Number: 20 persons) (BTLC Certificate Accredited by PPNI)
Include : Polo T-shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


1. Course Overview 9. Spine & Spinal Card Trauma

(Course Overview) (Spinal Cord Injury)
2. Initial Assessment Demonstration 10. Muskuloskeletal Trauma
(Initial Assessment Demonstration) (Musculosceletal Trauma)
3. Initial Assessment & Management 11. Secondary Survey Demonstrasi
(Initial Assessment & Management) (Secondary Survey Demonstration)
4. Shock 12. Injury Due to burn & Cold
(Shock) (Injury Due to Burn & Cold)
5. Abdominal Trauma 13. Trauma in Women
(Abdominal Trauma) (Trauma in Women)
6. Abdominal & Ventilatory Management 14. Trauma in Extremes of Age
(Abdominal & Ventilatory Management) (Trauma in Extremes of Age)
7. Thoracic Trauma 15. Transfers to definitive care
(Thoracic Trauma) (Transfers to definitive care)
8. Head Trauma 16. Triage
(Head Trauma) (Triage)

(Skill Stations)
Saat sesi praktikum peserta harus mencoba satu persatu dengan menggunakan boneka yang dibuat khusus mendekati
anatomi manusia dan peralatan emergensi, antara lain:
(During the skill stations all participants must try one by one using mannequin specially made to represent human anatomy and emergency
equipments, such as) :
1. Initial Assessment & Management 4. Muskuloskeletal & Spinal Trauma
(Initial Assessment & Management) (Musculosceletal & Spinal Trauma)
2. Airway & Ventilatory Management 5. Head Trauma
(Airway & Ventilatory Management) (Head Trauma)
3. Hemorrhagic Shock 6. Pediatrik Trauma
(Hemorrhagic Shock) (Pediatric Trauma)

(Evaluation) 4. Praktikum Airway & Ventilatory
(Airway & Ventilarory Practice)
1. Pre Test 5. Praktikum Muskuloskeletal & Spinal Trauma
(Pre Test) (Musculosceletal & Spinal Trauma Practice)
2. Post Test 6. Praktikum Head Trauma
(Post Test) (Head Trauma Practice)

3. Praktikum Initial Assessment 7. Praktikum Pediatrik Trauma
(Initial Assessment Practice) (Pediatric Trauma Practice)
Management DM
Dalam pelatihan ini para tenaga medis akan mendapatkan pengalaman Milestones
baru teknik manajemen pada situasi bencana maupun korban masal.
Peserta akan mendapatkan simulasi table top, merumuskan strategi Tahun 2007
penanggulangan bencana serta bekerjasama dalam tim. Sejak tahun Pelathan DM pertama kali pada
2007 sampai sekarang sudah meluluskan 690 orang. 2007 in house training di kantor
YAGD 118, pelatihan ini juga pernah
(In this training medical workers will obtain new experience on
diadakan di RSU Abdoel Moeloek
management techniques in disaster situation and massive
Bandar Lampung di DKI Jakarta
casualties. Participants will be provided with table top simulation,
dan beberapa tempat lainnya di
formulating the strategy of disaster management and working
in team. Since 2007 until the present time 690 participants have
passed this training.) (The first in house DM training
was held at the office of 118 EAS
Merupakan pelatihan yang dibuat untuk memanagement suatu
Foundation in 2007, this training
has also been held in RSU Abdoel
(This training is developed for incident commanders in the Moeloek in Bandar Lampung as
management of disasters and mass casualties.) well as in DKI Jakarta and several
other locations in Indonesia.)

Tenaga Medis
(Medical) 42

2 Hari Instruktur :
(2 Days) (Instructors) :
Peserta : Perawat, Dokter & Orang Awam 1. Emergency & Disaster Consultant
(Participants: Nurses, Doctors & Layman) (Emergency & Disaster Consultant)
Jumlah Peserta : 30 Orang 2. Earthquake Engineer
(Participannts Number: 30 persons) (Earthquake Engineer)
Sertifikat : 118 & PERSI 3. Dokter Spesialis Bedah
(Certificate: 118 & PERSI) (Surgeons)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


1. Grand Design of Disaster

(Grand Design of Disaster)
2. Multiple Casualties Incident
(Multiple Casualties Incident)
3. Enginering related to the health emergency
(Engineering related to health emergency)
4. Hospital Disaster Preparedness
(Hospital Disaster Preparedness)
5. Major Incident
(Major Incident)
6. Table Top Exercise
(Table Top Exercise)
7. Triage Scenario
(Triage Scenario)
8. SPGDT & Incident Commands system
(Integrated Emergency Management System & Incident Command system)

(Skill Stations)

Saat sesi praktikum peserta berdiskusi secara kelompok dalam menangani suatu bencana
(During the skill stations participants discuss in groups to handle a disaster)

Hospital Preparedness

for Emergencies and
Endorse by :


Selain para tenaga medis, tentunya penentu kebijakan organisasi maupun Milestones
instansi memiliki peran dominan dalam penanggulangan korban
sehari-hari maupun bencana, oleh karenanya kami pun membuat produk Tahun 2004
pelatihan untuk para direktur rumah sakit, kepala bidang keperawatan, Pertama Kali diadakan di Bali yang
komite medis, kepala puskesmas, kepala dinas kesehatan serta penentu dibiayai oleh Kedutaan Australia.
kebijakan lainnya. Mereka akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang cara
membuat disaster plan, memperkirakan kebutuhan sumber daya dan (The first Disaster Management
mengevaluasi sistem. Sejak tahun 2004 sampai dengan sekarang sudah training was held in Bali funded by
800 orang yang sudah mengikuti dan tersertifikasi oleh AGD 118. the Australian Embassy.)
(Other than medical workers, the policy makers in an organization
and institution also play dominant role in daily and disaster casualty
management, therefore we also developed training for hospital directors,
heads of nurses, medical committee, heads of community health centers,
heads of health offices and other policy makers. They will receive
knowledge on how to develop disaster plan, estimating resources
requirements and evaluating the system. Since 2004 until now there
have been 800 participants passing this training and certified by 118
Merupakan pelatihan yang dibuat untuk menjadikan rumah sakit siap
untuk menghadapi korban masal dan bencana.
(This training is developed for host managers to prepare hospitals
for day to day emergencies, disasters & mass casualties.)

Tenaga Medis

3 hari
(3 days)
Peserta : Untuk Direktur Rumah Sakit , Manager Rumah Sakit, Koordinator Unit Gawat Darurat, Kepala Puskesmas, dll.
(Participants: Hospital Directors, Hospital Managers, Coordinators of Emergency Units, Heads of Community Health Centers, etc).
Jumlah Peserta : 30 orang
(Participants Number: 30 persons)
Include : Polo Shirt
(Including : Polo Shirt)
Instruktur :
(Instructors) :
1. Emergency & Disaster Consultant 3. Medical expert during disaster
(Emergency & Disaster Consultant) (Medical expert during disaster)
2. Earthquake Engineer 4. Ketua PERSI
(Earthquake Engineer) (Chairman of Persi)


1. Disaster & Memories Safe Community 12. Resuscitation and Emergency care
(Disaster & Memories of Safe Community) (Resuscitation and Emergency care)
2. Disaster Type, Vulnerability and Risk 13. Man Made Disaster and Complex emergencies
(Disaster Type, Vulnerability and Risk) (Man Made Disaster and Complex emergencies)
3. Epidemiologi of Disasters and patterns of Injury 14. Hospital Disaster Planing
(Epidemiology of Disasters and patterns of Injury) (Hospital Disaster Planning)
4. Fire, Seismic & Flood hazards 15. On Site medical Facilities and Mobile medical Facilities
(Fire, Seismic & Flood hazards) (On Site medical Facilities and Mobile medical Facilities)
5. Structural Component 16. Hospital Evacuation
(Structural Component) (Hospital Evacuation)
6. Operational Function ( Non Structural ) Components 17. Mental Health Consequences of Disaster
(Operational Function ( Non Structural ) Components) (Mental Health Consequences of Disaster)
7. Functional Collaps & Evaluation Tool 18. Management Of The Deceased
(Functional Collaps & Evaluation Tool) (Management Of The Deceased)
8. Principles of Disaster Medicine 19. Coordination With national and International Agencies
(Principles of Disaster Medicine) (Coordination With national and International Agencies)
9. Emergency Departement Concepts of operations 20. Managing Resources and Public Relations
(Emergency Department Concepts of operations) (Managing Resources and Public Relations)
10. Integrated Emergency medical Service System ( EMS ), MIMMS, HOPE 21. Return To Normal Operation
(Integrated Emergency medical Service System ( EMS ), MIMMS, HOPE) (Return To Normal Operation)
11. Mass Casualty Incident 22. Triage
(Mass Casualty Incident) (Triage)

Table Top Exercise

(Table Top Exercise)

Dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok, dimana dalam exercise tersebut peserta harus berperan aktif untuk
mencari solusi atas kasus yang diberikan.
(Participants are divided into several groups, in this exercise participants must actively participate to find out the solution

for the cases given).
Electro Cardiology Gram

Tenaga Medis

Peserta : Mahasiswa Akper, Perawat

(Participants: Students of Nurse Academy, Nurses)
Jumlah Peserta : 20 Orang
(Participants Number: 20 persons)
Lama Pelatihan : 3 Hari (08.00 - 17.00)
(Training Duration: 3 Days (08.00 - 17.00))
Instruktur : Dokter dan Paramedik
(Instructors: Doctors and Paramedics)
Include : Polo Shirt 118
(Including: 118 Polo Shirt)


Metode pelatihan yang akan dipakai adalah :

(The training methods that will be used are) :
• Kuliah dan audio visual dengan slide
(Lecture and audio visual using slides)
• Praktek skill station cara membaca EKG
(Skill station practice in interpreting of the ECG)


1. Anatomi Jantung
(Cardiovascular Anatomy)
2. Elektrofisiologi
3. Sistem Konduksi Jantung
(Cardiovascular Conduction System)
4. Dasar-dasar Interpretasi EKG Abnormal
(Principles of Abnormal ECG Interpretation)

List of Clients
1. Jakarta International School
2. High Scope International Daftar
3. KPPIK Jakarta
5. Outward Bond Indonesia
6. Philips Moris
7. Sampoerna
8. Mukisi
9. International Medical Corp
List of Clients
10. Medco Energy

11. Bakrie Group
12. BP2PN
13. Puspronakes
14. Indika Pratama Academy of Health Science
15. Medika Plaza 1. STIKES Dharma Husada Bandung
16. Bidokes 2. STIKES Dehasen Bengkulu
17. EO Rabani Pekanbaru 3. STIKES Bali
18. EO Be Creative Jambi 4. STIKES Faletehan Cilegon Banten
19. PT. Dancos 5. STIKES Karsa Husada Garut
20. PT. Rekayasa Jakarta 6. STIKES Bina Husada Palembang
21. PT. Cibaliung Pandeglang 7. STIKES Cut Nyak Dien Medan
22. PT. Askes Jakarta 8. STIKES Siti Khadijah Palembang
23. PT. ANTAM 9. STIKES Ranah Minang Padang
24. PT. Petratama Abdi Nusa 10. STIKES Sukabumi
25. PT. Astra 11. STIKES Perta Medika
26. PERTAMINA 12. STIKES Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran
27. KOLEGIUM 13. STIKES Baiturahim Jambi
28. PT. TOTAL E&P Indonesia 14. STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia Jakarta
29. CVHG Lampung 15. STIKES Muhamadiyah Palembang
30. KKP 16. STIKES Kendal
31. PT. KAI 17. STIKES Muhamadiyah Pontianak
32. S&P 1 18. STIKES Telogorejo
33. Jasamarga 19. STIKES Ranah Minang
34. BBPK Kal-Sel 20. STIKES Widya Husada Semarang
35. BBPK Jakarta 21. STIKES Al-Irsyad Cilacap
36. ADPC 22. STIKES Aisyiyah Solo
37. BPBD 23. STIKES Garut
38. PMK 24. STIKES Banten
39. LPMK Amanah Aceh

40. PT. Yasa Promedika
41. Johnson & Johnson, etc.
POLTEKES Universitas
Polytechnic of Health University
1. Univ. Indonesia (International Class)
1. POLTEKES Kendari 2. Univ. Muhamadiyah Semarang
2. POLTEKES Riau 3. Univ. Sultan Agung Semarang
3. POLTEKES Jakarta 1 4. Univ. Diponegoro Semarang
4. POLTEKES Jakarta 2 5. Univ. Singa Berbangsa Karawang
5. POLTEKES Jakarta 3 6. Univ. Syah Kuala Aceh
6. POLTEKES Bengkulu 7. Univ. Soedirman Purwokerto
7. POLTEKES Samarinda 8. Univ. Muhamadiyah Riau
8. POLTEKES Bandung 9. Univ. Trasakti
9. POLTEKES Tangerang 10. Univ. Malahayati Lampung
10. POLTEKES Semarang 11. Univ. Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
11. POLTEKES YAKESBI Sukabumi 12. Univ. Muhammadiyah Jakarta
12. POLTEKES Kemenkes Manado 13. Univ. Singaperbangsa
13. POLTEKES Pekalongan 14. Univ. Tanjungpura Pontianak
14. POLTEKES KEMENKES Manado 15. Univ. Borobudur

Academy of Nursing DINKES
1. Akper Kesdam Semarang Department of health
2. Akper Baitul Hikmah Bandar Lampung
3. Akper Dharma Wacana Lampung 1. Dinas Kesehatan Tarakan
4. Akper Bunda Delima Lampung 2. Dinas Kesehatan Tenggarong
5. Akper Garuda Putih Jambi 3. Dinas Kesehatan Cikarang
6. Akper Islam Muhamadiyah Jakarta 4. Dinas Kesehatan Karawang
7. Akper Swakarsa Jakarta 5. Dinas Kesehatan Sukabumi
8. Akper Panca Bakti Lampung 6. Dinas Kesehatan Sigli
9. Akper Pemprov Samarinda 7. Dinas Kesehatan Kukar
10. Akper Tarakan 8. Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Siak
11. Akper Harum Jakarta 9. Dinas Kesehatan Bontang
12. Akper Sismadi Jakarta 10. Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta
13. Akper Kimia Anestesi Jakarta 11. Dinas Kesehatan Aceh
14. Akper Royhan Jakarta
15. Akper Dirgahayu Samarinda
16. Akper Islam Muhamadiyah Lampung
17. Akper Fatmawati Jakarta
18. Akper Bhakti Husada Cikarang
19. Akper Baramuli Manado
20. Akper Yarsi Samarinda
21. Akper RUSPAU Jakarta
22. Akper Kesdam Ambon
23. Akper Assafi’iyah Jakarta
24. Akper Malahayati Lampung
25. Akper Mambaul Ulum Solo
26. Akper Widya Husada Semarang
27. Akper Kesdam Banda Aceh
28. Akper Baru Mulih Manado
29. Akper RS. Efarina Purwakarta
30. Akper Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto

31. Akper Husada Jakarta
Rumah Sakit
1. RS. Islam Ibnu Sina Pekanbaru 51. RS. Mitra Plumbon Cirebon
2. RS. Pertamina Balikpapan3. 52. RS. Sahid Sahirman
3. RS. Pondok Indah Jakarta 53. RSUD Cibitung
4. RS. Pertamina Pusat Jakarta 54. RS. MMC
5. RS. Kudus 55. RS. Muhmmadiyah Bantul
6. RS. Parikesit Tengarong 56. RS. Usada Insani
7. RS. Soedarso Pontianak 57. RSUD Bontang
8. RS. Tentara Ceremai 58. RSUD Wonosobo
9. RS. Awal Bros Riau 59. RSAL Tarakan
10. RS. Awal Bros Batam 60. RSAL Tanjung Pinang
11. RS. Dustira Bandung 61. RSUD Gombong
12. RS. Ananda Bekasi 62. RS. M. Husein Palembang
13. RS. Paser Kalimanatan Timur 63. RSUD AI Moise Samarinda
14. RS. Abdul Manap Jambi 64. RS. Murjani Sampit
15. RS. Bratanata Jambi 65. RSPAU
16. RS. Aloe Gorontalo 66. RSUD Bangkinang
17. RS. Surya Husada Bali 67. RS. Imelda Medan
18. RS. Santa Maria Pekan Baru 68. RS. Zaenal Abidin Tarakan
19. RSAL. Tanjung Pinang 69. RS. Kuala Kurun
20. RS. Nagai Raya Aceh 70. RSUD Banyuwangi
21. RSIA. Aceh 71. RSIA Aceh
22. RS. Badung Bali 72. RS. Bhayangkara Indramayu
23. RSI. Kustati Solo 73. RS. Catherina Booth
24. RS. Ahmad Mukhtar Bukit Tinggi 74. RSIA Aceh
25. RS. Murjani Sampit 75. RS. Jampang Kulon Sukabumi
26. RS. Payakumbuh 76. RSUP Badung Bali
27. RS. St. Carolus
28. RS. Tebet

29. RS. Medistra
30. RS. Puri Indah
31. RSUP. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta

32. RSUP. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
33. RSUD. Harapan Insan Sendawar Kubar
34. RSUD. Taman Husada Bontang
35. RSUD. Barito Kalimantan

List of Clients
36. RSUD. Kabupaten Bekasi
37. RSUD. Tugu Rejo Semarang
38..RSUD. Natuna
39. RSUD. Rembang
40. RSUD. Padang Panjang
41. RSUD. Tabanan Bali
42. RSUD. Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan
43. RSUD. Abdul Wahab Syahrani Samarinda
44. RS. Islam Cempaka Putih Jakarta
45. RS. Islam Pondok Kopi
46. RS. Islam Sukapura
47. RS. Islam Sultan Agung semarang
48. RS. Islam Muhamadiyah Palembang
49. RS. Islam Muhamadiyah Lamongan
50. RSUD Banyumas
118 Emergency Ambulance Service Team


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