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Daily Test class VIII Chapter 4

Choose the right answer

1. Teacher: “ Can you clean the whiteboard please?

Student : ………….
a. Sorry c. Yes, ma’am
b. Yes d. No, thanks.
2. Edo : “ Is this seat taken ? Can I seat here?”
Udin : “ No, the chair’s leg is loose, don’t sit on it . “Please take the seat near the window.”
The statement “ Please take the seat near the window.” Is a kind of………..
a. Prohibition c. Invitation.
b. Respond d. Instruction.
3. Susan : “ May I use your pencil ?”
Ani : “ Sure……….” Don’t use the black one . There ’s no ink in it.”
a. Buy me a pen. c. This is your pen.
c. Take a blue one d. That is mine
4. Let’s go to the library
a. Instruction c. Asking some one to do something
b. Prohibition d. Asking Permission.
5. Do.n’t swim in the sea !
a. Instruction c. Asking some one to do something
b. Ptohibition d. Asking permission
6. Siti : “ Let’s wrap the gift for Lina. Johan, can we do it here?”
Johan : “ Please do, but don’t make a mess”.
The statement “ don’t make a mess” is a kind of……………….
a. respond c. Prohibition
b. Asking some one to do somethingd. Asking permission
7. Anton : “ It is very cold. Can I wear your jacket?
Edo : “ Sure I have two jackets, don’t forget to wash before you return it to me ok?”
In the dialogue above Anton remind Edo to wash the jacket before he returns it.
What is meant by remind in the sentence above?
a. melarang c. Menanggapi.
b. Merintah d. Mengingatkan.

Text for question no: 8 – 10

My grandmother is very gentle , loving and nice person. She is tall and thin. She never raise her voice
at any one. She takes care of me when mom and dad go to work. My mom and dad earn the money
for our living. So, although I spend my time with grandma, I really love them.
Grandmother likes to tell fairytale stories before I go to bed. She also usually tell me about my
grandfather. He passed away, my dear grandmother always says good things about him. She once told
me that my grandpa is the nice person she had ever met.
8. The writer tells us about……….
a. His grandparents c. His grandchildren
b. His grandmother d. His grandfather
9. My grandmother is very gentle, loving and nice person.
The underlined word has same meaning with………….
a. Kind c. Ugly
b. bad d. smart.
10. When does the writer’s grandmother tell fairytale?
a. Before the writer goes to bed c. Before she passes away
b. when the writer’s parent’s go to work d. When she earns money.
Daily test class VII chapter 3

Choose the right answer

1. What time is it? [ 02:49 ]

a. Eleven to two c. Forty nine to two
b. Eleven to three d. Two past forty nine
2. Sonia : It’s on a quarter past ten
a. 15.10 c. 10.30
b. 10.15 d. 00.15

a. It is Seven to ten c. It is ten to seven

b. It is seven past ten d. It is ten past seven.
4. Yesterday was Friday. Today is………………
a. Sunday c. Tuesday
b. Saturday d. Thursday
5. How many days are there in a week?
a. Seven c. Ten
b. Twelve d. Thirty
6. On the 10 of November, we celebrate…………………..
a. Kartini’s day c. mother’s day
b. Heroes day d. Indonesia Independence day
7. What is “ ke dua puluh satu “ in English?
a. Twenty one c. The twenty one
b. The twenty first d. The twentieth first
8. Andi : Lawang sewu is beautiful
Johan: Yes, it is
Andi : When was it built?
Johan: in 1904
Lawang Sewu was built in…………………..
a. nine hundred c. nineteen thousand four
b. ninety thousand d. nineteen thousand and four
9. Seven plus eight equals…………………
a. Ten c. fifteen
b. Twelve d. Twenty
10. The first month of the year is………………
a. February c. January
b. March d. December

Write the date !

11. The second of January ………………………………….
12. The twenty third of April………………………………….
13. She was born in 1979
How do you read the underlined number?......................................
14. Today is Sunday, what day is after tomorrow?................................

Arrange the words into good sentences

15. The – the – afternoon – children – take a nap - in
Daily test class VIII chapter 5

The text is for question number 1 – 2

To : Lisa
In the whole wide world there is only one you……
and you are special!
Hope your birthday is as special as you are


1. Who is the card for ?

a. Hengky c. Lisa
b. Lisa’s friend d. Lisa’s sister
2. Hengky sends the card to…………….
a. Congratulate Lisa on her birthday c. Congratulate Lisa on her Success
b. Invite Lisa to his birthday party d. Announce Lisa’s birthday party
Text for number 3 – 4
To : Zia
Congratulation on your success in the singing contest
You are the best. We are proud of you

Uncle Hamdan and aunt Susi

3. Who is the winner of singing contest?
a. Aunt Susi c. Zia
b. Uncle Hamdan d. Uncle Hamdan and aunt Susi
4. What achievement does Zia get ?
a. Winning a singing competition c. Winning a story telling competition
b. becoming the best student d. becoming the first rank
5. “We are proud of you.”
The underlined word refers to
a. Zia c. Uncle Hamdan
b. Aunt Susi d. Uncle Hamdan and aunt Susi
6. The purpose the above test is……
a. To celebrate birthday party c. To tell people about the important day
b. To ask someone to hold a party d. To invite people to attend the birthday party

Text for number 7 – 8

Dear Vera
You are invited to
Dewi’s sweet fourteen birthday party
Please arrive at 16.00 PM
on Sunday December 27th 2019
Top Restaurant
Jl.Taman Samanan Indah, Cengkareng
Jakarta Pusat
See U there
RSUP to Risma by December 13th ( 021 )

7. Who will celebrate her birthday party?

a. Anisa c. Dewi
b. Risma d. Vera
8. When was Dewi born? She was born in
a. 2000 c.2005
b. 2003 d. 2001
9. “RSUP” to Risma by December 13th ( 021 ) 5578 990
The sentence above tells us that we should………………..
a. Respond the invitation by calling to ( 021 ) 5578990 after December 13 th
b. Confirm whether or not we can come before December 13 th
c. Ask Risma for information how to come to the place
d. Forward the invitation to Risma
Text for number 10 – 13
Student Organization of SMP 35
To : All Class Captains
Please attend the monthly meeting.It will be held :
Day / Date : Saturday, December 12th 2019
Time : After School
Place : Osis Room
We will discuss the scout camping at the end of December 2019.
Your attendance will highly appreciated

Osis Secretary
10. When will the Osis meeting be held?
a. Afternoon c. Morning
b. At noon d. Evening
11. Where was the meeting be held?
a. Osis hall c. Osis room
b. Scout camping d. SMP 35
12. The monthly meeting is to………
a. Attend at Osis room c. Discuss the scout camping
b. request a monthly meeting d. Appreciate the scout camping
13. “Your attendance will highly appreciated”
The underlined word refers to…………….
a. Osis of SMP 35 c. All class captain
b. Osis chairman d.Osis secretary
Text number 14 - 16
Dear aunt Rossa,
Congratulations on the opening of your florist’s family.
Your dream has come true. May it bring happiness to your life
and I wish you success !

Love you always

14. Why does Lina write the card?
a. to announce a new shop c. to congratulate her aunt
b. to compliment her aunt d. to advertise a new shop
15. What is the card receiver’s dream?
a. to own a florist c. to have a flower garden
b. to work in a florist d. to grown many kinds of flowers
16. “May it bring happiness to your life”
a. the dream c. Bintang’s life
b. the opening d. the florist

Answer the question based on the

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