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1 Arellano University 1

College of Nursing



A Research Paper
Presented to the
College of Nursing
Pasay City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree

Perales, Janet M.
Bernal, Cris L.
Sumalpong, Jessel Ann C.
Pano, Mark Kerby C.

Group 4

Submitted to:
Alejandro R. Sandiko Jr., MD, RN, RMT

March 01, 2020

2 Arellano University 2
College of Nursing



Stress is a fact of life, where ever you are and whatever you are doing. You cannot
avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you. Stress can be
described as a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between the person and the
environment. The need to have the safest working environment and the best quality of
healthcare delivery to patients by nurses cannot be overemphasized. It is therefore
imperative to identify factors that would promote these goals and prevent other negative
factors from impeding their achievement [ CITATION 2LT15 \l 1033 ]

Nursing as a profession is recognized as a stressful and demanding occupation.

(Higgins, 2013) The nursing profession has been characterized as a high health risk
profession due to the very heavy stressor common to this job. There are issues related to
physical hazards at work risk such as work injuries, uncertain job security in the fear of
layoff. Theses are important sources of psychological stress within the work
environment. The extended period of unresolved stress can with to burnout or even death.

Multiple responses are needed to focus principally on preventing the causes of

stress and alleviating the stressors themselves. It is important in this research to explore
occupational stress among nurses and efficient measures to relieve stress. The purpose of
this view is to find out helpful strategies that are being used in coping with stress among
nurses since nursing job nowadays is considered one of the most stressful job

According to the World Health Organization, “work-related stress is the response

people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched
3 Arellano University 3
College of Nursing

to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope” (World Health
Organization 2017.) In Europe, 28% of workers (41 million people) suffer from work-
related stress the European Union & European Foundation for the Improvement of Living
and Working Conditions.

In the study of Eleni Moustakas in 2010, stress is a part of modern nursing which
makes chronic diseases in nursing in long term such as hypertension, asthma, etc. and
affects their quality of life and increases the risk of injuries due to work. Job stress can
also have a significant impact on the individuality of nurses and their abilities to
accomplish the task and in particular causes weakness in decision-making, loss of
concentration, apathy, loss of motivation and anxiety. And the above-mentioned factors
can directly lead to absenteeism, reduced efficacy, and eventually nurse’s burnout.

Work stress has been identified as a key factor in service delivery in every
organization and in most fields of work. Stress a term continually being redefined in the
scientific study of disease and illness, is nevertheless a well-proven and important factor
in almost all inflammatory diseases.

Apart from the work environment, the individual worker as a member of society
also has other sources of stress that may be brought to bear on his/her performance in the
workplace.Other pressures that affect the personal lives of workers.

Background of the Study

Nursing is an incredibly stressful career. From the moment nursing students start
their education program to when they retire; they face difficult situations and stressors on
a daily basis. In fact, stress and burnout affect 10-70% of nurses. [ CITATION Reg19 \l
13321 ].

In a 2002 survey, over 60% of nurses agreed that stress was a significant issue in
their work lives, and in a 2004 survey, 55% of respondents expressed the same view
4 Arellano University 4
College of Nursing

[ CITATION BueAN \l 13321 ]. In a 2011 survey sponsored by the American Nurses

Association (ANA), nurses identified the acute and chronic effects of stress and overwork
as one of their two top safety and health concerns (ANA, 2011), which is consistent with
findings of a similar survey sponsored by the ANA nearly a decade earlier [ CITATION
Ame11 \l 13321 ].

When Jose (not his real name), a registered nurse, started to work in a public
hospital in Manila, he didn’t think that he would be on-duty for 16 straight hours. It went
on for a week and he thought of quitting his job. But for the sake of gaining experience,
he stayed.[ CITATION Ann14 \l 13321 ].

Quirino Memorial Medical Center More popularly known as "Labor Hospital",

Built-in Aug 1, 1953, with a bed capacity of 500 and a daily ER Census of 500 and more
patients. Indeed this is one of the busiest public hospitals in Metro Manila.

           Through this paper, the researchers were urged to further study the work-related
stress coping mechanisms of staff nurses of Arellano University Jose Abad Santos that
are working in Quirino Memorial Medical Center. This is also to enhance how we can be
effective nurses in managing one and patient at a time.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to identify the coping strategies of the staff nurses working in
Quirino Memorial Medical Center Emergency Department in dealing with work-related

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the staff nurses in Quirino Memorial Medical
Center in terms of:
3. Age
4. Gender
5. Civil status
6. Years of service in the Emergency Department
b. How do the staff nurses of Quirino Memorial Medical Center Handle Work-
Related Stress in the following strategies?
5 Arellano University 5
College of Nursing

c. Appraisal-focused
1. What do you do when your stress-out?
2. Do you take anything to calm you down when you are stress-out?
3. How do you handle your emotions when you are stress-out?

1. How do you manage your time when you have too much workload? How
do you prioritize?
2. What do you do in a situation when you cannot seem to find the right
solution to a problem?
3. In your opinion, what makes you a great problem-solver?

Emotional focused
1. Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma at work. How did you
deal with it and what was the result?
2. Tell us about a time when someone criticized your work. How did you
respond and how did you learn?
3. Tell me about a time you had a conflict w/ your supervisor. How did you
resolve it?

3. What best coping strategies can you suggest/advice the upcoming fresh nursing
graduates and nursing student of Arellano University in managing and handling stress?
6 Arellano University 6
College of Nursing

Conceptual Framework

The research paradigm that guided this study is shown in the figure below,
following the Input-Process-Output approach.

1. Staff Nurse Profile QMMC E.R. Staff Nurses

2. How do the Staff Nurses
Coping Strategies in
of QMMC handle work
related stress? 1. Appraisal-Focused
3. Suggestions for
Upcoming and fresh 2. Problem-Focused

“Work-Related Stress Management Seminar”

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of a research study entitled "Coping Strategies of Staff Nurses
in Dealing with Work-Related Stress in QMMC”

The input identifies the respondents’ demographics which include; age, gender,
civil status, years of service in the emergency department. Whereas, the process includes
interview the respondents answered the provided questions. The output of this study will
help the researchers conduct a program towards coping strategies.
7 Arellano University 7
College of Nursing

Theoretical Framework

        Researchers convinced and based the study on Lazarus and Folkman’s Theory
because this emphasizes coping strategies that will provide advantages to the
respondents. The research is focused on (Lazarus, 1984), Transactional theory of stress
and coping. The appraisal –focused, problem-focus and emotion-focus coping taxonomy
are the focal point of the theory.

        Appraisal –Focused strategies- are directed towards challenging your assumptions

and modifying the way you think. This may include distancing yourself from the problem
or challenge, altering goals and values, or identifying the humor in the situation to bring a
positive spin.

        Problem- Focused strategies- are directed towards reducing or eliminating a stressor

or the cause of a problem. This includes finding more information about the issue,
learning new skills to manage it, or evaluating the pros and cons of the alternatives.

      Emotion-Focused strategies-are directed towards reducing or preventing your

emotional reaction. This includes managing feelings by finding methods of release or
distraction such as seeking social support or using relaxation techniques

Scope and Delimitation

        The study will be delimited to the staff nurses of the Emergency Department of
Quirino Memorial Medical Center. This to identify respondent individual strategies on
how to handle work-related stress in their various situation.
The respondents will not be limited to a specific gender, age, sex, civil status,
graduation year and their occupational tenure ship.

         This research will commence and will be completed on the 1st semester of AY
2020-2021 in the Arellano University Pasay Jose Abad Santos Campus.

Definition of Terms

To clarify and comprehend the problem and understand the research study, the
following terms are defined operationally:

Stress. This refers to the mental pressure and emotional tension of the respondents
related to workloads.
8 Arellano University 8
College of Nursing

Staff Nurses. Registered Nurses of Quirino Memorial Medical Center’s Staff nurses

assigned in the Emergency Department

Coping Strategies. Refers to the staff nurses of how they cope with stresses or overcome
by the suggested coping strategies or plan of action.

Work-related Stress. Refers to the staff nurses and identify the main causes of stress is

Appraisal-focused- aim to the mind constantly monitors the environment to provide

safety. This monitoring process is called appraisal.

Problem-Focused- aim to remove or reduce the cause of the stressor or problem-solving,

time management

Emotional-Focused- aim to distract oneself or using systematic relaxation procedures.

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College of Nursing


         This chapter will discuss the relevant literature and studies related to Coping
Strategies Among Staff Nurses in Dealing with work-related stress. It includes the
foreign and local studies which lead the researches to formulate the research problem,
formulation of the guiding questions, gathering, and interpretation of data.

Understanding Stress
          According to Carrie Wilkens Ph.D., is the Co-Founder and Clinical Director of the
Center for Motivation and Change NYC (2014). Stress can result in both physical and
emotional symptoms; Physical Sign of Stress can make our body hurt and make you feel
sluggish and tired. Sleep disruptions are one of the hallmark symptoms of being overly
stressed. And the most common physical sign of stress includes stiff neck and back pain,
headache, and decreased libido. 

           Behavioral signs of stress, the first noticeable signs are how you acting (your
behavior). These can include increased clutter in your personal or workplace, forgetting
what you’re doing or having trouble organizing yourself, and moving around very
quickly or very slowly. Mental and emotional signs of stress can show up in your
emotions or your internal world. This can look like feeling very emotional and having
your emotions change wildly with little notice, or feeling disconnected from everything
around you, those are the signs that you are dealing with stress.

           Understanding and recognizing when you’re stressed and how you’re expressing
your stress are important in helping you find which skills you need to help cope with your
stress. Remember, stress is an important and inevitable part of life. 
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College of Nursing

Work-related stress within the nursing profession

           In Addition to that, Aubrey (2018) Work-related stress became an increasing

global problem affecting all categories of workers including healthcare professionals.
World Health Organization reported that stress especially related to work is currently the
second most frequent health problem and is a significant problem of our times. Several
studies revealed the nurses are under the greatest work stress and highest physical,
psychological, and emotional strain. Nurses reported a moderate level of stress in all
subscale of the modified, expanded nursing stress scale. This implies that their level of
stress was within the borderline between mild and severe stress. Hence, effective coping
mechanisms or stress management program, and policies is vital before turning this out
into a severe level which may have a negative effect in the health, job performance, and
quality patient care of these nurses. Respondents reported the highest length of service
had a significant relationship to the work-related stress level. On the other hand, the
number of patients handled per shift, educational attainment, type of hospital, and area of
assignment has a significant relationship to the work-related stress level. 

 Donald (2015), stated a worker’s place in the life span can be important for
understanding his or her work motivation and what he or she wants from the job. This
research challenges preconceptions about older employees, traditionally employer
strategies focus on the health of older employees but younger employees require more
support to reduce emotional exhaustion and cynicism and to use stress management
strategies successfully. Additionally, this study suggests there are differences between
younger and older employees concerning customer interaction in-service employees and
represent an important resource, particularly in light of the aging population.

Employees of different ages cope with customer stressors in different ways and as
a result experience higher or lower levels of burnout. Older workers use stress
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College of Nursing

management strategies more successfully, introducing mentoring programs will allow

older workers to provide support and advice to help younger workers develop these

The current study illustrates the important role of age within employee-customer
interactions in the service sector. We that older employees can bring a level of emotional
maturity to service organizations, which, when compared to younger employees, could
offer a more positive customer experience. Where younger workers are involved, we
advise employers to be aware of the need to provide support to develop their emotions.

Stress within the nursing profession

Obiora (2015), It was found that sources of stress for nurses could be
Administrative or organizational. Stressors could also be from physical sources or
psychological and emotional point of view. Interpersonal conflict and role ambiguity
among nurses is also a critical source of stress for Nurses. Several articles (1, 2, 4, 6, 7)
claimed that Administration and Organizational concerns are a major source of stress for
nurses. These concerns are usually in the form of lack of administrative support for
nurses, poor leadership qualities of nurse managers, the inadequacy of role authority
among other defective leadership roles that nurses are exposed to at their units or
departments. Almost all the articles claim that physical factors are the major and most
reported sources of stress for nurses.

The physical factors identified in the reviewed works include heavy workload and
turnover (1, 3, 5, 6) External demands (7), high job demand (9), stressful nature of the
nursing profession (10), environmental factors in the work area like temperature, noise,
lightning, ventilation (2) and threat to survival (8). These physical factors act in isolation
and in combination with other factors to cause stress for nurses. The other dimension to
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College of Nursing

causes of stress for nurses is psychological and/or emotional. These are sources relating
to internal conflicts affecting the mental and emotional status of the nurses.

Sarita (2016) Workplace stress is a significant problem in healthcare, especially

with nursing. Emergency wards create an environment that could be stressful for the
health professionals working in it. Emergency department exposes nurses to a variety of
stressors that are highly demanding both physically and emotionally overloaded relatives
is in itself a highly challenging job for nurses working in the Emergency Department.
The degree of stress experienced is affected by several variables present in the
environment within an individual.

Isikhan et al. (2004) undertook a study to determine factors influencing stress in

health care professionals. It was determined that variables influencing stress scores were
marital status, age, professional career, unfairness in promotion opportunities imbalance
between jobs and responsibilities, conflict with colleagues, lack of appreciation of efforts
by superiors, responsibilities of role, long and tiring work hours, inadequacy of
equipment, and problems experienced with patients and their relatives.

Mc Grath (2012), some aspects of working life have been linked to stress. Aspects
of the work itself can be stressful, namely work overload and role-based factors such as
lack of power, role ambiguity, and role conflict. Threats to career development and
achievement, including the threat of redundancy, being overvalued and unclear
promotion prospects and stressful. Stress is associated with reduced efficiency, decreased
capacity to perform, a lack of concern for the organization and colleagues. During the last
decade, there has been increasing recognition of the stress experienced by hospital
nursing staff.
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College of Nursing

Although some stressful situations are specific to a particular type of hospital unit, nurses
are subject to more general stress which arises from the physical, psychological, and
social aspects of the work environment. High levels of stress result in the environment.
High levels of stress result in staff burnout and turnover and adversely patient care.
Interventions that are sources of occupational stress seem to be required to support

Akkela and Leca (2015), explored work-related stress in Romanian NMs working
in selected hospitals in the United Arab Emirates using a hermeneutic phenomenological
approach. Nurse managers reported being stressed mainly from heavy workloads
followed by the organizational environment, dealing with staff and the country itself, in
Miyata et al. (2015) conducted a semi-structured interview in 15 NMs to
determine their sources of stress were identified: work overload that accompanied their
position, the responsibility of managing unit-related issues and problems, and dealing
with organizational and staff expectations and demands. A similar finding was noted in
one study in the UK (Kelly etal.,2016). Stress originated mainly from workloads along
with dealing with patient complaints, managing crises, and service relocation.

World Health Organization (2017) Emergency departments (EDs) are described

as stressful and unpredictable care units with a risk of medical errors due to poor working
conditions. Nurses working in EDs face challenges such as increased patient flow and
shortages of nurses, which results in heavy workload. To prepare for unexpected
situations, nurses need to prioritize patients with varying illnesses. The department of
defines emergency care as acute illness or injury in which rapid medical care is needed,
often due to a lack of resources in primary care, emergency departments (EDs) provide
immediate care staffed by physicians, nurses and assistant nurses divided into different
specialties, such as medicine, orthopedics, and surgery. However, overcrowded EDs
Arellano University 14
College of Nursing

result in decreased quality of care as well as increased costs, due to diversities in the way
Eds are organized and structured (staff, size, hours of operation, treatments).

According to Lin, et al. (2013), nurses’ working environments in EDs are

described based on the Western part of the world. The current aims to broaden
knowledge regarding Filipino nurses’ experiences of their working environment in EDs,
by adding an Asian perspective, specifically, Filipino nurses’ experiences. A shortage of
nurses combined with increased patient flow EDs presents a threat to patient safety due to
increased complications and illness during hospitalization. Despite poor working
conditions (high workload, shortage of staff), nurses are willing to remain in nursing.
Given limited knowledge regarding Asian nurses’ experiences of their working
environment in the emergency department at a general hospital in Manila, Philippines.

Duque (2012), cited the common effects of stress. These are insomnia, headaches,
backaches, constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and
alcohol, tobacco or drug use. He suggested doing the following: 1) After seeing the
doctor, share your treatment plan with people close to you. Talk with friends and relatives
and explain what you are going through; 2) If your doctor prescribes medication take it
exactly the way it prescribed. Do not stop taking your medication until your doctor tells
you to stop doing so; 3) Keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor; 4) Remember
that it may take some time to start feeling better; 5) If you experience side effects from
any medication, tell your doctor; and 6) Seek professional counseling. If you are methods
of coping with stress that is not contributing to your greater emotional and physical
health, it is to find healthier ones. There are many healthy ways to manage and cope with
stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation or change your
reaction. When deciding which option to choose, it is helpful to think of the four A’s:
avoid, alter, adapt, or accept. Since everyone has a unique response to stress, there is no
“size fits all” solution to managing it. No single methods work for everyone or in every
Arellano University 15
College of Nursing

situation, so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Focus on what makes
you feel calm and in control.
Mojoyinola (2012), the study investigated the effects of job stress on the physical
health, mental health personal and work behaviors of nurses in public hospitals I Ibadan
Metropolis, Nigeria. It aimed at addressing the issue of how stress at work can be
effectively managed, reduced, or prevented by the government and hospital boards to
enhance the health of the nurses, as well as improving their personal and work behaviors.
The study was carried out among 153 nurses working in two public hospitals in Ibadan
Metropolis, Nigeria. Export- facto research design was adopted for the study. A single
questionnaire tagged “Stress Assessment Questionnaire for Hospital Nurses (SAQFHN)
was developed and used for the study. The study established that job stress has a
significant difference in personal and work behavior or highly stressed nurses and less
stressed nurses. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the government
(Federal or State) and Hospital Management Boards should improve the welfare of the
nurses. It was also recommended that their morale should be boosted by involving them
in policy or decision-making concerning their welfare or care of their patients.

DOH, Martina C., Oct.2017. Stress is primarily a physical response, when

stressed think it is under attack and switches to fight or flight model. Having stress is not
necessarily a bad thing as it can also be a “boost” of energy that allows a person to
complete an activity, However, when the flight and fight keep going consistently, it could
have negative effects on the body.

Ways to cope with stress- A. stretching; a physically it helps the body loosen
muscles, lubricate joints and increase the body oxygen supply; B. listening to sound and
son’s and getting task-organized or scheduling helps minimize stress; C. venting can help
you unload unwanted feelings; D. self-awareness, the individual develops a habit of
paying attention to one’s self-expression of thought, emotions, and behavior. According
Arellano University 16
College of Nursing

to the DOH, 'venting' can help you unload unwanted feelings.' Janeth O. Buhawe, RN
Feb.2015. While dealing with stress it is important to deal with your physician, mental
and social well being. A. Physically, one should maintain one’s health and learn to relax
if one finds oneself under stress. B. Mentally it is important to think positive thoughts,
value oneself, demonstrate good time management, plan and think ahead, and express
emotions. C. Socially one should communicate with people and seek new activities. By
following these simple strategies, one will have an easier time responding to stresses in
one’s life.

Stress management and coping strategies

            Lazarus and Folkman (1984)defined stress as resulting from an imbalance
between perceived external or internal demands and the perceived personal and social
resources to deal with them. Psychological stress is defined as “a particular relationship
between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or
exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being” (Lazarus and
Folkman, 1984: p. 19). According to Lazarus and Folkman (1984), the way a person
appraises situations determines both stress reactions and coping efforts. Coping in this
situational approach is defined as “constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts
to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing or
exceeding the resources of the person.” (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984: p. 141). The
appraisal –focuse, problem-focus, and emotion-focus coping taxonomy are the focal
points of the theory.

According to Saigal (Elizabeth Saigal, 2018), appraisal-focused therapy is
directed towards challenging your assumptions and modifying the way you think. This
may include distancing yourself from the problem or challenge, altering goals and values,
or identifying the humor in the situation to bring a positive spin.
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College of Nursing

An article by Saul McLeod (McLeod, 2015) defined problem-focused as coping
that targets the causes of stress in practical ways which tackles the problem or stressful
situation that is causing stress, consequently directly reducing the stress. Problem-focused
strategies aim to remove or reduce the cause of the stressor, including Problem-solving,
Time-management, Obtaining instrumental social support.

A coping strategy that involves trying to reduce the negative emotional responses
associated with stress such as embarrassment, fear, anxiety, depression, excitement, and
frustration. This may be the only realistic option when the source of stress is outside the
person’s control. Drug therapy can be seen as emotion-focused coping as it focuses on
the arousal caused by stress, not the problem. Other emotion-focused coping techniques
include. Distraction, Emotional disclosure, Praying for guidance and strength,
Meditation, Eating more, Drinking alcohol, Using drugs, Journaling, Cognitive
reappraisal, Suppressing (stopping/inhibition of) negative thoughts or emotions.
(Marshall, 2015)

Sarah Mae Sincero Nov. 13, 2012. According to her, stress can be negative or
positive, depending on the level of our response to the stressor we encounter. Negative
stress is actually about the stress that is beyond one's control. This bad impact of severe
stress is often manifested in physical and mental signs and symptoms. However, when we
are only exposed to mild or moderate stress, we can experience the good side of stress,
which include improved activity, learning efficiency at work and eventually, a higher
level of self-esteem that could lead us to be able to withstand a higher stress level in the
future. Many psychologists also contributed to the study of coping mechanisms by
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College of Nursing

grouping mechanisms or strategies according to their manifestations and purposes. In

general, here are the general classifications of coping mechanisms: Defense - the
unconscious ways of coping stress., Adaptive -tolerates the stress. Examples: altruism,
symbolization, Avoidance -keeps self away from the stress. Examples: denial,
dissociation, fantasy, passive aggression, reaction formation, Attack - diverts one's
consciousness to a person or group of individuals other than the stressor or the stressful
situation. Behavioral - modifies the way we act to minimize or eradicate the stress,
Cognitive - alters the way we think so that stress is reduced or removed, Self-harm -
intends to harm self as a response to stress, Conversion - changes one thought, behavior
or emotion into another. Stress is a part of an individual’s normal life, it is something that
cannot be avoided but can be controlled and managed. 



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This chapter discusses the procedures and methods that were used to conduct this

study, which includes the following: setting, research design, sampling techniques,

respondents of the study research instrument, the researcher’s Data gathering phase 1 and

phase 2 and as well as the statistical treatment of data.


The study will be conducted inQuirino Memorial Medical Center Hospital

Located JP Rizal Street, Project 4, Quezon City, 1109 Metro Manila.

Research Design

This study used a qualitative research approach focusing on the performance

evaluationof the staff nurses working within the emergency department of Quirino

Memorial Medical Hospital. The qualitative research methods used for study are

described further below and included purposive sampling, open–ended interviewing, and

systematic and concurrent data collection and data analysis procedures.

Sampling Procedure

This study aims to know coping strategies among staff nurses in dealing with

work-related stress, with this purpose the researchers will use the Purposive sampling as

according to Purposive Sampling as a Tool for Informant Selection Journal. [CITATION

Ton07 \l 1033 ] “Purposive sampling is an informant selection tool that is widely used. It is

a nonrandom technique that does not need underlying theories or a set number of

informants. Simply put, the researcher decides what needs to be known and sets out to
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College of Nursing

find people who can and are willing to provide the information by virtue of knowledge or


An open-ended interview is a way of gathering information from people. An

interviewer asks questions of a participant, who then answers those questions. The

interview is considered open-ended because even though the questions can be scripted,

the interviewer usually doesn't know what the contents of the response will be. These

interviews may have some questions to gather basic factual data on participants such as

age and gender, but usually they focus more on the participant's thoughts, feelings,

experiences, knowledge, skills, ideas and preferences.[ CITATION Wan20 \l 1033 ]

Data collection and analysis processes tend to be concurrent, with new analytic

steps informing the process of additional data collection and new data informing the

analytic processes, it is important to recognize [ CITATION Sal00 \l 1033 ] that qualitative

data analysis processes are not entirely distinguishable from the actual data. The

theoretical lens from which the researcher approaches the phenomenon, the strategies that

the researcher uses to collect or construct data, and the understandings that the researcher

has about what might count as relevant or important data in answering the research

question are all analytic processes that influence the data.

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College of Nursing

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the staff nurses of the Quirino Memorial

Medical Hospital that are assigned to the emergency department.

Research Instrument

The researchers will utilize a self-made survey questionnaire. The coping theory

of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) will thebasis of this research tool. The said tool will be

validated by subject experts as perthe recommendation of the researchers’ adviser which

are as follows: Dr. Alejandro R. Sandiko Jr. (Nursing Research Adviser), August I.

Manzon (Research sub-adviser), Mr. John Marc Balano (Arellano University Guidance


Data Gathering Procedure

Phase I: Social Preparation

The title of this studywith our selected topicwas approved and was presented by

our Consulting Nursing Research Adviser: Mr. August I. Manzon. Upon the approval, it

was then presented to Mrs. Evangeline D. Simon, Dean of the College of Nursing for the

commencement of this study.

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College of Nursing

Phase II: Data Gathering

The purpose of the study and the research instruments tothe respondents. The

researchers will reassure the respondents that their identity willbe kept confidential and

ask them to sign a written consent prior to the face to faceinterview. Each respondent will

be given 30 minutes to finish the interview.

Data Processing

Once the tools are gathered, they will be checked for the completeness of the data.

Any errors found by the validators will be immediately corrected. The researchers will

process the data as soon as it is complete and freeof errors.

Method of Analysis

The researchers will be able to understand the philosophical perspective of the

Arellano University 23
College of Nursing

Nursing Research Interview Form

Research title.

Date and Time. Venue.

Respondent Name(Optional)/initials. Age. S. CS.

Years Of Service. Area of designation.

Signature of Respondent and date.



Janet M. Perales.___________________ Cris L. Bernal.__________________

Jessel Ann C. Sumalpong.__________________ Mark Kerby C. Pano._____________

Nursing Research Interview Questions.


1. What do you do when your stress-out?

2. Do you take anything to calm you down when you are stress-out?

3.How do you handle your emotions when you are stress-out?

4.How do you manage your time when you have to much work load? How do you

5.What do you do in a situation when you cannot seem to find the right solution to
a problem?
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College of Nursing

6. In your opinion, what makes you a great problem-solver?

7. Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma at work. How did you deal
with it and what was the result?

8.Tell us about a time when someone criticized your work. How did you respond
and how did you learn?

9.Tell me about a time you had a conflict w/ your supervisor. How did you
resolved it?

Interview Answer will be gathered and taken through role-taking and Audio
recorders for verbal transposition.
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Introduction 1
Background of the Study 3
Statement of the Problem 4
Conceptual Framework 5
Theoretical Framework 6
Scope and Delimitation 6
Definition of Terms 7


Lifestyle 8
Workload 16


Research Setting 18
Research Design 18
Respondent of the Study 19
Sampling Design 19
Data Gathering Procedure 19
Data Processing 20
Research Instrument and Technique 20

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