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The Doppler effect (or the Doppler shift) is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an

observer who is moving relative to the wave source.[1] It is named after the Austrian physicist
Christian Doppler, who described the phenomenon in 1842.

A common example of Doppler shift is the change of pitch heard when a vehicle sounding a horn
approaches and recedes from an observer. Compared to the emitted frequency, the received
frequency is higher during the approach, identical at the instant of passing by, and lower during
the recession.[2]

The reason for the Doppler effect is that when the source of the waves is moving towards the
observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from a position closer to the observer than the
crest of the previous wave.[2][3] Therefore, each wave takes slightly less time to reach the observer
than the previous wave. Hence, the time between the arrivals of successive wave crests at the
observer is reduced, causing an increase in the frequency. While they are traveling, the distance
between successive wave fronts is reduced, so the waves "bunch together". Conversely, if the
source of waves is moving away from the observer, each wave is emitted from a position farther
from the observer than the previous wave, so the arrival time between successive waves is
increased, reducing the frequency. The distance between successive wave fronts is then
increased, so the waves "spread out".

For waves that propagate in a medium, such as sound waves, the velocity of the observer and of
the source are relative to the medium in which the waves are transmitted.[1] The total Doppler
effect may therefore result from motion of the source, motion of the observer, or motion of the
medium. Each of these effects is analyzed separately. For waves which do not require a medium,
such as light or gravity in general relativity, only the relative difference in velocity between the
observer and the source needs to be considered.

Definition: Doppler Effect refers to the change in wave frequency during the relative motion between a
wave source and its observer. It was discovered by Christian Johann Doppler who described it as the
process of increase or decrease of starlight that depends on the relative movement of the star.
Description: Doppler Effect works on both light and sound objects. For instance, when a sound object
moves towards you, the frequency of the sound waves increases, leading to a higher pitch. Conversely, if
it moves away from you, the frequency of the sound waves decreases and the pitch comes down. The
drop in pitch of ambulance sirens as they pass by and the shift in red light are common examples of the
Doppler Effect.

Edwin Hubble made the discovery that the universe expands as a consequence of the Doppler Effect. It
has important applications in the fields of astronomy and space technology.

The use of Doppler Effect in astronomy in relation to light waves depends on the fact that the spectra of
stars are not constant. Different stars exhibit different absorption lines at defined frequencies, but
Doppler Effect is identifiable only when these absorption lines are away from these defined frequencies.

There are various applications of Doppler Effect. It is used in:

1. Sirens

2. Astronomy

3. Radars

4. Medical imaging and blood flow management

5. Flow management

6. Velocity profile management

7. Satellite communication

8. Audio

9. Vibration measurement

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