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Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street

and then getting hit by an airplane

My favorite childhood memory is not paying bills.

"That horrifying moment when you're looking for an adult, but you realize
you are an adult. So you look around for an older adult.
An adultier adult. Someone better at adulting than you."

"I may be an adult but I'm really more of an adult cat.

Someone probably should take care of me but I can sorta make it on my own."

"I wish it was socially acceptable to throw water balloons at people who annoy me.
Like, I don't want to hurt you, but I do want to ruin your day."

"Adulthood is like the vet,

and we're all the dogs that were excited for the car ride until
we realized where we're going."

"Don't worry, kids. Being an adult is most googling how to do stuff."

"When you believe in a thing,

believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable."
-Walt Disney

"Love the life you live. Live the life you love"

Ez a szakasz sokatoknak a kezdetek szakasza is volt. Az első buli,

az első csók, az első barátnő, a második barátnő, a harmadik
barátnő amiután rájöttetek, hogy végül nálatok van a probléma.

I want to be Spiderman.
Man grow up you graduate next week.

Nem szamitanak a jegyek. Az szamit hogy milyen szemlyek vagytok.

Suli Wifipaswordja fog megmaradni

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