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Reaction Paper about a documentary


“An Inconvenient Truth”

Directed by: Davis Guggenheim

Written by: Al Gore

Submitted by:

Andrea Nicole Y. Aurelio

Submitted to:

Mr. Noli Cornel

In May of 2006, Al Gore's now-classic climate change documentary "An Inconvenient

Truth" was released. The movie won an Oscar in the Featured Documentary category, and Gore

was co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change (IPCC). The nominating committee recognized Gore and the IPCC "for their

efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to

lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know; it’s what we know for sure that

just ain’t so”. Indeed when this statement pop up in the screen it scared the hell out of me

because I know for sure that I’m going to know something that I don’t know before rather things

I don’t give importance much as I would after watching the documentary.

Before watching the documentary I can't exactly say when I first learned about climate

change, but it was long before Gore's documentary, but after watching I learned about global

warming much better and deeper than my understanding on it before.

Gore define global warming in his documentary as “none like it or hot” or simply means

the Earth’s getting hotter or warmer as the years passed by. As he further explains what was

happening in the world I came to a realization that global warming is a serious matter. It is a

political issue to be exact. Previously, I was among of the persons who think that global warming

is going to have its end soon like other problems that our Mother Earth is currently facing, not

only now but even before, we are just not addressing the problem.

This phenomenon is heart-wrenching and scary when I learned about the consequences of

the actions and decisions that the people are making in this past few years. The aftermath of the

deeds are affecting the Polar bears’ habitat where it was being robbed by us and it can result in
casualties of the said specie, drowning in the ocean because ice are rapidly melting, Melted ice

taking over the grass land causing some place to be erased in the map, Polluted environment,

Thinning of the ozone layer causing the Earth‘s temperature to get warmer than the past few

years, Grass fires that cause the death of many animals, Different diseases that befell upon them,

are some of the results of our poor criticism and I think this is enough to say that people in the

Earth doesn’t deserve its beauty and abundance because people tend to get selfish and greedy as

long as they are gaining something from it, not even thinking the sake of the future generation.

So I decided to take actions because I believe that small actions that are put together can

make a greater impact. Be the change that you wanted to be. Don’t be scared to dare and be


I am already practicing minimalism before watching Gore’s documentary because I

realized that you don’t need that much thing in your life and you should instead focus on the

things that really matters and that will also add up to the betterment of the future. In addition, I

am taking a step forward by patronizing products that are eco-conscious and cruelty free because

I believe that you can be beautiful even without sacrificing the precious lives of others.

Since I am a future business woman I want to partake a message to other business man

that our Environment is much important than our economy we should learn how to treasure and

nurture it. We shouldn’t be so much of an economist and capitalist and learned to always have a

heart in making decisions for the future because “Humanity possesses the fundamental scientific,

technical and industrial knowledge on how to solve the carbon and climate problems” (From the

documentary). We should not wait for regrets to come knocking at our door.
I've seen firsthand the hard work of many talented, passionate and brilliant people

focused on moving the world toward a better future. That what gives me an inspiration to engage

with these path finder’s, tell their story and each day try a little bit harder to help lighten the way.

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself," Robert Kennedy said in a 1966

speech in South Africa, "but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. And in the

total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation." We all have within us the

power to send out "tiny ripples of hope" that will converge into a mighty current of sweeping


Few of us have the influence or reach of Al Gore, but we all have a responsibility to

pursue the harder path before us, so that others may follow each of our own way.

Is Al Gore the reason I am concerned about global warming? No. But Gore and his

documentary helped set me out on the path I am on today, and upon which I intend to remain for

the rest of my life.

"My heart is moved by all I cannot save: so much has been destroyed I have to cast my

lot with those who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the

world."- Adrienne Rich.

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