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GCAS 17 - PE-3 Dance/Swimming (FRI 1:30-3:30)



 Weight on one foot, swing the free foot in an arch, so that the ball or heel strikes
the floor at lowest point of the arch. This may be done forward, sideward, or backward.
Bow or Saludo
 Partners bow to each other to opposite dancers or to the audience. This term is of Spanish origin.
 Like the motion on the handle of the clock moving to the left, when facing the center of an imaginary circle. Right
shoulder is toward the center when moving forward.
Counter Clockwise
 The reverse direction of clockwise, the hands of the clock moving to the right, when facing center of an
imaginary circle when moving forward.
 Quick change of weight from one foot to the other displacing the supporting foot.
Free Foot
 The foot not supporting the weight of the body.
Free Hand
 The hand not doing anything.
 Spring on the supporting foot, and land on the same foot.
Inside Foot
 The foot near one's partner when they stand side by side.
Inside Hand
 The hand near one's partner when they stand side by side.
 Spring from one or two feet and land on both feet.
 Spring on the supporting foot and land on the other foot.
Outside Foot
 The foot away from one's partner when they stand side by side.
Outside Hand
 The hand away from one's partner when they stand side by side.
 The person standing in opposite position across the set.
 Girl to right of Boy and Boy to left of Girl
 To put the foot (flat) in any desired position without putting weight on it.
 Touch toe or ball of free foot on floor and remains there briefly.
 Turning on ball, heel, of one or both feet on a fixed place.
 To glide one foot along the floor smoothly, with or no transfer of weight.
 With the weight on one foot, shift the weight into the other foot.
 Toe or ball of free foot is placed momentarily on floor and lifted again immediately.
 See point.


TOUCH STEP ( point, close ) 1,2

BLEKING ( heel place, close ) 1,2

CLOSE STEP ( step, close ) 1,2

HOP STEP ( step hop ) 1,2

SLIDE STEP ( slide, close ) 1,2

CROSS STEP ( cross, step ) 1 , and 2

CHANGE STEP ( step, close, step ) 1 , and 2

PLAIN POLKA ( raise-step, close, step-pause ) 1, and 2, and

HOP POLKA ( hop-step, close step-pause ) 1, and 2, and

HEEL AND TOE POLKA (heel-place, toe-place, step-close-step-pause) 1,2,1, and 2 and

Waltz ( Step, close, step ) 1,2,3

Cross waltz ( cross-step, close, close ) 1,2,3

Mazurka ( slide, cut, hop) 1,2,3

Redoba ( slide, cut, cut ) 1,2,3

Sway Balance with point ( step, cross-step, point ) 1,2,3 1,2,3

Sway Balance with raise (step, cross-step, step, raise) 1,2,3 1,2,3

Sway Balance with brush (step, cross-step, step, brush) 1,2,3 1,2,3

Sway Balance with hop ( step, cross-step, step, brush ) 1,2,3 1,2,3

Sway Balance with close ( step, cross-step, step, close ) 1,2,3 1,2,3

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