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Brand Awareness

A brand is defined as a name, sing, symbol and special design of these elements that is in
intended to identify service of one seller group of seller

Brand awareness

Brand awareness means the extent to which a brand associated with a particular product
is documented by potential and existing customer either positively or negatively.

Creation of brand awareness is the primary goal of advertisement at the beginning of any
product’s life cycle in target markets. In fact, brand awareness has influence on buying behaviors
of a buyer.

All those calculations are best, approximations. A more complete understanding of the brand can
occur if multiple measures are used. Brand equity is the positive effect of the brand on the
difference between the prices that the consumers accepts to pay when brand known compared to
the value of the benefit received.

There are two schools of thought regarding of negative brand equality. One perspective states
brand cannot be negative, hypothesizing only positive brand equality is created by marketing
activities such as advertising, PR and promotion.

A second perspective that negative equality can exist, due to catastrophic events to the brand.

Such as a wide product recall or continued negative press attention (Backwater or Halliburton,
for example).

Brand Awareness is the extent to which a brand recognized by potential customers and is
correctly associated with a particular product. For example, the blue and white BMW logo is
easily associated with the car manufacture and the cars in which they produce...this are brand

Gaining Brand Awareness is not an easy task, especially in a competitive or saturated market. In
recent work with a double glazing firm who wanted to gain brand awareness, I offered them two
options- spend a lot of money through multiple media channels or offer a USP-a unique selling
point. Double glazing is lower grand products in an attempt to capture the un- educated

The company decided to go with option two, promoting their USP. Due to my employment
contract, I cannot highlight what their USP was but I can touch on the current marketing strategy

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they have adopted. In short, we are heavily promoting their USP which should provide spin- off
trade to other parts of their business.

With the opening of the market or the post liberalization period has resulted in many companies
entering the markets with offerings of their goods and services.

In the earlier stages of economic revolution consumer had to accept what the manufacturer has
product. But today’s consumers are much more educated, demanding, expect lot more to suit
their ever changing life style. There by their quality expectation have been elevated from time to
time in order to rebuild itself around its customer.

In developing a marketing strategy for products, the sellers have to contact the branding
decision. Brand is a major issue in product. Customers have strong performance for particular
versions and brands of basic goods and services. The manufactures eventually learn that market
power lines with the brand name companies. Consumers buying decisions are influenced by the

In this competitive world, the “Brand plays an important role and brand is a very
prominent asset owned by an organization. Brad is endowed with awareness, perceived Quality,
Associations and Brand loyalty. Brand is presented as creative idea.

A brand is a promise of the seller to deliver a specific set of benefits or attributes or

services to the buyer. Brand represents a level of quality.


 Brand is symbol, a mark, a name that acts as a means of communications which brings
about an identity of a given product.
 Brand in short is an identifier of the seller or the maker. A brand name consists of words,
letter numbers that can be vocalized.

The like hood that consumer recognizes the existence and availability of a
company s product or service .creating brand awareness is one of the key steps in
promoting a product

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Types of brand


The most common brand is that associated with tangible product such as a car or drink this can
be very specific or may indicate a range of product .in any case these is always a unifying
elements that is the brand being referred to in the given case

Individual brand

Product brand can be very specific individual a single product such as classic coca cola .it can
also include particular physical form such as coca cola a traditional bottle or a can.


Product brand can also be associated with a range such as the Mercedes s –class or all varieties
of Colgate toothpaste


As companies move from manufacturing product to delivering complete solution and

intangible service .the brand is about the service brand are about what is done when etc .it is
much more variable than product brand where variation can be eliminated on the product line
.even in company such as McDonald where the service has been standardization down to the eye
contract and smile variation and the same smile every time can turn into an announce as we feel
we are being manipulated brand a lot more understanding than product brands.

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Organization are brand whether it is a company that delivery product and service or
some other group .thus green peace Mercedes and the us sent are all definite organization and
each has quality associated with then that constitute the brand .

In once since the brand of the organization is created as the sum of its product and service after
all this is all we can see and experience of the organization .looking at

It another way the flow also goes the other way the manager of the organization
permeates downward into the product and the service which project a common element of that

The person brand is focused of one or a few individuals, where the branding is associated with


A pure individual brand is based on one person, such as celebrity actor or singe. The brand can
be their natural person or a carefully crafted projection. Politicians work had to project brand that
is attractive to their electorate (and also work hard to keep their skeletons firmly in the
cupboard). In a similar way, rock stars who want to appear cool also are playing to a stereo type.

Product, service and other brands realize the power of event brands and seek to have their
brands associated with the event brands. Thus sponsorship of events is now big business as one
brand tries to get leverage from the essence of the event, such as excitement and danger of car


Areas of the world also have essential qualities that as seen as characterizations, and hence also
have brand, these areas can range from countries can range from countries to state to cities to
streets and buildings. Those who golem or represent these geographies will work hard to develop
the brand. Cities for example, may have de-facto brands of being dangerous safe, cultural or
brand which will be used.

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The progress of mankind and civilization has, since began, been closely alike with his
diet. Even today the leading nation and nations capable of becoming strong are those, which can
obtain food in abundance for their people.

It has been said that cow is a machine that converts raw materials (plants) into food in a
surprisingly efficient manner. The method by which cattle are managed in order o produce milk
can be accomplished in many ways. In order to be most successful, dairymen or those
contemplating entering the business should carefully survey to produce under local conditions.

Milk may be defined as the whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete
milking of one or more healthy milk animals. It is an almost ideal good. Although milk is
commonly thought of as a beverage, it is nature’s most nearly perfect food and contains more
actual solids than many so called slid goods, especially vegetable. Milk is the only food, which is
designed by nature solely as good. It serves as the foundation of an adequate diet. It supplies
bodybuilding protein, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins and furnishers’ energy
giving lactose and milk fat. All these properties make milk important for pregnant mothers,
growing children, adolescents, adults, invalids, convalescents and patients alike. An adequate
consumption of milk can correct dieting deficiencies for most people to have strong and healthy
bodies. It is a delicious and appetizing good for all ages as well as being healthful.


Water 87.0

Butterfat 4.0

Casein 2.0

Albumin 0.5

Lactose (Milk sugar) 5.0

Minerals 0.7

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Milk constituents are divided into groups, water and solids. The constituents other than
water are called the total solids (TS). The total solids mines the butterfat is termed as the solids-
not fat (SNF). All the constituents expect the butterfat are known as the milk serum. The casein
and albumin make up most of the protein of the milk actually about 0.5% globulin also is

The major constituents of milk are water, butterfat, protein, lactose and minerals. The
minor constituents are vitamins, pigments such as carotenes, fat soluble pigment xanthophylls’
and water soluble pigment , Cholesterol, Phospholipids (lecithin), sterols, enzymes such as
lipase, Galaxies, diastase etc., gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen and
nitrogenous substances such as uric acid, urea nitrogen and truces of amino acids. The true
constituents are milk fat, casein and lactose.

Milk is absolutely essential for the welfare of human race. The cow has been rightly
called “the foster mother of the human race” and she is found in most of the civilized countries
of the world.


Although a beginning in organized milk handling was made in India with the
establishment of military dairy farms (oldest Allahabad, 1889), the salient features of the market
industry had been:

1. Handling of milk in Co-operative Milk Unions established all over the country on a small
scale in the early stages.
2. Long distance refrigerated rail-transport or milk from and a Bombay since 1945.
3. Pasteurization and bottling of milk on a large scale for organized distribution was started
a Aare (1950), Worley(1961),Calcutta(Haringhta,1959), Delhi(1959), Madras(1963)etc.,
4. Establishment of Milk plants under the five-year pans for Dairy Development all over
India. These were taken up with the dual object of increasing the national level of milk
consumption and ensuring better returns to the primary milk producer. Their main aim
5. Was to produce more, better and cheaper milk.

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Until the year 1940, there was very little published information of the method of
preparation and use of these products. The credit for the first publication on the subject goes to
Dr. W.B. Davies, the first director of Dairy Research, India Dairy Research Institute (now
National), Bangalore. Within the span of three or four decades since his book appeared,
considerable research has been conducted at the National Dairy Research Institute

In India, there was no progress in the Diary Industry before independence. Government of
India realized the necessity of increasing Milk production and by products there by availing
substantial job opportunities to the urban and rural Community. The government of India has
focused much more attention on Dairy Development Programmed by allocating more funds on
the 4th and 5th Five year plans. The Government of India during 1970 has launched massive
programmed via. Flood Operation Flood II and I with the help of European Nations and world
Production Programmer costing Rs.500 Cores.

The Government of India has undertaken various schemes through organizations and
institutions viz., India Dairy Corporation, India Dairy Development Board animal husbandry
department of all Sates, Private Sectors, Organizations of milk Producers, Co-operative and
Dairy Plants, National Dairy Research Institute. These programs enable for immediate
development in Dairy Activities, Dairy development in our Country with the help of an effective
marketing system.

A market is one of Principal way of increasing milk production and milk productivity of
Dairy Industry. In addition to the above, marketing helps to the enhancement of profitability of
the enterprise.

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In order to build a viable and sustaining National Dairy Industry and Co-operative lines
the NDDB launched a project christened operation Flood mobilized from the sale of products
based on foreign food donations in the form of Skim Milk Powder and Butter Oil. Operation
flood, the lagers development programmer undertaken in the worked, was initiated closely on the
heels of green Revolution in the Country. Against the back drop of huge surplus of Milk
Production in the highly developed Milk producing Countries in the West and dwindling per
capital. Milk availability at home with its pledge to provide milk to one and all it was considered
the World’s largest Dairy Development Programmer. It spurred the Indian Dairy Industry to
launch a “White Revolution”.

The establishment of Milk Producers off co-operative societies to link dairy

Development worth Milk Marketing formed the Central Plant of the Project, which gave into a
vigorous Milk co-operative movement under the basis of NDDK. This was a unique
development effort, which was initiated at the grassroots level the villager and went up to the
“Dairy Federation” of a state with its operational effectiveness ascending at every step.

According to the Agreement signed by World Food programmer (WFP) and Government
of India, the WFP will arrange to supply 1,26,000 metric tons of butter oil which the corporation
will handle on behalf of the Government. The Projector aims at the improvement of Milk
Marketing in the Organized Sector especially in the Four Major Cities extended over ten States
i.e., Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Utter Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat.


At the time of inauguration of cattle feed factory at Kantar in October 1964. The late
Sri Lalbadhur Shastri, the Prime Minister of India paid an unscheduled visit to milk production
Co-operative society and stayed there overnight. He was impressed by the Socio-economic
changes brought by milk co-operatives in Kara District, and desired to have a national Dairy
Development Board is the Chief Executive of the organization who is supported by Professional
to carry out Board’s activities.

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The formation of Anand Pattern of milk co-operatives was landed with the organization
of the Kaira District Co-operatives Milk Production. Milk Producers themselves control
procurement processing and marketing.


Amul symbolizes the successful struggle if Kaira District Farmers to earn a fair price for their
products. It reached its climax in 1945. The Milk was then collected by a Private Trader Mr.
Pestonji Edurji person through contractors for Bombay Milk Scheme. Every Milk producer can
become a member of co0operative Society. As a general meeting of members, representatives
are selected to form a managing committee, which Manager the day affaires to milk collection
and its testing concept, sold cattle feed. Each society also provides Artificial Insemination (AI)
services and veterinary first aid.


The main occupation in Andhra Pradesh is cultivation. The villages reflect the socio-
economic development, moral and cultural values of human race Dairy stands as the back bone
of Agriculture and at the same time it maintains important role for stability of rural economic
conditions and helps to maintain nation’s health by supplying sweet milk. It provides not only
health but also income to milk producers.

Self Sufficiency:

In Andhra Pradesh the pilot milk scheme brought revolutionary change in Dairy
Development and the economic development. The programmed of “Operation Flood” created
milk revolution and laid new hopes for eradication of poverty and unemployment. Now, the
Dairy Industry is equipped with Modern Technical knowhow and is on a position to face any
challenge of future milk demands under co-operative sector several steps are taken to provide
milk collecting centers in every nook and corner of the state of increase the production capacity
of the milk yielding animals the help of programmed of modern technical methods for achieving
self-sufficiency in milk production.

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Dairy Development:

In 1960 a pilot milk supply scheme was started in our started in our state for the Dairy
Development. It initial milk collection capacity was 100 liters a day at the time of starting. Now,
its dairy milk collecting increased 10 laky liters per day. It is acting as a liaison between milk
producers of villages and consumers of the milk providing reasonable price to the producers to
maintain stable market.

Packaging Technology:

Milk was initially sold door-to-door by the local milk man. When the dairy co-operatives
initially started marketing branded milk, it was sold in glass bottles sealed with foil. Over the
years, several developments in packaging media have taken place. In the early 80’s plastic
pouches replaced the bottles. Plastic pouches made transportation and storage very convenient,
besides reducing costs. Milk packed in plastic pouches/bottles have a shelf life of just 1-2 days,
that too only if refrigerated. In 1996, Tetra packs were introduced in India. Tetra packs are
aseptic laminate packs made of aluminum, paper, board and plastic. Milk stored in tetra packs
and treated under Ultra High temperature (UHT) technique can be stored for four months without
refrigeration. Most of the dairy co-operatives in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and
Rajasthan sell milk in tetra packs. However tetra packed milk is costlier by Rs.5-7 compared to
plastic pouches; in 1999-00 Nestle launched its UHT milk market is expected to grow at range of
more than 10-12% in coming years.


The demand for milk and milk products in the country is on the rise. The increase in
purchasing power and pace of urbanization is leading to a change in the lifestyle and
consumption habits of the households. The current trends indicate that 44% of the total
population will definitely lead to an increase in consumption of dairy products.

The domestic market for butter and ghee is growing at a healthy rate of over 10% per
annum but the same may not be true in case of an international market. The production and
export of butter has witnessed a major decline in some of the developed countries.

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The situation is now alarming to the industries which are having international market for
this product. These companies definitely have to think about other potential products that are
gaining steady growth all over the world.


 Improve the quality of the products.

 Value addition into widely accepted products.
 Improving productivity and improving the cost of production.
 Building brands.
 Public relations and stick measures to avoid misinformation, viz.
 To maintain lead in milk production.
 Research and development.
 Utilization of desirable constituents from the waste rather than draining.


The invariable growth of milk production in India has made its position envious to the
other nations. The proper utilization of milk in the right products and direction will definitely be
helpful in realizing the growth potential of dairy industry. A more systematic approach to
process innovation, quality assurance and shelf life improvement for the indigenous and western
dairy products in needed. More energy efficient systems and introduction of some of the
continuous processes for the and strong in near future.

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Heritage foods (I) limited (HFIL) was incorporated under the companies Act 1956 as a
public limited companies 5th June 1992. The promoters have long and varied experience in
administration as well as management of business.

HFIL entered the capital market on 17 th November 1994 with an issue of 65, 00,000
equity share of Rs.10/- each for cash at par to the India investing public. The Issue was over –
subscribed by about 54 times, an indication of the rich confidence of the promoter who enjoy
with the investing in community.

The public issue aggregating to Rs.65 million was intended to part-finance the
company’s integrated dairy product costing a total of Rs.147.50 millions, which has been fully

HFIL is currently in the business of procuring milk from dairy farmers, chilling,
pasturing and packaging the same for marketing to consumers in the metropolitan city of
Chennai and other cities are Bangalore, Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam in South India. The
company has already established 3 more centers in North Arcot district of Tamilnadu. A process
plant is also being established at Bangalore city which is one of the biggest markets for liquid

The market share of Heritage Foods India Limited is cow ghee 30% in Tamilnadu.
Andhra Pradesh in 5%and Kerala in 15% nil percentage in Karnataka. In case of Milk 30% share
in Chennai from private dairy and 10% market share having from corporation.

The company Managing Director is Mrs. N.Bhuvaneswari. It is having mainly 6 branch

offices and 14 sub-plants. The Head office of HFIL is at Hyderabad (AP).

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Heritage Foods (India) Limited, India

Sri Chandra Babe Naidu is one of the greatest Dynamic, Pragmatic, Progressive and
Visionary Leaders of the 21st Century.

With an objective of "Bringing prosperity into the rural families through co-operative
efforts", he along with a few likeminded, friends and associates promoted "Heritage Foods" in
the year 1992 taking opportunity from the Industrial Policy, 1991 of Government of India and he
has been successful in his Endeavour. At present, Heritage has market presence in the states of
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. More than three thousand
villages and three laky farmers are being benefited in these states. On the other side, Heritage is
serving millions of customers needs, employing more than 3500 employees and generating
indirect employment opportunities to more than 10000 people. Beginning with a humble annual
turnover of Rs.4.38 cores in 1993-94, the sales turnover has reached close to Rs.350 cores during
the financial year 2006-2007.

Sri Chandra Babe Naidu was born on April 20, 1951 in Naravaripally Village, Chittoor
District, and Andhra Pradesh, India. His late father Sri N. Kharjura Naidu was an agriculturist
and his late mother Smt. Ammanamma was a housewife. Mr. Naidu had his school education in
Chandragiri and his college education at the Sri Venkateswara Arts College, Tirupati. He did his
Masters in Economics from the Sri VenkateswaraUniversity, Tirupati. Sri Naidu is married to
Ms. Bhubaneswar D/o Sri N T Rama Rao, Ex-Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and famous Star
of Telugu Cinema. Mrs. N Bhubaneswar is presently the Vice Chairman & Managing Director of
Heritage Foods (India) Limited.

Mr. Naidu held various positions of office in his college and organized a number of social
activities. Following the 1977 cyclone, which devastated Diviseemataluk of Krishna district, he
actively organized donations and relief material from Chittoor district for the cyclone victims.

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Mr. Naidu has been evincing keen interest in rural development activities in general and the
upliftment of the poor and downtrodden sections of society in particular.

Sri Naidu held various coveted and honorable positions including Chief Minister of
Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Finance & Revenue, Minister for Archives & Cinematography,
Member of the A.P. Legislative Assembly, Director of A.P. Small Industries Development
Corporation, and Chairman of KarshakaParishad.

Sri Naidu has won numerous awards including " Member of the World Economic
Forum's Dream Cabinet" (Time Asia ), "South Asian of the Year " (Time Asia ), "’Business
Person of the Year " (Economic Times), and " IT Indian of the Millennium "

(India Today).

Sri Naidu was chosen as one of 50 leaders at the forefront of change in the year 2000 by
the Business Week magazine for being an unflinching proponent of technology and for his drive
to transform the State of Andhra Pradesh.


Bringing prosperity into rural families of India through co-operative efforts and providing
customers with hygienic, affordable and convenient supply of “Fresh and Healthy " food


 To be a progressive billion dollar organization with a pan India foot print by 2012.

To achieve this by delighting customers with "Fresh and Healthy" food products, those
are a benchmark for quality in the industry.

We are committed to enhanced prosperity and the empowerment of the farming

community through our unique "Relationship Farming" Model.

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To be a preferred employer by nurturing entrepreneurship, managing career aspirations
and providing innovative avenues for enhanced employee prosperity

The Beginning

Beginning with a humble annual turnover of just Rs.4.38 cores in 1993-94, the sales
turnover has crossed Rs.346.33 cores during the financial year 2006-2007. Taking off with its
flagship processing plant at Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh in April 1993, Heritage spread its wings
during the years hence.

To raise resources, Heritage went public in November 1994. This Public issue was
oversubscribed 54 times a moving testimony to the level of confidence the investing public
reposed in the promoters and in the management of the venture.

Under the table guidance of eminent people like Sri D Seetharamiah, Dr N R

Sivaswamy, Dr A AppaRao, Sri N P Ramakrishna, Smt N Bhubaneswar and Dr V Nag raja
Naidu, the Directors, Heritage continued to embark on its ambitious phase of expansion.

The directors with their varied & extensive and experience in the fields of Agriculture,
Industry and Finance and their intimate understanding of the rural socioeconomic scenario have
been able to strengthen the systems and strategies of Heritage, which contributed to the current
status of Heritage as a leading player in South India.

HFIL entered the capital market on 17 th November1994 with an issue of 65, 00,000
equity share of Rs.10/- each at par to the India investing public. The Issue was over-subscribed
by about 54 times, an indication of the rich confidence of the promoter who enjoy with the
investing in community.


Listed with: Stock code

The Stock Exchange, Mumbai 519552

National Stock Exchange of India Limited HERITGFOOD

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Compliance Officer:

Mr. Murali Krishna Narne

Company Secretary

Phone: (091) 040-23391221/23391222

Fax: (091) 040-23318090


Our commitments

Milk Producers
Change in life styles of rural families in terms of

  Regular high income through co-operative efforts

  Women participation in income generation
  Saved from price exploitation by un-organized sector
  Remunerative prices for milk
  Increase of milk productivity through input and extension activities
  Shift from risky agriculture to dairy farming
  Financial support for purchase of cattle; insuring cattle
  Establishment of Cattle Health Care Centers
  Supplying high quality Cattle feed
  Organizing "Rythu Sadasu" and Video programmers for educating the farmers in dairy


  Timely Supply of Quality & Healthy Products

  Supply high quality milk and milk products at affordable prices
  Focused on Nutritional Foods
  More than 4 laky happy customers

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  High customer satisfaction
  24 hours help lines ( <10 complaints a day)

  Enhancing the Technical and Managerial skills of Employees through continuous

training and development
  Best appraisal systems to motivate employees
  Incentive, bonus and reward systems to encourage employees
  Heritage forges ahead with a motto "add value to everything you do"

  Dividend Payment since Public Issue (January 1995)


  Highest importance to investor service; no notice from any regulatory authority since
2001 in respect of investor service
  Very transparent disclosures
Doehlar: technical collaboration in Milk drinks, yogurts drinks and fruit flavored drinks
Alfa-Laval: supplier of high-end machinery and technical support Focusing on Tetra pack
associate for products package.


 Potential Employment Generation

   more than 3800 employees are working with heritage

   more than 8900 procurement agents got self employment in rural areas

   more than 5300 sales agents associated with the company

Producing highly health conscious products for the society


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Quality Policy:

We are committed to achieve customer satisfaction through hygienically processed and

packed Milk and Milk Products. We strive to continually improve the quality of our products and
services through up gradation of technologies and systems.

Heritage's soul has always been imbibed with an unwritten perpetual commitment to
itself, to always produce and provide quality products with continuous efforts to improve the
process and environment.

Adhering to its moral commitment and its continuous drive to achieve excellence in
quality of Milk, Milk products & Systems, Heritage has always been laying emphasis on not
only reviewing & re-defining quality standards, but also in implementing them successfully. All
activities of Processing, Quality control, Purchase, Stores, Marketing and Training have been
documented with detailed quality plans in each of the departments.

Today Heritage feels that the ISO certificate is not only an epitome of achieved targets,
but also a scale to identify & reckon, what is yet to be achieved on a continuous basis.

Though, it is a beginning, Heritage has initiated the process of standardizing and adopting
similar quality systems at most of its other plants.

Non-Executive Independent Chairman D. Seetharamaiah (CA)

Vice Chairman & Managing Director Smt N. Bhuvaneswari

Independent Director Sri N. P. Ramakrishna,

Independent Director Dr. N. R. Sivaswamy

Company Secretary: Murali Krishna

Company Senior Executives

President Dr M. SambasivaRao

Vice President Sri N. Likes

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Senior General Manager - Finance & Prabhakara Naidu (CA)


Company Locations

Corporate and red. Office : Punjaguta, Hyderabad

Main Dairy Plant : Tirupati(Chandragiri)

Company Locations

Corporate and red. Office : Punjaguta, Hyderabad

Main Dairy Plant : Tirupathi (Chandragiri)

Procurements and processing centers:

 Automaker
 Brahmanapalli
 Barsi
 Bapatla
 Kandukuru
 Kalluru
 Madanapally
 Madhira
 Muppavaram
 Piler
 Salthamagulure
 Tiruvannamalai(TN)
 Uthangarai(TN)

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Procurement processing and packing stations:

 Bangalore(KN)
 Bayyavaram(AP)
 Chittoor(AP)
 Narketpalle(AP)
 Santhipuram(AP)
 Battiprolu(AP)
 Dindigul(TN)

Regional Office

Sales offices:

 Hyderabad
 Narketpalle
 Vizag
 Bangalore(KN)
 Mysore(KN)
 Chennai(TN)
 Madurai(TN)

Plants under construction

 Addanki

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 Heritage foods India
 Tirupathi
 Namakwa


Heritage Milk a naturally nutritive, rich, fresh, wholesome food par excellence which self-
contained protective food characteristic. Hygienically procured, pasteurized and poly packed
under PEA standards, Heritage milk is a complete food for any age be it children Teenagers,
adults, expecting mother as older citizens, rich with just about all essential nutrients.

Heritage Milk is full of strength building calcium and phosphorus,. And the essential
life giving vitamins. The milk products of heritage dairy.

The milk products of dairy are as follows;

 Ghee 1
 Skimmed milk powder

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 Butter milk
 Curd
 Toned milk
 Double toned milk
 Uht slim milk
 Fcm milk
 Skim milk
Marketing of Milk and it’s by Products:

One of the most crucial links in the marketing of milk and products is that it is highly
perishable commodity. It cannot be stored in its original state for more than four hours and
therefore drilling and packing is required for increasing its keeping quality. Further it is chemical
saving gat solids and also essentially proteins minerals vitamins and water and its main
ingredients; therefore it can be suitably converted into butter, ghee and milk powder and
reconverted into milk, when required. Thus these things will be kept in main while planning
effective marketing linkage.


Heritage Milk…naturally nutritive, rich, fresh, wholesome food par excellence with self
contained protective food characteristics. Hygienically procured, pasteurized and poly packed
under PFA standards, Heritage Milk is a complete food for any age, be it children, teenagers,
adults, expecting mothers or older citizens. Rich with just about all essential nutrients… Heritage
Milk is full with strength building protein, energy giving carbohydrates &fats, bone & teeth
building calcium & phosphorus and the essential life giving vitamins.


Aroma, freshness ‘n’ purity kept intact!!

Robotics natural Dairy Food Preparation from double toned milk:

A new generation health promoting food with improved nutritional benefits due to the presence
of viable eitidobacterium tactics & lactobacillus acidophilus.

Page 22
Brand Awareness

Agmark special grade Heritage Ghee is pure clarified fat made from fresh cream, with no colors
or preservatives, tantalizing the human senses with its envigoring taste, fragrant aroma, rich
texture. And vitamins A, D, E and K as bonus

Butter Milk:

Aroma, freshness ‘n’ purity kept intact!!

High quality butter milk with natural taste.

Flavored Milk:

Nutritional Information

200ml Contains Approx

Fat : 3.0g

Proteins : 6.6g

Carbohydrates : 26.0g
Minerals : 1.5g

Energy :

Skim Milk Powder:

Heritage Skim milk Powder is a low fat & calorie, high protein spray dried milk powder
made from fresh skimmed milk that instantly dissolves in lukewarm water, and tastes just like
milk!! With clean, rich, sweet and very pleasant natural milk flavor, it flows fine and smooth and
is homogeneous in texture.

Uht slim milk

Page 23
Brand Awareness

Heritage Slim Milk made from pure milk to give smooth consistency preventing cream layer.  Milk
is sterilized through UHT process packed aseptically to keep same freshness until pack is opened.

FAT  0.5 %(Max)

SNF 8.7 %(Min)

Fcm milk

Full Cream milk It is packed in Clean, sound and sanitary Polythene Pouches . Containing 6% Fat and 9 %
Solids Not Fat. Rich, creamier and tastier milk, Ideal for preparing homemade sweets, Curds & Savories.
Available in 500ml Pouches

Slim milk

It is fat free milk contains as much low as 0.1 % Milk

Fat and 8.7% min.of MSNF. It is enriched with vitamins
A&D2 which tones up eye sight and bones strength.

Variety and Composition

Variety Pack size

Whole milk 500ml

Homogenized Toned Milk

200ml, 500ml, 1000k

Standard milk 500ml

Double Toned Milk 500ml

Golden cow milk 500ml

Each 500ml of Heritage Milk Contains

Fat -- 3.0%

Page 24
Brand Awareness
SNF -- 8.5%

Each 200ml of Heritage Milk Contains

Fat -- 7.5g

Lactose -- 12.0gm

Proteins -- 8.25gms

Calcium -- 312.5mg

Marketing research

According to American marketing association (AMA)

“Marketing Research is the function which links the consumer, customer and public to
the marketer through information- information used to identify and define marketing
opportunities and problems ; generate refine and evaluate marketing actions monitor marketing
preference ;and improve understanding of market as a process ”

Research design

Research Methodology consists of the following. They are:

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data
Primary Data
Primary Data was obtained from the personal interview of the consumers and
Through Questionnaire.
Secondary Data
Secondary Data was obtained from the internet, newspaper, company past records

Page 25
Brand Awareness
And magazines

Sample size: 105 Customer


Research Methodology : Survey Method

Research Instrument : Questionnaire
Contact Method : Personal Interview


Heritage foods India in their continuous desire for improving customers
awareness intended to study each product offered to the customers so as to improve the
facilities and products provide to them. And how much easily the product was
available to the customer, what are the different types of heritage foods India offered
to sell.

 Brand awareness is an important way of promoting commodity elated product

 This is because for these product, there are very few factor that differentiate one product
from its competitors
 Therefore the product that maintains the highest brand awareness compared to its
competitors will usually get the most sales

Page 26
Brand Awareness


The scope of the study is to find out the brand awareness with reference to heritage foods.
The study covers the different aspects of branding.

How then do you “brand” a product? Although firms provide in imputes to

brand creation through marketing programs and other activities, ultimately a brand
is something that resides in the minds of consumers’ brand is a perceptual entity
that is routed in reality but reflects the perceptions and perhaps even the
idiosyncrasies of consumers.

Page 27
Brand Awareness


 To know the brand awareness of different activities like advertising and marketing

 To study the customer awareness of different Heritage sub-brands

 To analyse the impact of heritage brand on customers and customers preferences based
on brand

 To measure the image of heritage brand while purchase the dairy products

 To develop and understand the concept of brand awareness

To identify sources of brand awareness among customer of heritage foods private Limited.

Page 28
Brand Awareness


1. The study is confined to the limited areas surroundings of Heritage foods India

2. The study is confined to a period of eight weeks, which certain value addition
of project to certain extent.

3. Customer purchasing strategies , which may differ from place to place in many
aspects , are not covered by the study.

4. Personal prejudices of the managers, frontline officials and consumers are not

5. The study is restricted only to a particular demography.

6. The study is concentrated only on Chittoor district area.

7. The study is restricted only for 45 days of time period.

8. The study is done only with small sample size of 105respondents.

Page 29
Brand Awareness


Introduction to Brand Awareness:

“Brand awareness is the ability of a potential buyer to recognize or recall
that a brand is a member of a certain product category so he can establish a link between product
class and brand is involved”.

Channels of Brand Awareness

There are some ways to generate brand awareness in the consumers.

Advertising is the activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale
of commercial products or services. Advertising is used through various media to generate brand
awareness within consumers. They can be aired as radio ads, television commercials, internet

It is an out of the ordinary way of marketing a product. Low-cost channels can be

utilized to generate a high level of interest in the product and create brand awareness. Utilization
of personal contacts is the most popular way of guerrilla marketing. Product Placement is an
advertising technique used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-
traditional advertising technique, usually through appearances in film, television, or other media.

Page 30
Brand Awareness
A formal agreement between the product manufacturer and a media company can be
generated through which the media company also receives an economic benefit, usually in the
form of a fee. The media company in return will showcase the product through any of the various
means they have available to make the brand stand out. Some people, however, consider product
placement to be deceptive and unethical.

How then do you “brand” a product? Although firms provide in imputes to brand
creation through marketing programs and other activities, ultimately a brand is
something that resides in the minds of consumers’ brand is a perceptual entity that
is routed in reality but reflects the perceptions and perhaps even the idiosyncrasies
of consumers.

The concept of Branding holds tremendous importance since many years; it is the key to
distinguish the goods and services from one to another. Customer’s simple understanding of
brand is to associate and reckon with easy information processing about products purchasing and
being certain about the brand to build their trust with time (Logo Design works, 2007).

This reflects the greater need from the organization’s point of view to have strong brands
build through proper brand management resulting from effective marketing programs to create
brand equity. The modern concept of branding grew out of the consumer packaged goods
industry and the process of branding has come to include much more than just creating a way to
identify a product or company. Branding today is used to create emotional attachments to
products and companies (Dolak, 2015; Kilter& Armstrong, 2016).

Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of
intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol (Asker, 2015; Dolak, 2016).

Brands basically create perceptions in the mind of the consumer that it is unique and
there is no other similar product or service in the market. Therefore, a brand is to say to be strong
entity if it is consistent over a long period of time in providing the product or service which
consumers and prospective purchasers can rely and trust, which will lead to a Brand promise
(Srinvasan, Park & Chang, 2015).

Page 31
Brand Awareness
Branding has always been one of the most imperative factors in building a successful
business, whether it is foods, supplements, beverages, retail stores or any other consumer product
or service. As so, within the world of healthy and natural products, the importance of branding is
paramount. Indeed, most of us are aware that branding within the natural products channel is
actually a paradoxical statement. It’s one of two things-either consumer within this channel do
not form the same relationships with brands as do mainstream consumers, or marketers within
the cannel, due to a variety of factors, have not executed optimal brand- building techniques.

Research by the natural marketing institute (NMI), entitle the natural marketplace trends
Report(NMTR), confirms that brand awareness and related issues are significantly different
within the natural products environment. According to the NMTR, Based on a nationally project
able sample of 1800 consumer households, overall brand awareness with top natural product
brands is relatively low. The average brand awareness level of 53 top natural brands among
consumers who shop the natural product channel is 20 percent. As expected, this brand
awareness level is 25 percent lower (15 percent among the general population, a phenomenon
driven by the distribution of these brand and the inherent channel niche in which some of these
brands operate.

Understanding this consumer brand behavior is essential to the development of new brands, the
continued growth of existing brands and/or the revitalization of “challenged” brands.

A brand is a unique identity used to differentiate and identify a product in a meaningful and
relevant way to a group of consumers. The product is the physical of a brand that has specific
features and attributes. Brand success is measured by consumer loyalty, which requires a
consistent delivery of the brand promise. This brand promise is comprised of product benefits
and rewards for the consumer. Within the brand it is a carefully crafted brand personality and
essence. In summary, without brands, all products and services would be equal with gene refits.


Selling Your Brand

Page 32
Brand Awareness
Building brand awareness is an important part of any marketing or PR strategy. It can be
frustrating to do, since unlike a more direct lead-generation campaign, it’s difficult to
measure return on investment. The real value of RFP response will carry more weight if
readers are already familiar with what you have to offer. In the end, your efforts to build
brand awareness will help your marketing efforts in both the public and private sectors.

Many businesses invest in costly print or radio ads to build their brands. If your company
isn’t ready to lay out that kind of money, here are four alternative branding strategies:

Brand Awareness Strategies

1. Sponsor a booth at a trade show:

While a trade show booth still involves a substantial cash outlay, it’s a more targeted
solution than taking out print ads; it allows you build brand awareness in a smaller and
more specific audience. Going to every trade show and expo in your industry is going to
be prohibitively expensive for most companies, so it’s important to pick and choose
wisely. Bigger isn’t always better- if your products fill a specific market niche, going to
the biggest expo in the industry might not get you the brand awareness you want. Do
your research and choose trade shows that your target audience (government and private
sector buyers) will be attending. It won’t do you much good if the only people who build
awareness of your brand are competitors once you choose an event that’s right for your
company, make sure your logo is clearly visible on your booth materials. Try to work
your unique value proposition into both your display items and any written materials you
hand out what makes your company special? Free give-away items like pens or toys are
an extra expense, but they also give your customers something to take with them that
have your company name and value proposition on it.

Page 33
Brand Awareness
2. Give a speech or participate in a panel discussion:
Are you an authority on a certain subject? Investigate speaking opportunities for
upcoming conferences. Not only will this lye you show off your knowledge and
expertise, your name and company name will appear in materials given to every
conference attendee. As with all conference, don’t forget to network, network-knowing
that your speaking appearance will give you increased visibility and conversation starters.
It will also increase the likelihood that our new contacts form the conference will
remember you when you follow up with them. If you can speak articulately and
intelligently on a topic in your market, you position your company as an authority on that
same topic, building brand awareness

Benefit of using survey shack for brand awareness testing

Flexible survey platform- adapted to any corporate look and feel design and question air
are easily created modified
 Assured impartiality –specialist questionnaire design technique ensures respond
are not influenced in any way
 Multimedia content option –increase the effective nests of the brand study project
using graph sound and or video content
 Fast –large number of the respond can be accessed with relatives little effort and
the data is all collated report on automatist

Page 34
Brand Awareness

4.1 Customers opinion is that “Heritage foods India are best
Table 4.1



AGREE 40 38.3


DISAGREE 15 14.2

NEUTRAL 16 15.2

TOTAL 105 100

45 Graph .4.1
40 38.3
14.2 15.2
15 13.3
strongly Agree agree strongly disagree disagree neutral


Page 35
Brand Awareness
From the above graph shows that, 19% of respondents are strongly preferred heritage.38.3% of
respondents are happy with heritage.14.2% respondents are not satisfied.

4.2 How the Customers know about Heritage Foods India PVT.LTD.

Table 4.2


PRINT 23 21.9

TV 11 10.5



OTHERS 14 13.3

TOTAL 105 100

Graph 4.2
25 21.9
15 10.5


Page 36
Brand Awareness
From the above graph shows that, 34.3 % of respondents are ware through relatives, 21.9 % of
respondents are through T.Vs .

4.3 Heritage Foods India PVT.LTD. Company provides better service

Table- 4 .3

OPINION NO.OF No of Percentage



AGREE 48 45.7
STRONGLY 15 14.2

DISAGREE 20 19.2
NEUTRAL 10 9.5
Total 105 100

Graph-4 .3

50 45.7
15 11.4



Page 37
Brand Awareness
From the above graph shows that, 45.7% of respondents are happy with heritage foods India
ltd services.9.5 % of respondents are neutral about heritage.

4.4Awareness of Heritage Foods India PVT.LTD



YES 49 47

NO 56 53

Total 105 100




Page 38
Brand Awareness
From the above table, it inferred to 53% of response they don’t heard Heritage
foods India Pvt ltd schemes nearly 47% of response they heard about the Heritage foods India
Pvt ltd schemes.

4 .5. Awareness of competitive brands


Brands NO.RESPONDENT No of percentage


Heritage foods India pvt. 58 55.2


Trimula milk 21 20

Amul 17 16.3

Sangam 9 8.5

TOTAL 105 100






10 20 16.3



Page 39
Brand Awareness
From the above table it can be inferred that out of 100% response 56% of responded that they
aware of heritage foods india pvt ltd ,20% for vasavi , 16% for sudhakar and 8% for finolex .

4.6 Are you the Customers of Heritage foods India Pvt. Ltd?



YES 54 51.5

NO 51 48.5

TOTAL 105 100

Graph- 4.6

52 51.5
49 48.5



From the above table it can be inferred that out of 100% response 51% of consumer say
yes and 49% are not the customers of heritage foods india pvt ltd.

Page 40
Brand Awareness

4.7 Respondents are interested to buy from.

Table -4.7



DEALERS 32 30.5


SHOPS 25 23.8

TOTAL 105 100

Graph- 4.7

25 23.8





From the above table shows that,20% of respodesnts are ,they want buy from the
company , 30.5% of the consumers want to buy from the dealers and 25.7% of the consumers
want to buy from the wholesalers and 23.8% of the consumers want to buy from the showrooms
or shops.

Page 41
Brand Awareness
4.8 opinions on quality of Heritage foods India pvt.Ltd




GOOD 30 28.5


POOR 15 14.2

TOTAL 105 100

Graph -4.8

20 38
15 28.5
10 19


From the above table it can be inferred that out of 100% response 38% of respondents are says
that the quality of Heritage foods India is very good and 29% of respondents are good,
19% responded average, 14 % of respondents are responded for poor on quality of Heritage
foods India

4.9 Heritage foods India Company mainly concentrates on Agriculture sector

Page 42
Brand Awareness

AGREE 37 35.2
DISAGREE 33 31.4
total 105 100
Graph -4.9





15 31.4

10 21.9

5 11.4




From the above table shows that,22% of respondents are says that strongly agree that they use
for agriculture, 11% of respondents are feel that ,strongly disagree, 34% consumers disagree.




QUALITY 19 18.2
QUANTITY 60 57.1

Page 43
Brand Awareness
PRICE 16 15.2
OTHERS 10 9.5
Total 105 100


60 57.1




20 18.2




From the above table shows that, out of 100% responded ,18% are purchses
heritage products based on quality .58% are prefer based on quantity and 15% of consumers are
prefer based on price.

4.11 opinions about the price of heritage foods

Table -4.11



Page 44
Brand Awareness
High price 58 52.3

Medium price 24 20.2

Low price 18 15.2

Neutral 15 12.3

Total 105 100


20 15.2
0 Column1
High price Medium price Low price Neutral


From the above table shows that, out of 100% responded ,52% of people are feel
that ,high price .,20.2% of people are satisfied with heritage price and 15.2 % of respodents says
that low price.

4.12 compare to other brand how is the heritage foods?

Table-4 .12


Page 45
Brand Awareness
Excellent 60 57.1

Good 19 18.2

Average 16 15.2

Poor 10 9.5

Total 105 100


60 57.1




20 18.2

Excellent Good Average Poor

Series 1


From the above table shows that, 57.1% of respondents are says that excellent, 18.2 % of
respondents are good with heritage and 9.5 % of respondents are says that poor performance of

4.13 Do you think advertisement development the sales of heritage foods?




Strongly agree 54 51.4

Page 46
Brand Awareness
Agree 24 22.8

Dis agree 18 17.3

Strongly 9 8.5

Total 105 100

Graph-4 .13


22.8 From the above table it can
20 17.3
be inferred that out of 100%
10 8.5
responses 52% strongly agree that
0 they use for agree, 23% disagree,
Strongly agree Agree Dis agree Strongly disagree
17 % of these strongly disagree,
Series 1
8% consumers disagree.

1. It is found that majority of respondent are famers and minority of respondent
Are Business People.
2. It is found that most of the respondent are likes 295 ID.
3. It is found that majority of the respondent are satisfied with the price.
4. Large percentages of the respondents are highly satisfied with the pick up and ; most
of the respondent are satisfied with the product.
5. News papers media has seemed to be less effects to aware the respondent. Where
there found to be effective aware the customers.

Page 47
Brand Awareness

 TV commercial are the best media to reach all the customers. So the company must give
advertising in TV’s and newspapers to promote the heritage foods India

 The company provides different schemes or offers but the customer doesn’t know about
this offers. The company should provide information when and what times the offers are

 The company has to give price offers, on seasonal & occasional basis.
 They Should be improving their relations with customers to choose a best advertising

Page 48
Brand Awareness

 After completion of my study it is clearly that a majority of respondents gave positive
response on the brand awareness of Heritage foods India

 However the company has got more range in their brand image than their competitors. If
the company focuses more on the promotional aspects it can maintain the same position
in future market.

Page 49
Brand Awareness


A Study on Marketing (Brand Awareness) With Regard To

Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd Pvt. Industrial Estate, Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd-
518502, Kurnool (D.T), A.P

Name………. Gender………….

Age………… Designation…………..

1. Customers Opinion Is That “Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd Are Best

A. Strongly Agree B. Strongly Disagree [ ]

Page 50
Brand Awareness
C. .Agree D. Disagree

E. Neutral

2. How The Customers Know About Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd.

A. Dealers B. Tv [ ]

C. Relatives D. Print

3. Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd Company Provides Better Service

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree [ ]

C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

4. Awareness of Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd Sc [ ]

A. Yes B. No

5. Awareness of Competitive Brands [ ]

A. Trimula Milk B. Amul

C. Sangam D. Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd

6. Are You the Customers of Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd [ ]

A. No B. No

7. Respondents Are Interested To Buy From [ ]

A. Company B. Dealers

C. Dealers D. Shops

Page 51
Brand Awareness
8. Opinion on Quality of Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd [ ]

A. Very Good B. Good

C. Average D. Poor

9. Heritage Foods India Pvt. Ltd Company Mainly Concentrates On Agriculture

Sector [ ]

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree

C. Strongly Disagree D. Disagree

10.Purpose Of Purchasing Of Heritage Foods India Pvt Ltd [ ]

A. Quality B. Quantity

C. Price D. Others

11. Opinion about the Price of Heritage Food [ ]

A. High Price B. Medium Price

C. Low Price D. Neutral

12. Compare To Other Brand How Is The Heritage Foods? [ ]

A. Excellent B. Good

C. Average D. Poor

13. Do You Think Advertisement Development the Sales of Heritage Foods?

A. Agree B. Strongly Agree [ ]

C. Dis Agree D. Strongly Disagree

Page 52
Brand Awareness


Books Referred

 PHILIPKOTLER – “Marketing Management”,13th edition, Pearson education

Page 53
Brand Awareness
 C.R.KOTHARI –“Research Methodology”,2ndedition New Age International P ltd

 G.C. BERI –“Marketing Research”, 3rd edition, TATA MC Grawhil, New Delhi.

Page 54

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