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Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs bukan sekedar telur rebus biasa. Kuning telur yang telah direbus diolah
kembali dengan tambahan saos mayones dan mustard. Egg deviled bisa dihidangkan
sebagai hidangan pembuka, sampingan, maupun utama.

Bahan yang diperlukan:

3 butir telur ayam
1 sendok makan mayones
Air jeruk nipis secukupnya
Merica (lada) bubuk secukupnya
Cabai (cabe) bubuk secukupnya
5 helai seledri
1 helai daun jeruk

1. Place the eggs in a pot and fill with cold water until the eggs are just covered.
2. Bring the pot to a boil.
3. Once boiling, remove from the heat, cover, and let sit for about 12 minutes.
4. Transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water for about 3 minutes, then peel each egg.
5. Cut the eggs in half. Transfer the egg yolks to a bowl, and set the cooked egg whites aside.
6. Mix all the ingredients with the yolks and transfer to a piping bag (any zip bag with a corner
cut off will do).
7. Pipe the mixture into the eggs, garnish with the paprika and parsley, and serve chilled

Egg Drops Soup

Bahan yang diperlukan:

250ml kaldu ayam/sapi
1cm jahe, kupas, geprek
1/2sdm tepung maizena
1 siung kecil bawang putih, cincang halus
1/2 batang daun bawang, iris
1 butir telur, kocok rata
1/4sdt minyak wijen
1/4sdt kecap asin
merica bubuk
garam, secukupnya
(optional) 2sdm jagung pipil rebus atau kalengan
(optional) beberapa biji udang kupas
(optional) cabe bubuk buat taburan

INSTRUCTION FOR THE BASIC EGG DROP SOUP - Crack 2 eggs and beat it well. - In a clean
pot. Pour in 2 cups of chicken stock and add some white part of spring onion. You can also use
water, but chicken stock provides much more flavor. Bring this to a boil. - While waiting, mix 1.5 tbsp
of cornstarch and 1.5 tbsp of water together. - When the chicken stock is boiling. Slowly pour in the
cornstarch water and stir it at the same time so it doesn’t clump up. In less than a minute, the stock
should be slightly thickened. - Next, it is the egg drop part. Make sure you stir it while adding the
egg. In this way, you create an extra silky egg drop soup. - Add some salt and white pepper to taste.
Serve it in a bowl. Sprinkle some spring onion. This is the most basic egg drop soup that you will find
in your local Chinese restaurant. In my family, we usually make the one that has tomato in it.

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs atau bisa juga disebut telur orak arik memang tidak terlalu sulit. Tapi
ternyata ada juga cara khusus agar dapat menghasilkan scrambled eggs yang lembut.

Bahan yang diperlukan:

6 butir Telur Ayam
6 sdm Susu Cair
Air Secukupnya
Margarin/Mentega untuk memasak
Garam & Lada Bubuk
Daun Parsley cincang

DIRECTIONS: Crack to eggs in a small bowl and beat with a fork until mixed well. Heat an 8-inch
non stick skillet over a medium low heat. Melt the oil or butter in the pan and swirl it around to coat
the bottom of the pan. Add eggs to the pan and gently move them around the pan as they begin to
set up. I like to pull the edges of the pan towards the center to create creamy curds of scrambled
eggs. Continue until the eggs are just cooked through. Serve and enjoy!

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