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Day 11

Math24 (Differential Equations)

Ch 2.5 Autonomous Equations and Population

Dynamics (Page 78-95)
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th edition, by
William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, ©2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Recall: Exponential Growth
 ry, r  0 An exponential model y' = ry, with solution y = ert,
dt predicts unlimited growth, with rate r > 0
independent of population
y  y0e rt
 ry, r  0
Logistic Growth dt

Assuming instead that growth rate depends on population size,

replace r by a function h(y) to obtain dy/dt = h(y)y
with h(y) = r – ay, where a > 0.

 r  ay  y,
r, a  0

This equation is known as the Verhulst, or logistic, equation.

K represents the carrying capacity of the population, where

K = r/a and the constant r is called the intrinsic growth rate.

dy  y
 r 1   y ,
dt  K
Solving the Logistic Equation
Provided y  0 and y  K, we can rewrite the logistic ODE:
dy y
 rdt  ce rt
1  y K y 1 y K
y0 K
or y  , where y0  y(0)
y0  K  y0 e  rt
y0 K
y0  K  y0 e rt
Example 1: Pacific Halibut (1 of 2)

1/84) Let y be biomass (in kg) of halibut population at time t,

with r = 0.71/year and K = 80.5 x 106 kg. If y0 = 0.25K, find
(a) biomass 2 years later
y(2)  0.5797 K  46.7 106 kg
y0 K
y0  K  y0 e rt
Example 1: Pacific Halibut (1 of 2)

1/84) Let y be biomass (in kg) of halibut population at time t,

with r = 0.71/year and K = 80.5 x 106 kg. If y0 = 0.25K, find
(a) biomass 2 years later
(b) the time  such that y() = 0.75K.
 1  0.25 
 ln    3.095 years
0.71  30.75 
Math24 (Differential Equations)

Ch 2.5 Autonomous Equations and Population

Dynamics (Page 78-95)
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th edition, by
William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, ©2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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