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BackEnd Project  

Design RESTful APIs in LARAVEL that could onboard a user onto our main application and collect 
a set of user information. 

Application development should cover two major goals: 

1. Registration and authentication of a User. 

2. Onboarding the registered users on the application by asking the user to provide a set of 
different information. 

Once the user completes filing all sets of information, only then the user will be able to access his 
complete profile api. 


1. Registration And Authentication 

● Login API​ -  
○ Should accept email/mobile and the password. 
○ Should check for ​Validation​ of all the request input fields. 
○ Should respond with the corresponding failure messages and HTTP error code on 
validation failure. 
○ If ​Validation​ passes,match the credentials against the users stored in the 
○ Should respond with proper HTTP error code and message on credentials 
○ If credentials matches,Generate unique ​JWT ( JSON Web Tokens )​ token which 
should be sent with the response (or set a cookie) and used for future request 
○ On successful login ,respond with the success message and HTTP success status 
● Registration API​ - 
○ To register a new user, validate the request input parameters format against fields 
like First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile Number and Password. 
○ If ​Validation​ passes, verify if a user with the corresponding email or mobile 
number already exists and notify with a proper error response. 
○ Else register the new user in the database and also sign in the user by creating 
the new JWT token. 

Note: ‘Validation’’​ - includes checking Required form fields, Data type and Format/pattern 
applicable on various form fields [email, mobile, password ...etc ] (like: a valid email should 
contain ‘@’ ). 

2. Multi-Step Wizard 
● Newly registered users will be required to provide the information categorized as 
following and thus corresponding APIs needs to be designed- 
○ Set 1 - Personal / Account Information. 
○ Set 2 - Professional / Educational  
○ Set 3 - Business Information 
○ Set 4 - Address / Contact Information 
● The user should be able to retrieve his details and update them at any time for which 
corresponding apis needs to be designed. 
● Check for input​ ‘​Validation​’ o
​ n each api, and show errors corresponding to each input 
● Personal / Account Information​ - 
○ Design the REST api asking for fields like- About, profile Image, DOB, Gender. 
● Professional / Educational ​- 
○ Educational Qualifications and year of passing - Can add multiple qualifications. 
(Choose appropriate data structure / Column data type to store multiple entries) 
○ Work designation, Company and year range - can add multiple. 
● Business Information - 
○ Company Name, About, GST number, PAN number, copy of PAN card (image) 
● Address / Contact Information -  
○ Address, landmark, city, state, country, pin code.  
○ The address should be stored on a separate table in the database. 
● Also design a RESTful ‘​profile’​ api which will contain all the above information. 

​ he routes for all the sets of information must be protected from guest users. Also you are 
Note: T
free to make a choice in using views or directly using POSTMAN for API testing.  


● Backend Framework - Laravel. 

● API testing tool- POSTMAN (optional) 
● Database - PostgreSQL / mySql 
● The above project should provide you a good understanding of ​Models​, ​Views and 
Controllers - the MVC architecture ​in the Laravel. 
● Also, you are expected to learn thoroughly to have a good understanding of ​Eloquent 
ORM ​by then.


● Laravel Course On Udemy by Edwin Diaz:

○ Username - ​
○ Password - td@udemy26
○ Course link:
● Laravel Documentation - ​
● Postman

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