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PCC Concrete Quantity

Volume of work 6

Proportion of Concrete 1 2 4

SR NO Description Quantity Unit

1 Dry Volume 9.12 cu.m

2 Cement 1.30 cu.m
3 Cement bags 38 numbers
2.61 cu.m
4 Sand
0.92 brass
5.21 cu.m
5 Aggregate
1.84 brass

Cost of Material
SR NO Description Quantity Unit Rate Total Cost

1 Cement bags 38 numbers 350 13300

2 Sand 2.61 cu.m 1000 2605.71
3 Aggregate 5.21 cu.m 600 3126.86
Total Cost of Materials 19032.57
Estimation of Concrete PCC Work- By Prof. Shaikh
(D.C.E., B.E. Civil, ME Structures)
Unite Constructions & Coaching
Youtube Link: Unite Constructions & Unite Coaching

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