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Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796

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Integrated use of histological and ultrastructural biomarkers for

assessing mercury pollution in piranhas (Serrasalmus rhombeus) from
the Amazon mining region
Ana Carolina Borges a, *, Caroline Da Silva Montes a, Liziane Amaral Barbosa a,
 Francisco Berre
Maria Auxiliadora Pantoja Ferreira b, Jose ^do c, Rossineide Martins Rocha a
a  - Rua Augusto Corr^
Cellular Ultrastructure Laboratories - Biological Sciences Institute, Federal University of Para ea, 01 - Guama . CEP 66075-110, Bel
Para, Brazil
Laboratory of Immunohistochemistry and Developmental Biology, Biological Sciences Institute, Federal University of Para  - Rua Augusto Corr^
ea, 01 -
Guama . CEP 66075-110, Bel , Brazil
em, Para
Coordination of Earth Sciences and Ecology (CCTE), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Av. Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme. CEP 66077-530, Bel , Brazil
em, Para

h i g h l i g h t s

 MUCC is a protected area known for encompasses the largest mineral reserve in the world.
 The local geology and hidrology have favor Hg entry in Itacaiúnas River.
 THg concentrations in the bottom sediment did not represent risks to the aquatic biota from Itacaiúnas River.
 Histological changes suggest a biological damage degree of the Itacaiúnas River.
 Histological and ultrastructural biomarkers provide reliable data for assessement aquatic ecossistems pollution.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history: amounts of the aforementioned metal are released in different

Received 19 November 2017 Amazonian abiotic and biotic compartments (Bastos et al., 2006).
Received in revised form However, since mercury vapor (Hg0) presents stable chemical
7 February 2018 species such as its volatile form in the atmosphere, it can be
Accepted 26 February 2018
Available online 21 March 2018
transported on global scale and affect remote natural areas located
far from occasional contamination sources (Driscol et al., 2013).
Handling Editor: A. Gies Mercury may be found in its solution form and/or in suspension
in its inorganic forms Hg0 and Hg2þ, as well as associated with
other chemical species such as iron and manganese oxyhydroxides,
sulfates and carbonates, and complexed with organic matter. In
addition, it may reach relatively high and toxic concentrations in
water columns. Mercury may also precipitate and accumulate on
1. Introduction the bottom sediment depending on the physico-chemical and
biological properties of the water column, which may work as both
Mercury (Hg) found in aquatic environments in the Amazon mercury reservoir and source. When it comes to the aquatic biota,
derives from the transport phenomena and atmospheric deposi- mercury mainly accumulates in fish (Magalha ~es et al., 2015; Morel
tion, from lateritic soils in the region, and from deforestation, et al., 1998; Selin, 2009). The mercury methylation process results
burning and flooding events in extensive forest areas, as well as in organic derivatives such as methylmercury (CH3Hg) - its most
from the gold mining activity (Lechler et al., 2000; Malm, 1998; toxic form - and significantly increases the bioavailability, bio-
Roulet and Lucotte, 1995; Wasserman et al., 2003). The gold mining accumulation and biomagnification of such derivatives along the
activity stands out because, for decades, it has been using mercury trophic chain (Dabrowska et al., 2012). These derivatives interact
for gold amalgamation purposes. Consequently, substantial with living organisms and lead to multiple changes that may have
severe consequences, from the molecular to the ecosystem level.
These consequences change depending on the contamination level
* Corresponding author. and on exposure time (Adams et al., 1999; Brabo et al., 2003).
E-mail addresses: (A.C. Borges), (M.A.P. Ferreira), The main mercury-contamination route in humans lies on fish
^do), (R. Martins Rocha). (J.F. Berre
0045-6535/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796 789

intake (WHO, 1990). Several studies have reported that more than by one gold (decommissioned) and one copper mine. Site 3, S3
85% of the THg found in different fish species is bioaccumulated in (5 51040''e5 500 7900 S; 50 270 2500 e50 260 7300 W), receives drainage
their muscles as methylmercury (Durrieu et al., 2005; Kasper et al., from manganese and copper mines. Two (2) km were randomly
2009; Mieiro et al., 2009; Lacerda and Pfeiffer, 1992). The highest selected in each site for sampling purposes. S1 is approximately
trophic level species tend to accumulate the highest mercury 30 km away from S2, which, in its turn, is approximately 15 km
concentrations (Castilhos and Bidone, 2000), as well as larger away from S3. There are geographical barriers such as rapids and
species (Dorea et al., 2004; Lacerda et al., 1994). This fact that leads knickzones between sampling sites. The potential risk of mine areas
to potential risks to human health, mainly to Amazonian riverine as mercury contamination sources was the criterion adopted in the
populations that have fish as their main protein source (Bastos current study to define the herein selected sampling sites.
et al., 2006). Therefore, these species are often used as water
quality bioindicators in environmental monitoring programs 2.3. Physico-chemical parameters of the water
(Arockia et al., 2013; Kroon et al., 2017).
Histology provides us with medium-term responses to sub- Temperature ( C), pH, electrical conductivity (mS cm1), total
lethal stressors in fish, representing a rapid method for detecting dissolved solids (ppm) and dissolved oxygen (ppm) were measured
toxic effects in several organs, which may be used as exposure for each site. A previously calibrated HANNA® multi-parameter
biomarkers (Bernet et al., 2004; Dalzochio and Gehlen, 2016; Van probe (model HI9828) was herein used.
Dyk et al., 2012). The liver is one of the organs most commonly
used as biomarker (Abdel-Moneim et al., 2012; Dabrowska et al., 2.4. Fish collection
2012). It is the organ where the detoxification and excretion of
toxic substances takes place (Hinton and Lauren, 1990). In addition, Fish were caught through the line fishing technique; the animals
it plays a key role in the bioaccumulation of pollutants, besides were immediately anesthetized and euthanized, according to the
hosting a series of biotransformation enzymes (Van der Oost et al., guidelines of the National Council of Animal Experimentation
2003). Control (CONCEA). Individuals were measured (cm) and weighed
The Carajas Mosaic of Conservation Units (MUCC - Mosaico de (g). An abdominal incision was made after the biometry in order to
Unidades de Conservaça ~o de Caraja s) is a protected area of identify the sex of the fish and to remove liver fragments for his-
approximately 520,000 ha that comprises five conservation units topathological analysis. Muscle and liver fragments (22-to-28 cm
(CUs) (Souza-Filho et al., 2016). The area, which holds significant long) were removed from the fish for mercury analysis purposes.
iron, copper, manganese and gold deposits, is the largest mineral
reserve in the world (Damous et al., 2002; Galarza et al., 2008). 2.5. Bottom sediment collection
Currently, the main exploitation form adopted in the area lies on
the industrial mining activity, which includes opencast extraction A stainless-steel Van-venn dredger was used to collect three
processes applied to different ores (Ruivo and Sales, 1989; Souza- bottom sediment samples from each sampling site. The sediment
Filho et al., 2016). In addition to the mining activity, different samples were collected in low-depth sediment deposition zones,
land use forms such as pastures and urbanized areas can be found which presented low hydrodynamic flow speed. After the bottom
around the protected site (Souza-Filho et al., 2016). In the 1980s and sediment collection, sediment samples were placed in plastic bags,
1990s, the Eastern area surrounding the Mosaic was intensely which were previously identified and conditioned in thermal boxes
exploited by gold mining activities (Verde et al., 2014). Despite its until the beginning of the analytical procedure.
critical importance to the maintenance of ecosystem services, little
is known about the anthropic impacts on the area, such as mercury 2.6. Total mercury (THg) determination
The aim of the present study was to assess the environmental Bottom sediment samples and biological tissues were subjected
quality of Itacaiúnas River, the main geographical accident in the to acid digestion through the addition of 2 ml HNO3 and HClO4
region of the MUCC, by analyzing THg concentrations on bottom (1:1), 5 ml H2SO4 and 1 ml H2O, on a heating plate at 230e250  C,
sediments, as well as in the liver and muscles of S. rhombeus species for 20 min. The samples were cooled at room temperature,
living in the river, and by associating them with histological and measured in 50 ml volumetric flasks and homogenized. The mer-
ultrastructural changes in the liver of S. rhombeus individuals. cury available in ionic solution was analyzed through cold vapor
atomic absorption spectrophotometry (CVAAS), in a Mercury
2. Materials and methods Analyzer HG-3500, according to the method by Akagi et al. (1995).
All analyses were run in duplicate and followed by quality control
2.1. Study site using certified reference material CRM DOLT-3 with analytical re-
covery 99.1% (3.340 ± 0.343).
The present study was carried out in Itacaiúnas River (Fig. 1),
which is the main geographical accident in the Caraja s region 2.7. Treatment applied to bottom sediment data
(390 km long). Its tributaries receive drainage from different mines;
consequently, its watershed is considered an area under the influ- Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) set by Canadian
ence of the mining activity in the area. Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME, 2002) were used as
evaluation criteria to analyze the likelihood of deleterious effects
2.2. Sampling sites on the mercury-exposed biota. According to such likelihood, the
lowest threshold e (TEL e Threshold Effect Level) - lies on the
Samples were collected during the dry season (in 2011 and concentration below which adverse effects on aquatic organisms
2012) from three sampling sites along Itacaiúnas River. Site 1, S1 are rarely expected to happen. On the other hand, the highest
(5 590 68''e5 590 9200 S; 50 430 3600 e50 440 5200 W), is located in one threshold e PEL (Probable Effect Level) e concerns the concentra-
of the most preserved domains of MUCC, although it is affected by tion above which the aforementioned adverse effects on aquatic
the drainage of a decommissioned gold mine. Site 2, S2 organisms are often expected to take place. The mercury range
(5 540 62''e5 540 0900 S; 50 330 2500 e50 3301900 W), was influenced between TEL and PEL (0.17 mg kg1 and 0.486 mg kg1,
790 A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796

Fig. 1. Map showing the study site location in Itacaiúnas River; sampling sites: S1 (minimum risk), S2 (medium risk) and S3 (maximum risk).

respectively) comprises values occasionally expected to trigger 2.8.3. Fish health

such effects. The classification by Zimmerli et al. (2007) was used to analyze
fish health; histopathological index were adopted to classify liver
injury severity as class 1 (CL1) - index < 10, mild changes; class 2
2.8. Histological procedures (CL2) - index ranging from 10 to 25, moderate changes; class 3 (CL3)
e index ranging from 26 to 35, significant changes; and class 4
2.8.1. Light microscopy (CL4) e index > 35, severe changes. Thus, it was possible calculating
Liver samples were fixed in Bouin's solution for 24 h and the prevalence rate of severity classes per sampling site.
embedded in paraffin, according to standard histological tech-
niques (Prophet et al., 1995). Liver sections (5 mm) were collected
2.8.4. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) for analysis purposes.
Liver fragments were fixed in Karnovsky's solution (4% para-
Photomicrographs were taken through a Nikon optical microscope
formaldehyde, 2% glutaraldehyde in sodium cacodylate buffer
(Nikon DS-Ri1) equipped with the NIS-Elements BR4.00.07
0.1 M, pH 7.3) for 2 h. Next, they were post-fixed in 1% osmium
tetroxide solution buffered with sodium cacodylate (0.1 M, pH 7.3)
for 2 h at room temperature, and contrasted in block with 1% uranyl
2.8.2. Histopathological index of the liver (HIL) acetate. Subsequently, samples were dehydrated in a graded
Histological changes in the liver were qualitatively identified acetone series, as well as infiltrated and embedded in Epon 812.
according to descriptions by Hibyia (1982). These changes were Ultrathin sections were cut, contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead
semi-quantitatively assessed according to the (adapted) protocol by citrate, examined and photographed in a LEO 906E TEM.
Bernet et al. (1999), in which an importance factor was attributed to
each change by taking into consideration the following tissue injury 2.9. Statistical analysis
levels: (1) minimum e easily reversible change; (2) moderate -
reversible if the stressor is neutralized; and (3) severe - often The physico-chemical parameters of the water, biometric data,
irreversible, thus leading to decreased liver function. It was possible HIL and THg concentrations were tested for normality and homo-
attributing an occurrence value to the changes after they were geneity through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests,
identified; this value corresponded to the level and extent of the respectively. After the HIL and the physico-chemical parameters of
tissue changes, namely: (0) unchanged; (2) occasional; (4) mod- the water had presented homogeneous variance, they were sub-
erate and (6) severe (diffuse lesion). The histopathological index of jected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in order to analyze
the liver (HIL) of each individual was set; the index was calculated the differences between groups of samples. The non-parametric
by multiplying the importance factor by the occurrence value of Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to the other data set. It was fol-
each change. lowed by H-tests, which were applied to statistically significant
The frequency percentage of the histological changes was results in order to compare the sampling sites. Correlations be-
calculated based on the occurrence of a specific change in all the tween data pairs were calculated through Spearman correlation r.
analyzed fish and in each sampling site. Statistically significant results were set at p < 0.05. Statistical
A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796 791

analysis was performed in the Statistica 8.0 software. significant correlation (r ¼ 0.068; p > 0.05) was found between
THg concentration in the muscle and in the liver.
3. Results
3.4. Histopathology of the liver
3.1. Physico-chemical parameters of the water
The healthy liver of S. rhombeus individuals presented homo-
The physico-chemical parameters of the water did not present geneous structure and reddish-brown shade. The organ was
significant differences between sampling sites (ANOVA: p > 0.05). divided in three lobes, namely: one ventral lobe and two (right and
These variables presented variation ranges, as well as their left) lateral lobes presenting equivalent sizes. Liver parenchyma is
respective mean and standard deviations, as follows: pH, between formed by the centrilobular vein (CLV), which are sinusoid capil-
6.95 and 7.57 (7.38 ± 0.21); temperature, between 25.69 and laries between the anastomosed hepatocyte cords. The hepatocyte
29.08  C (27.49 ± 1.05); electrical conductivity, between 30 and presented polygonal shape with spherical and centralized nucleus
85 mS cm1 (67.27 ± 14.87); total dissolved solids, between 15 and (Fig. 3a). Diffuse pancreatic exocrine tissue (Fig. 3b) was observed
47 ppm (37.8 ± 9.6); and dissolved oxygen, between 3.84 and near the hepatic veins and arteries; there was lack of portal triad,
13.18 ppm (8.22 ± 2.2). whereas bile ducts and hepatic arteries were scattered throughout
Table 1 shows the mean values and standard deviations recor- the parenchyma.
ded for the three sampling sites. Significant correlations were Hepatic changes comprised hepatocyte cord disorganization,
found between water temperature and electrical conductivity cellular hypertrophy, leukocyte infiltration (Fig. 3d), circulatory
(p < 0.05), as well as between electrical conductivity and total disorders characterized by vascular congestion and bleeding
dissolved solids in the water (p < 0.0001). There was no correlation (Fig. 3e), steatosis with substantial number of lipid droplets
between these data and the THg concentrations in the bottom (Fig. 3f), and cell vacuolization and necrosis (Fig. 3g). The bile duct
sediment. presented hypertrophy in the coating epithelial tissue and
increased connective tissue (Fig. 3c).
3.2. Fish analysis With respect to the frequency of hepatic changes, the S1 fish
presented the greatest variety of changes, whereas the S2 fish
Seventy-three (73) fish were collected, in total; 33 were female, presented the smallest one. However, severe changes happened
32 were male, and 8 presented undetermined sex. The length of the more often in S3 fish: more than 94% of the individuals presented
specimens ranged from 18 to 44 cm (26.7 ± 5.73), their body mass necrosis and 100% presented leukocyte infiltration.
from 150 to 2000 g (495.4 ± 416.9), and their liver mass from 8 to The histopathological index of S. rhombeus livers followed the
70 g (23.2 ± 13.9). The mean fish length in S3 was significantly magnitude order S2<S1<S3, they presented mean values 15.1, 20.3
lower than that recorded in S1 and S2 (KeW: p < 0.05, for both). and 23.1, respectively. However, there were no significant differ-
The mean body mass of fish in S3 was significantly lower than that ences (p ¼ 0.104) between sampling sites.
recorded for fish in S1 (KeW: p < 0.05). There was significant
(p < 0.05) correlation between fish length and body mass, between 3.5. Liver ultrastructure
liver length and mass, and between body mass and liver mass, in
each sampling site. There was no correlation between fish length Healthy animals presented varying hepatocyte shapes; the
and liver mass in S3 (r ¼ 0.41; p > 0.05). cytoplasm showed several spherical and elongated mitochondria
with homogeneously-distributed tubulovesicular cristae and rough
endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 4a). The nucleus presented oval shape,
3.3. Total mercury in the bottom sediment and in the fish
usually located in the center of the cell, as well as granular chro-
matin, condensed heterochromatin in the periphery of the nuclear
The bottom sediment predominantly consisted of silty-sandy
membrane, and prominent nucleolus. The perinuclear area in the
material in the three sampling sites. The mean (standard devia-
cytoplasm was rich in organelles, whereas the peripheral area
tion) THg concentration in S1 was 0.077 (±0.019) mg kg1; whereas
showed predominant glycogen (Fig. 4b). Erythrocytes were
in S2 and S3, it was 0.066 (±0.001) mg kg1.
observed in the sinusoid capillaries (Fig. 4c).
Table 2 presents data about fish subjected to THg analysis. These
Ultrastructural changes are related to the morphology and dis-
results concern individuals whose length ranged from 22 to 28 cm.
tribution of organelles. Mitochondria presented heterogenous
There was significant correlation (r ¼ 0.74, p < 0.05) between the
shape and size, as well as reduced mitochondrial cristae (Fig. 4g).
weight and length of these fish. Individuals in S3 were significantly
Rough endoplasmic reticulum dilation, glycogen depletion, and
smaller in weight and size than the ones in S1 (KeW: p < 0.05).
cellular vacuolization were also observed (Fig. 4d, e and f). Some
The highest mean THg concentration in the muscle was found in
cells presented irregularly shaped nucleus and reduced size, as well
S3 individuals, who were followed by individuals in S2 and S1.
as significant deformation in their membrane and heterochromatin
However, the mean THg concentration in the liver followed the
accumulation (Fig. 4g).
reverse order: S3 < S2 < S1 (Fig. 2) and presented significant dif-
ferences in S3 in comparison to S1 and S2 (ANOVA: p < 0.05). No
4. Discussion

Table 1 Itacaiúnas River presents hydrodynamic and hydrochemical

Mean and standard deviation of physicochemical parameters of the water in S1, S2 features typical of clear water rivers (Sioli, 1975), as well as pH close
and S3.
to neutrality. Studies indicate that metals such as Hg precipitate as
Parameter S1 S2 S3 oxides and hydroxides at alkaline pH; moreover, these metals
pH 7,2 ± 0,25 7,4 ± 0,11 7,46 ± 0,16 become less bioavailable and less toxic (Cornelis and Nordberg,
Temperature ( C) 27,17 ± 1,38 27,04 ± 1,15 27,54 ± 0,79 2007). Ruivo and Sales (1989) studied the water resources in the
Conductivity (mS cm1) 67,83 ± 3,76 67,25 ± 25,17 66,75 ± 12,74 Carajas Iron Project (Projeto Ferro Carajas) site and recorded acidic
TDS (ppm) 40 ± 3,46 38,5 ± 15,86 37,63 ± 8,63 pH during the rainy season. It may have happened mainly due to
Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) 7,34 ± 3,09 8,68 ± 1,79 8,10 ± 1,28
soil leaching through rainwater, which transports humic and fulvic
792 A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796

Table 2
Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum weight and length, and THg concentrations in the muscle and liver of S. rhombeus.

Site Weight (g) Length (cm) THg muscle (mg kg1) THg liver (mg kg1)

S1 343.9 ± 57.4a 25.6 ± 1.2a 0.189 ± 0.039 0.210 ± 0.056a

(n ¼ 9) 250e450 24e28 0.130e0.265 0.134e0.329
S2 325.4 ± 122.3 25 ± 2.5 0.210 ± 0.093 0.202 ± 0.096a
(n ¼ 12) 185e525 22e28 0.098e0.437 0.066e0.432
S3 251.8 ± 42.9 23.3 ± 0.9 0.283 ± 0.134 0.114 ± 0.043
(n ¼ 11) 200e350 22e25 0.085e0.525 0.074e0.189
p 0.023 0.019 0.168 0.006
Significant differences in comparison to S3 (p < 0.05).

similar to those found in other species belonging to genus Serra-

salmus living in Amazonian rivers (Akagi et al., 1995; Brabo et al.,
2000; Castilhos et al., 1998; Do  rea et al., 2004; Lacerda et al.,
1994). The mean THg concentration in the muscle represented
the magnitude order S1<S2<S3, which was the opposite of that
found in the liver (S3<S2<S1). However, no sampling site showed
significant correlation between fish size and THg concentration in
both the muscle and the liver.
The liver tends to accumulate higher THg concentration than the
muscle tissue; it happens because the liver shows higher metabolic
activity (Kasper et al., 2009; Mieiro et al., 2009). The continuous
demethylation process in the liver reduces mercury toxicity; thus,
mercury (in its methylmercury form) begins to accumulate, pref-
erably in the muscle (Lacerda and Pfeiffer, 1992). Therefore, the
Fig. 2. Mean THg concentrations in the muscle and liver of S. rhombeus in S1, S2 and liver tissue is subjected to the most prolonged (chronic) effects of
S3. *Significant differences in comparison to S3 (p < 0.05). The error bar represents 95%
the accumulated metal (Cerqueira and Fernandes, 2002).
confidence interval.
The liver of fish collected in the S3 site presented lipid degen-
eration and steatosis associated with necrotic foci. These severe
acids to the water resources. Ribeiro et al. (2017) suggested that changes have been associated with fish exposure to contamination
hydrological flows affected the Hg concentration in the water, since by metals such as mercury (Dabrowska et al., 2012; Marchand et al.,
their results indicated higher Hg concentrations in Xingu River 2009; Raldúa et al., 2007).
water during the rainy season than during the dry season. The most significant hepatic changes were recorded in S1 and S3
Mean THg concentrations in the bottom sediment of Itacaiúnas fish. S3 individuals presented the highest histopathological index of
River were below the TEL limit and showed concentration decrease the liver. According to Van Dyk et al. (2012), histopathological index
trend in the magnitude order S1>S2S3. According to the indices recorded in C. gariepinus have successfully demonstrated the
adopted in the current study, the possibility of having the herein pollution record of rivers in different South African regions.
recorded THg concentrations affecting the aquatic biota of Ita- Therefore, the frequency and severity histological changes, in as-
caiúnas River is virtually inexistent. However, it is necessary sociation the histopathological index observed in S. rhombeus
monitoring them, since confined mercury can remain active as the livers, allowed setting the biological damage degree of the water in
substrate available for methylation for many years, even when the Itacaiúnas River at magnitude order S2S1<S3.
source is eradicated (Bastos et al., 2006; Driscol et al., 2013). Factors The ultrastructural changes observed in the hepatocyte, such as
such as the ionic strength of the medium, water hardness, organic nuclear changes typical of apoptosis and reduced mitochondrial
matter, pH, redox potential, iron, sulfur, among others, favor Hg cristae, indicated the existence of a stress-response mechanism and
remobilization from the bottom sediment to the water column, as suggested that the energy-production was compromised by the
well as its incorporation to the aquatic biota (Magalha ~es et al., 2015; oxidative route (Gallis et al., 2011). Thus, glycogen depletion in the
Morel et al., 1998). In addition, studies indicated that remote re- cell led to greater cytosolic glycolysis activation to ATP conversion
gions receiving Hg inflows from widely global sources often show (Green and Reed, 1998; Panepucci et al., 2001; Gallis et al., 2011).
long-term Hg concentration increase (Brabo et al., 2003; Drevnick Ultrastructural results suggested the activation of stress response
et al., 2012). mechanisms in the sampled-fish cells.
Mercury concentration in fish depends on their trophic position The Amazonian soil is rich in iron and the high mercury level
in the food chain, on the specimen size/age and physiological fac- found in the Amazonian rivers may be related to the formation of
tors, as well as on the physico-chemical parameters of the water iron-mercury complexes, thus suggesting that the mercury found
and on mercury speciation (Beltran-Pedreros et al., 2011; Dalzochio in these environments has natural rather than anthropogenic origin
and Gehlen, 2016; Lacerda et al., 1994; Silva et al., 2011). Many (Roulet and Lucotte,1995). The Caraja s region holds large ore re-
studies already proved the susceptibility of predatory fish to serves such as iron and manganese (Galarza et al., 2008). The
accumulate mercury and other metals (Akagi et al., 1995; Do  rea mining activity developed in the region helped increasing the total
et al., 2004; Lacerda et al., 1994; Silva et al., 2011). The herein amount of dissolved solids and particulates in the water column
studied species, Serrasalmus rhombeus, has non-migratory habit, is (Damous et al., 2002; Ruivo and Sales, 1989). Mercury is strongly
predominantly carnivorous, and is considered a top-chain species adsorbed in suspended solids, including iron and manganese ox-
(Goulding, 1980; Lowe-McConnell, 1987); therefore, it reflects the ides (Balogh et al., 1997; Brabo et al., 2003; Gasparatos, 2013;
environmental quality of the aquatic ecosystem. Magalha ~es et al., 2015). Low THg concentrations in bottom sedi-
Mean THg concentrations in S. rhombeus muscle tissues were ments and in S. rhombeus individuals found in Itacaiúnas River, in
A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796 793

Fig. 3. Serrasalmus rhombeus liver: [a] Normal structural architecture of hepatic tissue showing central vein (V), hepatocytes (He) and sinusoid capillaries (arrow); [b] exocrine
pancreatic tissue; [c] increased connective tissue (arrowhead) and nuclear change in the bile duct (arrow); [d] leukocyte infiltrate (*) near the hepatic artery (arrow); [e] central vein
(V) and sinusoid capillaries (arrow) showing blood cell congestion and leukocyte infiltrate (*); [f] lipid deposits characterizing steatosis (fatty degeneration); [g] necrosis to the left
of the dotted line and vacuolated hepatocytes to the right. Stained with H&E.

association with the pH of the water, suggested that THg was distinct species belonging to this genus on a daily basis (Brabo et al.,
mainly bound to the suspended particulate material. 2000; Lacerda et al., 1994).
However, although the mercury concentrations in the muscle According to Souza-Filho et al. (2016), the MUCC is a successful
tissue were within the limit for human consumption (0,5 mg g1) model of public-private partnership between Brazilian environ-
set by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1990), the health of mental agencies and a multinational mining company, and it forms
the collected fish was already compromised. It was evidenced by large forest blocks that work as “green barrier”. On the other hand,
the frequency and severity of structural and ultrastructural changes the aforementioned authors emphasized that the land-cover and
recorded in the liver tissue of specimens from the three sampling land-use changes in the surroundings of the protected area led to
sites. Therefore, these findings allowed inferring that the compro- deforestation and to the formation of a new landscape dominated
mised health of S. rhombeus impos sublethal survival conditions to by pastures, and to the consequent 85% increase in water discharge
them, fact which also represents a long-term risk to the health of in Itacaiúnas River, over 40 years. Deforestation, fire events and
riverine populations living in the region, since they consume pastures also influence the Hg entry in aquatic ecosystems (Lechler
794 A.C. Borges et al. / Chemosphere 202 (2018) 788e796

Fig. 4. Ultrastructural organization of Serrasalmus rhombeus hepatocytes: [a] normal hepatic parenchyma with sinusoid cord (S) separating hepatocytes (He); [b] normal hepatocyte
presenting spherical nucleus (black arrow), nucleolus (white arrow) and organelles homogeneously distributed throughout the cytoplasm; [c] erythrocytes (arrow); [d] change in
the spherical nuclear shape (arrow), with heterochromatin formation; [e] mitochondria presenting different shapes and sizes (arrowhead) and rough endoplasmic reticulum in
vesicles (*); (f) hepatocyte in apoptosis with condensed chromatin tending to the nuclear periphery (to the left), loss of mitochondrial cristae (arrow) and rough endoplasmic
reticulum in vesicles (*); (g) evidence of rough endoplasmic reticulum dilatation and vesiculation (*) and loss of mitochondrial cristae (arrow).

et al., 2000; Malm, 1998; Roulet and Lucotte, 1995; Wasserman through, mainly during the rainy season (Damous et al., 2002;
et al., 2003). Galarza et al., 2008; Ruivo and Sales, 1989). Ribeiro et al. (2017)
Even without anthropogenic influence, rivers and streams in the conducted a study under the same climatic conditions and inves-
Carajas region often carry many suspended sediments due to their tigated hydrochemical features similar to those found in the cur-
erosion power and to the geological features of the lands they run rent study. They confirmed contamination by heavy metals in the
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