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Bag It!
1. When did his plastic bag passion begin?

2. Where is “away?”

3. When did plastic become the wave of the future?

4. How many barrels of oil are used in the US to make plastic bags each year?

5. What is the number one consumer item in the world?

6. What did Ireland do solve their bag problem?

7. Why did San Francisco decide to use paper bags?

8. What are the big three?

9. How many paper cups are used in the US each day?

10. What’s the number one substance used for packaging in the US?

11. How much oil is used in the US to make plastic bottles each year?

12. If a bottle is used to hold the amount of oil needed to produce AND transport it,
how full would it be?

13. Why did the plastic industry spend $1 million to prevent Seattle from the bag fees?

14. How much waste does the average American produce each year?

15. Why is the chasing arrow symbol misleading?

16. What is a benefit to buying less stuff and working harder to pay for it?

17. How many tons of plastic are produced in a year now?

18. How many gyre’s of trash are around the world?

19. What has been the highest plastic to plankton ratio measured?
20. How many plastic bottles make up Junk?

21. What happens to the toxins in the fish?

22. What was in the dead albitros?

23. How many marine animals are killed by plastic each year?

24. What is a necropsy?

25. What is the point of being a conservationist or environmentalist?

26. How many types of chemicals are registered for use around the globe?

27. What does BPA do to animals?

28. How common is autism now?

29. Whose studies showed 0% harm?

30. Why are pthalates used?

31. What did Jeb have tested in his body after 2 days and what what the result?

32. What did the 2009 law do?

33. What can you do (name at least 3)?

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