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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación y el Deporte

I.U. Politécnico “Santiago Mariño”
Extensión San Cristóbal, estado Táchira

Perfect verb tense

Cristian A. Rosales H.
Ing. en Sistemas

Abril 2019
Migrate or stay
Migrate or stay, a difficult decision. I have been in the middle of this decision many
times, especially in this last stretch of the year. Almost three years ago I had been in
a different situation, the country situation had not worsened so much, at that time I
had lost my north, I had lost the illusion of the university (at that time I was only
studying in the UNET), because the University was not continuous, it had stopped a
lot and it did not allow me to move forward. I was given the opportunity to travel to the
United States with an idea to venture, work, make money, but above all I had created
an illusion about studying in that country, I had planned to get there, get work as soon
as possible and time to be more or less stable, look for the option to start the study.
Then everything started, I made the decision and I traveled. When we arrived, initially
we had not got a job, a couple of weeks went by and nothing, we had begun to worry,
we had just walked and primordial things like opening a bank account, etc. There was
an opportunity to work from one moment to the next, but not where we were located,
we had to travel to another state of the country.
We had embarked on a trip to North Carolina, specifically to the city of Raley. It was a
very hurried trip and therefore we had many problems to do it, as we did not have a
car we had to rent one, but we had to wait some time for the bank to give us the debit
card, since with this it was possible to do this, We had managed to solve, and yes, we
rented the car. When we arrived in North Carolina, we looked for a budget hotel that
we would later learn that we had stayed in a dangerous place, we communicated with
the person who offered us the job and we met, we had agreed that we would work
with the one under construction, it was a gentleman who, making arrangements in the
interior of the houses, was called Urbano, a dark-skinned, well-spoken Mexican. We
talked and he told us that right now he did not have a job, that he was going to try to
get us something, that we would wait, but that we would leave that place because it
was dangerous. So he recommended a hotel and we moved there. I spent about four
days and nothing, at that time we had searched the places near the hotel and we did
not get work, nor were we near. We had lost a bit of the illusion, we only thought
about the money that had been spent on the trip, on the stay, and we still had not
gotten a job. Mr. Urbano called us, he had told us that a friend of his needed helpers,
that he was going to put us in communication with him. And that's how we had started
to contact Manuel, another Mexican with characteristics very similar to the previous
one. Mr. Manuel arrived at the hotel and did not talk much, he just arrived, a few
words, we introduced ourselves and finally he said, well let's go, we put all our bags in
the car and we left. We had been a little overwhelmed, in addition to causing us a bit
of fear too. We had arrived at Manuel's house, there he introduced his wife to his
children and his son-in-law, still a little overwhelmed, we talked to the wife who was a
little more devoted to the conversations. We had agreed that we would go to work just
at that moment, to know what the job was like and how everything worked, Manuel,
without giving many words, just told us to go to work.
That's how it was, we went to work, it was a situation, a moment that I had never
experienced, that nervousness, fear and at the same time expectation and tranquility.
We arrived at the workplace, and we did not know what to do, we did not know what
to help or know what the job they were doing consisted, Manuel, a man of few words.
We had insisted until we were assigned as a person that if he knew and basically
what we should do was help that person, that is, be his assistant, pass him tools,
materials, etc. Officially we had started working. Time passed, many anecdotes in the
work, there was always a good relationship, Manuel maybe took more confidence and
spoke a little more, in the same way with the other colleagues there was a good
December came and we decided to do something different, we had worked a lot and
very often we thought about doing something different to take advantage of the stay
there and the facilities that the country gave us decided to travel to New York, we had
not planned the trip I really think we thought about it in a week and it ended up giving,
we had started the trip very late, we left almost at 6 in the afternoon from North
Carolina to New York, I had never driven so much in my life, it was 12 hours of
continuous travel, we had made a few stops, Take something, get gas and eat. We
traveled all night, we had stopped in Washington to take some pictures and know
something about the city, but because it was early morning it was not very showy to
say, in addition to the cold and the accumulated fatigue.
We arrived in New York and we had planned to receive the New Year there, in the
famous Times Square and that's how it was. Honestly, it was not as we expected it to
be because it is a very different culture and we are used to something more warm
and familiar. We had thought about going and visiting the main attractions of the city
since we decided to stay a couple of days. And so it was, we walked, we met, we
ventured and had a great time. To the days already we had returned to Carolina, with
the work a little loose by the winter time we had to travel to Florida. We had returned
from Florida a couple of weeks later and the trip was over, it was time to make the
decision or return. I had been thoughtful and nervous because I did not know what to
do, on the one hand, I felt the tranquility that this country gives you in terms of
stability, beyond that work sometimes fail, on the other hand, it was not what I deep
down I wanted to, I had not imagined that, I left with the aim of trying to study,
something that was not given for reasons of time and money.
Finally I decided to return, I had set the goal to finish the university degree, graduate
and dedicate myself to what I really like. I have decided to return to resume my
studies and despite the adversities to achieve the objective. Here I am, I have gone
towards my goals and my dreams, I have decided to study, which is the fundamental
pillar and what I want. Currently after two years I have questioned whether or not it
was a good decision, I have always thought that it has been well taken, but in
moments of extreme limitations and frustrations I have doubted it. Today I have
reflected and maintain the illusion that soon the positive change will come to the
country, that at the time when the environment will improve and things will be better, I
have planned to graduate as it is and that is why I enrolled in the Santiago Mariño, I
want that in one way or another get that title that depends on the university beyond
the person, the student who gets it I have decided that I should finish my career if or if
and that I should raise my head every Once the country situation suffocates us and I
must think that I am in the way of what I want. I have decided.

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