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Bahaa Q.

7th period

Executive Essay Assignment

It’s easy to find criticism in every president, claiming that he lacks he skills and

intelligence to actually run the country and stand up to his promises. What if I was the

president of this country? How will I promote my ideas when in office, how I will use the

constitutional powers granted to me, and direct them to serve the country’s best interest,

what organizational structure I plan to use when in office, the qualities that I will look for

when hiring my cabinet, how I plan to capture the interests of different races and different

cultures, how I plan to use my executive privilege, and maintain power in politics and

public opinion.

As president I will promote and hopefully establish several acts that will help

drive the country in a more stable and flourish future. I will focus on fixing the country’s

foreign relations with the Middle East and establish peaceful common grounds. Where

the United States can take advantage of the huge financial capabilities of that whether it’s

oil and off soil businesses without making enemies and hatred. Therefore avoiding the

footsteps of President Gorge Bush and Barack Obama where they chose a more harsh

approach in seeking oil and financial resources. By doing this I will be helping the

country lower the risk and fears of outside terrorism and decrease the country’s current

abhorrence from the world. Another major focus for me will be lowering the rates of

poverty for people who got left behind from the terrible economy without harming the

actual budget of the country. I will do this by lowering the welfare rates for people who

had it for a very long time without showing any urges of job search or finding a second

Bahaa Q.
7th period

income and increase it for the people who show great necessity for it. Proper forms and

investigations will occur prior to any action.

I will not embody impossible qualities that no president can keep to his people

such as honesty and Integrity; however I will embody qualities that will help my people

reach a better place. I will be an effective and charismatic speaker like Bill Clinton and

Barack Obama who had the ability of stimulating his audience and sounding convincing

on every topic. I will be a vicious leader and will not follow the footsteps of the mistakes

of past presidents, just like how George Washington started his own path into leadership I

will find mine. Last but not least I will be loyal to the United States and serving its people

by any means possible, incurring that the future generation will have a better path to walk


There are constitutional powers granted to a president, which I would take each

one and use them wisely. As commander in chief, I will try to make our troops in Iraq

and Afghanistan work more efficiently with the local governments instead which will

eventually lead to lowering the causality numbers that’s occurring every month. I will not

fully remove the troops because that will simply cause our country to loss the several

resources that we are gaining from our basses overseas. As chief executive, I would

create a “welfare justice” organization to help the people who are in real need of financial

aid and removing the ones who simply take advantage of the system. I also have the

power to appoint ambassadors and judges of the Supreme Court, assign officials to

offices, and assemble Congress meetings. With these powers, I would negotiate truces

between countries, and make sure that my government’s reputation stays clean by

silencing those who try to rebel against it.

Bahaa Q.
7th period

I don’t believe in the saying "Power lies in politics and public opinion" because in

reality power lies in the power of convincing and balancing the needs. In order to

maintain power, I would listen to my people through the senators and the state

representatives. I will maintain my position as the commander by serving the needs of the

American people and giving them the image of happiness as much as possible, and while

doing so I will be assuring that other countries and foreign affairs are not being harmed


To keep this popularity and images of happiness I will be using my executive

privileges as much as I can. Unlike President Richard Nixon who got caught in the

“Watergate” conspiracy I will assure that my actions and acts will remain silenced from

the public, because in order to keep both my people’s happiness and a good relation with

world countries many steps and acts need to be taken. Those acts can show the

government in a bad image therefore my executive privileges will assure me a safe path

into keeping my country at safe grounds. People can claim that executive privileges can

be can easily be abused, and thus it will provoke attention from the other branches, but

reality is that without them no president can perform his full duty and no president can

survive without some corruption.

While in office I will have a centralized structure of government. This is due to its

easiness and efficiency. All of the information would be presented to me so that I could

proceed with decision making and act upon them. Complications begin if I am not the

one overseeing all issues. An example is JFK. He had subordinates that followed his

every word and brought all necessary information to him. JFK was the one in command

and he was he one making the decisions, not his officers or advisors. That being said my

Bahaa Q.
7th period

cabinet members will be of great importance to me. I want members who exemplify

wisdom, experience, and most importantly loyalty to their president. These characteristics

play a major role in keeping the structure of the government with who I can trust and

keep close to me, and who are capable of helping me make important decisions that affect

both the United States and other countries alike.

“Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.

There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams This great quote

resembles the reality that democracy has to be limited and needs to have restrains because

with excessiveness it will lead to a clutter. This is one of the great bases of my political

strategy with foreign affairs.

Convincing my audience and charming them will be of great priority to my role.

First of all I will gain the leaders and officials in Washington D.C. by sharing my

political powers and assuring that they feel their opinions are being heard. Second of all I

will make sure to connect with most foreign leaders and gain them with speeches about

their importance and how big of a role they have in keeping balance around us. Last but

certainly not least, I will make sure to gain the public, the people who I account for to

keep my votes and my popularity because without them my powers can be easily


When designing my program, I will use the sources of interest groups and federal

bureaus and agencies. Combined strengths of them will allow having specific plans and

ideas and knowing what is feasible in terms of governmental realities. Weaknesses

Bahaa Q.
7th period

include narrow view of the public and not enough info on whether the plans will work.

Dealing with those weaknesses will not be an easy route but I will go on instinct and

majority’s opinion in serving the country’s most logical interest without leaving other

countries interests behind. I would justify my words with action and not just statements

and do what is in the best interest of the country as a whole. Unity is what I strive for in

this country, and for unity to occur, this country must work together in order to advance.

Achieving that unity will require a great amount of planning, great speeches and most

importantly superior political tactics.

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