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Write a paper citing the major themes of Surah Kahf and show those having
correlations to the trials of ?Dajjaal (the anti Christ)



Surah Al-Kahf is found in the 18th chapter of the Quran. It includes four historical
stories, which learn very good lessons from. Even though it doesn’t particularly
speak about dajjal. There are hadeeth related to the surah regarding about dajjal.
The theme of the surah particularly speaks about the different types of fitnah.
Through which we can derive many lessons from it.

About Dajjal

Every Prophets who came on this earth has warned against Dajjal.

Narrated Anas:

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "No prophet was sent but that he warned his followers
against the one-eyed liar (Ad-Dajjal). Beware! He is blind in one eye, and your
Lord is not so, and there will be written between his (Ad-Dajjal's) eyes (the word)
Kafir (i.e., disbeliever)." (This Hadith is also quoted by Abu Huraira and Ibn

The trail of Dajjal will be a biggest fitnah on this earth. Prophet (peacebeuponhim)
used to seek refuge from dajjal during his prayer.

Aisha reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬seeking refuge from the trial
of Dajjal (Antichrist) in prayer. 2

Abu Hurairah said: The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: "Seek refuge with Allah
from the torment of the Fire and the torment of the grave, from the trials of life
and death, and from the evil of Al-Masihid-Dajjal."3

Sahih al-Bukhari 7131
Muslim 587
Sunan an-Nasa'i 5518
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also said:

“One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against
the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim)

It’s important for every Muslim to memorize the first 10 verse of Quran.

Suratul Kahf contains four main stories, each representing a different type of

The Story of the people of the cave – A Trial of Faith

This story is about young men who were driven out of their homes because they
believed in Allah. The young men lived in a town with a disbelieving king. In order
to protect their religion and escape persecution, they migrated to the cave and
fell asleep. They ended up in a cave where Allah made them to sleep for many
years (309Years).

When they woke up they felt they had slept for a day or half a day. One of them
went to the town to get some food disguising himself thinking that the people
would recognise and harm him. Only to find himself amongst a different people.
The people of the town were amazed at his appearance of this man and the old
coins he was using.

The story tells us how Allah protects the righteous who believe in Him no matter
how hard their situation is. (Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth
among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully
guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the
eighth. Say thou: “My Lord knows’s best their number; It is but few that know
their (real case).” Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them,
except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the
Sleepers. (Quran, 18:22)
The lesson we get from this story of surah kahf is to remain in company of
righteous during trails and tribulation. When the fitnah occurs righteous Muslims
will always help us to stay steadfast and whenever we do mistakes they will
remind us of akhira.

The Story of the man who owns two gardens – A Trial of Wealth

This is a story about a man who owned two beautiful gardens, but he became
arrogant and told his friend “I am greater than you in wealth and have more
servants and attendants and children!!” (Quran 18:34)

The second Fitnah dealt in this Surah is the trial of wealth. In this Allah (swt)
blessed a man with bountiful gardens. Instead of being thanking his Lord, he
became arrogant for his wealth. He forgot to thank Allah in spite of the reminder
by His neighbor but he persisted, resulting in his gardens being destroyed.

One of the ways of dajjal is to entice people by showing his wealth. People go
behind him for wealth and forget Allah (swt).

Hadeeth of An Nuwwas Bin Saman:

Thereupon he said, "Like cloud driven by the wind (i.e., very quickly). He will come
to the people and call them to his obedience and they will affirm their faith in him
and respond to him. He will then give command to the sky and it will send its rain
upon the earth and he will then send his command to the earth and it will grow
vegetation. Then in the evening their pasturing animals will come to them with
their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He
will then come to another people and invite them, but they will reject him and he
will leave them, in barren lands and without any goods and cattle’s! He would
then walk through the waste land and say to it: `Bring forth your treasures and
the treasures will come out and follow him like swarms of bees. (Riyadhus
Saliheen, Book 19, Hadith 1808)

This story is a lesson to those who take worldly matters for granted and forget
that all that they have is from Allah and He is capable of taking it all away if he
The Story of Musa and Al-Khidr – A Trail of Knowledge

Prophet Muhammad (peacebeuponhim) said: “Once Musa (as) stood up and

addressed Bani Israel. He was asked who the most learned man amongst the
people was. He said: “I.” Allah reprimanded him as he did not attribute absolute
knowledge to Him (Allah). So, Allah (swt) instructed Musa (as) to meet a person
(Al-khidr) at the junction of the two seas who was more knowledgeable than him.

Musa goes on a journey with Al-Khidr where he learns that Allah bestows his
knowledge on whoever he wishes. He couldn’t stay long with kidr as he couldn’t
maintain the patience. But he learnt few lessons from him which we are able to
derive many lessons from it. And Al-Khidr says regarding his actions, “…And I did it
not of my own accord…” (Quran 18:82)

The Story of the Dhul Qarnayn (A Righteous King) – A Trial of Power

Dhal Qarnain was a righteous and just king, who traveled the lands from east to
west.  The Qur’an mentions three of his journeys and with his power by the will of
Allah he used to conquer lands. On his last journey, he reaches a place between
two mountains where he met a tribe of people. They asked him to build a wall
between them and the people of “Ya’juj and Ma’juj” who were causing mischief in
the land. Dhul Qarnain agreed to do so. These people will remain inside the wall
as long as Allah wills.

“He said after he built the wall, ‘This is mercy from my Lord. But when the
promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it level (with the ground), and
the promise of my Lord is ever true’.” (Quran 18: 98)

During the time of Dajjal he will awe the people to follow him. There will be only
few believers who won’t go behind him. Even the knowledgably will be his trap on
that day. He will go to all the places, except makkah and madina. Which will be
guarded by angels. And he will be killed by Esa(as).

Hadeeth of Anas Ibn Malik:

‫ إال مكة والمدينة‬،‫ليس من بلد إلى سيطؤه الدجال‬

There will be no land which will not be trampled by Dajjal (the Antichrist) but
Makkah and Al-Madinah

(Riyadhus Saliheen, Book 19, Hadith 1811)

The Prophet taught us that

“Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light
between those two Fridays.”

(Narrated by al-Bayhaqi; classed as Saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-

Jaami‘. )

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