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6 exercises that naturally increase testosterone in men

“To maintain high testosterone levels, it is best to eat foods high in magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K,
like dark leafy greens for magnesium, shellfish to get a healthy dose of zinc, and plenty of egg yolks
for vitamin K,” he says. “Heavy resistance training exercise protocols have been shown to increase T
levels in men.”

The best exercises to build testosterone, King says, are multi-joint exercises that utilize the body’s
largest muscle groups:

1. squat,
2. deadlift
3. bench press
4. pullup/chinup
5. overhead press.

To maximize testosterone levels, prioritize the big lifts; ideally, you should do a total-body workout
three days per week.

The workout to build maximum testosterone

Chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs
1. deadlift
2. Back Squat
3. Bench press
4. Bent over row
5. Shoulder press
6. Chin up

Foods for diet

Apples, avocado, banana, broccoli, carrots, celery, chilies, chicken, dark chocolate, clams,
cranberries, eggs, garlic&onions, ginger, beef, honey, oats, olive oil, peanuts, peanut butter, pork,
sweet potatoes, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, white fish, coffee, green tea,
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower)

Workout 1: Total-body torcher

Dynamic warm-up: 
30 seconds each of jumping jacks, bodyweight squats, high knees, and jogging in place; do
twice through

Do three sets with minimal rest:

10 overhead squats (holding a barbell or dumbbells; go as heavy as you can while still
completing the set with good form)
15 burpees

Rest 1 minute.
Do three sets with minimal rest:
10 deadlifts (go as heavy as you can while still completing the set)
15 V-ups

Rest 1 minute.

Do three sets with rest as noted:

40 seconds of kettlebell swings
Rest 30 seconds
40 seconds of mountain climbers 
Rest 30 seconds

Workout 2: Lower-body burn

Working out the body’s biggest muscles, in your glutes and legs, packs a huge hormone hit.

Dynamic warm-up: 
30 seconds each of jumping jacks, bodyweight squats, high knees, and jogging in place; do
twice through

Do three sets with minimal rest:

10 goblet squats, as heavy as you can handle and still complete the set 
15 plyometric jump squats

Rest 1 minute.

Do three sets with minimal rest:

10 Bulgarian split squats (each side), bodyweight or with dumbbells down by your sides, if
15 split jumps (count both legs in as one set)

Workout 3: Upper-body blitz

It’s important to alternate muscle groups on different days to give your hard-working body
parts time to recover. 

Dynamic warm-up: 
Do 10 inchworms followed by 30 seconds of jumping jacks; do twice through.

Do three sets with minimal rest: 

10 pullups (bodyweight, assisted, or weighted, as desired/dictated by strength level)
10 renegade rows (alternating sides; count both arms as one rep)

Rest 1 minute.

Do three sets with minimal rest:

10 bench presses (using as much weight as you can handle and still complete the set)
10 dumbbell overhead presses (again, using as much weight as you can can handle and still
complete the set)
Workout 4: TRX tabata time

Fast-paced intervals up the intensity and your T production. Using the TRX ensures the best
benefit from bodyweight training.

Dynamic warm-up: 30 seconds each of jumping jacks, bodyweight squats, high knees, and
jogging in place; do twice through

Do 20 seconds of the exercise, then rest 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times for 4 minutes total.

First tabata: TRX switch leaps

Rest 1 minute.

Second tabata: TRX rows 

Rest a minute, then repeat the tabatas, if you dare.

Workout 5: Revved-up run

Even cardio workouts can have a T-stimulating effect. The secret: Mix up your intervals with
sets of bodyweight exercises.

Dynamic warm-up: 3 minutes of easy jogging, then leg swings (forward and side; 15 seconds
each direction).

Run for 4 minutes.

Do squats for 1 minute.

Run for 4 minutes.

Do pushups for 1 minute.

Run for 4 minutes.

Do skaters for 1 minute.

Run for 4 minutes.

Do mountain climbers for 1 minute.

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