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Electricity and Sound Test Revision

Name: ___________________________________________ Completion Mark: _______/5

1. Complete the table below

Description Type of wave (longitudinal or ONE Example

the vibrations are at right angles to
the direction of travel and energy
The oscillations are along the same
direction as the direction of travel
and energy transfer.

2. On wave A below label the following components - . wavelength, amplitude.

Wave A

Draw another wave that has a higher frequency but same volume as sound wave A

Draw a wave to represent a sound with a lower volume but same pitch as sound wave A.

3. Complete the following sentences.

amplitude frequency longitudinal vacuum vibrate transverse 340ms-1 solids liquids

A. Sound waves are _____________________________ waves.

B. Sound waves are made when objects _______________________.

C. Sound as vibrations travel faster in ___________________ than in


D. The speed of sound in air is ___________________ m/s

E. Sound cannot travel in a __________________________ as there are no particles in

a vacuum.
4. Draw a sound wave showing a compression and a rarefaction. (use labels)

5. Define the following:





6. Draw diagrams to show how a neutral wall can attract a negatively charged balloon.
Use labels. Explain your diagram.

7. The tribolelectric series below shows the relative electron attracting powers of some
different materials.

strongest electron attracting power weakest

sulfur amber rubber ebonite silk wool glass acetate cat’s fur

Use the table to answer the following questions:

a) If amber were rubbed with silk, which material would gain electrons?


b) If glass were rubbed with wool, which material would lose electrons?


c) If acetate were rubbed with silk, which material would end up positively charged?


d) What has happened to make this object positively charged?


9. In the boxes provided, use a ruler and correct symbols to draw the following circuit

A. One cell with two globes in series with an B. A battery consisting of two 1.5V cells powering two
ammeter measuring the current and a voltmeter globes in parallel. A switch has been added that turns both
measuring voltage across both globes. globes off when open.

10. (i) Consider the circuits below and write the letter of the circuit in the table below
to indicate whether it is a series or parallel circuit.

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

Circuit Number
Effect on globe brightness on
adding extra globes
What would the effect be if a
globe blew?
Describe the current in each
Use the formula for Ohm’s Law to calculate the answers to the following questions: V=IR

11. A series circuit containing one globe was found to have a current of 0.22 A. If the
potential difference (voltage) across the globe was 3.0 V, what was the resistance of
the globe? (Show all working).

12. The circuit below contains two globes. Calculate the expected ammeter reading.
(Show all working).

13. An object of resistance 100Ω was placed in a circuit. If the potential difference
(voltage) across the object was 9V, what was the current? (Show all working)

14. Three identical globes were place in a series circuit with a 12V battery. The current
reading was 0.27 A:
(i) What was the total resistance of the three globes?

(ii) What was the resistance of each globe?

15. When a certain mystery battery was used to light up four globes in series, each of
resistance 12 Ω. The current was measured to be 0.125 A. What was the voltage of
the battery?

16. A toaster connected to a 240V power supply uses a current of 12 A. Calculate the
resistance of the toaster.

17. For each of the circuits below, calculate the missing measurement. In circuit C,
assume that all the globes are identical.

Voltage of power supply

Resistance of globe

Resistance of each globe

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