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Copyright © 1974 by The Johns Hopkins University Printed in USA.



The need to set confidence limits on the mial parameter 8 = t + XJ and with
ratio of two Poisson parameters from corre- n = xx + x,.
sponding Poisson observations arises in As a first step, we set limits on 8. Let 8L

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many scientific investigations. In some and 8V be the lower and upper limits on 6 =
instances, while the ratio of interest itself is Xi/(X1 + X2) for the binomial probability
not a Poisson ratio, the desired limits will P(x, | n, 8), where n = x, + x2 is the sum of
nevertheless be related to those for an two Poisson observations whose individual
underlying Poisson ratio. Consider, for ex- expectations are X, and X,, respectively.
ample, two large populations with known One- or two-sided limits can be determined
age distributions and with comparatively by interpolation from tables of the cumula-
small age-specific death rates. The respec- tive binomial probability distribution such
tive numbers of deaths, x, and x2, in the as those prepared by the Harvard Univer-
two populations can then be considered to sity Computation Laboratory (1); for a =
follow Poisson distributions with expecta- .01 or .05, two-sided limits can be found in
tions, say, the Documenta Geigy Scientific Tables
E(x,) = X,. E(x,) = X2. (2). Both the Harvard and Geigy tables
permit determination of confidence limits
Suppose now, using some set of standard for n up to 1,000.
age-specific rates, we obtain age-adjusted We note that 1 - 8 = XJAX, + X2) and
rates for each of the populations by the that R = 8/(1 - 8). Putting limits on 6 puts
indirect method and compute the ratio of limits on R. Thus, the lower and upper
these rates. The calculated age-adjusted limits of R are
rates will be proportional to x, and x2,
respectively, and their ratio will be propor- RL = 8J{\- 8L)
tional to x,/x2 with limits proportional to and
those for X,/X,. The more general problem
can be seen to be that of setting limits on Ru = 9UI(\ - 8V).
quantities proportional to the ratio of two Corresponding lower and upper limits for
Poisson parameters. estimates proportional to x/x 2 can be
Say, then, that we are given two Poisson made by substituting RL and Ru ior xjxt in
observations, x, and x2, with E(xt) = X, the estimating formula. When xt = 0, the
and E{xt) = A2. We want 100(1 - a) per lower limit RL is zero, and in this case one
cent confidence limits for R = X/A,. The may want to make only a one-sided upper
sampling variation considered here is re- limit. Similarly, when x2 = 0, the upper
stricted to the subset of n = x, + x2 events; limit Rv is infinite and one may want to
x, is then distributed like the number of make only a one-sided lower limit.
successes in n binomial trials with bino- The limits derived here are also shown in
Kahn (3), Brownlee (4) and Armitage (5).
Office of Biometry and Epidemiology, National
Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Md. 20014. Example
"Department of Statistics, George Washington
University, Washington, D.C. Work in this study by
N.M. was supported by USPHS Grant No. CA-15686 Take the case x, = 7, x2 = 17. Then 7/17
from the National Cancer Institute. = .412 and 7/(7 + 17) = .292 are estimates

of R and 0, respectively. Let us find 95 per approximations to the limits on R = XjX3

cent confidence limits on R. which take into account that the variance
Lower limit. Look in the cumulative depends on the true 0:
binomial tables for the lower (two-sided) 95
t»/2 + x1 ± 1/2
per cent confidence limit on 0 = Xi/(Xi
+ Xa) with x = 7 and n = 24. This is the 6 n + £72 - x, 1/2
for which the probability of 7 or more suc- where
cesses in 24 trials is .025 (.05 for a one-sided
2 = [tV2 + x, ± 1/2]1

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limit). The Harvard tables, with linear
interpolation, show 0L to be .126. There-
fore, RL = 8j{\ - 6L) = .126/.874 = .144. In this expression upper limits are yielded
Upper limit. Look in the cumulative by the upper of alternate signs and lower
binomial tables for the upper (two-sided) limits by the lower of alternate signs. In the
95 per cent confidence limit on 0 = \J(Xi foregoing example, this formulation leads
+ X,). This is the 0 for which the probabil- to the limits RL = 0.155 and Rv = 1.05,
ity of 7 or fewer successes in 24 trials is which are close to 0.144 and 1.04 previously
.025 (.05 for a one-sided limit). The Harvard shown.
tables do not show this, but show the value Mantel has shown elsewhere a corre-
of 1 - 0 for which the probability of 17 or sponding normal approximation to limits
more successes in 24 trials is .025. With for a single Poisson variable (6) and that it
linear interpolation, 1 - 8V = .489, hence is possible to give limits on a product of two
ev = .511. Therefore, Rv = 0 y /(l - 0y) = Poisson ratios (7).
.511/.489 = 1.04. For large values of both x, and x2 approx-
The limits on the binomial parameter 8 imate upper and lower limits can be ob-
in the foregoing example, found in the tained from
Harvard tables by linear interpolation, 0" ± t\/[9~(l - 6)1 n],
differ from those in the Geigy table in the
fourth significant digit. where 0* = x/(x, + x,). For the small values
in the present example this leads to the
Normal approximation limits RL = 0.124 and Ra = 0.901, which
For large or even moderate values of x, are smaller than those previously shown.
and Xj, a normal approximation to the Use of the Harvard Tables
binomial may be used in lieu of tables. The Harvard tables present the probabil-
Approximations to 9L and 0v can be ob- ities P{x > r | n, p) for the binomial pa-
tained from rameter p, where p < .5. Except for pos-
xx~r\BL- 1/2 sible interpolation, lower confidence limits
t= on p valued .5 or less may be looked up
directly in the tables. For an upper limit
and on p, one needs the probability F\x < r)
x1-ndu+ 1/2 rather than P[x > r). The following relation-
-t = ships are useful for determining an upper
confidence limit.
In these expressions t is the normal deviate P(x < r | n, p)
corresponding to the desired confidence
level a and equals 1.96 for two-sided a = + P{x > r + 1 | n, p) = 1.
.05. Solving these equations for 8L and 9u That is, it is certain that n tries will result
and taking the ratios 8J{\ - 0L) and 0(//(l in either r or fewer successes, or r + 1 or
- Bu) leads to continuity-corrected normal more successes. Thus,
P(x <r\ n, p) This relation permits use of the Harvard
(1) tables for p > .5.
= 1 - P(x > r + 1 | n, p),
which permits the determination of an
upper bound on p valued .5 or less from the 1. Staff of the Computation laboratory. Tables of the
Harvard tables. Cumulative Binomial Distribution. Cambridge,
The event r or fewer successes is equiva- Harvard University Press, 1955
2. Documenta Geigy Scientific Tables, 6th edition.
lent to n - r or more failures. Hence, Basel, J. R. Geigy, S.A., 1962

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P(x < r | n, p) 3. Kahn HA: The relationship of reported coronary
(2) heart disease mortality to physical activity of work.
= P(x > n - r | n, 1 - p), Am J Public Health 53:1058-1067, 1963
4. Brownlee KA: Statistical Theory and Methodology
where 1 - p represents the probability of in Science and Engineering. New York, Wiley,
failure in a single try. From equations 1 1967, p 184
and 2 we obtain 5. Armitage P: Statistical Methods in Medical Re-
search. New York, Wiley, 1971, p 139
P(x > r + 1 | n, p) 6. Mantel N: Appendix C. In W Haenszel, DB Love-
= 1 - P(x > n - r | n, 1 - p), land and MG Sirken: Lung cancer mortality as re-
lated to residence and smoking histories. I. White
or males. J Natl Cancer Inst 23:947-997, 1962
P(x > r | n, p) 7. Mantel N: The continuity correction in comparing
two Poisson-distributed observations. Biometrics
= 1 - P(x > n - r + 1 | n, 1 - p). 27:747-749, September 1971

Publication of Letters to the Editor

The Journal invites its readers—both those who subscribe and those who rely on
library copies—to let us know what changes they would like to see in the Journal.
Over the past 10 years we have made a number of changes, which appear, from our
vantage-point, to have been desirable and successful. First was the change in name,
in 1965, from the American Journal of Hygiene to the American Journal of Epidemiol-
ogy. Along with this came a gradual increase in emphasis on publishing epidemiologic
studies on chronic diseases. This should, perhaps, be further extended. Then, in
1968, a "Commentary" section was added; this was later expanded to "Reviews and
Commentary." In 1969 the bimonthly publication schedule became a monthly one.
The fact that Letters to the Editor are now published may have escaped the atten-
tion of many readers. Material on any topic germane to epidemiology will be considered
appropriate. If letters refer to published papers, they will usually be sent to the senior
author of the original paper so that he may respond, if he so desires, in the same issue.
The Editors reserve the right to decline publication or to shorten such contributions.

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