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Indonesia is an archipelago country with 1.937 million meters of region and has more
than 264 million souls (per year 2017). Indonesia has a very awful environmental condition a
nd that numbers of souls is one of the reason why. DKI Jakarta came in 1st place as the most c
rowded city in Indonesia with more than 10,37 millions of souls. (Badan Pusat Statistik, 201
Based on the air pollution data, Jakarta has a very high temperature just as high as the
earth temperature rising. The rising of the temperature reached 0.74 or 0.18 °C for the last hu
ndred years.
For the last two decade, the development of Jakarta demographics has move very fast,
besides the population is growing very fast along with developments in the field of land trans
portation, especially the increase in road transportation facilities with various types of vehicle
s selected by the community that is really not comparable with the increase in road area so th
at it becomes one of the causes of traffic congestion in DKI Jakarta that is not can be avoided.
That thing occurred just the same in University state of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The grow
th of motorized vehicles is increasing rapidly without being followed by additional land on ca

Picture 1. 2 tire Vehicle Emission Test at UIN Jakarta

Exhaust gas emissions are the result of combustion of fuel in the internal combustion
engine, external combustion engine, jet engine that is released through the engine exhaust sys
Not only pollutants from motor vehicle emissions are a major factor in global warming. Facto
rs such as untreated waste will also affect global warming, because untreated waste will prod
uce methane gas (CH4) (Sudirman, 2010). The main thing is plastic waste, if organic waste c
an be degredated by nature with a fast time, it is different from plastic waste, plastic waste re
quires a longer time.

At present the amount of solid waste is increasing significantly in Indonesia, one of w

hich is in the city of Jakarta. That is because the area around the city of Jakarta is one of the l
arge concentrations of the human population affecting the level of primary needs, thus indirec
tly creating buying and selling food and beverage activities. This situation affects the producti
on of waste consumed by the people around Jakarta, while the highest quantity of waste is pla
stic waste. One of them is straw waste from canteens located at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jaka

University State of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is the oldest university and the biggest
university in PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri), it is only natural that UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta provides an example of a green and environmentally friendly cam
pus management with an integrated Green Campus system. The concept of an environmentall
y friendly campus or Green Campus must cover all important aspects of campus life in its app
lication. At this time the concept of developing a campus that is environmentally friendly and
economically profitable has developed, the Green Campus concept.

The application of the green campus concept should be applied. The campus must be
a mobilizer, both in terms of policies, costs, land, and campus residents themselves. If every a
spect is able to synergize, it is possible that the green picture of the campus and its various fu
nctions can be realized. It takes a unified movement system that is tangible to the written com
mitment of the campus leadership and the commitment of all campus residents to make a sign
ificant change. To realize the concept of green campus, guidelines are needed regarding envir
onment-based campus management. In addition, campus life style and campus culture must al
so be based on the environment. Green campus is expected to be a priority for every campus
member to realize an ideal, beautiful, and clean campus.

Student Activities Unit Student Lovers of the Environment and Humanitarian Kembar
a Insani Ibnu Batutah (KMLHK RANITA) UIN Jakarta held a Green Campus activity at the
Green Open Space UIN Jakarta, Friday (22/04). The activities held coincide with Earth Day.
One of the actions is making biopori holes in the UIN Jakarta campus environment.
Figure 1. Action of Making Biopori Holes
The Management of KMPLHK RANITA, revealed that the activities of UIN Green C
ampus were carried out by carrying out three main actions that were of concern in the campus
environment. All three are energy saving, waste management, and green open space manage
ment. Based on Law No. 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, mentioned the need for the
provision and utilization of Green Open Spaces whose proportions are at least 30% of the tota
l area of the city. If based on the regulation, Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 05 / PR
T / M of 2008 concerning Guidelines for the Provision and Utilization of Green Open Space i
n Urban Areas, the Green Open Space of UIN Jakarta is included in the category of Private C
lass Green Space, the percentage of which is 20% of the total area.

With the Campus I area of UIN Jakarta reaching 8 hectares, the available Green Open
Space should be 2.4 hectares (20% of the total area). But in reality, the area of Green Open S
pace at Campus I UIN Jakarta is currently only 0.2 Ha. In addition to the problem of the lack
of Green Open Space, the issue of energy waste is caused by the use of unwise lifts at UIN Ja
karta. In one lift operation, the energy spent is 11,000 kW / 4,158 kg of coal. If calculated for
19 lifts at UIN Jakarta, in one operation it requires energy equivalent to the use of 143,388.6
kg of coal. Then saving energy is done by encouraging the civitas to not use the elevator in a
day (one day no lift).
The second action, handling waste. From the production process to the disposal stage,
plastic waste emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. One of them is by conducting cam
paign efforts to prevent global warming. The transition to the use of disposable products mad
e from plastic can be overcome by using cutlery and drinking materials made from stainless s
teel or plastic bottles for long-term use. Thus UIN Jakarta students have contributed to reduci
ng the amount of plastic packaging waste in South Tangerang.

Not only that the reduction of plastic waste can also be suppressed by the use of biopl
astics. Bioplastics are plastics that can be degredated with the help of microorganisms such as
bacteria and fungi. The use of bioplastic can be a solution because as we all know, students at
UIN Jakarta still often use plastic made from polyethylene which is clearly difficult to degrad
e and will become pollutants. To make bioplastic can use cassava peel (Manihot utilisima) an
d shrimp shells, this is one of the continued prospects of similar studies conducted by Dasumi
ati, N. Saridewi, and Maulana Malik A. The use of bioplastic will later be a substitute for pol
yethylene plastic packaging.
The next activity is implementing an even odd system for motorized motorists and gre
en space management. For this reason, education in environmental aspects is no less importan
t. By adding courses related to the environment it can open a window of knowledge for stude
nts, so that awareness will emerge.

The use of land use that is not good will result in confusion, every aspect must be con
sidered starting from the building, Green Open Space (RTH), parking lots, and so on to make
air quality better (Mbele, 2015). As a UIN Student, they certainly want the environment-frien
dly campus conditions, but this has not been created. The use of private vehicles is indeed the
right of everyone, but this must be balanced with efforts to reduce, at UIN Syarif Hidayatulla
h itself for example students always use motorcycles to go back and forth even though it is on
ly on campus I.

The use of motorized vehicles that seem unnecessary is this which at least can be redu
ced and added by the reorganization of green open space (RTH), but there needs to be sociali
zation from all aspects of the campus environment, there must be people who are truly concer
ned about this problem. To minimize air pollution caused by activities on campus I, several m
ethods such as transportation facilities in the future can be done by increasing the ownership
of bicycles in each faculty, so that the use of motorized bicycles (motorbikes or private cars)
decreases accompanied by ease access to using wind bikes for the academic community. Con
sequently, the provision of bicycle shelters, bicycle lanes, bicycle parking lots must be endea
vored more and better conditions.
The arrangement of green open space (RTH) at UIN must also be improved because t
here are still many productive lands that should be able to be overgrown by shade trees, as is
well known that shade trees are able to minimize carbon emissions because these trees will ki
ll carbon in the process photosynthesis. Carbon emissions in the form of carbon dioxide (CO
2) will later be converted to Oxygen (O2) and carbohydrates, so this climate stability can be
maintained (Meicer, 2000). The parking lot which is still not neatly arranged where the motor
cycles are still parked carelessly also narrows the location where the trees should be able to gr
ow well and of course this affects the potential of carbon emission absorption in Campus I an
d disturbs the view that makes students "enjoy" the comfort of the road on the sidewalk, whe
n the parking arrangement has been fixed in such a way that the next must be addressed is the
pavement on campus I (Mbele, 2015). on campus, it is not yet maximal, there needs to be a re
vamping concept that makes the UIN community love walking more than using a motorcycle,
which is making selfie parks / photo spots. Like the picture below:


Figure 2. Photo Spot of UIN Jakarta

Education in the environmental field is also important. In this case, it is necessary to form an
environmentally friendly campus citizen. Courses that lead to environmentally friendly effort
s must be identified, including the types of research and scientific publications carried out to
wards environmental improvement, which must be increasingly equipped with supporting fac
ilities. It is expected that with this green campus, if implemented properly, it can create a gree
n campus that is not just green but can build a green campus that is environmentally ethical fo
r the life of its academic community. Because actually the green campus itself is a value.

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