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Legion of Mary

Immaculate Conception Praesidium

St. Mary’s Parish
Dubai, UAE

April 19, 2017

1273nd Minutes of the Meeting

The 1273nd meeting of the Immaculate Conception Praesidium was held last April 17, 2017 at Gapusan’s
Residence, Karama, Dubai. The opening prayer and the Holy Rosary were recited at 8:30 pm led by Ss Gemma

Spiritual Reading was taken from the Legion Handbook, Chapter 9 Topic 3 Suffering in the Mystical Body,
Paragraph 4-5 on Pages 57-58.
Minutes of the previous meeting was approved with one correction.

Attendance was rolled by the acting VP, Bro Jayson.

Present: Sis. Carrie Ballouz, Ss Gemma Gapusan, Br Tony Gapusan, Ss Thess Gitana, Ss Myles Heyres, Br Lino
Salmasan, Ss Naja Salmasan, Ss Cheriza Fajardo, Br Ador Agonoy, Ss Joy Marquez, Br Jason Marquez & Ss
Justine Saluya
Absent with Apology: Sis. Josefina Martin, Ss Rhia Cad, Br Eric Cad, Ss Jeannie Garrido , Ss Ana Liza Perez & Ss
Raquel Mayo
Absent: Br Froilan Frias, Ss Ronelyn Banday & Br Michael Plandres
On-leave: Br Chito Alas, Br Henry Malimban, Ss Erica Cotelo, Br Randy Cotelo, Br Ariel Rodriguez & Ss Alice

Treasurer’s Report was read by the Treasurer, Ss Thess

Previous Balance 181.95
Secret bag collection (SBC) as of April 17 62.00
Mass (April 2017 Birthday Celebrants) (50) -50.00
Total Cash on Hand 193.95Dhs

Report of Apostolic Works

Home Visit thru Pilgrim of Mary

Our Lady of Fatima I from to Juris de San Juan to Ramona;

L-Ss Tess, Int.- Ss Raquel It was attended by Active –3, Visitors – 2 & House Hold – 4
Gospel Reading, sharing and Rosary were done.
Highlights –They are irregular mass goers. They informed them about the Holy Week Mass schedule. They also
encouraged them to confess and to continue praying the rosary and read the Bible.

Our Lady of Fatima II from Joven and Shen Cafirma to Sharon Tecson;
L- Ss Jeannie, Int.- Br Jayson It was attended by Active –4, Visitors – 2 & House Hold – 2
They did Gospel Reading, sharing followed by the Holy Rosary.
Highlights – Sheryl got a job during Mama Mary’s visit. They encouraged them to confess and had a reflection for
the Length Season. They are a member of Couple’s for Christ and Regular Mass goers of St. Francis of Assisi
Church, Jebel Ali.
Home/Room Visitation by Ss Gemma & Ss Carrie
They visited Isabelito. He still cannot walk. They invited him to attend the Holy Thursday morning Mass and to
do confession.

Hospital Visitation by Ss Myles & Ss Joy

They visited Lew Merelos, 41 year old stroke patient of Ward 22 Rashid Hospital. He already had 2 stroke
attacks. He is a devotee of Our Lady of the Divine Mercy. He’s an inborn handicapped. He mentioned that when
he’s already healed, he wants to be a missionary like Ss Myles and Ss Joy. They disseminated 1 rosary.

Catena Legiones was recited at 9:25pm led by Sis. Gemma followed by allocutio taken from the Spiritual
“Suffering is a grace to confer power… never merely a punishment of sin but medicinal in character”.
Suffering is a gift from God, a gift that allows and strengthen us to fight our sins. Suffering is a sign that we are
constantly battling our sins, because it is painful and very difficult to reject evil and sin.
Suffering must have its place in every fruitful life and gives life its completeness. We cannot deny that without
suffering there is no achievement. We sometimes like to feel good after suffering and to feel that our efforts pay
off. Jesus didn’t suffer on the cross so that He can feel good about himself after saving humanity but because He
loves us. Let us embrace our suffering willingly and joyfully so that others might be saved as Jesus saved us.
Let us embrace our suffering so that we can be close to Jesus in His suffering and ultimately share his joy. It is a
privilege to suffer with Him “because when we suffer with Jesus, we will also share His glory and resurrection”.
This is why “pain can be joyful sign” and a “sense of Christ’s presence”.

Continuation of report…

Crowd contact with dissemination of religious items

Ss Che, Ss Ana Liza & Ss Rona- they contacted 4 parishioners. 1 is willing to be a pilgrim host. They disseminated
2 rosaries with rosary guides and 2 miraculous medal.

Spiritual Reading: Chapter 39 Cardinal Points of the Legion Apostolate; Topic 2 Infinite Patience and Sweetness
must be Lavished on a Priceless Soul; Paragraphs: 1 – 5; Pages: 281 – 282
Home Visitation Through Pilgrim of Mary: Our Lady of Miraculous Medal - From Medel Castro to To Be
Advised; Intercessory Bro Lino; Leader Ss Naja with Ss Justine
Home / Room Visitation: Bro Tony and Ss Gemma
Hospital Visitation: Ss Tess, Ss Myles
Crowd Contact with Dissemination of Catholic Items: Bro Ador, Ss Carrie with Ss Che; Bro Jayson and Ss Joy
Weekly Handbook Study: Br Eric - Chapter 7 THE LEGIONARY AND THE
HOLY TRINITY Pages 41 – 45
Monthly Handbook Study: Ss Tess and Ss Carrie – Chapter 5 Devotional Outlook of the Legion; Pages 17 – 24

Other Business:
Apr 18 & 19- Practice for candlelight procession. 7:30PM Main Hall
Apr 20- ICP Visitation – Bro Dodee and Sis Arianne
Apr 21- Patrician Meeting
Apr 24- Officer’s Meeting for the finalization of Annual Report. All members are requested to review the report
and send revisions by Thursday, 20 April.
Apr 27- Cultural Show for the 50th Anniversary
Mass will be at 6:30PM and not 7:30PM. Program will start after the mass
Apr 28- Comitium Meeting
Presentation of Annual Report
Consecration Day for those who started the Preparation last 26 March 2017
Start of the 33 Days Preparation for Consecration – Consecration Day 31 May 2017
                6:15PM High Mass
May 1- Feast of St Joseph the Worker
Monthly Handbook Study
May 5- Auxiliary Rally
May 8- 26th ICP Anniversary
May 12- 26th ICP Anniversary Celebration. Overall In-charge: Bro Lino, Bro Jayson, Sis Myles, Sis Raquel

Concluding prayer was recited at 9:50 pm led by Sis. Gemma Gapusan

Prepared by: Approved by:

Sis. Justine Saluya Sis. Gemma Gapusan

Acting Secretary President
Activities Total
Hospital Visit:
New patients 1
Follow-up 3
Home visit
Home visit through Pilgrim of Mary 4
House blessing
No. of Home visit for various purposes
# Person met during crowd contact 5
Dissemination of Catholic Items:
Rosary 2
Rosary guide 4
Miraculous Medal 2
Confession guide
Campaign to attend mass
Intercessory Prayer/Prayer for the Soul
Marriage Cases 2

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