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ENTPs and Other Personality Types

Kindred Spirits

People of the following types are more likely than most to share the ENTP's values,

interests, and general approach to life. They won't necessarily agree on everything,

and there's no guarantee they'll always get along, but they're more likely to feel an

easy rapport and have plenty of things in common.





Intriguing Di!erences

People of the following types are likely to strike the ENTP as similar in character, but

with some key di!erences which may make them seem especially intriguing. The

ENTP may "nd people of these types particularly interesting and attractive to get to

know. Relationships between ENTPs and these types should have a good balance of

commonalities and opportunities to challenge one another.





Potential Complements

ENTPs may not feel an immediate connection with people of the following types, but

on getting to know each other, they'll likely "nd they have some important things in

common, as well as some things to teach one other. Although people of these types

may not attract the ENTP initially, their relationships present a lot of potential to

complement and learn from one other.





Challenging Opposites

People of the following types present the most potential for personality clash and

con#ict with the ENTP, but also the best opportunities for growth. Because people of

these types have fundamentally di!erent values and motivations from the ENTP's,

initially, it may seem impossible to relate. But because they are so di!erent, their

strengths are the ENTP's weaknesses, and if they are able to develop a relationship,

they can learn a tremendous amount from each other.





ENTPs in Love

In relationships, the ENTP is inventive, enthusiastic, and spontaneous. ENTPs are

often exciting partners, full of ideas for new things to explore together.

ENTPs prize their ability to understand others and communicate e!ectively, and have

an ongoing interest in improving themselves and their relationships. They want to

know how their partners' minds work, and are creative in coming up with solutions

to interpersonal problems.

ENTPs like to encourage their mates to pursue their ambitions. However, they may

be competitive or even argumentative; they enjoy a good debate for its own sake.

They typically need a partner who is emotionally resilient and doesn't take o!ense at

their intellectual challenges.

ENTPs can be unreliable as they follow their inspiration, wherever it may lead. They

have little interest in order or routine, and may neglect mundane household chores

as they pursue more stimulating activities. The ideal mate for an ENTP appreciates

their ingenuity, competence, and perceptiveness, and supports them in their ever-

changing interests, schemes, and social pursuits.

ENTPs as Parents

As parents, ENTPs are concerned with developing their children as independent

thinkers. They are fun-loving parents who want to give their children many

experiences to help their young minds expand and grow. More interested in

challenging their children intellectually than caring for their physical needs, the ENTP

is inclined to leave the day-to-day details of childrearing up to another parent if


Although ENTP parents may be distracted from their families when other interests

capture their attention, they derive great joy from o!ering their children many and

varied opportunities to develop.

ENTP Communication Style

ENTPs are lively and agile communicators who speak in terms of the “big idea.” They

like to explore possibilities and make connections with the information they receive.

ENTPs love innovative solutions and are enthusiastic about change, but they are also

highly analytical and will not hesitate to criticize ideas that don’t hold up to their

logical analysis. ENTPs can be hard to keep up with in conversation; they like to play

with lots of complex ideas and have little patience for explaining details.



tanstaa!28 says...
2 weeks 22 hours ago

We have a lot superpowers, but they come with a price. We don't always know what to do with
them. It gets easier with age and experience. You will calm down and "nd it easier to stick to one
lane at a time. Keep being you. The rest will shake out as you go.


Vine (not veri"ed) says...

1 month 1 week ago

The whole comment thread about the spelling of verbage and verbiage is so hilarious. Soooo
ENTP, love you guys


ELIZABETH PFOTZER (not veri"ed) says...

2 weeks 4 days ago

For God's sake, I've had that very same conversation...why God's sake, I to now haveask...


GenXNotMillenial (not veri"ed) says...

1 month 2 weeks ago

ENTP’s thankfully mellow out as we age, depending. Recently found out my ex is an INFJ, as is
my current partner of 10 years plus. Coincidence has nothing to do with it. Literally they are the
only ones that can put up with me, apparently. INFJ males are the rarest type and ENTP females
although not the rarest, we are still pretty hard to "nd irl. If you can "nd this combo, consider
yourself quite lucky. (Tbh I don’t even understand how these 2 types would meet irl) It doesn’t
seem to work in reverse with INFJ female and ENTP male, both logically and from my personal
observation of 1 instance. If I had to guess, entp’s male or female, have more testosterone
making it a bit out of balance if you are a male ENTP with an INFJ female partner. It could work
in a same sex combination though. In general I do not think ENTP and ENFP should date, but
they do make for fantastic friends. That being said, I do know a couple who is ENTJ male with
ENFP/ENTP and I believe it’s the opposite J and P that allows that relationship work.

All this being said, generally speaking I think ENTP’s under 40 are a nightmare. I put my
darling INFJ through hell and back. These days I try to be less sel"sh, and perhaps other ENTP
females are better than I, but knowing the personality and the development "rst-hand, I am sure
other ENTP females and males were just as annoying and irritating when young. Kind of like a
toddler that constantly questions and pushes boundaries. Eventually the toddler will grow up,
but the question is when? Some people love the exuberance of toddlers but others just hate
children.... which explains why some people instantly hate us;)

P’s should be matched with J’s de"nitively! Aside from that, I personally think ENTP females and
INFJ males can make for a very balanced pairing. They can both think abstractly and have the oft
plain weird thought and where one is more uptight and moral and the other is slightly more
spontaneous and a bit wicked. It’s how the political system is supposed to work; with checks
and balances.


JLSEMS (not veri"ed) says...

3 days 53 min ago

So, it's funny you should post the above because I am an INFJ female and my husband is an
ENTP (I'm pretty sure at least, he won't take test). I swear, I don't think anyone in the world
would put up with his personality other than me, lol. But for whatever reason, our
relationship seems to work. We've been married 17 years so far. He's just now starting to
grow up a tiny bit and he's 50. He's a very strange mix of super silly, super emotional and
super aggressive when it comes to what he wants in life. I'm much more of a supporter type
that avoids con#ict, sees the good in everyone and wants to keep my people happy. But I am
very closed o! and can come across as cold and serious at times so that's when his ridiculous
side helps me open up a bit. Plus we both like our space and are very independent so neither
of us has to be attached at the hip. I guess we're both just complete weirdos if I think about it
but all 'N' types, since we are rarer, do seem to blend into the world a little less than the
sensors. Anyway, I just found your post to hit home and YES it can work in opposite direction,
but I am a big time tomboy so that's probably why it works in our instance. I love all 'man'
activities and I can be quite competitive and stubborn : )


GenXNotMillenial (not veri"ed) says...

1 month 2 weeks ago

ENTP’s thankfully mellow out as we age, depending. Recently found out my ex is an INFJ, as is
my current partner of 10 years plus. Coincidence has nothing to do with it. Literally they are the
only ones that can put up with me, apparently. INFJ males are the rarest type and ENTP females
although not the rarest, we are still pretty hard to "nd irl. If you can "nd this combo, consider
yourself quite lucky. (Tbh I don’t even understand how these 2 types would meet irl) It doesn’t
seem to work in reverse with INFJ female and ENTP male, both logically and from my personal
observation of 1 instance. If I had to guess, entp’s male or female, have more testosterone
making it a bit out of balance if you are a male ENTP with an INFJ female partner. It could work
in a same sex combination though. In general I do not think ENTP and ENFP should date, but
they do make for fantastic friends. That being said, I do know a couple who is ENTJ male with
ENFP/ENTP and I believe it’s the opposite J and P that allows that relationship work.

All this being said, generally speaking I think ENTP’s under 40 are a nightmare. I put my
darling INFJ through hell and back. These days I try to be less sel"sh, and perhaps other ENTP
females are better than I, but knowing the personality and the development "rst-hand, I am sure
other ENTP females and males were just as annoying and irritating when young. Kind of like a
toddler that constantly questions and pushes boundaries. Eventually the toddler will grow up,
but the question is when? Some people love the exuberance of toddlers but others just hate
children.... which explains why some people instantly hate us;)

P’s should be matched with J’s de"nitively! Aside from that, I personally think ENTP females and
INFJ males can make for a very balanced pairing. They can both think abstractly and have the oft
plain weird thought and where one is more uptight and moral and the other is slightly more
spontaneous and a bit wicked. It’s how the political system is supposed to work; with checks
and balances.


David452 (not veri"ed) says...

2 months 5 days ago

Given your claim to be about visions of a better future, why has no a single one of you published
on pollution free living? Accepting pollution as an inevitable part of being human automatically
includes the acceptance that life is dispensable, yet you are part of said life itself? Our lifestyles
is undoubtedly superior to our ancestors yet is so lacking in humility to where it's all taking
place. Our dizzy heights mitigate the need to touch the very planet that carries us. In my vision
of the future, you are not needed. Who is needed are people who Respect the very ground they
walk on, and will give 100% of self to maintain contact with it, as it's your only food basket, no
matter how near your supermarket may be. After 700 years the pope abdicated for a change.
After 160 odd yrs in business big travel companies fail. The most technology airliners, fall from
the sky. And electric blackouts happen without fail. And you place your Trust in this? Not very
clever for a clever Trevor, is it


Dixie Lee (not veri"ed) says...

4 weeks 20 hours ago

I am an ENTP female who has been recycling even GUM WRAPPERS for over 20 years. I take a
HUGE stance on environmental sustainability. Probably more than you do. AND I do not place
trust in the enneagram. I "nd it hilarious, because we are constantly changing. I do NOT think
we have a superior life to our ancestors. It is just di!erent. We mostly don't behead people,
simply poison them slowly. I DO have hope for our future, and AM sorry for the fear I read
between your condescending lines.


ThatCoolDude (not veri"ed) says...

6 months 2 weeks ago

ENTPs and INFJs not listed as natural partners? Ehhh, doesn't really sound like it was written by
somebody with much experience as an ENTP. If your non-empirical theorizing about
relationships doesn't really match up with reality, you may want to chuck in the garbage and go
with something else.


MeargleSchmeargle (not veri"ed) says...

8 months 2 weeks ago

ENTP and proud of it! 99% of what they say here describes me to the letter.


Nico Q (not veri"ed) says...

10 months 3 weeks ago

When my girlfriend and I started dating, I was an ENTP. During the beginning, I had asked her to
take a series of tests to better understand who she is—whether it be her love languages or her
MBTI. She was my complete opposite as ISFJ. I remember I told her I was doing everything
academically in my power to become a doctor and was psyched to know that she was pursuing
the medical "eld. Her MBTI was perfect for it! I was running through the lists of possible career
choices for me and I'll never forget what she said: "I don't hear anything in the medical "eld." I'm
sure there are a bunch of great medical doctors that are ENTP. However, it's through taking
these tests over and over again every year that I began to think logically about what she said. So
much of my academic perception about what I wanted to be revolved around what I grew up
around. I thought about how I would act in a business setting and honestly, felt so much happier
thinking about myself in that position than to be a medical doctor. Nowadays, I'm thankful for
tests like these to help me re#ect on my past and to help understand them to channel them into
my future decisions!


Nigga (not veri"ed) says...

11 months 2 weeks ago



Wesley (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 2 months ago

I am really unhappy with my results. I was wanting to see if I was going to be in law enforcement,
but no, the freaking Meyers Briggs crushes dreams of hopeful people.


New Year ENTP (not veri"ed) says...

11 months 3 weeks ago

Wesley, the whole point of taking this kind of personality test is to get to know yourself better
and to see how you were created to function. Certain personalities will "t better in certain
careers. When people are in a career that matches how they think and operate, they will
usually be happier and more e!ective. If you are young and seeking a career, talk with a
career guidance counselor about your results, and about your reasons for wanting to be in
law enforcement. Perhaps you may "nd an area that you could do well in and be happy in,
while functioning in your natural personality style. Maybe you may look at other options you
have never considered before. Certainly these tests are not to crush dreams of hopeful
people, but to steer them in a more clear and appropriate direction for career satisfaction. :)


OvO (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 2 months ago

Oof I'm both an ENTP and an INTP


Cesca (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 4 months ago

Good article, I'm a dudette and s'pose the ENTP's ENTP, working out as a strong entp or
equivalent, whatever test i do.

In a highly compatible career as an ethical, scienti"c Anthropologist, who specialises in

Palaeontology , i'm a happy bunny/


Sammi (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 6 months ago

As an ENTP female (that sometimes swings to J) I have realised after almost half a century on this
planet; that the order of senses is a better way for me to understand my emotions.

If the extroversion is in the drivers seat, and Intuition is in the passenger seat; thinking is in the
back seat and my feelings are in the toddle booster seat behind me...

It's not that ENTP's don't have or understand their feelings, but that we go through logic and
rationalising before applying it to our feelings. I have learnt to put aside my feelings in a given
emotional situation; especially emotional con#icts, to allow myself the time it takes me to work
it's way through (sometimes a few days later) to the toddles back seat to my feelings.

It is then, I can safely look at the whole of an emotional situation and see the big picture, which
under unemotional situations, is something I need no time to arrive at a conclusion


Richard H (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 7 months ago

Interesting. I just went through the MBTI assessment and came out ENTP with very clear E & T,
moderate N and slight P. The ENTP characteristic that I strongly identify with is the way that I
analyse and solve complex problems and build "what if" models (and tear them down) in my
head. And when I commit my outputs to a plan they are usually 95% right. It's very inate with
me, almost like breathing. I always thought it was because I've been an analyst all of my working
life. I actually get frustrated with people that call themselves analysts and don't have that degree
of mental agility. I also love the debate and the defending of a position....but I will always
concede if I'm wrong. Yeah....ENTP "ts me pretty well. And as for..."ENTPs are the most reluctant
of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things have
always been done." Absolutely! The de"nition of insanity is doing the same thing today that you
did yesterday and expecting the outcome to be di!erent!


Danelroy (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 7 months ago

I’m also an ENTP. I "nd myself either bored, irritated or dumbfounded by others stupidity a lot of
the time. It’s utterly exhausting to be around people who are so incompetent. I’ve tried to "nd
some way around these uncomfortable feelings, to try and take the “joy” out of a situation,
rather than being disgusted by someone who I deem moronic and inept. No such luck yet.
Anyone else have the same feeling?


lapartyboy (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 9 months ago

The author failed to mention the following:

This is the ideal personality for human beings. If everyone was an ENTP- Earth would
literally turn into heaven.


Don Chan (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 11 months ago

I am ENTP and INTP. I can be on both extremes of either introverted and/or extroverted. Both
sound pretty accurate. Did test a few times and it came out to both those. Seems to be I'm the
only one who got INTP and ENTP?


Annunaki (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 12 months ago

ENTP-T -- T/F are close enough to cross over when needed. For example, I'm in a job which
requires me to project manage "T" and, while I despise the deadlines, structure, timeline, and
boring ass details, I can do these things if I really have to.

On the other hand, my free mind is far more comfortable in the "F" zone (writing, painting,
philosophy, sociology, theology, wherever-the-heck-my-mind-takes-me).

But this all kinda makes me jack-of-all-trades though, right? The devil is on the other side that
reads, "master of none". Where do I "nd a good paying job that allows me to use these
characteristics as useful assets?

This is the "rst time I've knowingly taken this test and am beside myself (haha) concerning the
results. Like many others, it almost feels like a future me wrote about me, and now I'm reading
what I wrote about me. It's so meta I can't stand it! But you KNOW you love this too.

So, who else desires to pour your weird-assed ENTP/ENFP space unicorns into a series of short
novels? Paint the world with your camera? Explore every enchanted corner of the universe just
to see what shiny new things await?

Who else read your personality results and immediately thought of Marty, the zebra in
Madagascar? For me, at "rst, I was SURE I was the only one who con#icted inside my mind. I
was unique and tormented. Now I meet the other zebras and I'm like, "Huh? Nonsense! There's
nobody like me! I'm the only one -- but hey, you're pretty cool. And you too. And you. And me!
This is my tribe.

Yeah, that's us, at least many of us along the spectrum, more or less. I think. But I could be
wrong because, you know, that "-T" at the end. Damn turbulence. It's a curse.


bLamar (not veri"ed) says...

2 years 5 days ago

Under di!erent test I have been typed an ENTP 7x and an INTP about 3x. Despite this, I
continuously question whether I am actually INTP. The margin between my use of Extraverted
Intuition and Introverted Thinking is very small. When I interact with people I question the
factual accuracy of what they are saying and cast doubt by o!ering alternative positions whether
I actually beleve they are true or false. I return to what they originally said and say: It might be
true but without any factual evidence how can you be sure? What makes me think I am an INTP
is that I don't like being around too many people, espeically if I perceive them as materialistic,
gossipy or wanting attention. However, I get excited and energized when I am able to share my
ideas about how x object or system works and their intrinsic potential. I absolutely hate being to
myself and prefer to be yapping away about my ideas and philosophical re#ections.


LukeSkyWalker (not veri"ed) says...

2 years 1 month ago

Have any of you guys found ful"lment in your work life?

I have been an engineer for 6 years and I am dying of boredom. No mater where I go, jobs are so
damn repetitive! Yes, I got bored of engineering, which was supposed to be dynamic, exciting,
mentally challenging. Companies seem to be mostly after damn brainless monkey-engineers
who will sit down and repeat a task until the project is done. I'm out.

Is the solution to change career every few years and go EXPLORE something else? Or maybe give
everything up and roam the world like a thrill-seeking-junkie? What if even that gets repetitive an

Regards from Sweden


Sammi (not veri"ed) says...

1 year 6 months ago

As an ENTP woman, who is also and engineer - I have left my profession many times in the
last 25 years. I get bored sensless with engineering. I love the hunt the chase and the deal; so
when I need excitement I switch to sales.

When I feel like more sability, I go back to engineering, usually project management

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