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EE444/544 Wireless Communications

Homework 1

Assignment Date: February 21, 2018

Due Date: February 28, 2018

Question 1) Suppose that a mobile station is moving along a straight line between base stations
BS1 and BS2, as shown in the figure. The distance between base stations is given as D. The
received power in dBm at base station i from the mobile station is modeled as (See Lecture notes)

Pr ,i d   P0  10n log10 d i d 0   X i dBm i  1,2

where di is the distance between the mobile and base station in meters, P0 is the received power
at reference distance d0 from the mobile station and n is the path loss exponent. Xi represents the
shadowing effect and is modeled as zero-mean Gaussian with standard deviation  dB . Assume
X1 and X2 are independent of each other.

The minimum usable signable for acceptable voice quality at the base station receiver is
Pr , min and the threshold level for “handoff initiation” is Pr ,ho , both given in dBm. Assume that
the mobile station is currently connected to BS1. A handoff occurs when the received signal at
the base station BS1 from the mobile, drops below a threshold Pr ,ho AND the signal received at
candidate base station BS2 is greater than the minimum acceptable level Pr , min .

Using the following numerical values,

D=1600m, n=4,   6dB , P0  0dBm , d 0  1m Pr ,min  118dBm , Pr ,ho  112dBm
a) Find the probability that a handoff occurs Pr[handoff] as a function of the distance
between the mobile and its serving base station. Show your result in a plot Pr[handoff] vs.
distance d1  0,1600  . (You will need to use Matlab, Mathematica or a similar
computational tool for this part)
b) Find the distance dho between base station BS1 and the mobile such that the probability
that a handoff occurs is equal to 80%.


d1 d2

Question 2)
The frequency transfer function of a fading channel is given by H  f , t    t  exp j t  .
a) Does the channel exhibit frequency-selective fading or frequency-flat fading? Explain.
b) Derive the channel impulse response h , t 
c) Assuming that x(t) is applied to the input of the channel filter, obtain the output signal r(t).
From the relation between x(t) and r(t), find the “mean delay” and “delay spread”.

Question 3)
The delay power spectral density (PSD) of a fading channel is given by

0.51  cos2 T , 0    T 2

 h    
0, otherwise

a) Find the channel frequency correlation function  H f 

b) Calculate the mean delay  , delay spread  d and the coherence bandwidth Bd .
c) Assuming T=0.1ms, determine whether the channel exhibits frequency-selective fading to
the GSM system. Note that a GSM system bandwidth/user has 200kHz.

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