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Basco lighthouse - is a lightouse in the town of  basco in Batanes, Located in Naidi Hills
in barangay San Antonio, the lush green hills and the open sea provide a beautiful backdrop for the

Valugan beach - Valugan means “east” in the Ivatan language. It’s a masterpiece created by the
elements. In 400 AD, Mt. Iraya erupted and scattered andesite rocks around the northern half of Batan,

Vayang rolling hills - The hills offer beautiful and stunning views of verdant grass and deep blue
sea. The surroundings are covered with color green - the hills, trees, and grass.

absolute loc: 20.4485 north, 121.9708 east

relative loc: 860 km north of north of manila
190 km south of Taiwan
natural resources: dried fish, sugarcane, prospective gold, and mangrove
unique characteristic: known as the "home of the winds"
guidelines: do not complain about inconvenient transportation


8:00 AM – ETA Basco

9:00 AM – hotel check in ( marfel’s lodge)
9:20 AM – breakfast at angelitos
9:50 AM - riding a tricycle going to Valugan beach
10:30 AM – exploring the Valugan beach
12:00 PM – lunch at pension ivatan
1:00 PM - visit vayang rolling hills
2:30 PM – visit basco lighthouse
4:30 PM – back at the hotel and rest
5:30 PM – take a bicycle and explore north batan
6:30 PM – dinner at vunong dinette at jessica’s place
Airplane ticket: 3,645 pesos
Hotel: 500 pesos
Breakfast: 120 pesos
Tricycle: 1,000 pesos
Lunch: 300 pesos
Bike: 25 pesos
Dinner: 300 pesos

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