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Senior Infants: (Work for the week, starting 23/3/20 Please select some of work below if suits your

own time schedule. Please do not feel under any

pressure to complete this work)

Day: Literacy Numeracy Other

Mon Rhyme of the fortnight: ‘April Fool’s Day ’ (see link) Use Maths Sheet sent home to help: Gaeilge: Practise as best you can saying the following
News of the Week: Write 8 lines approx of your own Revise rhymes ’10 green bottles’, ’10 in the phrases from our next story:
news Read your news aloud bed’ Discuss and use objects (eg 10 Tá Liam sa ghairdín (Liam is in the garden)
Sound of the week: ‘ur’ Read words (fur, blur, slur, spoons) in conjunction with the rhyme Tá coinín cásca (pronounced cunyeen cawska)sa
nurse, purse, purple, burst, burn, curl, hurl, surf, Maths (At Home book) page 28 ghairdín (The Easter Bunny is in the garden)
turf, churn, church, curve, return, Saturday, turnip, Draw a picture of Liam and the Easter Bunny in your
Thursday, absurd) Write 5 words each day into Learn the following sums: spare copy. If you wish write the 2 phrases above
words copy 1+1 =2
Reader: ‘Oh What Fun’ 2+2 =4
Spellings: hop, mop, top, cot, got, hot, lot, pot, rot,
not, boy, girl
Tue Phonics Book: Page 80 (Revision) Play Flash Maths (cut up photocopiable Gaeilge: Read the phrases
Listen to the story : ‘Today is Monday’ ( Revising 55), jumble and guess (just by looking) the Tá ciseán (pronounced cishawn) ag Coinín na Cásca
days of week from maths manual)see link Can you number of black/white spots (The Easter Bunny has a basket)
remember what foods were eaten each day Maths (At Home book) page 29 Tá ubh chásca (pronounced uv cawska)ag Coinín na
Clap along to the song: ‘Days of the week’ see link Learn the following sums: Cásca (The Easter Bunny has an easter egg)
Small Handwriting Book: Capital Letter ‘W’ 3+3 =6
Revise Spellings and reading words 4+4 =8 S.E.S.E.: Watch link on animals and their young.
Choose one of extra readers sent home if you wish Draw some pictures of the animals with their babies
Comprehension 1 (see link)(Read and answer and write ‘A baby …… is a …….’
questions orally)
Wed Large Handwriting Book: Letter ‘W’ Make a 10 frame (Draw a rectangle and Gaeilge: Tá ubh i bhfolach (pronounced ih vulock): The
Use words from your wordlist to compose and write divide into 10 segments) Use 10 small egg is hidden
5 of your own sentences into your spare copy (use items and complete activities pages Tá Liam ag ithe (Liam is eating)
best guess at spelling the words ) Read these 181/182 on sheets Music: Listen to the song: ‘The ants go marching…’ (see
sentences aloud link)
Listen to bossy r song (see link) to revise ar, ir, er, ur Learn the following sums:
words 5+5 =10
6+6 =12
Thurs Phonics Book: Page 81 Gaeilge: Look at Irish page (see link) ‘Cad a fheiceann
Oral Language/S.E.S.E.: Go for a short walk / go out Draw ‘Story of 10’ into copy using dots or tú?’ What do you see. ‘Feicim (I see)..Liam, an liathróid
into garden and look for as many signs of Spring as pictures write sums beside it (the ball) an ubh chásca (the Easter egg), an teidí
you can find(flowers, weather, nests, animals etc) Revise all sums by listening to song (see (teddy), Fífi, an bábóg (the doll)
If you wish draw and/or write a couple of sentences link) Religion: Use sheets sent home to help. Discuss when
about what you found we share meals, meals for special occasions, favourite
Handwriting copy: Complete 3 lines of cursive letter meals etc
‘d’ (you will see it inside the cover of the copy) Read story of ‘The Last Supper and the poem ‘The Last
Revise Spellings and reading words Supper’ . If you wish complete page 36 of your religion
Choose one of extra readers sent home if you wish workbook and read your prayers page 37
Fri Comprehension 2 (see link)(Read and answer Revise all sums Gaeilge: Revise the phrases
questions orally) Drama: Listen to the story: ‘The Ugly Duckling’ see link
Revise Spellings and reading words Act out your favourite part of the story (maybe use your
Choose one of extra readers sent home if you wish teddies to help. Ask a parent or sibling to watch your
show if they have the time!
Revise Spellings and reading words Do some active work outside as P.E.
Choose one of extra readers sent home if you wish (Rhyme of fortnight) (Animals and their babies) (Today is Monday story) (Days of the Week song) (The Ants went marching) (Irish page) Type in name etc go to page 50) (The Ugly Duckling story) (Bossy r song) (Comprehension text 1) (Comprehension text 2) (Doubles song)

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