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Mini TO UNBK 3 RB Plus 2019/2020 – Bahasa Inggris SMA

1. Topik : Celebratory Expression

Subtopik : Expression of Congratulation and Celebration
Level kognitif : C1 (LOTS)
Mark : Congratulations on your graduation.
Laura : Thank you so much, Mark.

What is Mark doing in the dialogue?

A. He is wishing Laura to graduate immediately.

B. He’s congratulating Laura on her graduation day.
C. He’s celebrating his graduation day.
D. He’s getting ready for Laura’s graduation day.
E. He’s greeting Laura.

2. Topik : Common Expression 2

Subtopik : Expression of Criticizing
Level kognitif : C1 (LOTS)
Lola : What do you think of the movie?
Diana : I like it overall, but it could have been better if the supporting actors could act more
What does Diana express in the dialogue?
A. constructive criticism
B. destructive criticism
C. encouragement
D. satisfaction
E. dissatisfaction

3. Topic : Job Application Letter

Subtopic : Job Interview
Level kognitif : C4 (HOTS)

Good afternoon. My name is Sara Yunita. I am 20 years old. I graduate from Vocational School,
majoring in hospitality. I joined training and apprenticeship while I was in the vocational
school. I have worked for some restaurants as a waiter and a kitchen assistant. I have two
years of work experience. My good English proficiency will also be an advantage as a waiter.

What does the interviewee tell about herself?

A. Name, age, family, and working experience
B. Names, latest job, motivation, eagerness to work and learn
C. Personal identity, educational background, and work experience
D. Personalities, age, educational background, and hometown
E. Address, personal strengths and weaknesses, and knowledge

4. Topic : Celebratory Expression

Subtopik : Expression of Wish and Hope
Level kognitif : C3 (MOTS)
Tamara : I heard won’t come to school for two days next week, will you?
Jay : Yes, I’ll join the final round of the national science competition in Jakarta.
Tamara : ….

What does Tamara probably reply?

A. I hope you will win it.
B. I wish you will win.
C. I hope you can make it to the final round.
D. I wish you could make it to the final round.
E. I wish you happiness.

5. Topic : News Item

Subtopic : Aspects of News Item
Level kognitif : C1 (LOTS)

More than 380 people have been confirmed dead after a tsunami triggered by a
magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit an Indonesian city on Friday. Waves up to 3m (10ft) high
swept through Palu on Sulawesi Island.

Indonesia's disaster agency said at least 384 people had been killed, but the number is
expected to rise. At least 540 have been injured, and 29 are listed as missing.

“Many bodies were found along the shoreline because of the tsunami, but the numbers
are still unknown," Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, a spokesman for the agency, told Reuters.

Which of the following pictures suits the news ?





6. Topic : Recount Text
Subtopic : Aspects of Recount Text
Level kognitif : C2 (MOTS)

This text is for question number 6 to 7.

General Achmad Yani (born: Purworejo, June 19, 1922) is an Indonesian

national hero. He started his formal education in the HIS (Elementary level) Bogor,
graduated in 1935. Then, he went to school MULO (at the First Medium School)
Bogor and he graduated in 1938. After that, he went into the AMS (high school level)
Later, Achmad Yani studied at the military education at the Department of
Military Topography in Malang. After graduation, he began his military career. In
1942, after the Japanese occupied Indonesia, he also attended Heiho in Magelang,
and then entered the army Fatherland Defenders (PETA) in Bogor. In 1962, he was
appointed Minister / Commander of the Army.
Being known as one of influential people in the country, Achmad Yani was
asked to join and support the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party). Because of his
nationalism to the country, he rejected the offer. Therefore, he became one of the
targets of PKI. He was kidnapped and killed by officers of the Army through G30S/PKI
Rebellion (September Thirty Movement / PKI).


What does the text mainly discuss about?

A. List of military educations attended by Achmad Yani
B. Chronological stories of Achmad Yani’s life experiences
C. Personal identity and educational background of Achmad Yani
D. Story of nationalism and military achievements of Achmad Yani
E. The reason why Achmad Yani refused to join PKI

7. Topic : Aecount Text

Subtopic : Aspects of Recount Text
Level kognitif : C2 (MOTS)
Why was General Ahmad Yani murdered?
A. Because he was the member of PKI
B. Because he wanted to help PKI
C. Because he was the best soldier
D. Because he didn’t want to support PKI
E. Because he was the commander of TKR
Topik : Announcement
Sub topik : Events and Activities in An Announcement
Level Kognitif : MOTS

The text is for questions number 8 and 9.

8. What is the announcement about?
A. Grand opening
B. Sale season
C. Open house
D. New company
E. Relocation

Topik : Announcement
Sub topik : Events and Activities in An Announcement
Level Kognitif : MOTS

9. “We have officially moved…”

The underlined word has the similar meaning with ….
A. gradually
B. formally
C. precisely
D. occasionally
E. casually

Read the text and answer questions number 10 and 11.

B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia—
died September 11, 2019, Jakarta), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was
president of Indonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic
development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary
education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his
studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany.
After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and
production supervisor.
Topik : Recount Text
Sub topik : Biography
Level Kognitif : HOTS

10. The following statements are true about Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie , EXCEPT ….
A. B.J. Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 in Parepare, Indonesia.
B. B.J. Habibie died at the age of 80.
C. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie died on September 11, 2019 in Jakarta.
D. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was the President of the Republic of Indonesia from 1998
to 1999.
E. Habibie furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–
Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany.

Topik : Recount Text

Sub topik : Biography
Level Kognitif : MOTS

“… and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in

Aachen, West Germany.” (Paragraph 2)
11. What is the antonym for the underlined word?
A. Advanced
B. Quit
C. Developed
D. Improved
E. Increased
Read the text and answer questions number 12 to 14.
It starts with a childless old widow living by herself. She visits Buto Ijo, a powerful giant, asking
to be blessed with a child. Buto Ijo gives her a large cucumber and asks her to promise to give
her first child to him to devour.
When the widow gets home, she finds a baby girl inside the cucumber. She names her Timun
Mas and forgets about her promise.
One day, when Timun Mas is already a teenager, Buto Ijo drops by the old woman’s house
asking her to fulfill her promise. The woman tells Timun Mas to run away, packing her a supply
of magic cucumber seeds, needles and salt.
Buto Ijo chases Timun Mas but she always manages to escape by deploying her mother's
magic tricks. Buto Ijo is finally defeated when Timun Mas sprinkles salt around him that turns
into an ocean and swallows him whole.

Topik : Narrative Text

Sub topik : Aspects of Narrative Text
Level Kognitif : HOTS

12. From the story we can learn that ….

A. You must not make a deal with a giant.
B. Giants are untrustworthy creatures.
C. We have to run away when we face problems.
D. Do not judge a book by its cover.
E. We must never give up in life.

Topik : Narrative Text

Sub topik : Aspects of Narrative Text
Level Kognitif : LOTS

13. What does Timun Mas use to fight the giant?

A. Magic spells, needles and salt.
B. Magic cucumber seeds, needles and salt.
C. Magic cucumber seeds, needles and, a map.
D. Magic cucumber seeds, needles, a sword, and salt.
E. Magic needles, a knife, and salt.
Topik : Narrative Text
Sub topik : Aspects of Narrative Text
Level Kognitif : MOTS

14. From the story, we can conclude that Timun Mas defeated the giant by …
A. spreading her magic cucumber seeds, needles and salt.
B. hiding in the mountain.
C. displacing her house.
D. keeping running until the giant is tired.
E. attacking the giant when he is asleep.

Read the text and answer questions number 15 to 17.

Topik : Announcement
Sub topik : Events and Activities in an Announcement
Level Kognitif : LOTS
15. What position is needed in this advertisement?
A. University student
B. Foreign staff
C. Business administrator
D. Office manager
E. Economic section staff

Topik : Announcement
Sub topik : Events and Activities in an Announcement
Level kognitif : HOTS
16. From the text we can infer that the applicant ….
A. should apply before 28th March 2014.
B. has to have Indonesian passport.
C. must be a post-graduate male.
D. has to be less than 31 years old.
E. must be a 25-year-old female.

Topik : Announcement
Sub topik : Events and Activities in an Announcement
Level kognitif : C1 (LOTS)
17. “explain it in written form…” The underlined pronoun refers to….
A. university graduate
B. an economist
C. interest in joining foreign mission
D. the ability to write an english essay
E. the consulate general

Read the text and answer questions number 18 to 20.

OPINION: Bullying is on the rise, survey shows. How did we get here?
I have been thinking a lot lately about bullying in schools, as a parent, citizen and executive
director of a nonprofit that works closely with educators across the nation. I know that many
of us have been.
My organization, YouthTruth, has analyzed insights about bullying from survey responses of
more than 180,000 students in grades 5-12 across 37 states. We’ve learned that most bullying
still happens in person (not online), and that the top three reasons students felt they were
bullied included their appearance, their race or skin color, and because other students
thought they were gay. Overall, just over one in four students in 2016 said they had been
bullied in school.
Over the last year in particular, however, many of my educator colleagues around the country
were feeling like there was more to the story. They were looking at their own “student voice”
data and wanted to know: Is bullying increasing just at my school, or is this part of a larger
trend? How did we get here? Who is being bullied, and why? Emboldened by these
conversations, we recently took a fresh look at our latest bullying data to better understand
this shifting landscape.
Students are not always considered front-line experts as we work to make our schools and
classrooms safe spaces for learning. But they should be. Asking students directly and
anonymously for feedback is incredibly powerful. There is so much we can learn when we not
only ask students about their experiences, but also listen deeply and react promptly to what
we hear. Indeed, listening to students is the first step in building the knowledge, dialogue and
action needed to stop bullying in our schools.

Topik : Exposition Text

Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : LOTS
18. what is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Overall, just over one in four students in 2016 said they had been bullied in school.
B. Listening to students is the first step in building the knowledge, dialogue and action
needed to stop bullying in our schools.
C. Most bullying still happens in person (not online).
D. There is so much we can learn when we not only ask students about their experiences.
E. many of my educator colleagues around the country were feeling like there was more
to the story.

Topik : Exposition Text

Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : MOTS
“…listen deeply and react promptly to what we hear.”
19. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Directly
B. Instantly
C. Hastily
D. Quickly
E. Slowly
Topik : Exposition Text
Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : HOTS

20. According to the text, which statement below will the author probably disagree?
A. Bullying is not students’ problem. It is our problem.
B. We need to leave students alone with their problems. Students need to face their own
C. We need to involve students to build a better anti-bullying system.
D. Bullying does not only happen on social media.
E. Starting a dialogue with bullying victims is a good way to understand the real issue.

The text is for questions number 21 and 22.

How to Print a Document
1. Make sure that your printer is connected and turned on.
2. Open Start Windows.
3. Open File Explorer.
4. Go to the document that you want to print.
5. Select the document.
6. Click the SHARE tab.
7. Click PRINT.
8. Select your printer.
9. Select a number of copies.
10. Edit other print settings if need be (Orientation, Color, Number of sides).
11. Click PRINT.

Topik : Procedures
Sub topik : Aspects of Procedure
Level Kognitif : LOTS

21. What is the text about?

A. How to choose a printer.
B. How to use a color printer.
C. How to operate a printer.
D. How to print a document on Windows.
E. How to repair a printer.

Topik : Procedures
Sub topik : Aspects of Procedure
Level Kognitif : LOTS

22. Based on the text, what do you need to do before you print a document?
A. Turn on your computer.
B. Open File Explorer.
C. Go to the document that you want to print.
D. Select the document.
E. Make sure that your printer is connected and turned on.

The text is for questions number 23 to 25.

Social Media
Social media is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends who are far away. As a
college student, it is a good way to stay in touch with some former teachers and friends from
back home. My aunt from Chicago and my grandma from Colorado say they love keeping up
with me on Facebook. It is a very quick medium to keep in touch with friends.
Social media platforms also allow us to share information and education to individuals in a
great capacity and on a grand scale.
On the other hand, it is very important to know that social media can be a dangerous place
as well. We hear lots of stories about online predators, catfishing and other stories like that.
It is important to know the dangers of social media and be wary of them. If used properly,
social media can be a great thing. Let us educate the young generation to use social media

Topik : Exposition Text

Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : HOTS

23. Based on the text, the following statements are correct, EXCEPT ….
A. Social media is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends.
B. Social media allows students to share information about education.
C. Social media is dangerous for children, but not for adults.
D. Social media can be a dangerous place.
E. We should educate the young generation on how to use social media properly.

Topik : Exposition Text

Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : HOTS
24. From the text, which expression shows the author’s advice?
A. it is very important to know that social media can be a dangerous place as well.
B. We hear lots of stories about online predators, catfishing and other stories like that.
C. If used properly, social media can be a great thing. Let us educate the young
generation to use social media wisely.
D. Social media is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends who are far away.

Topik : Exposition Text

Sub topik : Hortatory Text
Level Kognitif : HOTS
25. From the text we can infer that if used properly, ….
A. social media will be a convenient platform to share information.
B. social media will only affect teenagers.
C. social media will not affect adults for they can control it.
D. social media can still be a dangerous place.
E. social media can educate kids to use it wisely.

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