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1. Write all the food you had eaten the day before?

 at 08.00 hrs, fried rice, fried eggs. banana chips in the afternoon.
 noon 13:00 PM, white rice, fried tuna, boiled spinach, salak pondoh.
afternoon distillation, avocado juice, fruit salad, fried bananas.
 dinner at 8:00 p.m., white rice, omelette, fried tuna, boiled mustard greens.
total calories gained 1,996.26, with protein 38,141, fat 59,319, carbohydrates
2. Evaluate your intake. Is if fit with your needs?
 the food that I eat is diverse and fulfills my daily needs, but would it be good
if I also consume more vegetable protein such as consuming tempeh and tofu
or which is sourced from other nuts
3. Find some pictures related with basic food body buiding food and sources of vitamin
and mineral!

4. Describe each of the pictures!

 rice: a source of carbohydrates that functions as energy
 eggs: a source of animal protein as a building block in the body plays a role in
the formation of muscle mass
 fish: is processed products sourced from the sea and animal protein sources
as building blocks in the body play a role in the formation of muscle mass
 meat: a source of animal protein as a building block in the body plays a role in
the formation of muscle mass
 know: a source of vegetable protein that functions the same as animal
 fruit: a good source of vitamins and minerals for the body
 Vegetables: a good source of vitamins and minerals for the body
5. Visit one supermarket, select some food and write the nutritional composition, cost
and indicate the reference such as
Milk 1

price of goods: Rp.10.000/pcs

Composition: milk, water cream milk

nutritional information:

the benefits: energy source, high in protein for muscle mass

Bread 5
1. Sari roti
price of goods: Rp.4.500/pcs

Composition: flour, yeast, cocoa powder, chocolate coloring

nutritional information:

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

2. Sari roti

price of goods: Rp. 5.000/pcs

Composition: flour, yeast, cocoa powder, chocolate coloring

nutritional information:

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

3. paroti

price of goods: Rp. 10.000/pcs

Composition: flour, yeast, cocoa powder, chocolate coloring

nutritional information: contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

4. paroti
price of goods:

Composition: flour, yeast, cocoa powder, chocolate colorin, banana

nutritional information: contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

5. arnon.

price of goods: Rp.15.000/pcs

Composition: flour, yeast, cocoa powder, chocolate colorin

nutritional information: contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

Creackers 5

1. .cream crakers
price of goods: RP. 13.100/PCS

Composition: wheat flour, vegetable fat, milk powder, yeast

nutritional information:

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

2. .

price of goods: RP. 12.400/PCS

Composition: wheat flour, vegetable fat, milk powder, yeast

nutritional information:

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

3. .

price of goods: rp.10.400/pcs

Composition: wheat flour, vegetable fat, milk powder, yeast

nutritional information:
the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates


price of goods: RP.7.400/PCS

Composition: wheat flour, vegetable fat, milk powder, yeast

nutritional information:
the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

5. Roma malkis

price of goods: RP.12.800/PCS

Composition: wheat flour, vegetable fat, milk powder, yeast

nutritional information:

the benefits: as a source of energy forming carbohydrates

Seasoning all

1. mayonais
price of goods: rp. 29.200

Composition: salt, egg

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

2. salt

price of goods: rp. 6.900/pcs

Composition: salt

nutritional information: natrium

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

3. ajinomoto
price of goods: rp.12.500

Composition: salt

nutritional information: natrium

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

4. santan

price of goods: rp. 9.500


nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

5. royko ayam goreng

price of goods:rp. 6.000/pcs


nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

6. royko rasa sapiu

price of goods: rp. 6.500

Composition: natrium

nutritional information:
the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

7. kobe nasi goreng

price of goods:rp. 2.600

Composition: salt

nutritional information:

the benefits: provide spicy flavor, and uses for the body also inhibits cancer,
Improve cognitive function in the body,
Helps the formation of red blood cells,
8. chili

price of goods: Rp.44.000

Composition: chili

nutritional information: The spicy flavor of cayenne comes from a substance called
capsaicin. Besides capsaicin, other ingredients found in cayenne pepper include
beta-carotene or provitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, minerals, calcium,
phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, iron, and potassium

the benefits: provide spicy flavor, and uses for the body also inhibits cancer,
Improve cognitive function in the body,
Helps the formation of red blood cells,
Natural pain relief

9. tomato

price of goods: Rp.2.590/100gr

Composition: tomato

nutritional information: obtained from tomatoes are antioxidants Lycopene, Vitamin

C, Potassium, Folate and Vitamin K.

the benefits: in addition to adding flavor to tomato food, it also maintains eye
health, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol levels and maintains heart health.

10. Shallot
price of goods: Rp. 48.000/kg

Composition: Shallot

nutritional information: The content of vitamin onion is vitamin A, vitamin B1

(thiamine), vitamin B2 (G, riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), and vitamin C. Shallots also
have mineral contents including: sulfur, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium ,
calcium, magnesium, sodium, silicon, iodine, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.

the benefits: besides giving flavor and aroma to food, onions to improve bone
health, Enhancing the Immune System, To Overcome Constipation, To relieve throat,
Can Control Diabetes.

11. Garlic

price of goods:Rp.2.900/100gr

Composition: garlic

nutritional information: 4 calories.

1 gram of carbohydrate.
0.2 gram of protein.
0.1 gram of fiber.
0.1 milligrams of manganese (equivalent to 3% of the body's daily needs)
0.9 milligrams of vitamin C (equivalent to 2% of the body's daily needs)
5.4 milligrams of calcium (equivalent to 1% of the body's daily needs)

the benefits: besides giving flavor to food, garlic also lowers cholesterol,
Controlling blood pressure,
Nourish the heart,
Reducing the risk of cancer,
Maintaining brain health.

12. soy sauce

price of goods: Rp.20.400/pcs

Composition: black soybean

nutritional information: like the mineral iodine, iron, and vitamin A. All three of these
micronutrients really need to be added

the benefits: energy source, high in protein, good for sufferers of malnutrition

Fruits 15
1. orang

price of goods: Rp.35.900/kg

Composition: orange

nutritional information: Nutritional content in sweet orange is water, energy,

carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic
acid, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, and zinc.
the benefits: Reducing the Risk of Cancer, Prevents the Formation of Kidney Stones,
Prevents Skin Aging,
Helps Lose Weight, Maintaining Heart Health.

2. pear

price of goods: Rp. 18.900/kg

Composition: pear

nutritional information: 100 g

Calories (kcal) 57
Total Fat 0.1 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 116 mg
Carbohydrate Amount 15 g
Food fiber 3.1 g
10 g sugar
Protein 0.4 g

the benefits: The content of various nutrients,

Maintaining the Digestive System,
Contains Antioxidants,
Suitable for Diet.

3. Water melon
price of goods: Rp. 6.500/kg

Composition: water melon

nutritional information: Nutrient content

Amount Per
100 g
Calories (kcal) 30
Total Fat 0.2 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 112 mg
Carbohydrate Amount 8 g
Food fiber 0.4 g
Sugar 6 g
Protein 0.6 g

the benefits: Preventing asthma.

Reducing blood pressure.
Ward off dangerous cancer cells.
Overcoming constipation and smooth digestion.
Prevents inflammation.
Makes skin soft and smooth.
Overcoming muscle pain.
Source of natural collagen.

4. lemon
price of goods: Rp.4.290/kg

Composition: lemon

nutritional information: Nutrient content

Amount Per
100 g
Calories (kcal) 28
Total Fat 0.3 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 138 mg
Carbohydrate Amount 9 g
Food fiber 2.8 g
Sugar 2.5 g
Protein 1.1 g

the benefits: Overcoming Acne,

Prevent cancer,
Contains Anti-Bacterial Properties,
Increasing White Blood Cell Production.
Overcome Digestive Disorders, Avoiding the Problem of Blood Pressure, Lose

5. banana
price of goods: RP.2.100/GR

Composition: banana

nutritional information: there is potassium or potassium, fiber, and iron content. In

addition, bananas also contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and 105 calories.

the benefits: Bananas have lots of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins that are good for
the body. ...
Bananas have nutrients that balance blood sugar. ...
Bananas can improve digestive health. ...
Bananas can help you lose weight.
6. kiwi

price of goods: rp. 5.900/100gr

Composition: kiwi

nutritional information: Nutrient content

Amount Per
100 g
Calories (kcal) 60
Total Fat 0.5 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.3 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 312 mg
Carbohydrate Amount 15 g
Food fiber 3 g
Sugar 9 g
Protein 1.1 g

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

7. strobery

nutritional information: Nutrient content

Strawberry garden
Amount Per
100 g
Calories (kcal) 32
Total Fat 0.3 g
Saturated fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.2 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 153 mg
Carbohydrate Amount 8 g
Food fiber 2 g
Sugar 4.9 g
Protein 0.7 g

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

8. manggo
nutritional information: 1.5 - 2 grams of fiber.
15 grams of carbohydrate.
1 - 1.5 grams of protein.
55 - 60 micrograms of vitamin A.
35 - 60 mg of vitamin C.
9 mg of vitamin E.
40 - 45 micrograms of folate.
10-15 mg of calcium.

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

9. .

nutritional information: Carbohydrate.

Vitamin C.
Vitamin B.
the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

10. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

11. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

12. .
nutritional information:

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

13. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body
contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

14. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

15. .

nutritional information:
the benefits: contain fiber, vitamins, minerals that are good for the body

Vegetables 15
1. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

2. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

3. .
nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

4. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

5. .

nutritional information:
the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

6. .
nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

7. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

8. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

9. .
nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

10. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

11. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

12. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

13. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

14. .

nutritional information:

the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs

15. .

nutritional information:
the benefits: contains vitamins and minerals the body needs
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