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INTASC Standards

Taylor Brown
Seating Chart
Standard #1 Learner Development – the teacher understands how learners grow and
develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and
across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and
implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

This standard is talking about how I implemented differentiation in my lesson. How can I
incorporate different styles of learning for my students who are all at different levels and learn
differently than their peers. This is about how I can give each and every student their own
individual challenging learning experiences, while being developmentally appropriate. I was
able to do this during a math lesson where I began the box method and split into centers to
really get into the steps. I had my groups split up by level of math or numerical skills, which was
determined from the data from the lesson before. This standard is reaching for all the
developmentally different students that need different instruction for different reasons
whether it is cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical reasons.
I have students in my class who only speak Spanish so I put them in groups with
students who they work well with, and those students that can speak Spanish with. I also put
them in these groups whom need more one on one work with the teacher on the content or
the prerequisite skills that they may be lacking. I used the prerequisite skills as groups as well,
my students who aren’t my strongest with addition and subtraction would go in one group so
that we can work together on what they all struggle with. I worked with that group on lining
numbers up by place value to help with adding and when we were able to get those numbers
down we were able to move on to the multiplication concept and into the box method. I had a
group broken up by struggling with the box concept and breaking numbers down by place value
then adding the zeroes back. I stuck with them until we were able to break numbers into
expanded, these students are good at math but can’t quite do these problems on their own and
may need help when it comes to the set up and the close of finishing the problem. Then I had
my group who got it from the start and were able to work independently, with that group I was
able to play war and have them get random problems and work by themselves to try to solve
the problem first.

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