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Hey there! Im Nina Sandetin Umont of Sandelin Designs, and Im here to leach you everything | know about modem calligraphy. Despite dreaming of being an artist when | was little, | ended up getting a Master's, in Linguistics, and cast art aside while in school. Calligraphy ended up being my retum to art - after all, linguists love words, so calligraphy was a perfect fit! I quickly became obsessed with calligraphy, and delved into traditional scripts, learning their prescriptive rules, and then breaking those rules and developing my own modern calligraphy interpretations. Ive studied under four Master Penmen (there are currently 12 Masters in the world), asxing as many questions and absorbing as much knowledge as | could, | currently teach modem calligraphy at Anthropologie & Co., and through my calligraohy and design business have worked on projects ranging from wedding invitation designs Lo wine label concepts for a major wine distributor, lam passionate about calligraphy, and am enamored with teaching it to anyone who is curious. This is where you come in, Brand new, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed? Ive got you covered with the ins and ouls of where lo gel started, my favorite supplies, techniques and tricks, and things to look out for. - Already a seasoned calligrapher? Through the many alphabets and advanced troubleshooting ios | share, | can imparl a fresh perspective on your existing style and provide a starting point for developing new styles. The purpose of this workbook is to share everything I know with you. after all, art is not selfish. I've held nothing back (except for flourishing tios, which are the subject of my second workbook). Years of training and knowleage have gone into these pages. from things I've learned on my own the hard way, to tips I've picked up from Master Penmen. | will be metaphorically holding your hand through every step of the way. reviewing common complaints and problems, things that Ive struggled with myself, and ways to troubleshoot your issues. This workoook contains - Information on how to get started - Supplies lists - Five complete alphabets to trace - Bad jokes - Guidance on how to connect your letters into words - Cautionary tales and advanced troubleshooting tips - Suggestions and tips on how to play with your style, create consistency in your letterforms, and make it look easy while doing it love the modem calligraphy scripts in this workbook, and | know you will too. The second that you stop tracing my lines and start to draw these letterforms on your ‘own paper, you will see your own style begin to emerge. Embrace it! Your goal shouldn't be to create letters that look exactly like mine; instead, what you should take away from this is an ability to look at your letterforms and analyze them with fresh eyes, You'll develop a style that's all your own - let's work hard to make sure it's deliberate in its form and carefully crafted with consistency. I'd love to see your progress - please share photos of your work with the hashtag #SandelinModern Oras On, BEFORE YOU EVEN PICK UP YOUR PEN L, ¥ i

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