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 The term applies to a village , city, tribe,nation.
 Whenever members of a group live together to share not
this or that interest.
 But the basic conditions of common life.
 Life may be lived wholly within it.
 One can live wholly within tribe or city.

Interdependence as major characteristics:

 Some primitive communities independent of others.
 Yurok tribes of California- isolated.
 Modern communities –not self contained.
 Economic and political interdependence .

Characteristics of modern communities:

 We may live in a village, yet belong to whole nation.
 No civilized community has walls around it.
 Communities exist within greater communities .
 The town within a region.
 Region within a nation.
 Nation within world community.
The bases of community:
 The bases of community- locality ,community
Locality :
 Community occupies a traditional area.
 A normal community has a locality though changing
 They derive strong bond of solidarity.
 Local bond weakened in modern world by
 Locality as social classifier.

Community sentiment:
 Feeling of belonging together.
 It seeks community sentiment.
 An area of common living.
 Common living.
 Sharing a way of life.
 A common earth.

The world community :

 The modern civilization break down self contentedness.
 Forces are technological , economic, cultural.
 Globalization, scientific advancement.
 Civilization extended to whole world.
 One world concept in the making.
 The world community.

The great and small communities:

 The great community brings opportunity.
 In smaller community we find nearer and more intimate
 Both are essential for full life .

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