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Nancy Cuplang July 5, 2019

Psych Assessment

Individual Intelligence Test

Name of Test Target Feature/description
The Binet- Simon Tests help place children in Used to provide educational planning and
appropriate placement, neuropsychological assessment, and
educational settings research
help determine the level of intellectual and cognitive
functioning in preschoolers, children, adolescents
and adults, and assist in the diagnosis of a learning
disability, developmental delay, mental
retardation , or giftedness.

Wechsler Test people 17 and older Use of the point scale concept rather than an age
Wechsler Adult Used with children 6 to scale and inclusion of a performance scale.
Intelligence Scale-Third
Edition (WAIS-III):
Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children-Third
Edition (WISC-III)

Seguin Form Board performance variety, Used primarily to evaluate mentally retarded adults
Test produced only a single and emphasized speed of performance
Brazelton Neonatal infants between 3 Neurological, social, and behavioral aspects of a
Assessment Scale days and 4 weeks of newborn’s functioning
(BNAS) age the scale is extremely well constructed.
Good interrater reliability, poor test–retest reliability

Gesell Developmental Measures Infant Purports to measure developmental status

Schedules (GDS) Intelligence Five areas
21.2 months to 6 Five areas
years of age - Gross motor
- Fine motor
- Adaptive
- Language
- Personal-social
Produces developmental quotient (DQ)
Significant drawbacks
- Standardization sample inadequate
- No evidence of reliability or validity in test
- Problem with direction and scoring
- Does not predict future intelligence
Little evidence, some support for construct validity
Bayley Scales of Infant infants between 1 and Have an excellent standardization
Development–Second 42 months Purports to measure cognitive and motor functions
Edition (BSID-II) Two scales- Mental and motor
Psychometrically rigorous
Predicts well for retarded infants
Does not predict future intelligence
Very good split-half reliability

Cattell Infant Age range 2 to 30 Purports to measure infant intelligence

Intelligence Scale (CIIS) months Age scale Uses mental age and IQ concepts
Downward extension of Binet scale
Significant drawbacks
- Outdated
- Psychometrically unsound
- Does not predict future intelligence
Little evidence, some support for construct validity

McCarthy Scales of measure ability in General cognitive index (GCI)

Children’s Abilities children between 2 - Verbal scale
(MSCA) and 8 years old - Perceptual– performance
- Quantitative
Additional scales
- Memory
- Motor
Kaufman Assessment children between 3 Purports to enable the psychoeducational
Battery for Children, and 18 years of age evaluation of learning disabled and other
Second Edition (KABC- exceptional children and educational planning and
II) placement
five global scales
- Sequential processing, simultaneous
processing, learning, planning, and
General Individual Ability Tests for Handicapped and Special Populations
Columbia Mental Handicapped children Requires neither a verbal response nor fi ne motor
Maturity Scale–Third from 3 through 12 skills
Edition (CMMS) years of age. general reasoning ability
standardization sample is impressive
The scale is consistent internally as well as over
short intervals of time
highly vulnerable to random error

Peabody Picture age range of 2 through Multiple-choice tests that require a subject to
Vocabulary Test–Third 90 years indicate only “Yes” or “No” in some manner
Edition (PPVT-III) Primarily for the measure hearing or receptive (hearing) vocabulary,
physically or language presumably providing a nonverbal estimate of verbal
handicapped intelligence

Leiter International nonverbal alternative Measures performance scale

Performance Scale– to the Stanford-Binet aid to clinical diagnosis in disabled children
Revised (LIPS-R) scale for the age Purports to provide a nonverbal measure of general
range of 2 to 18 years intelligence by sampling a wide variety of functions
from memory to nonverbal reasoning. One can
administer it without using language, and it requires
no verbal response from subjects.
Porteus Maze Test variety of special Poorly standardized nonverbal performance
(PMT) populations measure of intelligence
consists of maze problems
Benton Visual Retention individuals ages 8 and test consists of geometric designs briefly presented
Test (BVRT) older and then removed
Group Intelligence Test
Group Tests of Mental Abilities (Intelligence)
Kuhlmann-Anderson kindergarten through Excellent psychometric qualities
Test (KAT)–Eighth 12th grade Its impressive validity and reliability also make it one
Edition of the most popular group ability tests for all grade
levels. Its potential for use and adaptation for non-
English-speaking individuals or even non-English-
speaking countries needs to be explored.

Henmon-Nelson Test all grade levels Reflect general intelligence with two sets of norms
(H-NT) to obtain a relatively quick measure of general
Cognitive Abilities Test
designed for poor provides three separate scores: verbal, quantitative,
(COGAT) readers, poorly and nonverbal
educated people, and
people for whom
English is a second
The SAT Reasoning college entrance tests Known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test
Test They accomplished this by renorming the test on 1.8
million students and converting raw scores to
standard scores with a mean of 500 and a standard
deviation of 100.
Cooperative School and covers three purports to measure school-learned abilities as well
College Ability Tests precollege levels as an individual’s potential to undertake additional
beginning at the fourth schooling
The American College college entrance Produces specific content scores and a composite
Test content scores are in English, mathematical usage,
social studies reading, and natural science reading


Graduate Record graduate-school Contains a general section that produces verbal
Examination Aptitude entrance (GRE-V) and quantitative (GRE-Q ) scores. In 2002,
Test the third section of the GRE, which evaluates
analytical reasoning (GRE-A), was changed from a
multiple-choice format to an essay format
Miller Analogies Test graduate-school Measure scholastic aptitudes for graduate studies
entrance test strictly verbal
adequate Odd-even reliability data
age bias
over predicted the GPAs of a 25- to 34-year group
and under predicted the GPAs of a 35- to 44-year
old group
Raven Progressive 5-year-olds to elderly Primarily in educational settings, the Raven is a
Matrices adults suitable test anytime one needs an estimate of an
individual’s general intelligence
impressive set of norms
Goodenough-Harris group or individually Standardized test in the strictest sense, the G-HDT
Drawing Test (G-HDT) administered is one of the quickest, easiest, and least expensive
to administer of all ability tests
used in educational and other settings, including
can determine mental ages by comparing scores
with those of the normative sample
The test allows an examiner to obtain a quick but
rough estimate of a child’s intelligence
The Culture Fair (ages 4–8 and Provide an estimate of intelligence relatively free of
Intelligence Test mentally disabled cultural and language influences
adults, ages 8–12 and
randomly selected
adults, and high-
school age and above-
average adults
Standardized Tests working population Use in making employment decisions in government
Used in the U.S. Civil agencies
Service System measure a wide range of aptitudes from general
-The General Aptitude intelligence (g) to manual dexterity
Test Battery (GATB) Produces scores for motor coordination, form
perception (awareness of relevant details and ability
to compare and discriminate various shapes), and
clerical perception (e.g., the ability to proofread).
Scores are also available for verbal, numerical, and
spatial aptitudes
Standardized Tests in Department of Consists of 10 subtests: general science, arithmetic
the U.S. Military: The Defense, the Armed reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph
Armed Services Services Vocational comprehension, numeral operations, coding speed,
Vocational Aptitude Aptitude Battery auto and shop information, mathematics knowledge,
Battery (ASVAB) mechanical comprehension, and electronics
students in grades 11 information Subtests are grouped into various
and 12 and in composites, including three academic composites—
postsecondary academic ability, verbal, and math; four
schools occupational composites—mechanical and crafts,
business and clerical, electronics and electrical, and
health and social; and an overall composite that
reflects general ability

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