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2018 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)

Predicting Employee Attrition using Machine

Kashif Rajpoot
Sarah S. Alduayj
School of Computer Science
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Abstract— The growing interest in machine learning among train a machine learning model that can predict the
business leaders and decision makers demands that employees who are leaving the company. Such models are
researchers explore its use within business organisations. One trained to examine the correlation between the features of
of the major issues facing business leaders within companies is both active and terminated employees.
the loss of talented employees. This research studies employee
attrition using machine learning models. Using a synthetic data II. RELATED WORK
created by IBM Watson, three main experiments were
conducted to predict employee attrition. The first experiment Voluntary employee attrition is one of the major concerns
involved training the original class-imbalanced dataset with the for any company due to the severity of its impact. Talented
following machine learning models: support victor machine employees are a major factor in business success and
(SVM) with several kernel functions, random forest and K- replacing such talent can be difficult and time-consuming
nearest neighbour (KNN). The second experiment focused on [1]. Researchers have studied voluntary employee attrition
using adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) approach to overcome and the factors responsible for it. The literature review shows
class imbalance, then retraining on the new dataset using the that several factors can strongly contribute to employee
abovementioned machine learning models. The third attrition. For instance, [2] and [3] found that offering
experiment involved using manual undersampling of the data compensation is an important factor determining employee
to balance between classes. As a result, training an ADASYN- attrition as well as performance. The better the
balanced dataset with KNN (K = 3) achieved the highest compensation, the lower the attrition rate. Whereas [1] found
performance, with 0.93 F1-score. Finally, by using feature that money is not the only factor, as other combinations of
selection and random forest, F1-score of 0.909 was achieved
factors, such as work load, performance pay and a weak
using 12 features out of a total of 29 features.
career plan, have increased the attrition rate in the retail
Keywords— Machine learning; Employee attrition; Support industry.
vector machine; random forest; K nearest neighbours; Feature Several studies have explored the use of machine
ranking; Feature selection. learning to predict employee behaviour. In [4], the authors
used decision trees (ID3 C4.5) and Naïve Bayes classifier to
I. INTRODUCTION predict employee performance. They found that job title was
Employee attrition can be defined as the loss of the strongest feature, whereas age did not show any clear
employees due to any of the following reasons: personal effect. In [5] , the authors explored several data mining
reasons, low job satisfaction, low salary, and a bad business algorithms to predict employee churn (or attrition) using a
environment. Employee attrition can be categorised into two dataset comprising 1575 records and 25 features. They used
categories: voluntary and involuntary attrition. Involuntary the following machine learning algorithms: naïve Bayes,
attrition occurs when employees are terminated by their support vector machines, logistic regression, decision trees
employer for different reasons, such as low employee and random forests. The research results recommend using a
performance or business requirements. In voluntary attrition, support vector machine (SVM), which has 84.12% accuracy.
on the other hand, high-performing employees decide to In [6], different decision tree algorithms were explored,
leave the company of their own volition despite the including C4.5, C5, REPTree, and classification and
company’s attempt to retain them. Voluntary attrition can regression trees (CART). The researchers tested and trained
result from early retirement or job offers from other firms, the decision trees using a dataset with total of 309 employee
for example. Although companies that realise the importance records out of 4326 records and a total of six features. As a
of their employees usually invest in their workforce by result, the C5 decision tree gave the highest accuracy, at 74%
providing substantial training and a great working compared with other decision trees. Also, their results
environment, they too suffer from voluntary attrition and the showed that employee salary and length of service were
loss of talented employees. Another issue, hiring important features in the tested organisation’s dataset.
replacements, imposes high costs on the company, including Authors in [7] used neural networks to predict the turnover
the cost of interviewing, hiring and training. rate for small-west manufacturing company. Consequently,
they developed the neural network simultaneous
Predicting employees attrition at a company will help optimization algorithm (NNSOA) alongside 10-fold cross
management act faster by enhancing their internal policies validation, which predicted the turnover rate with 94%
and strategies. Where talented employees with a risk of accuracy. Moreover, they were able to identify the most
leaving can be offered several propositions, such as a salary important, relevant ‘Tenure of employee on January 1’ by
increase or proper training, to reduce their likelihood of using a modified genetic algorithm. In [8], a total of
leaving. Using machine learning models can help companies 6,909,746 employees’ profiles available on the web were
predict employees attrition. Using the historical data kept in used to predict employee attrition. The employees’ profiles
human resources (HR) departments, analysts can build and included work experiences and education information along

978-1-5386-6673-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 93

2018 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)

with company information. The researcher was able to train solved by using a kernel function (also known as a kernel
and evaluate an SVM model. The model prediction had 55% trick). This function returns the dot product of the two
average accuracy, which is obviously not very high. The vectors, where it then maps data points to a new,
researcher recommended adding more personal features to transformed, high-dimensional space. Moreover, there are
the dataset, such as employee age, gender and work several types of kernel function can be used such as linear,
environment, which could improve the trained model. [9] Gaussian, and polynomial kernel [13], [14].
predicted employee turnover for a global retailer located
within the US. The dataset had 33 features and 73,115 Random forest (RF) is one of the most powerful
observations. The researchers evaluated seven machine supervised machine learning algorithms for generating
learning algorithms and found that XGBoost was the most classifications and regressions. RF uses multiple decision
accurate model, with a 0.88 area under the curve (AUC). In trees to train data [15]. Each tree votes for a classification
addition, it outperformed the other models with respect to label for a certain dataset, then the RF model chooses which
memory utilization. In [10], the author developed a class had the most votes from the decision trees [16].
predictive model for employee attrition for Swedbank. In this K-nearest neighbours (KNN) is one of the simplest
study, a random forest model outperformed SVM and multi- machine learning algorithms and is used for both
layer perceptron (MLP) models with 98.6% accuracy. classification and regression. KNN works by specifying the
Previous studies presented different accuracy measures value of K, which indicates the number of closest training
where they used different machine learning models and points for a single data point. Each new data point will be
various datasets. As a result, it is difficult to conclude which classified based on the majority of votes collected from its
model is the best to use. In addition, previous studies didn’t neighbours [13] .
tackle the class imbalance problem which exists in real world
attrition data. Therefore, we explored several methods to B. Adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) sampling approach
solve class imbalance which significantly enhanced the The ADASYN algorithm solves the class imbalance
training process. problem by creating new synthetic instances based on the
density distribution of the minority class [20]. ADASYN will
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. accomplish this by using adaptive learning to change the
Section 3 presents the proposed methods used in this weights for the minority class instances. As a result, it will
research. Section 4 presents the experimental setup and shift the decision boundary, which will make it easier to
results, and finally Section 5 concludes the research. learn from difficult instances.

III. PROPOSED METHODS C. Feature Selection

In this research, we have explored three main Real-world datasets may include a large number of
experiments to predict employee attrition. First, we have features. Some of these features are considered noise and
attempted to predict employee attrition using the original might not have a positive influence on training machine
imbalanced dataset (data details presented in section IV). In learning algorithms. Using all available features will increase
the second experiment, we have introduced the adaptive model complexity, hence affecting model performance and
synthetic sampling approach to solve the class imbalance training time [21].
problem. This approach involved oversampling the minority
class which was in this case the "yes" class. The third There are different methods that can be used to evaluate
experiment involved random under sampling of the data and rank all features. In this research, we use the t-test
where we have randomly selected an equal subset of each method which will calculate the mean and standard
class. Moreover, each experiment involved training and deviations for binary class labels used in the training data
validating a set of machine learning classifiers to predict points. The t-test formula can be represented as following
unseen dataset of employee attrition. All classifiers were [22]:
validated using 5-fold cross validation. In addition, we have
introduced feature selection method to minimize the trained
models complexity and enhance their performance. In each (1)
case, each classifier was trained and evaluated iteratively by
increasing the number of features for each iteration. The
proposed methodologies are presented below with further where are means for each class, while
details. and are the standard deviations for class labels divided
over number of samples .
A. Classification
In this paper we have used several existing machine IV. DATASET AND TOOLS
learning classification models to classify unseen data, and The In this research, we used a publicly accessible
below we will introduce the classifiers used in this research. dataset, which can be obtained from IBM Watson Analytics1.
Support vector machines (SVMs) is a non- The dataset comprises synthetic data created by IBM data
probabilistic supervised machine learning model used for scientists. The dataset contains the HR-related data of 1470
classification and regression. SVMs will train algorithms employees with 32 features. Moreover, total of 1233 active
with assigned classes by separating each class through a employees were from “No” attrition category whereas the
decision boundary, also known as a hyperplane [11], [12].
Some problems are considered nonlinear in so far as it is 1
difficult to draw the decision boundary. However, this can be employee-attrition/

2018 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)

remaining 237 former employees were from “Yes” attrition increased. Similar results were found using all three top
category In this research, two features were removed: features. Furthermore, training random forest with two
‘Employee count’, because it is a sequence of numbers (1,2, features delivered a low F1 score. However, it increased in
3..) ; and ‘Standard hours’, since all employees have the accuracy when using the top three features (overtime,
same standard hours. Also, all non-numerical values were monthly income, job level), yet still had very low F1 scores.
assigned numerical values for processing such as: Sales=1, In addition, KNN was trained with the top two and three
Research & Development=2, Human Resources=3. features. In both experiments, KNN showed zero F1 results
Furthermore, MATLAB R2017b was used in this research to when K =1 and 5. Also, KNN results were significantly low
train and evaluate the machine learning models. when K = 3. In this research, feature selection continued up
to 12 features, but the results were insignificant. As a result,
V. EXPERIMENTS using feature selection with imbalanced data did not show
any significant improvement on model performance.
In this section we illustrate the results of three main
experiments performed on the dataset. Each experiment
trained several machine learning models. All models were TABLE I CLASSIFIER PERFORMANCE WITH IMBALANCED DATA
evaluated based on their accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 Model Type Accuracy Precision Recall F1
score. Further details are discussed in the below subsections. Scorea
Linear SVM 0.869 0.814 0.240 0.371
A. Performance Evaluation
Quadratic SVM
All trained models were evaluated by measuring their 0.871 0.662 0.405 0.503
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, which are Cubic SVM
0.841 0.508 0.418 0.458
described below: [17] [18] [19].
Gaussian SVM 0.865 0.788 0.219 0.343
Accuracy= (2) Random Forest 0.856 0.75 0.164 0.269

Precision= (3) KNN (K=1) 0.827 0.275 0.046 0.079

Recall = (4) KNN (K=3) 0.8374 0.25 0.004 0.008

F1 Score = (5) Bold values indicate highest F1 score

where TP are true positives values, TN are true negative, C. Balancing Data Using Oversampling
FP are false positives, and FN are the false negatives values. This section predicts employees attrition using a
synthetically balanced dataset. This step was achieved by
B. Imbalanced Data Experiments first scaling the dataset and then using ADASYN method. As
This section predicts employee attrition using the original a result, new synthetic data points were generated to
class-imbalanced dataset. In this research, SVM, random oversample the minority class ‘Yes’. Therefore, the total
forest, and KNN classification models were evaluated. First, number of observations in class ‘Yes’ increased up to 1152
each classifier was evaluated based on using all features in observations, whereas class ‘No’ observations, comprising
the dataset. Next, classifiers were evaluated by ranking and 1233 observations, did not change.
selecting the important subset features only.
Table II compares the performance of several
Table I compares the performance of several classification models when trained with all features, whereby
classification models. Training with linear SVM yielded the overall performance for all predictive models was
86.9% accuracy but a very low F1 score. This indicates that significantly enhanced when trained with balanced classes.
it is misclassifying most of the minority class ‘Yes’. For Training with linear SVM enhanced the F1 score up to 0.779.
further investigation, SVM was trained using different kernel However, F1 scores were even higher when SVM was
types, such as quadratic, cubic and Gaussian. But, the F1 trained using quadratic, cubic and Gaussian kernels: the
results were still low. The highest F1 score was 0.503, quadratic SVM had 0.881 F1 scores, the cubic SVM
generated by quadratic SVM. The same applies to random achieved 0.927 F1 scores, and the Gaussian SVM yielded
forest and KNN. Although KNN was trained using different 0.912 F1 scores. This indicates that the new balanced dataset
K values (1,3,5 and 10), the results were lower than those for is nonlinearly separable, and that using kernels to move data
SVM. to higher dimensions helps to define the optimal boundary.
By using feature ranking it was possible to rank all In addition, the balanced dataset was trained and
features in the imbalanced dataset, where it first computed evaluated using random forest. Unlike in the imbalanced
two-sample t-test and then returned an ordered index of the dataset, random forest achieved 0.921 F1 scores.
most important features which played a role in the training Furthermore, KNN was trained with several K values (1,3,5
process. The top three of which were overtime, monthly and 10). KNN scored very high results when K = 1, which
income and job level. To further investigate, a linear SVM may indicate overfitting. Meanwhile, KNN achieved 0.931
algorithm was trained and tested using only the top two and .909 F1 scores with K =3 and K = 5, respectively.
features (overtime, monthly income), resulting in 83.9% Finally, KNN scored lower results with K = 10, where it
accuracy. However, it did not classify any data point as ‘Yes’ achieved 0.88 F1 scores.
for attrition; hence, F1 scored zero. Whereas when using
SVM with several kernel types, the F1 scores slightly

2018 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)

Model Type Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Scoreb Model Type No. Feat- Accur- Prec- Recall F1
ures acy ision Scorec
Linear SVM 0.782 0.763 0.795 0.779
Linear SVM 2 0.648 0.676 0.523 0.589

Quadratic SVM 0.879 0.839 0.927 0.881 Cubic SVM 2 0.593 0.550 0.871 0.674

Cubic SVM 0.926 0.879 0.981 0.927 Gaussian SVM 2 0.722 0.755 0.628 0.686

Gaussian SVM Random Forest 2 0.852 0.935 0.745 0.829

0.912 0.885 0.941 0.912
Random Forest KNN (K=1) 2 0.659 1 0.294 0.454

0.926 0.950 0.893 0.921 KNN (K=3) 2 0.537 1 0.045 0.087

KNN (K=1)
0.967 0.939 0.997 0.967 KNN (K=5) 2 0.523 1 0.016 0.032
KNN (K=3) 0.929 0.877 0.992 0.931
Linear SVM 3 0.649 0.676 0.523 0.590

KNN (K=5) 0.904 0.843 0.987 0.909 Cubic SVM 3 0.562 0.530 0.823 0.645

KNN (K=10) 0.872 0.804 0.970 0.880 Gaussian SVM 3 0.722 0.753 0.630 0.686

b. Random Forest 3 0.826 0.869 0.752 0.806

Bold values indicate highest F1 score

KNN (K=1) 3 66.4 1 0.303 0.466

After generating the synthetic data points, the feature
KNN (K=3) 3 0.572 0.995 0.175 0.298
ranking function was used to rank the top features that were
contributing to the training process. As a result, it was found KNN (K=5) 3 0.553 1 0.137 0.242
that the top three features were overtime, total working years
and job level. Random forest scored the highest results Cubic Linear 12 0.74 0.736 0.721 0.729
compared with the other models, achieving a 0.829 F1 score,
as shown in Table III. The remaining predictive models Cubic SVM 12 0.851 0.875 0.825 0.850
scored very low performance results when trained with the
two features. Similar results were found when trained with Quadratic SVM 12 0.801 0.796 0.791 0.794
only three features, whereas random forest reached 0.806
Gaussian SVM 12 0.834 0.812 0.853 0.832
with only three features. The experiments continued in order
to include the 12 top features. Table IV lists the top 12 Random Forest 12 0.914 0.925 0.893 0.909
features used in the training. Random forest was able to
reach 0.909 F1 scores using only 12 subset features. KNN (K=1) 12 0.641 1 0.256 0.407
Moreover, KNN with K = 3, 5 and 10 was able to score up to
0.882, .861 and 0.839, respectively. In addition, cubic and KNN (K=3) 12 0.869 0.802 0.979 0.882
Gaussian SVMs reached more than 0.83 F1 scores.
KNN (K=5) 12 0.844 0.771 0.976 0.861
D. Balancing Data Using Undersampling KNN (K=10) 12 0.818 0.749 0.955 0.839
In this section, we predict employee attrition using c. .
Bold values indicate highest F1 score
manual undersampling of the dataset to overcome class
imbalance. This was done by randomly selecting an equal
number of observations for each class, where each class had TABLE IV. LIST OF TOP 12 FEATURES IN SYNTHETIC BALANCED DATA
237 observations. The new dataset had 474 total 1. Overtime 7. Stock Option Level
observations. 2. Total Working Years 8. Business Travel
Table V compares the performance of several 3. Job Level 9. Job Role
4. Monthly Income 10. Job Involvement
classification models when trained with all features. The
5. Marital Status 11. Job Satisfaction
maximum F1 score was reached via SVM, where the 6. Years with Current 12. Environment
quadratic SVM score was 0.74, and both linear and Gaussian Manager Satisfaction
SVM scored 0.73. Moreover, cubic SVM and random forest
reached 0.69 F1 scores. Finally, KNN had low results up to
0.59 when K = 10. These results indicate that using manual
undersampling may lead to the loss of important information
that may play a role in predicting attrition.

2018 13th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)

TABLE V. CLASSIFIER PERFORMANCE FOR UNDERSAMPLED DATA performance is considered difficult and can cost the company
both money and time.
Model Type Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Scored The main objective of this research was to use machine
Linear SVM 0.745 0.754 0.725 0.739 learning models to predict employee attrition based on their
features. This will give company management signs
Quadratic SVM 0.747 0.760 0.722 0.740 supported by machine learning tools. As a result, this will
Cubic SVM 0.707 0.733 0.650 0.689 help management to act faster to reduce the likelihood of
talented employees leaving their company. In this research,
Gaussian SVM 0.751 0.779 0.700 0.738 three experimental approaches were used on the dataset to
Random Forest 0.717 0.756 0.641 0.694
develop predictive models. First, the original imbalanced
data were trained via several predictive models, whereby
KNN (K=1) 0.589 0.595 0.552 0.573 quadratic SVM scored the highest results, with 0.50 F1
scores. Second, using the ADASYN approach, it was
KNN (K=3) 0.573 0.572 0.586 0.579
possible to balance between the two classes. It was
KNN (K=5) 0.565 0.562 0.586 0.574 noteworthy how the performance of all the models increased
significantly: cubic, Gaussian, random forest and KNN (K =
KNN (K=10) 0.588 0.584 0.611 0.597 3) achieved high F1 scores, between 0.91 and 0.93.
Furthermore, very close results were achieved when using
Bold values indicate highest F1 score the feature selection: random forest achieved 0.92 F1 scores
with two features only, and reached 0.90 using the top 12
features. The final technique was manually undersampling
Although undersampling results were low, feature the dataset to have equal classes. As a result, important
ranking and selection were applied in this section. The information was not captured and led to lower performance.
feature ranking function was used to rank the top features Nevertheless, SVMs were able to capture more than 0.70
that were contributing to the training process. As a result, it using all the features, and more than 0.60 with just two
was found that the top three features were overtime, years features.
with current manager, and total working years. Table VI
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