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A Technical seminar report on

Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of




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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited By NAAC, Bangalore)

(Affiliated To J.N.T.U.A, Ananthapuramu)

This is to certify that the technical seminar report entitled CYBORG is a bonafide
record submitted by V.SANDEEP KUMAR bearing H.T.No.:17701A05B1 in partial
fulfilment for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in COMPUTER
SCIENCE & ENGINEERING” for the year 2018-19.



Cyborgs-cybernetic organisms, hybrids of humans and machines,
have pervaded everyday life, the military, popular culture, and the academic world .Cyborgs
is ongoing becoming of a doubly “in-between” temporality of humans and machines.
Materially made from components of both sorts of beings, cyborgs gain increasing function
through an interweaving in which each alters the other, from the level of “neural plasticity”
to software updates to emotional breakthroughs of which both are a part.
The first and more traditional sense of the case of organic beings that are physically
and functionally united with mechanized beings to constitute what some consider “true”
cyborgs. The second sense of “cyborg” claims that we have all become cyborgs in the sense
of becoming enfolded within a world in which machines not only perform many of our key
actions but also make possible how we know ourselves, express ourselves, modify our
intentions, and open new avenues for who we might become.
"Cyborg" is a science-fictional shorting of "cybernetic organism". The idea is that, in
the near future, we may have more and more artificial body parts - arms, legs, hearts, and
eyes - and digital computing and communication supplements. The logical conclusion is that
one might become a brain in a wholly artificial body. And the step after that is to replace
your meat brain by a computer brain.
 Introduction

 History

 cyborg

 Types of cyborg

 Difference between Cyborg and Robot

 Applications-Some cyborg technologies

 Advantages

 Disadvantages

 Reference

 conclusion
INTRODUCTION TO and frequently pose the question of
difference between human and machine as
one concerned with morality, free will,
and empathy. Fictional cyborgs may be
A cyborg, also known as a cybernetic
represented as visibly mechanical or as
organism, is a being with both biological
almost indistinguishable from humans.
and artificial (e.g. electronic, mechanical
Cyborgs in fiction often play up a human
or robotic) parts. The cyborg is often seen
contempt for over-dependence on
today merely as an organism that has
technology, particularly when used for
enhanced abilities due to technology ,but
war, and when used in ways that seem to
this perhaps oversimplifies the category of
threaten free will. Cyborgs are also often
portrayed with physical or mental abilities
far exceeding a human counterpart
(military forms may have inbuilt weapons,
among other things). Real (as opposed to
fictional) cyborgs are more frequently
people who use cybernetic technology to
repair or overcome the physical and
mental constraints of their bodies. While
cyborgs are commonly thought of as
mammals, they might conceivably be any
kind of organism.
Fictional cyborgs are portrayed as a
synthesis of organic and synthetic parts,
The term 'cyborg' is a contraction implants'. The concept is, however, largely
of 'cybernetic organism', and entered the confined to entertainment arena, as a result
language in the early 1960s. The term of a 1973 novel called 'Cyborg', which
'cybernetics' was coined by Norbert gave rise to television series called 'The
Wiener in 1948. It referred to the then-new Six Million Dollar Man' and 'The Bionic
notion of controlling human-designed Woman' - who had 'bionic' eyes, legs and
processes through feedback and response, arms.
in ways similar to those evident in natural
organisms (Wiener 1948, 1949). He
contrived the word from the Greek word CYBORG DEFINITION
for 'steersman'.
The origin of the contraction 'cyborg' is A Cyborg is a Cybernetic
commonly attributed to two US research Organism , part human part machine.
scientists, who used it to refer to an This concept is bit tricky but let see an
enhanced human being who could survive example of a CYBORG, you may
in extraterrestrial environments, or, in their have seen the movie
own words "the exogenously extended TERMINATOR. In that ARNOLD was
organizational complex functioning as an a CYBORG. He was part man part
integrated homeostatic system machine.
unconsciously" (Clynes & Kline 1960). Well definition exactly says this,
More generally, a cyborg is a human with CYBORG can be made by technology
whom mechanical and/or electronic parts known as
have been integrated. Driven by feature CYBERNETICS.
films that depict imaginings of sci-fi
authors, popular culture envisages a
cyborg as necessarily having functionality  CYBORG is a combination
that has been extended beyond that of a between man and machine.
normal human being. Indeed, the OED  Different from a robot.
adopts that element of Clynes & Kline  Used to repair or overcome
(1960). Although one definition is "an physical and mental
integrated man-machine system", the other
is "a person whose physical tolerances or
capabilities are extended beyond normal
human limitations by a machine or other TYPES OF CYBORG ENTITIES
external agency that modifies the body's
functioning" (emphasis added). For the SOCIAL/INDIVIUAL CYBORGS
purposes of this analysis, however, it is
necessary to distinguish enhancements SOCIAL CYBORG
from more mundane, but highly valuable
interventions. More broadly, the full term "cybernetic
Also in popular culture, cyborgs organism" is used to describe larger
enhancements are physically inserted into networks of communication and control.
the person. This paper will, however, also For example, cities, networks of roads,
encompass circumstances in which this networks of software, corporations,
condition is not satisfied. Consideration markets, governments, and the collection
has also been given to the notion of 'bionic of these things together. A corporation can
be considered as an artificial intelligence artificial C-Leg aids in walking
that makes use of replaceable human significantly by attempting to replicate the
components to function. People at all user's natural gait, as it would be prior to
ranks can be considered replaceable agents amputation. Prostheses like the C-Leg and
of their functionally intelligent the more advanced iLimb are considered
government institutions, whether such a by some to be the first real steps towards
view is desirable or not. The example the next generation of real-world cyborg
above is reminiscent of the "organic applications. Additionally cochlear
paradigm" popular in the late 19th century implants and magnetic implants which
due to the recent breakthroughs in provide people with a sense that they
understanding of cellular biology. would not otherwise have had can
additionally be thought of as creating

INDIVIDUAL CYBORG In 2002, under the heading Project

Cyborg, a British scientist, Kevin
Warwick, had an array of 100 electrodes
fired in to his nervous system in order to
link his nervous system into the Internet.
With this in place he successfully carried
out a series of experiments including
extending his nervous system over the
Internet to control a robotic hand, a
loudspeaker and amplifier. This is a form
of extended sensory input and the first
direct electronic communication between
the nervous systems of two humans.

In 2004, under the heading Bridging the

Island of the Colourblind Project, a British
and completely colorblind artist, Neil
Harbisson, started wearing an eyeborg on
his head in order to hear colors. His
prosthetic device was included within his
INDIVIDUAL CYBORG passport photograph which has been
claimed to confirm his cyborg status.
Neil Harbisson is sometimes claimed to
Generally, the term "cyborg" is used to
refer to a human with bionic, or robotic, Robots and cyborgs seem like the stuff
implants. In current prosthetic applications, of science fiction and to some degree
the C-Leg system developed by Otto Bock they are. But what most people do
HealthCare is used to replace a human leg exist just not in the form that they
that has been amputated because of injury depict in the movies. The main
or illness. The use of sensors in the difference between a cyborg and a
robot is the presence of life. A robot restorative and the enhanced. Restorative
is basically a machine that is very technologies “restore lost function, organs,
advanced. It is often automated and and limbs”. The key aspect of restorative
requires very little interaction with cyborgization is the repair of broken or
humans. In comparison, cyborgs are a missing processes to revert to a healthy or
combination of a living organism and a average level of function. There is no
machine. It doesn’t necessarily have to enhancement to the original faculties and
be human, it can be a dog , a bird, or processes that were lost.
any other living thing. A brain-computer interface, or BCI,
provides a direct path of communication
The living component is what separates from the brain to an external device,
a cyborg from a robot. This basically effectively creating a cyborg. Research of
means that a cyborg is alive while a Invasive BCIs, which utilize electrodes
robot isn’t. Even though some robots implanted directly into the grey matter of
can simulate certain aspects of living the brain, has focused on restoring
beings, it never truly is alive. A robot is damaged eyesight in the blind and
only capable of doing what it was providing functionality to paralyzed
programmed to do while a cyborg, people, most notably those with severe
especially human cyborgs, exercise free cases, such as Locked-In syndrome.
will on their activities.

The robots and cyborgs vary is

complexity. Robots can be fairly
complex like the factory robots
mentioned above. There are, however,
also robots that are very simple. There
are simple robotic kits made available
to young children to spark their
curiosity and show them the basic
principles behind robotics. In
comparison, the machine part of a
cyborg is often very complex as it
interfaces with the organic part in order Retinal implants are another form of
to function. Some prosthetic arms can cyborgization in medicine. The theory
function pretty much like a real limb, behind retinal stimulation to restore vision
and some people can even reach out to people suffering from retinitis
and grab things. pigmentosa and vision loss due to aging.



In medicine, there are two important and

different types of cyborgs: these are the

Many categories of handicapped

sportspeople, particularly those
participating in athletics and swimming,
compete against others with similar
disabilities and/or levels of disability.
Commonly, the handicapped are protected
from the prosthetes, and both the
DARPA-Cyborg handicapped and prosthetes are protected
Military organizations' research has from the able-bodied, e.g. by segregation
recently focused on the utilization of into separate events or at least categories.
cyborg animals for inter-species
relationships for the purposes of a Wheelchair racers compete separately
supposed tactical advantage. DARPA has from the able-bodied as well. However,
announced its interest in developing they go faster than runners. In the case of
"cyborg insects" to transmit data from the New York Marathon, for example, the
sensors implanted into the insect during winner of the wheelchair event is about
the pupal stage. Similarly, DARPA is 35% faster than the winner of the foot-
developing a neural implant to remotely race. Hence segregation into separate
control the movement of sharks. The events works the other way around,
shark's unique senses would be exploited protecting the able-bodied from the
to provide data feedback in relation to orthots. The potential exists for the able-
enemy ship movement and underwater bodied to be precluded from competing in
explosives. wheelchair events, or to be permitted to
compete, and even for them to demand the
IN ART: right to do so.

A particular case of sports orthosis was

The concept of the cyborg is often drawn to attention in the presentation
associated with science fiction. However, accompanying Clarke (2005a), in Hood
many artists have tried to create public (2005a and (2005b) and in some other
awareness of cybernetic organisms; these media outlets around that time. Oscar
can range from paintings to installations. Pistorius is a South African athlete, who
Stelarc is a performance artist who has competes in 200m and 400m events. In
visually probed and acoustically amplified 2005, it was speculated that, if he
his body. He uses medical instruments, continued his improvement, he would
prosthetics, robotics, virtual reality qualify for the 2008 Olympic Games, and
systems, the Internet and biotechnology to by 2012 could be at least a semi-finalist.
explore alternate, intimate and involuntary Oscar was born without lower legs, and
interfaces with the body. He has made has artificial legs that include carbon fiber
three films of the inside of his body and blades.
has performed with a third hand and a
virtual arm. The International Association of Athletics
Federations (IAAF) determined that
Pistorius' prosthetics "should be
considered as technical aids which give that the phenomenon, seen from a grand
him an advantage over other athletes not evolutionary perspective, can be seen as
using them" (Robinson 2008). They part of the grand design of evolution. The
accordingly banned him from competing human cyborg represents a 'transitional
against able-bodied athletes at the 2008 species' of sorts, before the human enters
Olympics. This was based on an total post-biological obsolescence. If
amendment to their rules, passed the evolution is theorized from an abstract
previous year that precludes use of "any perspective as an attempt to increase the
technical device that incorporates springs, information-processing power latent in
wheels or any other element that provides matter, in the struggle against entropy, it is
a user with an advantage over another clear that hardware (artificial life) will
athlete not using such a device". eventually win out against wetware
(organic life) since it is more durable and
Pistorius challenged the ruling, and won, more efficient.
on the basis that the IAAF had failed to
show that the legs gave him sufficient There are others who foresee perhaps a
advantage (i.e. that the Exo-prostheses more peaceable coexistence for human
were in fact Exo-orthoses). Due to an beings and electronic ‘life,’ One recent
injury-plagued preparation, however, he theory that has been bantered about lately
missed the qualifying standard by 0.70 is that the human race may have reached
seconds and did not satisfy the criteria for the saturation point for economic growth,
selection for his national team. but this is fortunate since it has arrived in
time for it to work on 'human growth,' i.e.
A media report has subsequently the re-engineering of the human species.
suggested that the IAAF may now have We can 'graduate' from being victims of
the required evidence (SD 2009), and natural selection to masters of self-
hence may now succeed in banning selection. It seems hard to argue against
double-amputees using such devices in increasing human longevity, intelligence,
able-bodied events. Ironically, the brand- or strength, since human beings seem to
name of the legs Pistorius uses is 'Cheetah' live too short a span, to make too many
- doubtless intended to imply speed, but mistakes in reasoning, and to lack the
perhaps now to be interpreted as an physical endurance necessary to make
admission that they provide an unfair great accomplishments. Indeed, there are
advantage to orthots over the able-bodied those who feel that without technological
athletes. modification, the human being might be
simply too "shortchanged" from an
POSITIVE ARGUMENTS evolutionary standpoint to accomplish the
race's greatest dreams, such as peaceful
Certainly, there have been a number of coexistence, environmental sustainability,
positive responses to this 'cyborg' and space exploration. The search for
phenomenon. There have been a number human perfectibility is one of the oldest of
of AI researchers like Hans Moravec who utopian dreams.
have unabashedly declared that it may be
time for carbon-based biological life to Lastly, there are the postmodern theorists,
yield control of the planet to its 'mind normally noted for their antitechnological
children,' silicon-based life. They claim stance, who have taken a favorable
position on the coming of the cyborg. The conscience into the computer that
"cyborg anthropologists" have followed eventually replaces your brain, you are
the line of Donna Haraway, who declared screwed.
that she would rather be a cyborg than a
goddess any day, in a sort of cynical 5. Increased Intelligence/Computational
repudiation of ecofeminism and the Power/Perception
fetishizing of nature. A possibility of a cyborg can be to add
microchips to the brain, which would
The advantages of becoming a cyborg: allow your brain to offload commands
such as doing calculations to the chip,
1. Returning Function which could do the calculations
If you have had parts of you damaged, instantaneously and return the answers to
such as you are blind, you can have to the brain. Perception could be increased by
eyes replaced with electromechanical assisting parts of the brain that deal with
devices that return function. awareness.

2. Increased Strength
Assuming that it is possible to replace or NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES
enhance the human endoskeleton with
metal and pneumatic/hydraulic pumps, the The critics of bioelectronics and
strength of a cyborg could be drastically biocomputing foresee numerous potential
increased above a normal human. A metal negative social consequences from the
skeleton would even possibly allow you to technology. One is that the human race
even take hits a normal human couldn't will divide along the lines of biological
survive (e.g. A sledgehammer to the chest, haves and have-nots. People with enough
or a gunshot to the head) money will be able to augment their
personal attributes as they see fit (which is
3. Added Functionality what they already do with techniques such
A cyborg does not have the limits of a as spas, plastic surgery, etc.) as well as to
standard human. For example due to utilize cloning, organ replacement, etc. to
increased weight, they could replace or stave off death for as long as they wish,
add appendages such as a building a gun while the majority of humanity will
inside the arm, that can extend out and continue to suffer from plague, hunger,
shoot, with there being less recoil thanks 'bad genes,' and infirmity. It's hard not to
to weight and strength. see the biological 'haves' advocating
separation and/or extinction inevitably for
4. Possibly Longer Lifespan their unmodified peers.
because you are replacing a lot of your
body parts, you are making some of your It's inevitable that there will be those who
organs obsolete and since you aren't see the potential of a sort of master race
relying on them, it doesn't matter if they from this technology. Certainly, the
fail or are taken out. How ever until military has already considered the
research into extended or replenishing the possibility of the super-soldier, augmented
state of the brain, you will still only have by technology so that he has faster
as long to live as your brain will allow. reflexes, deadlier accuracy, greater
Unless you could somehow transfer your resistance to fatigue, integrated weaponry,
and most importantly, lesser inclinations Artificially Intelligent computers, leading
toward fear or doubt in combat. Such to your body becoming an android.
soldiers could be created through
combinations of biochemical’s, 2. Expensive
bioelectronics, and DNA manipulation. Unless you are being subjected to
They might have available arsenals of new becoming a cyborg against your will by
biological warfare components, secret underground science teams, this
synthetically generated within their own entire tech is going to be coming out of
bodies. But it's not clear that these your pocket, and it will not be cheap.
'cyborgs' would not turn on their creators.
Indeed, there's no reason at all to think 3. Loss of Acceptable Appearance
they would forever allow themselves to be Assuming that you had your muscles
controlled by inferiors. They could easily mostly replaced with pumps, you aren't
become a new sort of dominant caste, going to have all that much blood, so there
forcing the rest of untechnologized won't be a whole lot keeping your skin
humanity into serfdom. Or perhaps they (and your member) alive.
might decide simply to eliminate it.
4. Likely to Die in the Creation
For that reason, it's logical to suspect that Procedures
one of the other dangers inherent in Adapting to cyborg life wouldn't be even
bioelectronics might be the ability to nearly as hard as surviving all the surgery
control and monitor people. This would be that you would have to go through to have
a tremendous violation of human privacy, entire parts of your body replaced. Unless
but the creators of human biotech might research teams develop some way to
see it as necessary to keep their subjects replace body parts with other things in an
under control. Once implanted with bio- instant, you will probably be dead before
implant electronic devices, 'cyborgs' might you know it.
become highly dependent on the creators
of these devices for their repair, recharge, 5. You Are Now Property of a
and maintenance. It could be possible to Government
modify the person technologically so that Expanding on the expensive point, now
their body would stop producing some that you have somehow managed to
essential substance for survival, thus survive the expensive surgery that an
placing them under the absolute control of underground government has paid for,
the designers of the technology. they basically now own you and you are in
their service until your brain dies and they
The Disadvantages of becoming a cyborg: turn you into an android to keep forever.

1. Possible loss of humanity ARGUMENTS ON BALANCE

Due to having microchips installed in your
brain that can alter your behavior, it is
possible that you would lose or overwrite
the parts of you, that make you who you The proponents of bioelectronics are
are. When your brain dies, people aren't inevitably correct in suggesting that it
likely to let your body go to waste and will holds out incredible benefits for the human
therefore replace the deceased brain with race. (Admittedly, those who argue for
human obsolescence as a benefit should be and procedures for installing them
discounted by any reasonable humanist.) - case (4) - chip-implantation
Likewise, it is undeniably the case that
some of the skepticism toward  a claim right on the state, to
bioelectronics arises out of the receive quality-of-life prostheses -
superstitious attitude that people hold case (1) - spectacles and hearing-
toward computers and electronic aids
technology, as well as medical and
reproductive procedures that they don't  a claim right on the state, to
fully understand. However, they are receive matter-of-life-and-death
incorrect in arguing that regulation and prostheses - case (2) - renal
oversight will only hinder research in this dialysis, stents and pacemakers
area and prevent scientific progress in the
relevant areas. In marginalizing the social  a liberty right to decline a
and ethical issues generated by research in prosthesis or orthosis - case (4) -
biocomputing, these researchers are RFID-anklets and chip-implants,
showing a side of science that people have and case (7) - RFID chips as the
routinely expressed anger about - its norm
refusal to accept social responsibility for
unforeseen consequences. In order for  a claim right on the organizers of
bioelectronics research to progress, it will sporting events, to enable
have to accept that the potential dangers participation in events with cyborg
are real, and that the concerns of some athletes - case (5) - wheelchair
skeptics are valid. Otherwise, something sports
disastrous might occur which might create
a 'death-blow' for the industry; much as  a claim right on service-providers,
has happened with nuclear power in the preventing the denial of access to
U.S., and nothing positive will ever have services by non-cyborgs - case (7)
been attained. - RFID chips as the norm.

IMPLICATIONS Rights of the Cyborg

 a claim right by prosthetes, on

This section draws on the cases outlined operators of facilities, to be able to
above in order to identify the kinds of use external, Exo- and endo-
rights that may be emergent, or may be at prostheses in facilities used by the
least asserted, claimed or desired, public - case (3) wheelchairs on
variously by cyborgs and by non-cyborgs aircraft
in reaction to the cyborgisation of others.
 a claim right by prosthetes, on the
Rights of the Non-Cyborg (or Pre- organizers of sporting events, to
Cyborg) enable participation in events
separately from able-bodied
 a claim right on service-providers, athletes - case (5) - double-
to take due care in the design and amputees
testing of prostheses and orthoses
 a claim right by prosthetes, on the that if the future of intelligent
organizers of sporting events, to robots , then to protect mankind,
enable participation in events with we will must need some
able-bodied athletes - case (5) - terminators. They all are cyborgs
double-amputees because by making human
 a claim right by orthots, on the
organizers of sporting events, to
enable participation in events with
able-bodied athletes - case (5) -
double-amputees References
 a claim right by orthots, on the

organizers of sporting events, to
enable participation in events
separately from able-bodied
athletes - case (5) - double-
 a claim right by orthots, against
others, to be able to utilize their
enhanced functional capability,
perhaps only within a particular
context, but perhaps generally -
case (8) - military and security


 Human Humans limited

capabilities, human sense the
world in a restricted way.
 Even cyborgs has some major
defects and wrong sides as like
any technologies evolving now
days. Finally I would like to say

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