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Earthquake in Haiti, tsunami in Japan, typhoon in Tacloban and wild fire in Amazon Forest these are just

a few signs that our Earth is changing or I might say it’s aging and it’s happening very fast. Almost every
day there are a lot of disasters happening around from all over the world, disasters that causes by us

Remember back in 2011, people were so afraid because of the theory that the world might end by 2012.
Many were terrified by this thought and even many apocalypse movies were produced that added more
tension to people around. Here comes 2012 but nothing happened. Many were relieved but still many
are afraid that the end may come any sooner.

As time goes by, we keep on consuming the resources around the Earth is providing us. Every day many
trees were cut down, many corals were bombed, many harmful waste and chemicals produced by big
companies from all over the world. If this will continue to happen the end of the world will be coming
very soon.

They might say that calamities are natural, that they are God-made but the cause of those calamities are
the social decisions that led to these calamities to be triggered and have a double effect to us.

We must be aware of all these things, so that we could be prepare on whatever happen in the future.
But being aware is not enough we must learn that there still a chance, a chance to change and a chance
to help our mother Earth.

We must change! We also must refuse the temptation to look away when confronted with disasters. We
must refuse the old stories that tell us to interpret social disasters as natural disasters. We must refuse
the familiar scripts of victims and rescuers that focus our energies solely on charity instead of systemic
change. We must refuse the recovery measures that seek always to further polarize the people and the
places they claim to mend. And we must, in all circumstances and with all our strength, resist the
attempts of those who helped bring the disaster to use the chaos to their advantage to tighten their
hold on our futures.

We must stare into the ruin bravely and we must see.

And then we must act.

A simple proper disposal of your wastes or segregating them will be a big help to save our nature. Learn
to conserve water before it runs dry. Conserve electricity, it is not unlimited. Ride your bike or hit a jog
to your school or work. Plant trees. Promote awareness about our environment. Don’t just joined
campaigns but be more active and most importantly… do some steps. Use your awareness to help our
crying mother Earth.

Our very lives depend on it.

Never fear though—if anything is certain it is this: there will be more disasters. Some new
calamities will strike our poor planet. More people will die. Those of us who are committed will
help all we can, but most people will turn away. After all, calamities are not only catastrophes;
they are also opportunities: chances for us to see ourselves, to take responsibility for what we
see, to change.

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