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Laser B1+

1) If you are…
a. Ambitious​, you want to be very successful.
b. Pessimistic​, you think the future is going to be bad.
c. Popular​, you have lots of friends.
d. Amusing​, people think you are funny.
e. Generous​, you share what you have to other people.
f. Sensitive​, you upset very easily.
g. Optimistic​, you think the future is going to be good.
h. Selfish​, you only care about yourself.
i. Considerate​, you care about other people's feelings.
j. ​Modest​, you don't like to talk about other people's feelings.
k. ​Arrogant​, you think you are better than other people.

2. Prefixes
a. I'm sure Nigel didn't mean to be ​unkind​ when he spoke to you this
b. A Lot of people think it is ​impolite​ to visit without calling first.
c. Nadine thinks she's ​unattractive​ but I think she's quite pretty.
d. Don't be ​unfair​! Let your sister play with you and your friends!
e. I Think It's very ​dishonest​ of you to lie to your brother like that.
f. My mum is ​incapable​ of being rude to anyone.
g. Jenny is in trouble after doing something ​illegal​.
h. Don't include any i​rrelevant​ points in your description.

3. Phrasal verbs with up

a. If a person ​turns up​, they arrive unexpectedly.
b. If a problem ​comes up​, it appears unexpectedly.
c. If a person ​thinks up​ an idea, they have it before anyone else
d. If a person ​makes up​ a story, they create it.
e. If a person ​brings up​ a subject, they mention it in a conversation.
4. Magic metaphors
a. I thought John was very ​cold-hearted​ when he said he didn't care about
people who don't have enough money.
b. My grandfather was a very ​warm​, kind man who would do anything for
c. Our head teacher is quite ​hot-tempered​ and gets very angry about
unimportant things.
d. Tony is really ​cool​. He doesn't let anything worry him.
e. When I asked Mrs Brown how old she was, she didn't answer me; she just
gave me a(n) ​icy ​look instead.
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after (D)

come (B)

like (A)

go (B)

annoy (D) fault (A)

Finding (B)

with (D)
blaming (D)

does (B)

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