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A short novel on
personal development


Something that we all have in common are

personalities. Everyone has different
beliefs and achievements in life that
determine their attitudes towards society
today. For example your attitude towards
your bus driver can be positive or
negative. If you choose to smile at them as
you get on, it can put you both into a
positive mindset. Small moments like this
can change your attitude on the rest of
your day. The more kind or generous
things you do has an effect on your overall
personality. You will soon find that it
becomes a habit and therefore you become
positive and influence positivity to
everyone around you.

We all have a fire inside ourselves

that can spark ideas into action.
No one is the same in this world
therefore our dreams and ideas
may not be either. We all have
different goals that we want to
achieve and we are all at different
stages in our lives. No one will
have the same past as you. You are
unique in your own special ways. I
am a person who grew up in an
immigrant family that didn’t have
much money. This may sound
similar to someone you know or
heard of, but I am referring to
specific moments in life that
change the core of us. Everyone is
on different paths in life.

Having a small circle of loyal

friends is an important asset to
have as a person. The type of people
you should choose to have in your
circle should motivate and inspire
you to achieve success. These
people are important because they
will get you through moments when
you think you cant keep moving
forward. The most important thing
is to have trust and loyalty between
you and them, that is what keeps
the circle strong.

Everyday we have the power to

choose whether specific attitudes of
people or things such as a bus being
late affect the way we feel
internally. You have to train your
mind to not be reactive to certain
types of situations for the benefit of
your mood being stable and positive.
Myself as a person, has always been
calm with a sharp mind. Once you
master your brain on becoming less
reactive to negative moments
throughout the day, you’ll find
yourself not worrying as much as
you normally would.

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