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J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582

DOI 10.1007/s00239-010-9353-z

Amino Acid Homochirality may be Linked to the Origin

of Phosphate-Based Life
Da Xiong Han • Hai Yan Wang • Zhi Liang Ji •

An Fu Hu • Yu Fen Zhao

Received: 16 June 2009 / Accepted: 6 May 2010 / Published online: 27 May 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract Phosphorylation has to have been one of the evolution, and we hope that it will guide further experi-
key events in prebiotic evolution on earth. In this article, ments in this area.
the emergence of phosphoryl amino acid 50 -nucleosides
having a P–N bond is described as a model of the origin of Keywords Homochirality  Genetic codes  Phosphate 
amino acid homochirality and Genetic Code. It is proposed Origin of life  Chiral selection
that the intramolecular interaction between the nucleotide
base and the amino acid side-chain influences the stability
of particular amino acid 50 -nucleotides, and the interaction Introduction
also selects for the chirality of amino acids. The differences
between L- and D-conformation energies (DEconf) are Homochirality means that the monomer units of proteins
evaluated by DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. are made up exclusively of L-enantiomers, whereas the
Although, as expected, these DEconf values are not large, monomer units of the nucleic acid polymers DNA and
they do give differences in energy that can distinguish the RNA as well as those of the biologically important poly-
chirality of amino acids. Based on our calculations, the saccharides are associated with D-sugars. It is now recog-
chiral selection of the earliest amino acids for L-enantio- nized that all of the crucial biopolymers associated with
mers seems to be determined by a clear stereochemical/ life are homochiral (Bonner 2000). Therefore, the source of
physicochemical relationship. As later amino acids devel- homochirality is one of the most important topics in the
oped from the earliest amino acids, we deduce that the research on the origin of life. In the case of these 20 protein
chirality of these late amino acids was inherited from that amino acids, the origin of selection for their homochirality
of the early amino acids. This idea reaches far back into is still a puzzle. Several controversial hypotheses have been
invoked to explain the phenomenon. The homochirality of
amino acids might have stemmed from an asymmetric
adsorption on chiral mineral surfaces, such as quartz or
clays (Hazen 2001), from consequences at the molecular
D. X. Han (&)
level of the violation of parity in the weak interaction (the
Department of Pharmacy, Medical College of Xiamen
University, Xiamen 361005, China so-called Vester-Ulbricht hypothesis; Bonner 2000), from
e-mail: spontaneous resolution (Saghatelian et al. 2001), or from
asymmetric photoreactions (Bailey 2000, 2007; Jorissen
H. Y. Wang
and Cerf 2002). These proposed physical and biochemical
The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic
Administration of China, Xiamen 361005, China mechanisms demonstrate how enantiomeric segregation
e-mail: might have occurred in nature, however, the reason for the
preference for one enantiomer over the other has never
Z. L. Ji  A. F. Hu  Y. F. Zhao
been explained satisfactorily.
The Key Laboratory for Chemical Biology of Fujian Province,
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen In the present study, we demonstrate that amino acid
University, Xiamen 361005, China homochirality, as a unique feature of life, might have

J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582 573

originated synchronously with the Genetic Code. When O4

Serine H5
amino acids entered into living matter, the formation of the
Genetic Code might have provided the force for preferring
one enantiomer of amino acids to the other. At the stage of Methyl O H6
chemical evolution, the primeval atmosphere of the Earth
must have been the source of a rich variety of pre-bio- O
logical small molecules, so that nucleotides, amino acids, H
O H1'
oligonucleotides, and peptides present in life existed 5' position H2'
simultaneously. A primitive relationship between amino O
Linking center P
acids and nucleotides could also evolve. This relationship phosphate
is called the Genetic Code. Each amino acid relates to O
one or more trinucleotide sequences. A stereochemical Phosphodiester bond 2',3'-Isopropylidene
hypothesis suggests that the origin of the Genetic Code
Fig. 1 The structure model of the (N) amino acid-50 -nucleotide,
could probably be attributed to stereochemical and/or
similar to the structure of the Ser:Urd compound (dashed line stands
physicochemical interactions between anticodons (three for H-bond, double arrowhead stands for the NOE action)
successive nucleotide residues in RNA) or codons (three
successive nucleotide residues in DNA) and amino acids
(Di Giulio 1997, 1999; Inous et al. 1993; Speight et al.
a -
2001). When the most archaic forms of the Genetic Code P
O O OH -
had established the physicochemical/stereochemical inter- O O- :NH2CHCOO- -O
actions between nucleotides and amino acids, the steric P P
O- O- O-
interaction must have been involved in the chiral selection O- O amino-acid P3-(N)amino acid
of amino acids. Based on the above hypothesis, it was P3m
suggested that the Genetic Code could initially related to
mixed oligomers consisting either L-amino acids and b :OH R
D-ribonucleotides, or D-amino acids and D-ribonucleotides O
compounds, respectively (since D-ribose is generally con- -
O O O OH - -
sidered to have been the prior selection). Since the mixed O- O- O- NHCHCHOO- O

oligomers preceded RNA and L-proteins, the origin of R OH OH

amino acid homochirality evolved in an environment in (N)amino acid-5'-nucleotide

which the mixed oligomers were the dominant molecules.
Fig. 2 a Mechanism of phosphorylation of amino acids by P3m,
Then, in the process of oligomer polymerization to RNA, b formation of (N) amino acid-50 -nucleotides
D-ribose RNA was stereoselective for L-amino acids, and so
caused the chiral selection with the origin of the Genetic

A Model for the Origin of Homochirality

Phosphorylation has to have been one of the key events in
prebiotic evolution on earth. Treatment of amino acids and
nucleosides with polyphosphate or cyclic trimetaphosphate
(P3m) gives good yields of phosphoryl amino acids and nucleophile attacking
nucleotides under reasonably plausible prebiological con-
ditions (Chung et al. 1971; Tsuhako et al. 1984; Westhei-
OH 2.58 Å OH
mer 1987; Yamagata et al. 1991; Inous et al. 1993; Cheng
et al. 2004; Pasek et al. 2008; Ni et al. 2009). Once such a H-bond
single phosphoryl N-amino acid had formed, it makes O
possible a reaction with nucleosides by 50 -OH attack to P P
produce amino acid 50 -nucleotides (aaNs) (Figs. 1, 2, 3).
These phosphoryl monomer species then could react fur- penta-coordinated
phosphorus P3-L-Ala
ther and condense to form peptides and oligonucleotides.
In this study, we propose that the formation of the aaNs Fig. 3 Mechanism of the reaction of P3–(N) amino acid (such as
having a P–N bond could have been important as a model P3–L–Ala) with 50 -nucleoside (Uracil) by the orientation of H-bonds

574 J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582

Fig. 4 Schematic a (N)amino acid-5'-nucleoside

representation of the stack of
(N) amino acid-50 -nucleotides. side-chain
a The lateral view of aaN COOH
polymer, b the planform view of
L- and D-monomer
D-aas NH base



surface-bound aaN polymer



L-enantiomer D-enantiomer

for chiral selection. The early bimolecular evolution would It would be described later how the emergence of the
have been carried out on organic surface layers rather than aaNs was featured as important reagents in the origin of
in bulk solution. For example, positively charged mineral phosphate-based life.
layers concentrated simple phosphorylated nucleosides
from dilute solution and condensed them to form an oli- Formation of aaN Compound
gomer that contains a Genetic Code. Our current view on
this is that single nucleotides and amino acids were prob- The genetic materials DNA and RNA, as well as many
ably linked at random prior to the stereoselection of chiral intermediary metabolites are phosphodiesters, most of the
amino acids. As shown (Figs. 4, 5), the aaNs were arranged coenzymes are phosphate or pyrophosphate esters, the
orderly on flat surfaces under constraints that maximized principal reservoirs of biochemical energy such as adeno-
the degree of contact of polar groups with the surface, as sine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate are also
similarly described by Bailey (1998). When the arrange- phosphates. Thus, phosphates and pyrophosphates are
ment of nucleoside parts adopted a phospho-ribose back- essential intermediates in biochemical syntheses and deg-
bone mode similar to the present RNA, the chiral radation (Westheimer 1987). Based on these facts, we infer
environment of RNA and steric interference would prevent that phosphates would have been selected as operators at an
access of some isomers of amino acid parts in aaNs. Here, early stage in chemical evolution. The spontaneous poly-
only aaNs with a favorable symmetrical structure could merization from free amino acids and nucleotides to pep-
aggregate and polymerize. And in the aaN polymer, the tides and oligonucleotides occurs at a very low rate in
close proximity of the amino acid side-chain and nucleic water. There is no doubt that clays, sand, and many min-
acid bases was also possibly in favor of Genetic Code erals could concentrate biomolecules and catalyze their
relationship formation. The aaNs as a model for chiral polymerization (Ferris et al. 1996; Zaia 2004). In these
selection presented here are speculative, but they have complexes, since minerals with metals have a stronger
served as guide for experiments. For example, we synthe- catalyzing capability, the surface adsorptions of minerals
sized some di-nucleoside phosphoramidates, and their are very important. These positively charged minerals will
properties and bioavailability were investigated by Mass selectively concentrate negatively charged molecules for
Spectrometry (Qin et al. 2002) and NMR (Lin et al. 2003). ordering and surface-induced polymerization reactions. If

J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582 575

Fig. 5 The modeling graphic of a Code triplet

the (N) amino acid-50 -nucleotide
polymerization. 1, 2, 3 represents
a code triplet. a the planform
view of the modeling graphic, 1 2 3
b the lateral view of the modeling Uracil
graphic. The dashed rectangular
represents a monomer group 5'- 3'-

(N)amino acid-5'-nucleoside

5'- 3'-

O Phosphate species
P- P- P-
Surface affinity
M+ M+ M+ M+

Cationic minerals

biomolecules are to be negatively charged, prime consid- aqueous environment. And the 20 ,30 -OH group of the
eration should be given to phosphate as having a central ribonucleoside could form two pairs of strong H-bonds to
function for life. Trivalent orthophosphate ions not only phosphorus oxygen atoms of P3–(N)amino acids (Fig. 3).
fulfill the functions of a connector for the phosphate-ribose The distance of 20 -O to 30 -O (about 2.58 Å) is close to that
backbone, but also retain the negative charge necessary for of the two phosphorus oxygen atoms (about 2.82 Å), so the
concentration and retention on mineral surface by elec- two H-bonds (P)O–H(O) can be well formed simulta-
trostatic interaction of positive and negative charges. neously. The consequence of H-bond formation should
Consequently, as an important reagent for the origin of the assist the nucleoside 50 -OH nucleophile attacking the
Genetic Code and amino acid homochirality, the aaNs phosphorus atom of the phosphoryl group (this is the most
should similarly involve a phosphorylation procedure. electrophilic center of the P3–(N)amino acid), forming
Both from experimental simulation and analysis of penta-coordinated phosphorus intermediates and opening
volatile condensates in volcanic gas and volcanic activity the triphosphate (Figs. 2b, 3). Through a study on the
could produce water-soluble polyphosphates consisting of mechanism of the biomimetic reactions of phosphorus
PO43-, P3O93-, linear oligophosphate, and P3m through participation in our laboratory (Lu et al. 2002; Li et al.
partial hydrolysis of P4O10 (Yamagata et al. 1991). Under 2004; Tan et al. 2004; Fu et al. 1997, 1999), we have
sterile conditions at Mg/Ca ratios found in natural waters, proposed that the formation of aaNs with P3m could pro-
most phosphate from hydrolysis of polyphosphates would ceed through involvement of penta-coordinated phosphorus
precipitate as insoluble salts (Kolb et al. 1997). P3m, a six- intermediates, which are considered to be metastable
membered cyclic tri-phosphate, readily undergoes a ring- intermediates or transition states in the action of ribonu-
opening reactions in the presence of amino acids to give cleases and similar phosphodiesterases.
P3–(N)amino acids with a P–N bond (Tsuhako et al. 1984). Since the production of aaNs has not been observed in a
Thereafter, P3m reacts with nucleosides to form aaNs, fol- water system in the presence of P3m, amino acids, and
lowed by the release of the product, P2 (Fig. 2). As a nucleosides, we previously carried out a preliminary study
reaction mechanism, we propose the following. P3– (Zhou et al. 1996). For example, the reaction products of
(N)Amino acids are protected by their anionic charge from N-(O,O-diisopropyl) phosphoro-threonine (DIPPThr) and
rapid attack by water and other nucleophiles under an the four ribonucleosides (adenosine (A), uridine (U),

576 J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582

cytidine (C), and guanosine (G)) at room temperature in in contact with a polar or mineral surface, providing a
anhydrous pyridine gave the following products: the oligo- relatively fixed aaN polymer backbone. The D-ribose ring
peptide (Thr)2-4, DIPP(Thr)2-4, the denucleotides XpX, inclines to the polar face, whereas amino acids and the
(Xp)2, and the conjugates of amino-acids and denucleotides bases of nucleosides project out of the polar face with
(Xp)2-Thr, structures were determined by FAB-MS, HPLC, undefined orientations (Fig. 5). The nucleoside bases
UV, and CE-MS techniques (X represents A, U, C, and G, mainly have the syn- and trans-conformation of RNAs.
respectively). The occurrence of the above oligomers might Based on earlier study (McGuigan et al. 1993; Adelfins-
suggest that peptides and oligonucleotides could have been kaya and Herdewijn 2007), we synthesized a series of
formed simultaneously on the primitive earth. In particular, nucleoside derivatives to ascertain the base conformation,
the occurrence of the (Xp)2-Thr product and the strong such as 20 ,30 -isopropylideneuridine 50 -methoxyserinyl
hydrolytic stability of phosphodiester bonds (Arrhenius phosphamide in Fig. 6a (Ser:Urd compound). As can be
et al. 1997) has led us to speculate that free amino acids seen from NOE spectra (Fig. 6b), the uracil H6 gives
and nucleosides could have been connected by charged notable NOE signals with respect to H10 and H20 of the
phosphodiester bonds in the course of chemical evolution. ribose ring, showing that the Ser:Urd compound favors the
Consequently, the existence of the P–N amide linkage is syn-conformation. This can be attributed to the two
extremely favorable for interactions between the side- H-bonds formed between carbonyl and hydroxyl groups of
chains of amino acids and nucleoside bases in comparison serine and the uridine base, the first involving serine car-
with free states (the separated individual aa with free bonyl oxygen and the base N–H3 and the second involving
nucleotides). The strength of the interaction would depend the base O2 and the serine b-OH hydroxyl (Fig. 1). Like-
on the orientation of the side-chains relative to the bases on wise, steric interactions between bases and side-chains also
the nucleosides. Moreover, the asymmetry of D-ribose exist in the other synthetic nucleotide derivatives. For
would also display an abiotic selectivity for one enantiomer nonpolar side-chains such Ala and Val, H-bonds can be
of the amino acids. Thus, specific aaNs could be identified formed between carboxyl groups and base hydrogens,
as progenitors of homochirality. whereas polar aromatic amino acids facilitate significant
To test the possibility of oligonucleotide-directed ste- aromatic–aromatic stacking with the bases. When polar
reoselectivity, we synthesized a series of aaN derivatives in side-chains are replaced by nonpolar groups, the NOE
acetonitrile (CH3CN). The conformation of the synthesized signals between Uracil H6 and H10 /H20 of the ribose
compounds was characterized by NMR nuclear Overhauser disappeared (Fig. 7), as seen for the NOE spectrum of
effect (NOE) techniques (shown in following theoretical diisopropyl 20 ,30 -isopropylideneuridine 50 -O-phosphamide
studies). NOE peaks between amino acid side-chains and (diisopropyl:Urd compound). These results provide an
nucleoside bases were not directly detected. This showed extremely important experiment basis for the base syn
that a fixed configuration of aaNs could not form in free conformation of the aaN polymer model.
solution without rotational constraints. And it is difficult to In the free state, such as in solution the amino acid side-
display stereoselectivity for either D- or L-enantiomers of chains might have 360° rotational freedom around the P–N
amino acids. Therefore, configurational constraints (an bond. However, when the aaN molecules are constrained
analogous situation shown in Fig. 5) must have been on a surface monolayer, in an arranged order, the polar
involved to enable RNA uniquely to show stereoselectivity groups of amino acids would automatically orientate to
for L-enantiomers. nucleoside bases on the basis of our topological observa-
tions and the syn-conformation study of bases. For the aaN
polymer model, the positions of amino acid side-chains in
Materials and Methods Figs. 4 and 5 are the most favorable, while other positions
would generate steric interference with neighboring
Modeling Build nucleosides.
Considering that the calculations for full length aaN
It is supposed that the two structures of the aaN polymer in polymer molecules need a lot of computer time and
Fig. 4a could occur. Their monomer structures (see Fig. 5) resources, a simpler and more practical model should be
were extracted for theoretical calculations. And their rela- defined from the structures of the aaN polymer. According
tive stability with D- and L-amino acids was then explored to the triplet code theory (Yarus 1998; Seligmann and
to test the polymerizing structure directing the chiral Amzallag 2002), the first two nucleotides generate a ste-
selection of amino acids. It is important firstly to analyze reospecific interaction with the amino acid side-chain, with
the possible structure of the surface-bound aaN polymer the second nucleotide being vital. For this purpose, amino
before theoretical calculations. We have proposed that the acids are phosphorylated at the 50 -position of the second
oxygens of phosphate and the 50 -oxygen are coplanar and nucleotide to dissect the determined factors that regulates

J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582 577

Fig. 6 a The structure of a b

the Ser:Urd compound,
b The 400 MHz NOE spectra O H6 H1' H2'
of the Ser:Urd compound in O

O N H6


O H H 2'

H H1 '

Fig. 7 a The structure of the a b

diisopropyl:Urd, b The O

400 MHz NOE spectra of H6 H1' H2'

the diisopropyl:Urd compound NH



O H H 2'

H H1 '

the selection on chirality. A starting structure of the level. A full convergence optimization was used with the
monomer group (the dashed rectangular in Fig. 5a) might default cutoffs under GAUSSIAN03. The DFT theory
be abstracted to carry out the theory calculations. By provides a partial account of correlation correction, so it is
comparing the conformation energy, the relative stability a suitable level of theory for systems containing P and N
of the L- and D-monomers could be estimated; then, the aaN atoms. Although the convergence of system energies is
polymer selection for amino acid chirality could be subject to the interaction between nucleoside bases and
deduced. amino acid side-chains, the conformations are strikingly
close to global minima. Calculations that use only HF
Calculations energies without adding the zero-point energy and thermal
energies (vibration, rotation, and translation) are explicitly
All calculations in this article were performed on the indicated with the conformation energy, E.
GAUSSIAN03 packages, utilizing 4 CPU parallel com- Differences of L- and D-conformer’s energies are eval-
puting in a cluster group of 20 Dell PC computers. The uated for all aaN compounds: DEconf = EL - ED. EL
starting geometric structure of the monomer group was represents the conformation energy of L-monomer while
optimized using DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) ED stands for D-monomer. The DEconf values are shown

578 J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582

Table 1 The differences

between L- and D-conformation
energies (DEconf) of the 152 (N) Early aa
amino acid 50 -nucleotides
(kcal/mol) 1 Ala -7.10 -3.40 -5.50 -1.49
2 Ser -6.37 -5.59 -4.12 -4.11
3 Asp -4.82 -22.70 -3.36 -0.54
4 Glu -2.15 -22.50 -34.4 -11.09
5 Val -3.28 -3.12 -0.26 -1.40
Probably early aa
6 Pro -10.79 -0.27 -1.47 -5.59
7 Thr -6.54 -1.44 -3.70 -3.90
8 Leu -4.21 -4.15 -0.57 -0.99
9 Ile -3.86 -3.20 -0.42 -1.20
Probably late aa
10 Phe -8.61 -5.97 -2.05 -10.45
11 Tyr -1.76 -0.28 7.73 -0.53
12 Cys -2.72 -7.09 0.05 -4.67
Late aa
13 Arg -9.20 -2.89 -0.04 -2.63
DEconf = EL - ED. EL 14 Asn -8.81 -8.08 -2.48 -9.54
represents the conformation
energy of L-monomer while ED 15 Gln -12.23 -7.39 -14.90 -1.32
stands for D-monomer 16 Lys 5.07 -8.81 -22.60 1.06
Bold text represents that the 17 His 1.64 -12.88 5.31 -5.16
DEconf values are positive, the 18 Met -6.65 -9.16 1.03 -1.34
positive values are only 10.5%
19 Trp -2.66 0.38 -2.09 -0.81
of all data

(Table 1). For L-compounds, their formation potentials depends upon steric constraints and orientation between
(DEform) are simply equal to the differences between the side-chains and bases, and is an evaluating parameter for
total potential of isolated fragments (including amino acid the conventional thermodynamic intensity of H-bonds, Van
Eaa, base Ebase, D-ribose Eribose, and phosphate Ephosphate) der Waals, electrostatic, and so on.
and the potential of the aaN compounds (EL). The DEform The cytidine aaNs with typical type of side-chains were
values (DEform = EL - (Eaa ? Ebase ? Eribose ? Ephosphate)) chosen as the examples. Their optimum conformations
are shown (Table 2). clearly demonstrate that the DEconf arises mainly from the
difference of H-bonds as shown in Figs. 8 and 9, in which
the distance between the H atom of donors and the O or N
Results and Discussion atom of acceptors is smaller than 2.0 Å. For valine (Val),
with a strictly nonpolar side-chain, the L-monomer forms
Selection Mechanism of Amino Acid Chirality three H-bonds between the O atom of the Val carboxyl
group and the base H–N4, the H atom of carboxyl group
Although these DEconf values are not large, they are of the and the base N3, and the base O2 and the H of C20 -
order expected and give differences in energy to distin- hydroxyl group, respectively, whereas D-monomer only
guish the chirality of amino acids. For negative DEconf forms one H-bond between the H atom of the Val amino
values, it was found that the aaN polymer consisting of group and the base O2 (Fig. 8a). For the Serine (Ser) with
L-amino acids would be more stable than that of D-amino an uncharged polar side-chain, the L-monomer forms three
acids. In other words, the asymmetric aaN polymer would H-bonds: between the H atom of Ser carboxyl group and
have a preference for L-amino acids selected from a race- the Ser hydroxyl group oxygen; the H atom of Ser amino
mic mixture. Statistical data indicate that the relative rate group and the base O2; and the H atom of Ser hydroxyl
of selection of L-amino acids for forming the aaN polymer group and the base O2, respectively. In contrast, the
is 89.5% and that of the D-amino acids is 10.5% (Corre- D-monomer only forms two H-bonds between the H atom
sponding to the Table 1, positive values are only 10.5%, of Ser amino group and the base O2 and the H atom of Ser
but negative values are 89.5%). Here, the DEconf notably hydroxyl group and the base O2, respectively (Fig. 8b). For

J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582 579

Table 2 The relative formation

potentials (DEform) of 78
L-enantiomers of (N) amino
Early aa
acid-50 -nucleotides (kcal/mol)
1 Ala -6.10 -6.36 -9.85 -1.93
2 Ser -9.69 -10.36 -9.21 -8.47
3 Asp -35.55 -53.64 -43.02 -31.57
4 Glu -35.55 -41.13 -57.21 -47.17
5 Val -6.87 -4.32 -5.831 -2.38
Probably early aa
6 Pro -6.74 -2.12 -7.35 -7.56
7 Thr -9.72 -11.89 -9.06 -8.04
8 Leu -5.65 -4.16 -4.63 -1.08
9 Ile -5.15 -4.34 -4.11 -0.31
Probably late aa
10 Phe -8.95 -1.96 -5.90 -6.20
11 Tyr -2.49 -0.94 -8.85 -3.73
12 Cys -5.00 -6.05 -4.15 -3.17
Late aa
13 Arg -28.28 -33.88 -25.98 -21.30
14 Asn -7.60 -3.76 -7.10 -9.41
15 Gln -19.01 -14.19 -17.07 -6.63
The formation potential of the
16 Lys -21.40 -38.12 -36.89 -27.17
Trp:Urd compound is regarded
as the reference value; bold text 17 His -6.15 -19.67 -12.32 -7.22
represents the minimum 18 Met -5.99 -12.36 -3.90 -3.11
potential for each amino acid 19 Trp -0.74 -4.44 -14.42 0
compound, respectively

aspartic acid (Asp) with a negatively charged side-chain,

a COOH H-N4 H-N4 the L-monomer forms three pairs of H-bonds: between the
O atom of Asp carboxyl group (side-chain) and the base
N3 H–N4; the second O atom of Asp carboxyl group and the H
O2 atom of Asp amino group; and the base O2 and the H atom

of C20 -hydroxyl group, respectively. Once again, the
P P C2'-OH D-monomer only forms two pairs of H-bonds between the
O atom of Asp carboxyl group (side-chain) and the base
C2'-OH H–N4 and the same O atom and the H atom of Asp amino
group (Fig. 9a). For Lysine (Lys) with a positive-charged
L-Val Cytidine D-Val Cytidine
side-chain, the L-monomer forms two pairs of H-bonds
between the H atom of Lys NH3 group (side-chain), H
atom of C20 -hydroxyl group and the base O2, whereas
COOH D-monomer only forms one H-bond between the H atom of
Lys NH3 group (side-chain) and the base O2 (Fig. 9b).
From the H-bond estimation of above representative sam-
ples, it can be seen from Fig. 4b that bordering upon
NH L-amino acid side-chains, the C2 -hydroxyl group of
COOH D-ribose with potential for H-bond formation would be an
important factor to stabilize the L-monomer. However, the
furanose ring oxygen of D-ribose associating with D-amino
L-Ser Cytidine D-Ser Cytidine acid side-chains seems to be incapable of forming H-bonds.
Since the asymmetric structure of the aaN polymer envi-
Fig. 8 The differences of H-bonds in the optimum conformations of
L- and D-monomers (dashed line stands for H-bonds): a the Val and ronment (mainly D-ribose) serves as templates for the
Cytidine conjugate, b the Ser and Cytidine conjugate selection of amino acid enantiomers, the chiral selection

580 J Mol Evol (2010) 70:572–582

a COO-(side-chain) Met(1.03(G)) with sulfur containing side-chains, have an

H-N4 H-N 4 unfavorable physicochemical character to form stronger
interactions such as H-bonds with the bases and C20 -
O2 hydroxyl group. In addition, the relatively bulkiness of
NH side-chains of the latter amino acids leads to difficulties in
P P attaining the optimal conformation of the aaN polymer
monomer, and that makes the DEconf values uncertain.
C2'-OH Second, the positive values for DEconf indicate that the
stereochemical/physicochemical hypothesis is not suffi-
L-Asp Cytidine D-Asp Cytidine cient on its own to account for the chiral selection of the
later amino acids. Similarly to the co-evolution theory of
b NH3(side-chain)
NH 3(side-chain) the origin of the Genetic Code, the biosynthetic pathways
of amino acids played a fundamental role in defining the
NH O2 organization of the Genetic Code (Wong 1975; Wachter-
shauser 1997; Di Giulio 1998). We infer that the amino
P NH C2'-OH acids which had first appeared (the precursors), possibly
C2'-OH P five (excluding Gly), were selected as L-enantiomers. As
other amino acids developed biosynthetically from these
L-Lys Cytidine D-Lys Cytidine precursors, the chirality of the precursor amino acid in life
was inherited by the product amino acids. Finally, with the
Fig. 9 The differences of H-bonds in the optimum conformations of evolution of amino acids, the homochirality in life gradu-
L- and D-monomers (dashed line stands for H-bonds): a the Asp and
Cytidine conjugate, b the Lys and Cytidine conjugate ally came into completion.

Selection of Nucleosides
seems to be determined by a strict stereochemical/physi-
cochemical preference, which is apparently related to the Our modeling study showed that in addition to chiral pri-
origin of the Genetic Code. The stereochemical hypothesis orities, L-amino acids might have some selectivity for their
suggests that the origin of the Genetic Code can probably corresponding nucleosides based on the mode of aaN
be attributed to stereochemical and/or physicochemical polymer. As the products of all aaN reactions have the
interactions between anticodons or codons and amino acids same bond cleavage or formation, the formation potential
(Di Giulio 1997, 1999; Szathmary 1993; Di Giulio and (DEform) is simply equal to the difference between the total
Medugno 1998). Therefore, we have speculated that potential of isolated fragments (including amino acid, base,
L-amino acid homochirality was predetermined by the prior D-ribose, and phosphate) and the potential of the compound
evolution of D-ribose RNA. Similar to the opinion, bailey system (i.e. the potential difference before and after reac-
has suggested that L-amino acid homochirality was prede- tion) (Yang and Han 2000). If the DEform of the Trp:Urd
termined by the prior evolution of D-ribonucleic acids and compound (the tryptophane and uridine nucleotide conju-
probably was chirally directed by the orientation of early gate) is set as to the reference value, the relative DEform
RNA molecules on surface monolayers (Bailey 1998). aptly exhibits the stability difference of the conformations
The emergent sequence of the amino acids from top with the specific steric interactions between amino acids
(sequence number = 1) to bottom (sequence num- and nucleotides. It seems unlikely that the first RNA con-
ber = 19) follows their original order in Table 1. Among tained all four bases found in contemporary RNAs. The
them, Ala, Ser, Asp, Glu, and Val are the earliest amino codon amino acid assignment was hypothesized to evolve
acids (Trifonov 2000; Di Giulio 2004). Clearly, as far as from simplicity to complexity: the amino acids were only
the earliest amino acids are concerned, all of the DEconf codified by G and C in the early Genetic Code, and then
values are negative. For some other amino acids, especially expanded from the G and C toward the complete G, C, A
the later amino acids, there appear a few positive DEconf (adenosine), and U (uridine) (Di Giulio 2004; Woese 1965;
values (bold text in Table 1), indicating that L-enantiomers Szathmary 1993). It is worth to point out that the study of
did not have a selection priority to form aaN polymer over DEform values also supports this proposal. For the majority
D-enantiomers. For these cases, there are two possible L-enantiomers, the most negative DEform values are con-
explanations. First, the positive DEconf values involving centrated in Guanine (G) and Cytosine(C) regions (bold
Lys(5.07(A), 1.06(U)) and His(1.64(A), 5.31(G)) with text in Table 2). Although the code relationships are weak
basic side-chains, Tyr (7.73(G)) and Trp (0.38(C)) with in the case of the origin model of aaNs (amino acids vs.
hydrophobic aromatic side-chains, and Cys (0.05(G)) and nucleotides (1:1)), the lower DEform values for G and C

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