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Health, Hygiene, and

Committee 2017-18
Gopinath, Sivaprasad, and Yashwanth
Recommended items and plan of action
● Recommended to include sprouts in the mess menu.
● Planning to conduct an inspection of hygiene in all the hostels, collect feedback
from the residents and rank the hostels based on it.

The inspection is aimed at letting know the hostel residents how the condition of hygiene is at their
hostels by comparing it with other hostels. This might urge the health and hygiene secretaries of the
respective hostels to work towards the betterment of the hostel facilities in terms of hygiene by knowing
their hostel’s stance among others.

● Working on a proposal to have two categories of dust bins in the main areas
inside insti. One for biodegradable items and the other for non-biodegradable

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