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Student Refrain Couplet Quatrain Octave

Student A
Student B
Student C
Student D
Student E
Student F
Student G
Student H
Student I
Student J
Student K
Student L
Student M
Student N
Student O
Student P
Student Q
Student R
Student S
Student T
Student U
Student V
Student W
Student X
Captive Peacock
Once I dive into these pages Peacock spreads his tail. Surprise!
I may not come out for ages. A feather-ocean…full of eyes.

Books have powers over me. One-by-one, they stare at me.

Inside a book I am not free. I look at them and see the sea.

But do not worry. Do not fear. And suddenly, I’ve left the zoo.
I am a happy captive here. I whirl through water, deep, and blue.

First Day of School Magical

I wonder
if my drawing It is magical, yes, this life that I live.
will be as good as theirs.
I wonder I Each day it gives something
f they will like me Something it gives each day.
or just be full of stares.
I wonder It is magical, yes, the life that I live.
if my puppy
Will wonder where I am.

Humpty Dumpty My Pet Bunny

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, I have a pet bunny named Claire.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; She sits in a basket all day.

All the king's horses and all the king's If I try to take it away,
She will only give me a glare.
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Dreams Winter
Bring me all of your dreams, I love all the seasons,
You dreamers, But winter is the best!
Bring me all of you Let’s put on our mittens.
Heart melodies Now we are all dressed.
That I may wrap them In the snow, we love to play.
In a blue cloud cloth And this is what we hear:
Away from the too rough fingers Brrr Brrr Brrr!
Of the world. That’s the season’s cheer!

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