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First – year Practical Grammar

Module 18: The Sequence of Tenses

The Sequence of Tenses is a certain dependence of the form of the verb

in the subordinate clause on the form of the verb in the main clause.

1. If the verb in the main clause is used in one of the past tenses, a past
tense or Future-in-the-Past must be used in the subordinate clause. The
rules of the Sequence of tenses are generally observed in object clauses,
e.g.: When the boy entered the room, I saw he was ill. I saw he was not
following what I was reading. He was always sure it would end like that.

2. If the past action expressed in the subordinate clause is simultaneous

with the action in the main clause the Past Indefinite or the Past
Continuous is used in the subordinate clause (it views an action in process),
e. g.: I thought you had more common sense. He looked at David and saw at
once that he was preparing for a big fight of some sort.

3. If the past action in the subordinate clause is prior to the action in the
main clause, the Past Perfect is used in the subordinate clause,
e. g.: Roger said they had already made their plans for the coming weekend.

4. If the action in the subordinate clause lasted a certain period of time

before the action in the main clause the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past
Perfect is used in the subordinate clause,
e. g.: He realized that the old life he had lived in that city since childhood
was ended. I understood he had been working for a long time because he
looked tired.

5. If the action in the subordinate clause is posterior to the action in the

main clause the Future-in-the-Past is used in the subordinate clause,
e.g.: He was sure she would come in time. I knew he would be still working
at the laboratory at 10 o’clock.

Rules to remember:

a) The rules of the Sequence of tenses are not observed if the action in the
subordinate clause expresses a general (universal) truth,
e.g.: The pupils knew that water consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
b) The rules of the sequence of tenses are not observed if an action is
represented as habitual, customary or characteristic,
e.g.: The passengers asked the guard when the train starts.

c) The rues of the sequence of tenses are not observed if the exact date is
e.g.: She said she returned from Italy in 1997 and had not spoken Italian
since that time.

Tenses in English and Ukrainian Subordinate Clauses

after a Past Tense in the Main Clause

1. I knew she often went to the Я знав, що вона часто їздить на

South in summer. (Past Indefinite) південь влітку. (Present)
2. We knew he was preparing for Ми знали, що він готується до
the conference and did not want to конференції і не хотіли йому
disturb him. (Past Continuous) заважати. (Present)
3. I knew he had just found out Я знав, що він щойно дізнався
about it. (Past Perfect) про це. (Past)
4. We were surprised to know that Ми були здивовані, коли
she had been teaching at school дізналися, що вона викладає в
for 20 years (or she had taught) школі вже 20 років. (Present)
(Past Perfect Continuous or Past
Perfect Inclusive)
5. We were sure she would be Ми були впевнені, що вона буде
ready very soon. (Future-in-the- готова дуже скоро. (Future)
6. In their letter they wrote they Вони написали у своєму листі,
would have returned by the 1st of що повернуться до 1го серпня.
August. (Future Perfect-in-the- (Future)

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using the Past Perfect

Model: I remembered that I (to promise to do it) – I remembered
that I had promised to do it.
1. I could not get home because I suddenly remembered that (I to leave the
2. He discovered to his horror that he (to spend all his money).
3. They knew that he (to manage to get the tickets).
4. His teacher knew that he (to study French).
5. Walking through the forest he saw that the flowers (to spring up)
6. They found out that he (to succeed in business).
7. He told us that he (to be invited to take part in the concert).
8. I was glad to find out that his son (to arrive at last).

Exercise 2. Write the following sentences in indirect speech, observing

the rules of the Sequence of Tenses:
1. Roger said, ”I must go, my mother will be waiting for me.”
2. “All this will be happening to me, and very soon”, he thought.
3. My friend said, ”Your advice is very useful, but I cannot follow it.”
4. The teacher said, “How much time does it take you to prepare for your
5. The old man said, “I realize how dangerous my situation is.”
6. Mother said to the children, “I hope you will not stay out of doors for a
long time.”
7. Olga said, “You are very pale, Nina. Have you been ill all this time?”
8. Bob said, “Why have you come? I shall be busy today.”
9. Robert said, “I have never met such a kind person.”

Exercise 3. Use the verbs given in brackets in the Future Indefinite-

in-the-Past or in the Past Indefinite:
Model: We were sure you (to enjoy) yourself if you (to go) to the
Crimea – We were sure you would enjoy yourself if you went to the Crimea.
1. They asked him if he (to go) to the Crimea.
2. They knew they (not to be able to) go out if it (rain).
3. I did not know when he (to come); the weather is so nasty.
4. Mother told us we (not to return), it (to be) much too far away.
5. I was not sure if I (to see) him at all.
6. He did not know if she (to complete) the work earlier, she (to have got) a
lot to do.
7. The father was afraid they (to remain) there and wait until the rain (to
8. I knew for sure he (to go away) on the very day I (to arrive).
9. They announced they (to be ready) before we (to count) ten.
10. She promised she (to tell) me a secret when my brother (to go out).
Exercise 4. Translate into English. Pay attention to the sequence of
1. Йому дуже хотілося поїхати на Кавказ , і ми не думали, що він
повернеться так скоро.
2. Батько запевнив мене, що ми поїдемо, як тільки я уладнаю всі
3. Він дуже поспішав, бо боявся, що його сестра буде чекати на нього.
4. Він сказав, що завжди слухає музику, коли готується до занять.
5. Якийсь час вона не розуміла, де вона, і що з нею трапилось.
6. У листі вони написали, що вони у Криму вже більш ніж два тижні, і
не було жодного сонячного дня.
7. Він сподівався, що у нас булo досить часу, щоб закінчити вчасно
8. Роберт був впевнений, що вона не вийде , доки не закінчить роботу
по дому, і у нього були сумніви, чи прийде вона (взагалі).
9. Вона повідомила нас, що вони ретельно обговорили проект, і
запитала, чи є у нас питання.
10. Я не був здивований, коли дізнався, що вони полагодили телевізор.
Я вважав, що вони не зможуть цього зробити.

Exercise 5. Explain the use of the tenses in the following sentences:

Model: He was sure it would look splendid in the newspapers – The
Future-in-the-Past is used in the object clause after the verb to be in the
Past Indefinite tense in the main clause; it expresses a posterior action.
1. He was afraid that somebody would take it.
2. He wrote on a sheet of paper that the coat belonged to Tom Brown and he
would come back in a few minutes.
3. He found a note, which said that his coat had been taken by a famous
runner, who would never come back.
4. Mr. White understood that they had already made up with each other.
5. Alice complained that they had been quarreling since morning.
6. Aunt Emily boasted that she moved to live in London in 1985.

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