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10 Tips to Choosing the Right Job Portal for your IT Job

Job portal is the order of the day if you want to give your IT career a much-needed boost!
Online job portals connect recruiters and job aspirants with the right skills and experience.
Top IT companies use job portals to zero in on the right candidates, and schedule screening
Online job portals are a boon to the job-seeking community given they provide the opportunity
to land in their dream job with a few clicks. Meanwhile, countless online job portals are
flooding the internet and you need to pick and choose the one that’s best suited for your
career. Here are ten tips on the criteria you can use to zero in on the perfect portal:
Figure out whether it’s a free or paid portal
If you are a fresh IT Graduate, then it doesn’t make much sense for you to choose a portal
that requires you to pay. Meanwhile, if you are on the lookout for premium jobs on bigger
platforms, it is advisable to choose a paid subscription that allows you access to premium
features. Paid portals are also more likely to guarantee that your profile will be “featured”
when an IT company searches for candidates.

Look for the big names under the list of companies!

You can judge the quality of a job portal by figuring out who uses the portal to recruit! If you
see your dream organization on that list, you will know that your job portal search ends here.
IT job portals advertise their collaborations with top companies on their website or news

Check out for the services they offer

A good job portal is one that takes care of the needs of job seekers by offering tonnes of useful
services. This is especially important if you want to stand out in the cut-throat competition of
IT aspirants. Omit, some IT job portals offer resume writing services which can enhance and
customize your resume according to a specific requirements.
Go for one with an easy registration process
There’s no point in opting for a portal which requires you to fill a thousand forms before you
can register. This will make you waste a lot of time and effort and will make you deal with a
buggy or cumbersome interface. Ease of use is the key and your ideal job portal should be
one with a simple two-step registration process.

Check out how its social media integration features

It is a well-known fact that your IT employers might judge your profile based on your social
media presence. Also in today’s competitive job market, networking is the key to excellence.
Thus it makes sense if your portal is well equipped with features such as direct integration to
your LinkedIn account.

Check how up-to-date it is with Current Openings

IT is a tough sector to crack when it comes to jobs, solely because there are a thousand
possible aspirants for the same vacancy. This is exactly why a job portal which regularly
updates you on current openings is ideal! This will ensure that you don’t miss out on
information about new job offers. For example, you can view all recent jobs on Tap
Resume here
Good job portals help you build on your skills
The perfect portal is one that invests in making your IT career enriching and successful. IT
job portals not only offer job opportunities, but also provide an insight on the trending IT
skills that land you in your dream job. The best possible research you can do about a portal is
by going through what other job seekers have to say about it. The feedback of other IT job
aspirants should be able to give you a clear picture about whether a portal is worth investing
your time and money in.

Check out whether the portal runs a Blog

A good portal will always have an up to date blog filled with great tips and suggestions for
job aspirants. Look for blogs that focus on common resume mistakes, latest IT workforce
trends and employer hiring trends. A blog shows that a portal truly cares fo for the applicants
and is well-versed with what is happening in the contemporary job market.

Check whether the portal comes with a Responsive App!

If you are an IT job seeker, you probably already have a busy schedule and are always on the
move. So it is always convenient to opt for a portal which comes with a responsive and
functional web-based or mobile platform. This will ensure that you stay connected with
potential job opportunities at all times, also when you are on the move!

Although, given the large database of Online job portals, it is not always easy to maintain a
high-speed mobile App. Hence, you choose an online job portal with a highly responsive
web-based application, you can browse on your tablet PC or laptop.

So what are you waiting for? Keep these tips in mind, research and sign up for the job portal
that best suits your IT career needs and stay ahead of the competition!

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