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“Change Your Thoughts

So To Change The World”

Summer vacations were drawing to a close, we had just returned from

our trip abroad. We dived straight into the details of our trip to our
grandpa, who was visiting our ancestral village while we were away; but
the beautiful part of the vacation was already over, I dreaded what laid
ahead......another school year!
Dreading it, however neither it prolongs nor stays from happening.
Before I could make sense of where my vacations went by, those were
there , first day of yet another academic session. Upon it's predication,
there wasn't any as such problem with school, despite of that, waking up
every morning at sharp 6 am, the back to back classes and the same dull
old routine of a school day was what I usually found boring.
I know every student will be agreed the above listed reasons and
sympathize with me, but the unexpected can happen anytime and change
one's prospective forever, so let me narrate to you an event following my
first day this school year that changed my views about school forever.
With much contempt for going back to the school, I always refer
walking so that I could have a morning walk as well. Though it was my
first day of school after vacation therefore, carrying an overloaded bag
seems like whole world in it. Moving with heavy steps, I was in a way to
school that suddenly something caught my attention. I saw a huge crowd
staring something in the middle; however the situation was too odd that
made me snoopy and so I quickly rushed towards the crowd to let the cat
out from the bag.
After reaching there I saw an aged guy holding the hand of a young
girl, who was so untidy with unwashed hairs but had some good looks
too. As that guy was berating and hollering at her and she was standing
with her head down, frequently rubbing the sweat off her face.
In addition to this, the situation was totally impalpable for me to
understand, as I was trying hard to get the situation that suddenly
someone from the crowd shouted and said, " call the police and handle
her to them, she is a thief and is entitled to punishment". Though that
girl was too young and according to me arresting wasn't a better solution
therefore, with the help of a lady I successfully took her out from the
The girl was so affrighted, I gave my water bottle and tried to make
her relax. After getting distress she broke the ice and told about herself,
"I'm not a thief, neither I have done any sin except for one that I have
taken birth in a poor family" she said. "And due to this penury, I do not
have any right to go school or to get education", she explicated it further.
"Do you want to know what actually I have tried to steal, I have filched
for a book because I didn't have enough money to buy. You Know what
miss, you are so lucky that education is accessible to you", she
predicated by looking me uniformly dressed.
It was her last say that she went away so far from there; however I
moved too but that girl lingered in my mind through out the day. That
was a day when I realized that other children do not have an option of
going school. I normally carry a brand new bag pack and they carry the
taunts of different people through out the day. I ended up thinking, how
a life we complain about is a life of others can only dream. Wistfully, I
think of the other children who do not have a chance to dream of a future
any different from their present, while I switch from one profession to
another, day dreaming in my class.
That day, finally I realized what I would do in my future. I would
surely dedicate my life to alleviate poverty and strive towards education
for all so that there would be only one type of children, those who travel
in a school bus with their due shares of burden: the bag full of books

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