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Isn’t it stupid the little things we do because of love?

For example, last year, a guy used to take the same bus as I did, and his last stop was the same
as mine. So I tried to go by bus every day I could just to see him, even though some days it was
impossible. So it happened that this guy only picked the bus some days a week, and one day,
he sat in front of me. At a point, I could see his phone. It was a whatsapp group conversation,
and its name was “2º Bach”, which meant that he was one year away from college, so that was
the last year that I would see him.

Fortunately, one day that my brother’s friends came home, I went with my dad to walk the dog
to the street were this guy lived, but I didn’t know the house exactly. We were walking all over
the street when a car showed up. A man and a little girl got out of the car, and that girl came
up to be his little sister. I knew this because I’ve seen them a few times together in the bus and
talking, so I assumed they were siblings.

I haven’t seen him again, so I guess he was just a crush.

At the same time, another guy used to take the same bus as I, but I didn’t know his last stop
because it was further than mine. I don’t know his age, but he still picks the same bus. Our
eyes sometimes meet, but we always look away. But I know this means nothing, or at least, I
don’t want to have high hopes.

There is another guy that I think I like. He’s a friend of my brother, so he’s kind of off limits. I’ve
known him since we were six years old more or less. He’s not the popular guy, but neither is
the nerd-weird guy. He’s just normal, a boy who you can talk with.

From theatre, there are three guys. The first one, is from my old school. I think I had never
liked him, he was just a popular interesting guy, who, by the way, reminds me a lot to my
brother, which is super strange. The funny thing is that I’ve moved to high school, and he goes
to my class, with my brother, and it looks rare to me to see them together, and they are great
friends now.

The other two boys are from my actual school. The first one, I started liking him since the first
day. He’s a bit weird, with all the friki stuff, but so am I. I’ve never talked to him for over a few
minutes (just the necessary to prepare an improv), but the last Friday, we were on an improv,
and the four of us were offstage, because we had finished already, and I almost fell because I
haven’t seen a chair, and he put his arms like he was going to catch me, but I rebalanced. It
was cute of him.

The other boy, I don’t like him, but for some time, we used to talk pretty much, and with some
messages he’d sent me, I thought for a moment that he liked me, but now I don’t think so.
Guess it’s over.

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