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“Technology is not just a tool.

It can give learners a voice that they may not have

had before.” This is a quote by George Couros that speaks volumes about the impact
technology can have on a students life. Technology can be integrated into the
classroom in many different ways. Assistive technology devices can have a life
transforming impact on students by making communication possible for them with a
computerized text to speech software program. A portable word processing device can
help a student who otherwise thought they were going to be a “bad” writer for life. Even
a device as simple as the picture board can help a student communicate their needs in
the classroom and at home. Assistive technology devices like these can transform a
students academic experience, but there are many other technology devices in the
classroom that benefit students without them even realizing it. For example, using
technology in a whole class lesson can help keep the students actively engaged while
learning important material. It can help differentiate lessons and reach the students that
have different learning styles. Presenting information to the students in different forms is
extremely important because not all students learn the same and technology can help
do this. This can be done by presenting information through videos from YouTube,
playing songs/chants, presenting information in a Google slideshow, assessing the
students through a Kahoot game and many more.
The different educational programs available to students and teachers are
growing as the world becomes increasingly more tech savvy, because of this
technology is playing a more important role in the classroom. In my future classroom I
will use technology as a co-teacher. One way it will be used is to assist with classroom
management. There is a website called Class Charts that helps keep track of students
behaviors in the classroom, creates seating charts based off of those behaviors, and
transforms the behavior data into visual charts to help stay organized. Technology will
also be used to help communicate and form strong relations with the students families
through the website, Class Dojo. On this website you can actively chat with students'
parents about their behaviors, upcoming assignments, and more. This will not only help
me communicate with the parents but with the students as well. If they have a question
they don’t want to ask in front of the class, they have an assignment question, or just
need someone to talk to, this is a great and easy way for us to communicate. It’s a good
way to keep the students' families involved in their education. Another way I will
integrate technology into my classroom is by using all Google based programs. This will
help the students and myself stay organized. Google has a wide range of programs that
can benefit students such as slides, documents, fourm, calendar and more. Google
forums is also a great way to easily assess students because after the students submit
their responses it organizes them and can convert the results into Google sheets to be
analyzed. These are just some of the programs I will be taking advantage of in my
future classroom. With the amount of programs available, I will be implementing as
many as possible to benefit my students.
Growing up I was fortunate enough to attend a school district that was very
technologically inclined. All of the students at my high school had their own iPad that
they could use at school and at home. The school was also supplied with smart boards
in every room and all apple products. Hopefully I will be fortunate enough to teach at a
school such as the one I attended. Having these resources available for the students
makes it easier to meet all of their unique learning needs. If the school I teach at in the
future is not fortunate enough to have all of these technology devices accessible then I
will be an advocate for the school to get these devices for the students who need them.
I understand that technology is expensive but it is money well spent on a child’s future.
Making students familiar with technology in school will also help prepare them for the
real world by exposing them to the technology systems that they may experience in a
future career. If technology is implemented in the correct way by helping accommodate
students' needs in the classroom, differentiate lessons, actively engage students, and to
keep your classroom community connected then it is nothing but beneficial to your
students. Teaching is all about the students and making sure they are given every
opportunity possible to achieve academically. I plan to stay up to date on my technology
training and be an advocate for my students to get the devices they need in the

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