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UMU Lesson Plan

Name: Celeste Caserta Date: 9/5/19

Grade Level: 1st Grade Class Period:
Subject: Math Lesson # & Title: Counting to 20

Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):

□ Introduce New Skill or Content □ Review
□ Practice □ Remediation/Re-teaching

Context for Learning and Cultural Responsiveness Rationale:

• Learner Attributes: This class consists of eighteen students, six of which are females and twelve are
males. There are twelve Caucasian students, six of which are males and six are females. There are
five African American/ Biracial students, all of which are males. There is also one Asian student who
is a male. This is a fully inclusive classroom. This class is made up of all of the first grade students
who are on an IEP and the first grade students who are lower on an academic scale. Five students in
the class are on an IEP, four males and one female. Three of the males are African American/
Biracial, and one male and one female are Caucasian. All five of the students have a specific
learning disability in reading, math, and writing. Three of these students also have behavior/attention
and speech goals on their IEP. Two of these students have an intellectual disability and one has OT.
For this lesson I will only be working with the five students who are on an IEP.
• Environment: The seating in the classroom is set up with five groups of students. There are three
groups of four students, and two groups of three students. For this lesson the students will be taught
in a small group in the intervention specialist’s classroom next door to the students main classroom.
Both classrooms are lined with a diverse selection of books, art supplies, dry erase boards, an
interactive whiteboard, and other classroom resources. The students main classroom even has a
bathroom, sink, and drinking fountain. The smart board is located at the front of the classroom. The
white board is located in the back of the classroom where the students have calendar time. The
classroom is appropriately decorated for the students age levels. Classroom procedures are also
identified on posters. There is a wall where students can bring in a picture of their family to hang it
up. There are two teachers desks located on the right side of the classroom because this class is co-
taught by the general education teacher and the intervention specialist.
• Planning Rationale: This lesson is planned to be very interactive, hands on, and involve many
different learning styles. The students will sit in a small group, with all of them facing me in the
middle. They will be seated like this so the students won’t get distracted and can listen when I
explain the lesson. There are many different times throughout the lesson that I stop and assess how
the students are doing at that point in the lesson, I also pause for questions throughout the lesson.
This way every student has the opportunity for their concerns and questions to be heard. We will
complete this small group lesson in a separate classroom from the rest of the class so the students
can focus without distractions. I will also make sure to sit the three students who have behavioral/
attention difficulties with students sitting in-between them.
Content Standards:
• Standard: 1.NBT.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write
numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
• Rationale: This is the standard that the students are going to be working their way up to. We are
going to start off by counting, writing, reading, and representing with objects, numbers 1-20. All of
the students in this small group are not on grade level in math. Since it is the beginning of the school
year it is important that students start off by knowing their numbers so they can work towards the
more complicated standards.

Learning Objectives:
After reviewing counting from 1-20 and representing it with objects, when given an exit ticket the
students will demonstrate counting from 1-20 correctly with 100% accuracy.

Academic Language:
The only new academic language for the students is ten frame. I will explain to the students what a ten
chart is in the guided practice portion of the lesson. All of the other important words for the students and
that I will be using are review such as numbers and counting.

Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment:

Explicit: During this portion of the lesson I play the Number song 1-20 for children video. While the
video is playing it requires students to count along with it. I am going to watch the students and make of
which students stop counting with the video at a certain point or for certain numbers. This will let me
know how high most of the students feel comfortable counting.
Structured: In this portion of the lesson the students will count aloud with me as I point to the numbers
on the board. They will then play the active counting from 1-20 game. While they are playing the game
it requires that the students count to themselves how many actions they are doing as they do them. I am
going to walk around a count with students who aren’t counting well on their own and make note of this.
Guided: In this portion of the lesson students will be filling out their two 10 charts with small objects. I
am going to already have the numbers 1-20 written on the white board. When I am walking around the
room checking students 10 charts, if there is one number that many of them struggled getting the right
amount of objects I will circle that number on the board so we can come back to it and try again.

Assessment Plan, Summative Assessment:

After reviewing counting from 1-20 and representing it with objects, the students will be able to
complete the exit ticket with 100% accuracy. Students will complete this objective in the independent
practice portion of the lesson. Students will earn 100% accuracy by answering 3 out of the 3 questions
correctly. 100% accuracy was chosen because the students have been doing really well with their
counting from 1-10 and I think that they are ready to move on to 20. Students will get a question correct
by counting the number of stars in the double ten frame and writing the number on the line above. They
will be graded on if they go the number correct not if they wrote the numbers correctly. As long as I can
tell what number is written.
Procedures, Lesson Introduction: (1 min)
I will gain the students attention by telling them to that their head if they can count to 10. I will then
tell them to rub their tummy if they can count to 20. I will activate students’ prior knowledge by
asking if they remember when we count to 20 together as a class (calendar time).
I will make students aware of the lesson goals by explaining to them that today we are going to work
on counting to 20, and counting a number of objects up to 20.

Procedures, Lesson Body: (20 min)

• Explicit: (2 min)
1. I will start off the lesson by playing the video “Number song 1-20 for children”.
• Structured: (8 min)
2. Next the students will count to 20 aloud with me, as I point to the numbers already written on the
white board.
3. Then the students are going to play an active counting game where they have to do however many
motions go with the number. I will have a slide show of what to do on each slide. For example, 1 push
up, 2 jumping jacks, 3 spins, 4 hops, 5 arm circles, 6 squats, 7 hand waves, 8 finger taps, 9 claps, 10
steps, 11 high fives with a partner, 12 pats on the head, 13 belly rubs, 14 blinks, 15 touch your toes,
16 quiet claps, 17 two finger taps, 18 foot taps, 19 pats on the leg, 20 seconds sitting down (walk
around while students count out actions).
4. I will then draw the double ten frames on the white board and show them how to use the ten frames. I
will give them some examples putting different numbers of objects in them.
• Guided Practice: (8 min)
5. I will then pass out the 10 frame worksheets to the students. I will say “Name on your paper first
6. I will then give the students a number and let them fill in the double ten frame with that number of
objects. I will repeat for all numbers 1-20. I will walk around to make sure they are getting each one
right (if there is one number that many of them struggled to get the right amount of objects I will
circle that number on the board so we can come back to it and try again).
7. I will then pass out their exit tickets. I will explain the directions to them and tell them “Name on
your paper first thing”.
• Independent Practice: ( 2 min)
8. The students will complete the exit ticket independently and raise their hand when they are done.

Procedures, Lesson Closure: ( 1 min)

To summarize learning I will tell the students to draw a smiley face on their paper if they feel better
about counting from 1-20. To link learning to real-world application I will explain to students that
after they have counting from 1-20 mastered math and counting to higher numbers will be easier for
them. I will explain it’s important to know how to count to twenty so you can count money because you
want more than $10 right? Next I will preview upcoming lessons by telling them that now they can
count to ten and write numbers 1-20 they are ready to move on to 20-30!

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:

• Environment- Differentiation is present in this environment because the students will have the
opportunity to get up and move around when switching classrooms to the intervention specialists
room. They will have the opportunity to have a more one on one, small group instruction time with
me where they can focus outside of the normal classroom. Students will get the opportunity to also
work with partners outside of their normal classroom groups. They will also get the opportunity to
be more hands on in this environment and active since it is a smaller group setting.
• Process- In this lesson students will be reviewing and practicing content that they already learned
but might not be up to speed on yet. They will complete this through different learning methods.
They will first review counting from 1-20. They will count to 20 with the song video, we will count
together, then they will play a very active counting game. The counting game allows students to
count out their number of actions such as five hops. It is great for active learners and to get their
energy out. Next, students will learn counting through a different type of manipulative. I will explain
to them what a ten frame is and then we will use double ten frames to count out small objects the
students will have in cups at their desk. This gives the students an opportunity to practice counting
through different learning methods and manipulatives to accommodate for all of the different
learning styles. We will represent all of the numbers 1-20 with objects on the double ten frame
together before they do the exit ticket independently. Students will also have the opportunity to ask
questions throughout the lesson and I will make note of parts they are struggling with to add in extra
instruction. All of these different processes of learning supports all of the different learning styles
that might be present in the classroom so that all students have an opportunity to learn the content in
a way that benefits them most.
• Product- At the end of this lesson students will complete the exit ticket on their own. This worksheet
will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of counting from 1-20 with the help of the
double ten frames. They will count how many stars are in each double ten frame and write the
number on the line above. It is very short because they get easily distracted when presented with
long individual work at this age.
• Content- The content of this lesson is introduced to the students through counting orally, watching a
video, different types of manipulatives, an active counting game, representing numbers with objects,
and counting. In this lesson students have the opportunity to learn about the new content in a variety
of different ways. This will be beneficial because not all students learn the same way and may need
content presented to them differently to understand it. This will increase the probability that all of the
students will understand the content through at least one of the forms that it is presented.

Instructional Materials and Support:

• Pencil
• White board
• Dry erase marker
• Smart Board
• Computer
• Number song 1-20 for children video
• Active game slide show (made by me)
• Double Ten Frame worksheets
• Exit Ticket (made by me)
• Object pieces (CRC)
• Cups for objects (CRC)

Research and Theory Commentary:

One theory that connects to this lesson is the Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory. This theory states
that different people have different ways of thinking and processing. There is not one single way for
students to learn, they need to provided with a wide variety of visual, auditory, and tactile learning
materials. This theory connects to the lesson because the student learns about the lesson topic of
counting from 1-20 by counting orally, representing numbers with objects, using various manipulatives,
watching an interactive video, and playing a very active counting game. The student is learning about
the lesson topics through many different approaches so that hopefully one of the ways connects to the
students preferred method of learning. Gardner would agree with all of the different learning materials
that are used to deliver the new content to the students and the process of delivery.

Cultural Responsiveness, Equity, & Inclusion Commentary:

When teaching this lesson there are many different student exceptionalities that I have to keep in mind
and make sure are accommodated for throughout the lesson. All five of the students I will be working
with have a specific learning disability in reading, writing, and math. I will accommodate the students
difficulties for math by taking a big chunk of the lesson to review simply counting from 1-20. I wanted
to give these students a good review before working on the double ten frames. I also made this review
oral, through video, with manipulatives, and through actively moving to connect more with the students
than reviewing on paper.
I will accommodate the students writing difficulties by keeping the writing to a minimal. They only have
to write their answer, which is a single number for numbers 1-3 on the exit ticket. So, writing will not
affect their ability to be successful in this lesson. I will also be grading the exit ticket based on having
the right number written, not if the number is written correctly. I will also keep these writing difficulties
in mind throughout the lesson and allow the students to have breaks if needed.
I will accommodate the students reading difficulties by reading all directions to them on the worksheet
so that no reading will get in the way of them being successful in the lesson. I will also read what the
slides say for the active game.
Three of the students I will be working with have speech difficulties, this lesson does have an oral
portion that the students have to complete when participating in the video and when counting aloud with
me. I pay special attention to these three students to make sure that none of them are getting frustrated
throughout the oral portion of the lesson and if they are I will allow them to take a break and listen to
their friends.
Three of the students also have behavioral or attention difficulties. I will sit these three students apart
from each other with the other two students in the group sitting in between them. I will make sure the
lesson has smooth transitions and no down time for the students to get off task or have confrontations of
any type.
One of the students have OT, I will keep this in mind throughout the lesson and offer the student a break
if they have trouble completing any of the writing or hands on manipulative tasks. If this student does
become in need of a break I will offer them relief by moving the pieces for the student or completing the
writing while they direct me in what to do.
Lastly, two of the students have an intellectual disability. I will accommodate their needs by reviewing a
lot throughout the lesson, always checking to see if the students have any questions and need extra
instruction and allowing them to complete the double ten frames with me before counting them
independently on the exit ticket.
When keeping cultural differences in mind, three of these students are African American/ Biracial and
two are Caucasian. I know that all of my students, despite of their cultural backgrounds have been
introduced to counting 1-10 previously. They will all relate to my lesson since it is review and practice.
Use of Technology Commentary (if applicable):
ISTE Standard Designer 5b. Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards
and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning. This standard is present in my
lesson when I show students the “Number song 1-20” video on YouTube. I will show the students this
video on the smart board to engage their learning. The video covers content in the math standard present
in the lesson and does activate deep learning in the student. I also use a powerpoint on the smart board to
play the active counting game. This will help active what the students are supposed to be doing for each
step of the game by following it on the smart board.

Reflection and Instructional Commentary (if applicable):

This lesson went very well. The students enjoyed it and got a great review. Some strengths of
this lesson were the bear manipulatives and the active game. The students really got up and
got into the active counting game. I did it with them and we all had fun. I also think the students
enjoyed counting out the tiny bear manipulative on their double ten frames. Two of the
students were missing so I only had a group of three for this lesson. Some areas for
improvement in the lesson were the assessment. I felt like one of the students wasn’t ready for
the assessment because he struggled counting his bears but we didn't have more time to go
over counting to 20 more. Next lesson, I would like to change up the dynamic of the lesson and
have more one on one time with the students while the others work on something. I think they
would really benefit from some individual help. Overall, this lesson was a great review for the
students and I think that they really learned more about counting to 20.
*******Power point is linked in the materials

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