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Soal UKK

Soal : Soal UKK


1 .Widi : I am so embarrassed because I can't speak English fl uently.

Nina : ... Let's learn and prac tise it more together.
A.Don't be scared
B.Sorry about that
C.I don't think it's a big deal
D.That's good
Jawaban :I don't think it's a big deal

2 .During the fi rst days back at school great opportunities exist to try to develop a sense of community that will help students settle in and have a fi rm foun
their studies during the coming year. There are almost constant complaints that there is too much to study for school students and yet time is, every yea
and useless orientation day pranks and fooling around. Surely, when time pressures are of such a concern and teachers complain that they have too mu
curriculum, the fi rst days of school would be a great time to help students prepare for the challenges ahead. Constructive teambuilding and guidance tow
study skills would serve these students far better than nonsense tasks and ridicule.

The main idea is ...

A.Teachers complaint.
B.Pressure of time.
C.Complaint of the use of time offi rst days.
D.The needs of constructive teambuilding and guidance.
Jawaban :The needs of constructive teambuilding and guidance.

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Soal UKK

3 .Toni : ... Why should it happen? It's out of our plan.

Beni : Calm down. We should evaluate it first.
A.I'm ashamed
B.Oh, that's good
C.I'm shy to say so
D.Oh dear!
Jawaban :Oh dear!

4 .During the fi rst days back at school great opportunities exist to try to develop a sense of community that will help students settle in and have a fi rm foun
their studies during the coming year. There are almost constant complaints that there is too much to study for school students and yet time is, every yea
and useless orientation day pranks and fooling around. Surely, when time pressures are of such a concern and teachers complain that they have too mu
curriculum, the fi rst days of school would be a great time to help students prepare for the challenges ahead. Constructive teambuilding and guidance tow
study skills would serve these students far better than nonsense tasks and ridicule.

The word in paragraph which has the meaning mischievous trick is ....
Jawaban :prank

5 .Mirna : Don't talk so much when I'm reading. It makes me angry, you know.
Nuri : .... I just want to tell you my story. Thanks for listening to me.
A.I like it
B.I'm sorry
C.Shut up!
D.I agree
Jawaban :I'm sorry

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Soal UKK

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