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ICSE Chemistry

Total Marks: 80 Total Time: 120 min

Section – A
Question 1:

A. Choose the correct option for the given Question . [10]

i. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of the atomic sizes:
Fluorine, Carbon, Boron, Nitrogen
a. F<N<C<B
b. N<C<F<B
c. F < B < N <C
d. C<F<B<N
Answer: F<N<C<B

ii. The covalent compounds in which there is partial separation of charges between
the atoms are known as _____.
a. Ionic compounds
b. Non-polar covalent compounds
c. Polar covalent compounds
d. Coordinate compounds
Answer: Polar covalent compounds

iii. Fe (OH) 3 is a .
a. strong base
b. weak acid
c. strong acid
d. weak base
Answer: weak base

iv. If an X volume of oxygen contains 50 molecules of oxygen, then how much volume
of hydrogen will contain 50 molecules of hydrogen?
a. 8X
b. X
c. 0.02X
d. 0.125X
Answer: X

v. What is the colour of a ferric salt solution?

a. Blue
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Red
Answer: Green

vi. In the electroplating of an article with silver, the electrolyte used is _____.
a. Sodium Silver cyanide

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b. Silver chloride
c. Aqueous sodium nitrate
d. Aqueous potassium nitrate
Answer: Sodium Silver cyanide

vii. The main principle behind the Froth Floatation Method is .

a. Mass variation
b. Density variation
c. Solubility
d. Preferential wettability
Answer: Preferential wettability

viii. When metals react with concentrated nitric acid, ______ gas is evolved.
a. Nitrogen
b. Nitrogen dioxide
c. Nitrogen monoxide
d. Dinitropentoxide
Answer: Nitrogen dioxide

ix. The name of the alkyl group ‘C4H9’ is _____

a. Pentyl
b. Butyl
c. Ethyl
d. Butynyl
Answer: Butyl

x. In the first step for industrial preparation of sulphuric acid, sulphur is made to
combine with ______.
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Methane.
Answer: Oxygen

Question 2:

A. Fill in the blanks. [5]

i. In the electrolysis of water acidified with conc. H2SO4, the product formed at
cathode is _____ and the product formed at anode is _____.
Answer: H2 , O2

ii. The graph of V versus (1 / P) is a _____ passing through the origin.

Answer: Straight line

iii. The impurities associated with ores are collectively known as ______.
Answer: Gangue

iv. The atomic radius as we go across a period.

Answer: Decreases

v. HNO3 is produced industrially using the process.

Answer: Ostwald’s

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B. Complete the following chemical reactions [5]

i. S + 6HNO3 
Answer: H2SO4 + 2H2O + 6NO2

ii. NH4Cl + NaOH 
Answer: NaCl + NH3 + H2O

iii. Cu + 4HNO3 2NO2 +

Answer: 2NO2 + Cu (NO3)2+ 2H2O

iv. CH4 + 2Cl2 

Answer: CH2Cl2 + 2 HCl

v. C2H5OH 
Answer: C2H4 + H2O

Question 3:

A. Name the following [5]

i. The most common ore of Iron.
Answer: Hematite

ii. The law which governs the relationship between the pressure and volume of a
gas at constant temperature.
Answer: Boyle’s law

iii.1% alkaline KMnO4 solution used to id unsaturated organic compounds.

Answer: Baeyer’s reagent

iv. The tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself.
Answer: Electronegativity

vi. The process used for the manufacturing of Sulphuric acid.

Answer: Contact Process

B. Give a scientific explanation for the following [5]

i. Flux is added along with Charge while purifying metals.

Answer: Removal of metallic impurities

ii. Atomic size decreases along a period.

Answer: Increased proton in the nucleus attracts outer electrons closer to

iii. HCl forms a polar covalent bond.

Answer: Because of the high Electronegativity of chlorine the shared electrons of
the covalent bond are pulled closer to the Cl than H resulting in polarization.

iv. SO3 formed in step 1 of contact process is not absorbed directly in water.
Answer: The reaction is highly exothermic. It forms homogenous, dense mist of
H2SO4 which is not easily condensed.

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v. Article to be electroplated with a metal is hanged at cathode.
Answer: The electrolyte will contain positive ions of the metal, so metal is made
the cathode so that the positive metal ions get attracted to it.

Question 4:

A. Give the correct name for the following. [5]

i.  −  −  ≡  − 

Answer: Pent-2-yne or 2-Pentyne


Answer: 1,2-Dibromo ethane or “dibromoethane”


Answer: 2,2-Dimethyl propane or Neopentane

iii. Alloy of Aluminium, Copper, Magnesium and Manganese.

Answer: Duralumin

iv. The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom.

Answer: Valence electrons

B. State the observations when [5]

i. Ethyne is added to tollen’s reagent.

Answer: White precipitate of Silver acetylide

ii. Ammonium Hydroxide is added to copper sulphate.

Answer: Light blue precipitate of Copper hydroxide

iii. Excess Sodium Hydroxide is added to Lead nitrate.

Answer: White precipitate of lead hydroxide is formed which becomes soluble in
excess NaOH

iv. Temperature of a closed vessel containing O2 is increased.

Answer: Pressure would rise

v. Ionization energy is compared for elements down a group.

Answer: IE decreases down a group

Section – B

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Question 5:

A. Write the balanced chemical reaction equation [5]

i. Burning of aluminium with oxygen in air.

Answer: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3

ii. Methane is burnt in insufficient supply of oxygen.

Answer: 2CH4 + 3O2  2CO + 4H20

iii. Sodium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Answer: Na2CO3+2HCl  2NaCl + H2O + CO2

iv. Industrial preparation of methanol from water gas.

CO+2H2 ------------------------------- CH3OH
400-450 °C , 200atm

v. Preparation of ethane from sodium propionate.

Answer: CH3CH2COONa + NaOH  C2H6 + Na2CO3

B. From the given list of salts, choose the most appropriate for the given
option [5]
[Na2SO4.10H2O, MgCl2, NiSO4, CH3COONa, PbS]

i. Has water of crystallization.

Answer: Na2SO4.10H2O

ii. Is black in colour.

Answer: PbS

iii. An organic salt.

Answer: CH3COONa

iv. The solution is used for nickel electroplating.

Answer: NiSO4

v. Deliquescent.
Answer: MgCl2

Question 6:

A. Calculate the empirical formula for a compound having 40% carbon,

6.67% hydrogen, and 53.33% oxygen. CH2O [3]
Answer: Assuming 100 g of the compound, Mass of C = 40 g = 40 / 12 = 3.33 moles C
Mass of H = 6.67 g = 6.67 / 1 = 6.67 moles H
Mass of O = 53.33 g = 53.33 / 16 = 3.33 moles O
The ratio of the number of moles = C : H : O = 3.33 : 6.67 : 3.33
The empirical formula is CH2O.

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B. If the molar weight of the above compound is 60 g/mol, calculate the
chemical formula for the compound. C2H4O2 [2]
Answer: Empirical molar mass = (1 x 12) + (2 x 1) + (1 x 16) = 30 g/mol
Molar mass = 60 g/mol
Factor = 60 / 30 = 2
Chemical formula = (CH2O )2 = C2H4O2

C. This compound turns blue litmus red and is not used as a drink. Draw a
possible structural formula for the given compound. [1]
Answer: CH3COOH

D. Write the balanced chemical reaction of this compound with Sodium. [2]
Answer: 2CH3COOH + 2Na  2CH3COONa + H2

E. Mention any 2 uses of this compound. [2]

 As a solvent in laboratories
 As a preservative in the form of vinegar in pickles
 For making dyes, perfumes and medicines
 For the manufacture of acetone, acetyl chloride etc.

Question 7:

A. A compound when reacted with Ammonium hydroxide forms a reddish

brown precipitate which is insoluble even in excess of ammonium
hydroxide. The same compound, when put in conc. Sulphuric acid,
produces a colourless gas with a pungent suffocating smell. [3]
a. Name the anion of the given compound.
Answer: Chlorine ion, Cl-

b. Name the cation of the given compound.

Answer: Ferric ion, Fe3+

c. Name the chemical formula of the given compound.

Answer: FeCl3

B. Draw an electron dot structure of the following [3]

a. Carbon tetrachloride

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b. Nitrogen gas

C. Methane is burnt in air to give out carbon dioxide and water only. Write
the balanced chemical equation for the same. The volume occupied, at
STP, by the CO2 produced is 67.2 m3. Calculate [4]

a. The mass of methane burnt.

Answer: Volume of CO2 = 67.2 m3 = 67.2 x 1000L = 67200 L [as 1m3 = 1000dm3 =
Volume of 1 mol of CO2 at STP = 22.4L.
For giving out 22.4L of CO2, number of moles of methane burnt = 1 (as the stoichiometric
coefficient of CH4 in the reaction for combustion of CH4).
For giving out 67200L of CO2, number of moles of methane burnt = 67200/22.4 = 3000 mol.

Moles of Methane burnt = 3000

Mass of methane burnt = 3000 mol x 17 g/mol = 51000 g = 51kg.

b. The volume of O2 consumed.

Answer: Moles of O2 consumed = 2 x 3000 = 6000 moles
Volume of O2 consumed = 6000 x 22.4L = 134400L = 134.4 m3

c. The number of H2O molecules produced.

CH4 + 2 O2  CO2 + 2 H2O
Answer: Moles of H2O produced = 2 x 3000 = 6000 moles
Number of molecules = 6000 x 6.023 x 1023 = 3.6138 x 1027 molecules.

Question 8:

A. Give the balanced chemical equation based on the following description.

a. Chlorine gas is added to ethene in the presence of sunlight.
Answer: sunlight
Cl2 + CH2=CH2-----------------H2ClC=CClH2

b. Acetylene is passed through red hot copper tube.

Answer: Red hot Cu
3HC≡CH ------------------------ C6H6

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c. Dehalogenation of 1,2 – dibromoethane in the presence of zinc.
Answer: BrH2C-CH2Br + Zn  H2C=CH2 + ZnBr2

d. Zinc pieces are added to dilute hydrochloric acid.

Answer: Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2

e. Roasting of Zinc blende

Answer: 2ZnS (zinc blende) +3O2  2ZnO + 2SO2

B. In the Haber’s process for industrial production of ammonia,

a. If the volume of Hydrogen used is 33000 m , the volume of N2 used is ?
Answer: 11000 m3

b. The catalyst used is ?

Answer: Finely divided Fe

c. Mention the different methods by which ammonia is separated from unreacted

Nitrogen and Hydrogen.
Answer: – Absorption in water
–Liquefaction of the ammonia gas produced

d. Mention any one of the promoter used to increase the efficiency of the catalyst.
Answer: Molybdenum or Aluminium oxide

Question 9:

A. Draw a neat labelled diagram for electroplating of iron with Zinc. [4]

B. Identify X, Y and Z in the following set of reactions. [3]

 =  + HCl  X
X + KOH (aq)  C2H5OH + Y
C2H5OH + 2[O]  Z + H2O
X = C2H5Cl ; Y = KCl ; Z = C2H5COOH

C. In the contact process for the manufacture of Sulphuric acid [3]

a. The catalyst used in the oxidation of sulphur dioxide is .
Answer: V2O5

b. Sulphur trioxide is absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid to form .

Answer: Oleum

c. The chemical formula for oleum is .

Answer: H2S207

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Question 10:

A. What happens when Ethene is passed through Bromine solution in

carbon tetrachloride. [1]
Answer: The bromine solution is decolorized, turns colourless from brown.

B. Why do ionic compounds have higher melting and boiling points? [2]
Answer: The ionic compounds have bonds forced due to electrostatic attraction
between the positive and the negative ion and hence the bond is stronger. Greater amount
of energy is required to overcome the inter-atomic forces of attraction, and hence the
melting and boiling points are higher.

C. Name the gas which is mixed with oxygen and burnt for welding and
cutting of metals. [1]
Answer: Acetylene

D. What happens when ammonia comes in contact with concentrated

hydrochloric acid [1]
Answer: Dense white fumes are observed due to formation of ammonium chloride.

E. Metals lying above hydrogen on the reactivity table are (more /

less) electropositive than the metal lying below hydrogen [1]
Answer: more

F. What is the observation when ammonium hydroxide reacts with soluble

salt of calcium? [2]
Answer: There is no visible reaction.

G. Give one example of tribasic acid. [1]

Answer: H3PO4

H. The pH of a substance is 4.8. Identify the type of the substance. [1]

Answer: Since the pH is less than 7, the substance is acidic.

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