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Chapter 1


Second language learning is a process as complex as second language teaching: various

factors contribute to and combine together in order to achieve the success of this endeavor. To
result in a favorable outcome, teachers have to devote a lot of time and effort to determine the
most satisfactory, suitable and effective methods of teaching. Not only everyday reality is
affected by the new technology, but also the development of language skills started to depend on
it. As the number of English learners is ever increasing, fortunately, more and more modern tools
and technology devices are implemented into the process of teaching. Currently, teachers tend to
use tools such as videos, podcasts, worksheet banks, e-learning platforms, applications, and
websites, accessible through electronic devices such as personal computers, or smart phones.
These inventions facilitate classroom environment and diversify learning activities.

The English language is an integral part of people’s lives, and they are motivated to learn
it for different reasons. English is considered to be the second language in many parts of the
world. Advancements in almost every discipline necessitate learning English. Because most
research is published in the language, it is regarded to be an important and universal language. In
addition, many schools and higher education systems use it as the medium of instruction (Morris
& Maxey, 2014).

Communication is facilitated through the use of integrated technologies. Conventional

teaching methods employed by passive means, such as lectures, and the results were observed
through written testing at a later stage. Multimedia technologies facilitate interactive real-time
learning and also facilitate interactive testing procedures so both students and teachers are aware
of where they stand in real time. Improvements can be made quickly and hence retained longer
because mistakes are corrected regarding phonetics and grammar form. In addition, multimedia
technologies seek to integrate and consolidate learning procedures, so students are taught more
effectively. The media also offer platforms for interactive discussions in real time as well as
virtual classrooms.
A wide range of multimedia can be implemented to enhance the quality of education and
boost the effectiveness of second language teaching. The boredom and the routine of using only
a course book and repeatedly drilling the same types of exercises can be easily avoided.

As the issue of the comprehension of spoken language is crucial, teachers should try
miscellaneous resources of podcasts.  Traditional course books usually offer gap filling and true
or false exercises, which do not really give a sense of real communication. Students very often
complain that podcasts going along with course books seem to be artificial and fake. Fortunately,
a wide range of free podcasts made specifically for language learners, is currently accessible on
iTunes, YouTube, Sound Cloud etc. Another reliable source that can be used for a purpose of
listening practice is the radio. It offers news broadcasts and interviews which are available on
their websites. Moreover, teachers might even use songs played currently on the radio as most of
the students recognize them easily and are more familiar with the lyrics even though they do not
know the meaning standing behind the words. Nowadays, almost everyone owns a computer or a
smartphone. Due to this fact, students are able to create podcasts and recordings on their own
which give them a chance to practice their pronunciation.

The key role in eliminating the monotony from the classroom is occupied by videos,
which support both the expansion of the vocabulary and the development of listening skills.
While children prefer watching cartoons or animated stories, older learners are more likely to
watch documentaries or travel journals. Lyric videos are very entertaining and give numberless
options considering the fact that the teacher can use students’ favorite songs. As a result of such
activities, students can experience the language not only aurally but also visually. It gives them a
better context and insight into the natural use of English.

A majority of young students have access to, and are actually fond of using the Internet
as much as possible. In this case the teacher can use countless resources with online games,
which stimulate and improve every aspect of language skills. The Internet provides the
classroom environment with a diverse range of games that are free and available for everyone.
These games are designed to practice and examine for instance target vocabulary, a specific
grammar construction, or comprehension of a text. Moreover, students have a chance to practice
their skills at home by downloading applications and games on their phones or computers.
Digital versions of hangman, Scrabble, crosswords, or even memory games are entertaining for
all age groups. The teacher might even display these games on the interactive whiteboard and
engage the whole class.

The concept of the enhancement of writing skills by encouraging students to create online
blogs is also worth considering. Blogging platforms such as Blogger, or WordPress, give
students an opportunity to create blogs for free. Sometimes students find blogging engaging and
encouraging because they can write about anything they find interesting. The fact that not only
the teacher can read their virtual journals, but basically everyone with the access to the Internet,
makes them put more effort into writing. Getting feedback from a larger audience may have a
positive influence on the development of one’s skills as well. If the idea of blogging weekly or
daily does not appeal to the students, they can use their blogs as digital portfolios of their best

The profitability of multimedia usage is considered crucial, especially by the young

generation of language teachers who understand and support the idea of technology in the
classroom, on the contrary to the older generation which criticizes and underestimates its
importance. It is helpful for both teachers and students. The use of digital libraries as well as
dictionaries and thesauri have facilitated quicker learning

First of all, meeting students’ individual needs and implementing variety of methods and
approaches can be satisfied by introducing digital materials. These ones make possible adjusting
to individual expectations, interests or needs of the language learners in the group. Such
activities not only provoke creative thinking, but also encourage students to practice the language
inside and outside the classroom. What is more, they expose students to the language practice in
the environment which they are familiarized with. It might help them to break the language
barrier as they do not feel isolated anymore.

Lessons can be personalized and directed outside the course book. Students gain an
opportunity of facing the authentic language materials. They become exposed to the real world
expectations and requirements connected to language skills, and therefore, they are more likely
to meet them. The important role that information technology currently plays in English
education cannot be overemphasized. The most obvious advantage of using the technological
medium for language instruction is the ease and timeliness of access.
What is more, students are familiar with the way of collecting useful information and
materials, as nowadays, the majority of them uses such devices as smart phones, personal
computers, and tablet computers at home. Moreover, students are more eager to learn and they
can stay focused longer during the classes, because the variety of materials available prevents
students from the feeling of monotony and boredom. What is more, their sphere of interest
broadens as a result of being exposed to different fields and aspects of living. Their learning
process becomes more efficient and self-directed. By browsing the Internet at home, students
develop their own pace of language learning and use supplemental teaching platforms which
help them to revise and consolidate their knowledge.

Technology has captured the interest of children and adults alike, and this fascination is
capitalized on by using it as a medium of instruction for most disciplines. Multimedia uses a
wide variety of applications, such as audio, visual, and animation effects. Time constraints, such
as those related to traditional classroom meeting times, are not applicable because information
and lessons can be accessed quickly from anywhere and at any time. Group activities are also
possible in a more interesting manner compared to conventional classroom learning

The application of classroom tools which involve the use of new technologies is gaining
more and more supporters and is practiced frequently, not only in private schools (which are
usually better equipped and provided with high-quality teaching materials), but also it made its
way to the public schools, where foreign language lessons are more and more often supported by
digital materials.

The usage of tools described above depends on availability of technological devices.

Starting from the basics, a personal computer with a possibility to display the image for all the
students to see, so with a projector, an interactive board or a TV set. Internet connection is not
always necessary, although, it makes lessons easier to prepare and quicker in a matter of
interaction. A teacher equipped with such a set can benefit from digital resources and tools
efficiently. Students, using modern technological devices individually, can revise and experience
authentic materials provided by a teacher either during classes, or at home. Being able not only
to watch but to participate actively, makes students more involved and satisfied with the results
obtained. That is why, both students and teachers should have an access to the variety of
multimedia through different technology devices.
It’s no secret that technology has become more central in our everyday lives than ever
before. It helps us in every aspect of our lives, from health and fitness to creativity and social
communication. As we discussed, an estimated 22 million students are benefiting from the online
distance learning industry, which is worth around $70 billion (£45 billion). But how can students
benefit from today’s technological advancements in the four skill areas to make their learning as
well rounded as possible? Find out below.


With the rise of iPads, tablets and e-readers like the Kindle, we’ve come accustomed to a
more interactive reading experience, which is a wonderful feature for English learners. Functions
like click-to-define, vocabulary builders, and downloading whole texts at the touch of a button
are all beneficial to a learner looking for a fun and effective way to improve their reading and
writing in particular.


One of the most well-known technological advancements for writing is the unassuming
word processor. Simple tools such as a dictionary and a thesaurus help writers expand their
vocabulary, while spelling- and grammar-checkers are helpful to find and correct errors. Moving
forward to the internet age and online forums are a widely used channel for learners to
communicate and learn from one another using the written word. This is also a great alternative
for those who don’t have the opportunity to converse with a native speaker face to face.


They began as simple audio on a cassette tape and today’s audiobooks have taken over
the literary world. As we found in our global survey of 6,000 English language learners, 44% of
respondents said speaking was the most difficult aspect of learning English. When it comes to
improving both comprehension and speaking skills, extensive listening is highly recommended.
Listening to and reading text at the same time is a great way to start and Kindle’s Whisper sync
for Voice technology is designed for just this purpose. Podcasts are also becoming more popular
with English learners, with the ability to listen anytime, anywhere, and English language
podcasts are a great way to improve your listening skills. Here are some popular podcasts to try:
Listen to English by Peter Carter, Elementary Podcasts by the British Council and Luke’s
English Podcast.


Giving learners the advantage of communicating in real-time conversations with English

speakers, probably the most exciting (and futuristic) technological advancement has come in the
form of Skype and FaceTime. Tools such as video-conferencing also offer teachers the
opportunity to link to other classes around the world, also gaining support from other teachers
and students.


Learning a language is an ongoing process that does not end at a certain benchmark; rather, it
continues throughout one’s life. Today’s technology provides students with numerous options for
learning the English language that can be convenient and fit the learning requirements of the
student. The computer is a modern educational tool in language education; it is a technological
advancement that helps make education fun and may also create a positive learning environment.
Also, it provides students with new experiences and learning opportunities to help make different
decisions and to think critically. The World Wide Web increases students’ interest and also
offers many software packages that are designed for students who want to learn a language. I am
interested in multimedia technology and hope that it will have a positive effect on female
students who are learning English as a foreign language.


 The objectives of this study are

 To assess the needs of modern technology in English grammar at secondary level.
 To encourage both language acquisition and learning curriculum content.
 To explores how technology can potentially help students achieve academic success
while being in an inclusive classroom instead of a pull out or withdrawal program.

The research will address the following research questions:

 How frequently do students use technology in learning English?

 What technologies (e.g., Computer software, online audio and video tools, Facebook,
Twitter, Whats App) do students use in learning English?
 Do students enjoy using technology in learning English?
 Does the use of technology have a positive impact on their ability to learn English?
Chapter 2


Technology has importance as a tool to support teachers of foreign languages in

facilitating language learning for their students. Technology can play an important role in
assisting and improving language learning, the efficiency of any technological tool depends on
the knowledge and expertise of the qualified language teacher who runs the classes.

Patel (2014) suggested that technology enhanced language learning deals with the impact
of technology on teaching and learning a second language”. Technology should be part of
classroom utility as like other teaching tools or aids. It can be essential combination with other
teaching resources. The purpose of using technology should be “assist and enhance language
learning”. Recently, teachers are integrating different varieties of technology to assist their
teaching, involve students in “learning process, provide authentic examples of the target culture,
and connect their classrooms”. Some technology tools permit teachers to make a distinction in
teaching and classroom activities and also homework or assignments.

According to Jonassen et. al., (1999) explained that teachers need to seek ways of using
technology as a learning tool for their students even if they do not master the technology and
cannot act as an expert. Although technology is usually viewed as a delivery and instructional
tool, many instructors struggle to support their students to learn form, and about technology, but
ignore the most important aspect -- learning with technology. Students learn meaningfully when
they learn with computers, and not just about or from computers.

According to Raihan and Lock (2012) studied that both teaching and learning English
language has become changed. Now-a-days it is proved that technology enhanced teaching
environment is more fruitful than lecture based classroom. “Teachers need to seek ways of using
technology as a learning tool for their students even if they do not master the technology and
cannot act as an expert”.

Patel (2013) suggested that the use of technology has remarkably changed the English
teaching techniques. “Technology provides so many options as making teaching interesting and
also making teaching more productive in terms of improvement.” In traditional classrooms
teachers usually stand in front of students and give lecture and also give explanation and
instruction by using blackboard or whiteboard. “These technique needs slightly to be modified
regarding with the development of the technology”

Pandey (2006) explained that use of internet can make the benefit of increased student
motivation. In addition, use of film in teaching can help students to understand the topic with
enthusiasm and develop their knowledge. Sometimes teachers try to support their students to
learn from and about technology, but ignore the most important aspect - learning with
technology. Students can learn meaningfully when technology is used in the process of learning
through use of computer, internet etc. When students learn with technology, it helps them to
develop higher order of thinking and research skills. “Therefore, proper combination of
multimedia and teaching methodology is appropriate to attract students‟ attention towards
English language learning” Education experts found that technologies in language classroom
have positive impact to promote communication skills. “

Patel (2013) studied that technological innovations have gone hand-in-hand with the
growth of English and are changing the way in which we communicate.” So, it is very reasonable
to say that wide spread of internet as well as availability of computer “facilitated the growth of

According to Warschauer and Meskill (2000) that appropriate use of new technologies
allows for a more thorough integration of language, content and culture than ever before and
provide students with unprecedented opportunities for autonomous learning”.

Raihan and Lock (2012) explained that there are different types of technology which can
be used in language classroom. “The selection of appropriate technology in class is essential for
ensuring effective learning. When used as learning tools, technology provides tremendous
opportunities to enhance classroom instruction.

Ivy (2011) suggested that Internet is a source of huge information and knowledge. The
list of information available through internet is endless. “Teachers should be equipped with the
necessary skills to track and sort out these resources. Multimedia projector and presentation
software are two technologies which are frequently used in technologically advanced classroom.
PowerPoint presentations can be used by teachers to present organized lectures, aid „visual‟ and
inattentive learners and prepare students for their professional life Creating worksheet, handouts,
posters, newsletters, reports, spelling and grammar checking, presenting research data etc. can all
be done effectively with these applications. Sometimes teachers may want to add visuals,
soundtracks, videos and animations to materials/worksheets.

Harmer (2003) studied that some teachers use projected slides, images from an overhead
projector (OHP) or projected computer images. E-mail has become an important means of
communication nowadays. Of particular interest to teachers and students is the fact that
documents can be attached to e-mail and sent along with 11 them, so that students can send
word-processed work to their teachers who can then send back feedback in the same way .An
interactive whiteboard (IWB) is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and
projector. Some IWB allow teachers to record their instruction as digital video files and post the
material for review by students at a later time.

The NCES (2000. 2002, 2005) reported that only about one-third of fundamental teachers
in the United Sates felt well prepared or very well organized to use computers and the internet in
the classroom, and few qualified teachers felt better prepared to use technology than their more
qualified coworkers.

Honey (2005) stated that, “many different terms have been used to describe what students
need, such as digital literacy, technological literacy, and 21st century skills, education leaders,
nationally and internationally, are beginning to come together around a new common definition
of what students need to know, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy.
ICT Literacy reflects the need for students to develop learning skills that enable them to think
critically, analyze information, communicate, collaborate, and problem-solve, and the essential
role that technology plays in realizing these learning skills in today's knowledgebase society.
Representative of ICT literacy skills are the six arenas critical to students' success in the

Evan (2009) aroused that “language teaching and learning, at all levels, can benefit from
the mediation of technology. In his book the first section shows a profoundly useful analysis of
writing that covers strategy on the utilization of ICT in language teaching and confirmation of its
effect in schools, and also connected linguistics research on the effect of e-learning on language
learners. The chapter begins with a key approach reports that give rules or set norms as to the
utilization of technologies in language teaching in the USA and in England. It then looks at
confirmation of the effect of ICT integration in schools. Results from studies in England, for
instance, identified a connection between high utilization of technology and levels of fulfillment
and a positive effect on learner’s inspiration.

Jewell (2006) stated that using technology to enhance language learning, as Jewell states
‘allows for increased learner autonomy and control, providing a more student-centered
pedagogy’ with learners at the center of the learning process and ‘more actively engaged in their
learning than in traditional direct instruction methods.

Franklin (2007) stated that relatively few teachers feel well organized to incorporate
useful technologies into the classroom instruction. If the technology is a suitable medium for
supporting meaningful learning, why is it difficult to incorporate technology in the classroom?
There seems to be disbelief about technology use being “showy toys” and “fake stuff” in the
middle of an “educational catastrophe” where children cannot read or write. Proper training is
essential to reduce the disbelief. Educators need to acquire how to use technology as a method to
support communication and teamwork.

Dudeney (2007) explains the internet for teachers who have not worked with ICT before.
He gives many useful tips on how to integrate ICT in language teaching, such as useful web
pages and lesson plans. After looking into the issue, he finds out that it is very important to plan
the lesson well and if working with the internet, ensure that the web page has existed for a longer
period of time. It should preferably not be a personal homepage, but rather a professional one
that is likely to stay the same for a longer period of time. Nevertheless, web pages change from
time to time and as a teacher it is important to check all resources before class starts.
Furthermore, the teacher should be prepared for unexpected power cuts or technical problems of
some other kind. The best way to prepare for this is to have a back-up plan. Not all material
found on the internet is safe or advisable for children or teenagers use and it is the teacher’s
responsibility to check the material and web pages that are to be used, as well as to oversee the
pupils during class. This can be done either by using a special kind of software that only accepts
certain web pages or that checks if the words used on the web page might not be suitable for
younger pupils. This could seem a bit drastic and a more profitable way is to make sure that the
pupils know how to work with the Internet.

Steeples and Jones, (2002) asserted that teaching practices have changed due to the use of
information and communication technology in education.

Moreover, the problem is not whether technologies are accessible for instructors and
learners to utilize. Technologies are more accessible to instructors and learners than before. The
concern is, does technology enhances learning? Despite the fact that mind complex factors exist,
for example, the routes in which technology has been acquainted with distinctive schools in
diverse schools frameworks around our country and the amount of money that has been used to
buy technology at individual schools, eventually, the schools will be responsible for these

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